02/07/1985 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 7, 1985 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:10 P.M.. Present were members Fedde, Alt, Bertz, Carroll, Martin, Thurston, Ketcham, Masin, Kubik and Caponi. Also present were Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan; Planning Assistant, Greg Ingraham; Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt; and Parks Intern, Scott Morgan. Charlie Bartholdi and Jack Safar were present to address their company's proposed developments. Chairman Martin introduced newly appointed Commission member, Anthony Caponi. AGENDA Parks & Recreation Director Vraa added several items to Section 6 - New Business, Section 7 - Parks Development Program and Section 8 - Other Business. On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Masin, the Commission approved the agenda as amended. MINUTES OF JANUARY 3, 1985 Commission member Alt moved, Fedde seconded, the minutes of January 3, 1985 be approved as presented. All voted in favor. MINUTES OF JANUARY 17, 1985 Commission member Carroll moved, Bertz seconded, the minutes of January 17, 1985 be approved as presented. All voted in favor. ELECTION OF OFFICERS/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS A. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Director Vraa opened with a call for nominations for a chairperson. Roger Martin was nominated and no other names were proposed. The Commission cast a unanimous ballot for Chairman Martin. Chairman Martin then called for nominations for vice-chair. Members Thurston and Carroll were nominated. Carolyn Thurston was selected to be the vice- chair and Richard Carroll was selected to be secretary of the Commission for 1985. Adv Parks & Rec Comm. February 7, 1985 B. COMMITTEES Commission members selected the following Committee assignments: RECREATION DEVELOP/FINANCE SPECIAL ISSUES G. Kubik, Chair R. Carroll, Chair R. Martin, Chair M. Fedde J. Alt T. Ketcham T. Ketcham R. Martin A. Caponi S. Bertz C. Thurston S. Masin A. Caponi G. Kubik G. Kubik C. Thurston S. Masin PARK NAMES R. Carroll, Chair C. Thurston S. Masin T. Ketcham DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. PRELIMINARY PLAT - TOWN CENTER 100 - FEDERAL LAND CO Greg Ingraham commented that in 1982 this development was proposed as Eagan Heights Commercial Park P.U.D.. Federal Land Company is now proposing to develop Lot 1, Block 1, with a ten-story office tower and outlot the remainder of the site. Parks & Recreation Director Vraa noted that the original proposal was prior to the Systems Plan Study and the City did not have plans for a developed park by O'Leary Lake. The developer was intending to give a cash dedication and some trail easement. Now, however, with all of the residential development in the area and the gift of eight acres with the Aspenwoods Apartments, the City would like to have three acres from the P.U.D. to develop a neighborhood park. A connecting trail to the single family residents south and west of the P.U.D. would also be desirable. He continued, indicating that staff and Mr. Bartholdi had met to try and resolve the issue of parks dedication which would include the entire site, both residential and commercial. Mr. Vraa then outlined the parks dedication. Mr. Charlie Bartholdi, Federal Land Company, said his company would plan to utilize the central 2 1/2 acre pond as a recreational amenity by constructing a trail around it and having it connect to the City's trail under the proposal. Members Carolyn Thurston and Richard Carroll had met twice with the Director to review the compromises worked out. Instead of a three-acre piece by the lake, the City would receive a three-acre strip along the northerly edge of the park. The City would have to relocate its proposed amenities, but none of them would be deleted. Member Carroll stated that he and Carolyn Thurston had reviewed the proposed compromise, indicating the combination of the three acres of land, trails and cash was a fair and equitable solution. Charlie Bartholdi stated that land dedication normally takes place at the time of platting based on the amount owed. He said that Federal Land Company would be agreeable to an early dedication so park development could be started in Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm February 7, 1985 the summer of 1986. He said the developers still intend that there be trail dedication along O'Leary Lake. In response to a question, he stated the pond located near the office tower would have a controlled water level and water quality maintained. Chairman Martin noted that the original DeBoer Park was too small, but with the addition of other land parcels it becomes a desirable park. He voiced agreement with the proposed dedication. Commission member Caponi was concerned with the taking of a rectangular strip rather than a configuration dictated by topography. Richard Carroll stated there was discussion regarding these concerns. He noted the City's original proposal follows this logic, but necessitated a longer driveway to get to the tennis courts. The new layout will mean the City will reduce the size of the parking lot, resulting in a savings of approximately $7,000. He said the three-acre strip gives the City more parkland in the westerly area where it is needed. He concluded by stating there was compromise on the part of both the City and Federal Land Company in the dedication and acceptance of the strip. In response to a question, Charlie Bartholdi said the buildings will be placed in the site with aesthetics of the area uppermost in mind. Steve Sullivan said the park will blend with the topography. He felt the trails and the park itself will be very unique in Eagan. In response to a question about water run-off, Charlie Bartholdi said that some run-off will go into the pond, but that the entire drainage area has not yet been fully laid out. Director Vraa noted there are three drainage districts on the 100-acre site. Commission member Bertz asked what material would be used to construct the trails and when would they be built. Mr. Bartholdi said a final determination has not yet been made, but is agreeable to an asphalt trail if that is what is desired. The developer wants something aesthetically pleasing, yet appropriate for trail users. He thought it would be desirable to have the trail ready when the park is developed. Mr. Bartholdi said Federal Land Company hopes to start construction of the office tower as soon as next month. The trail would be developed as the property is developed. Commission member Thurston moved, Kubik seconded, the following motion: 1. The new three-acre parkland dedication be approved. 2. A timetable for dedication be agreed to by staff and the developer, with dedication within the next year. 3. Trail easement be given for the internal and connecting trails. 4. Trails along Lexington and Denmark Avenues be a condition of plat approval: 5. Trail dedication be part of the agreement worked out by staff and developer. 6. There must be landscaping around the pond, creating a park-like amenity. 3 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm February 7, 1985 7. The developer must observe erosion control during construction. The lake and pond must be protected from construction and petroleum pollutants once construction is complete. 8. A small triangular piece near the NW corner of the park should be included in the parkland dedication. 9. That a cash dedication be given for parcel #8, approximately 16.1 acres, as depicted on the P.U.D. exhibit. The motion carried unanimously. B. TOWN CENTER 70 - FEDERAL LAND COMPANY Mr. Ingraham explained Federal Land Company had acquired an additional 70 acres west of and adjacent to their 100 acre commercial park. A site plan has not yet been prepared, but the developers are proposing a 150,000 sq. ft. shopping center. Director Vraa recommended cash and trail requirement for the development. Commission member Carroll moved, Kubik seconded, the recommendation to accept a cash dedication and trailways to connect to the City system, consistent with the City's plan and dedication requirement. All voted in favor. C. REZONING - CLIFF SQUARE P.U.D. - FEDERAL LAND COMPANY Planning Assistant Ingraham explained the proposal for rezoning, indicating the Planning Commission continued it to their- March meeting for the purpose of obtaining additional information. Director Vraa invited comments regarding the placement of commercial development right next to a City park. Chairman Martin said he would like to see a buffer. Commission member Fedde agreed that the uses of land in such close proximity are incompatible. Commission member Thurston felt that an R3 zoning was a more appropriate use of the land. There was no action on this item pending the report from City staff. D. WILLIAMS DIVISION - GEORGE WILLIAMS On a motion by Fedde, seconded by Ketcham, the Commission recommended a cash dedication on the lot split. All voted in favor. E. HAMPTON HEIGHTS - FRONTIER MIDWEST - MARSHALL OAKS Planning Assistant Ingraham explained the developers proposed 195 single family lots and three outlots on a 52-acre site. The Planning Commission continued the item to the February meeting because the lot sizes are half the City's minimum lot size. The developers will return with a new plat containing lesser density. Commission member Caponi said the design is totally inappropriate to the topography. There were additional questions and comments concerning the proposed plat. Commission member Kubik said he sensed a consensus of the Commission that the project, as proposed, was totally out of sync with Eagan's overall development plans. No action was taken as the developers will return with a revised proposal. 4 Adv Parks & Rec Comm February 7, 1985 F. PREVIEW OF COMING PROPOSALS - GREG INGRAHAM Planning Assistant Greg Ingraham commented briefly on proposals coming into the Planning Department which will come before the Parks & Recreation Commission in the coming months. The Commission appreciated the information and look forward to such a briefing at all their regular meetings. OLD BUSINESS A. PARK SYSTEMS PLAN - REVIEW OF UPDATED MATERIAL Parks and Recreation Director Vraa distributed handouts of updated Systems Plan material dated 1983 through January 1985. He asked Commission members to review the content and get back to him with any comments they might have. Chairman Martin said Commission members should review the specific sections they were responsible for previously and discussion will take place at the February 21st meeting. B. MURR PROPERTY Director Vraa announced the City had reached agreement with Mr. Murr and a purchase action was approved by the City Council. The purchase price is $2,000. Commission member Carroll moved, Thurston seconded, the authorization of the purchase with the City Attorney to draw up the purchasing agreement. The Commission also agreed to a lot split(s) on the remaining Murr property, if appropriate. The motion carried unanimously. C. THOMAS LAKE HEIGHTS - MR. JACK SAFAR The Parks & Recreation Commission previously reviewed a preliminary plat which reconfigured the park boundaries. Mr. Jack Safar again asked for modification to these' park boundaries based on a new design. He was present to review the process which led up to his request. He said the developer conducted a tree census by size over the entire parcel and studied the topography extensively. The trees dictated building placement and the developer is now proposing four buildings. They wish to place a swimming pool and adjunct building closer to the lake causing a need for relocation of the park boundary line. The tennis courts would be relocated elsewhere and could be available to the public. Chairman Martin asked how the public would be kept out of the pool. Mr. Safar responded that there would-not be direct access to the property from the public trail. In addition, the internal-public trail connection would be circuitous. Mr. Safar anticipated there would not be a great deal of use by the public of the development trail under this proposal. Chairman Martin said he did not have a problem with the proposed trade of land, assuming the developer was meeting other conditions previously discussed. In response to a question, Mr. Safar indicated that the trail and boat launch would be part of his responsibility to develop. Chairman Martin moved, Bertz seconded, the recommendation to accept the revised boundary as presented, that all other previously agreed upon conditions would be retained and the relocation of the tennis courts must be reviewed by staff. The new location will be brought to the Commission. All approved. 5 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm February 7, 1985 Commission member Caponi thought the Parks & Recreation Commission should go on record as appreciating the sensitivity to environment on the part of the developer and the length to which he went to analyze the site. He felt other developers should be encouraged to do likewise. Commission member Kubik agreed and then moved, Bertz seconded, to acknowledge the Thomas Lake proposal as the finest effort made to save trees and work with a site, which the Commission has ever reviewed. The motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS A. THOMAS LAKE HEIGHTS TOT LOT The original agreement done in 1979 required a tot lot, but the topography makes it difficult to find an appropriate location. Mr. Ed Dunn proposes to locate the tot lot on the Thomas Lake School property. The new owners of the site do not anticipate that their tenants would use tot lots. Commission member Carroll stated that the developer managed to find spots to place the buildings and should be able to find some flat open space to provide for adult recreation if tot lots are not needed. He felt the developer could eliminate one quad and make it a recreation space. Commission member Thurston moved, Kubik seconded, the following motion: 1. A recreation area is a necessity. The City code specifically states that a specific amount is to be provided. 2. The recreation area should be centrally, located on a flat, accessible site. All voted in favor. PARKS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM A. FINAL PLAN REVIEW - GOAT HILL PARK Director Vraa said that the ball field and hockey rinks have been flip-flopped to minimize the amount of cut and fill needed, reducing the amount by nearly three times that in the preliminary plan. The road access will be at a lesser grade, 4 to 6%, and will be safer. The hockey rinks will be separate by 45' with the boards along the adjacent sides to be portable. Their removal in the warmer months will allow soccer or horse show uses. Director Vraa said there will be lighting for the internal area. Grading will start in the spring with the hockey rinks to be usable next winter. He noted that Goat Hill Park is still within budget. The Commission liked the changes proposed. B. FINAL PLAN REVIEW - WALNUT HILL PARK This will be a neighborhood park with an open play field and a full-size soccer field. There will also be an archery range. The trail has been relocated so that it will come into the park sooner. There will be tennis courts, a tot lot, picnic and shelter areas. Some fill will be needed and the pond will be enhanced to make it an amenity to the park. There was some discussion about the need for security light(s) in the park and the parking lot. Some Commission members felt there should be no lights as they would Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. February 7, 1985 just encourage people to come into the parking lot after hours. Others said security lights assist with exiting from the park. Director Vraa said many parks have security lights at the request of local police departments. The Commission directed staff to get comments regarding security lighting from the Police Department and from other communities. C. PLAN AND PROGRAM - SCHWANZ LAKE PARK The parking lot for 130 spots was shifted to save trees. There will be an open play field, a pavilion, picnic area, shelter, beach, amphitheater and trails. Schwanz Lake Park will be a four-season facility. There were questions regarding the location of restrooms in either part of the main shelter or a separate structure more centrally located to the entire park. Director Vraa reviewed the various issues, indicating a more central location would service the park user better, in both summer and winter. There would be a significant cost saving in sanitary pipeline, but this may be somewhat offset by construction cost associated by a second building. There was additional discussion by the Commission regarding the park, with agreement that the park was acceptable. Additional discussion on the•restroom is to be held at the February 21st meeting. D. ATHLETIC FIELD EXPANSION - SITE LOCATION The acquisition of a 30-acre site in northern Eagan -does not appear likely to happen as the price may be too high. (Total cost for acquisition alone could reach $900,000.) Director Vraa says staff is now looking at other sites and finds there isn't much available. He singled out one site near Dodd and Wescott and one near Cliff and Dodd. The latter site is for sale and probably could be purchased for considerably less than the northerly site. There would not be much grading involved with the Cliff-Dodd site either. After discussion regarding alternatives and location to service users, Commission member Caponi moved, Carroll seconded, that the staff enter into negotiations to acquire the SE site at Cliff and Dodd, but keep the purchase of the northern site as an alternative. The motion carried. Chairman Martin voted "Nay." OTHER BUSINESS & REPORTS Item A - 1984 housing, item C - Park Site Acquisition & Development Fund, item F - 1985 Commission objectives, Item H - Parks System Plan submitted for award, and item I - Robert Lewis house, were held over for a future meeting. ITEM B - CITY CELEBRATION COMMITTEE - S. MASIN Sandra Masin said that a couple of meetings of the Celebration Committee have been held. The Committee has not yet agreed on a date to hold the celebration. Some want it held in conjunction with the Fourth of July and other's feel it should be held separately so residents can more closely identify with the City and its history. The Committee does plan to have the "History of Eagan" available for sale and also pieces of carvings from the Lone Oak Tree. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm February 7, 1985 ITEM D - JOINT MEETING - CITY COUNCIL A joint meeting of the Eagan City Council and the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission will be held on February 12, 1985 at 7:00 P.M.. Agenda items include the Landscape Policy, leaf composting, Blackhawk Lake Park plan and an update on park acquisition. ITEM E - JOINT MEETING - OTHER PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSIONS - R. MARTIN Parks Director Vraa and Chairman Martin met with representatives of neighboring communities Parks & Recreation Commissions to discuss-the possibility of a joint meeting and to identify topics of mutual concern and interest. A tentative date of April 24 was set for such a meeting to last from 7:00 to 10:30 P.M.. Representatives from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department, the Department of Natural Resources, Hennepin and Dakota Counties, and the Metropolitan Council, are to be invited. ITEM G - WINTER SPECIAL EVENTS - GEORGE KUBIK George Kubik reminded Commission members of the special events coming up this weekend (February 8 and 9) at Schwanz Lake and-Carlson Lake Parks. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Ketcham, seconded by Bertz, the meeting was adjourned. Time of adjournment was 11:40 P.M.. Dated: i';•' dvisory Parks & Recreation Secr ary 8 ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION MEMBERS - 1985 NAME & ADDRESS TELEPHONE TERM EXPIRES ROGER MARTIN 454-8921 (H) 12/86 4435 OAK CHASE RD 456-4654 (W) EAGAN, MN 55123 CAROLYN THURSTON 454-5843 (H) 12/85 4454 OAK CHASE WAY EAGAN, MN 55123 RICHARD CARROLL 452-7597 (H) 12/87 4485 OAK CHASE LN 437-0345 (W) EAGAN, MN 55123 GEORGE KUBIK 452-3887 (H) 12/85 3053 PINE RIDGE DR 725-3592 (W) EAGAN, MN 55121 OR 725-3516 (W) MIKE FEDDE 452-2966 (H) 12/85 1661 NORWOOD DR EAGAN, MN 55122 SANDRA MASIN 452-3411 (H) 12/86 1795 CARNELIAN LN 296-2739 (W) EAGAN, MN 55122 JOANNE ALT 452-6745 (H) 12/85 4543 LAKE PARK DR 370-1769 (W) EAGAN, MN 55122 SANDY BERTZ 452-5062 (H) 12/87 550 ATLANTIC HILLS DR EAGAN, MN 55123 MR ANTHONY CAPONI 454-4338 (H) 12/87 1215 DIFFLEY RD EAGAN, MN 55122 TOM KETCHAM 452-4783 (H) 12/86 4353 BEAR PATH TR EAGAN, MN 55122 RECREATION PARK NAMES DEVELOPMENT/FINANCE GEORGE KUBIK, CHAIR DICK CARROLL, CHAIR DICK CARROLL, CHAIR SANDY MASIN CAROLYN THURSTON JOANNE ALT SANDY BERTZ SANDY MASIN GEORGE KUBIK CAROLYN THURSTON TOM KETCHAM ROGER MARTIN MIKE FEDDE CAROLYN THURSTON ANTHONY CAPONI TOM KETCHAM SPECIAL ISSUES R. MARTIN, CHAIR, S. MASIN, G. KUBIK, T. KETCHAM, A. CAPONI