02/21/1985 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 21, 1985 A special meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:05 P.M.. Present were Martin, Bertz, Masin, Caponi and Alt. Absent were members Ketcham, Carroll, Thurston, Fedde and Kubik. Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect, Stephen Sullivan; Parks Intern, Scott Morgan; and Liz Witt, Administrative Assistant, were present. 1. PARK SYSTEMS PLAN - MATERIALS REVIEW & HANDOUT OF 2/7/85 It was the consensus of the Commission members present to place material updates at the back of each section to which the material pertains. A 1985 date will be shown at the bottom of each one of the new pages. Most of the pages were found to be in order; there were a couple which contained typos. It was noted that the population figures are as of June 30, 1984 and they should be updated to reflect the December 31 figures. Director Vraa said the water elevation/figures have all been updated and are correct. There was some discussion about the handicap standards. Section 501 mandates that the City have a "policy to have facilities handicap accessible". He suggested the Commission take a better look at this issue this summer and to identify and implement the necessary changes to come into compliance with the statute. Commission members present at the meeting thought a section on handicap should be included in the Systems Plan. 2. PLAY EQUIPMENT - SPRING/SUMMER 185 Parks &_Recreation Director Vraa said that six parks were reviewed for play equipment; however, Oak Chase and Carnelian have issues to be resolved. The Director indicated Commission member Masin had asked if it would be possible to put play equipment in at Carnelian Park in advance of the rest of the development. Director Vraa said it would not be feasible to do so as it would conflict with current and future use of the park. Discussion then focused on Oak Chase Park located at the corner of Wilderness Run and Oak Chase Road. Staff explained the issue relative to location, use relationship and safety. The proposed plan called for the main play structure, a climbing unit, a spiral slide, a tube slide and swing. The play equipment would be located west of the existing tennis courts and 35' east of Oak Chase Road. Steve Sullivan suggested a 3' berm between the road and play equipment, focusing the play into the park and away from the street. There was some thought given to the placement of a low prickly shrub to further deter movement into the road and to control access to the play area. 1 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. February 21, 1985 Commission member Caponi was greatly concerned about the safety aspects of the play area and while generally opposed to fences, felt a chain link fence would offer the best protection. He felt a berm would screen off the child who could suddenly appear at the roadway giving a driver no chance to take evasive action. He felt that children would cut through any plantings the City provided. He questioned in which direction residents enter the park and design the access accordingly. Director Vraa said a trail could be put in to show the park entrance. He noted that parking is on the street and the topography somewhat dictates the accessibility to the park. Commission member Bertz suggested the play area be more elongated and moved closer to the tennis courts and away from the woods. After additional discussion, Director Vraa said the suggestions will be considered further and staff will come back to the next meeting with profiles for the Commission to review. Chairman Martin asked if different brands of play equipment have been installed. Director Vraa said that Play Boosters, Landscape Structures and Big Toys have been placed in Eagan parks thus far. 3. PARK COST ESTIMATES This item was deferred to the March 7 meeting. 4. ITEMS FROM THE FEBRUARY 7 MEETING a. Security lights Director Vraa said he talked with Captain Geagan of the Police Department and that in Geagan's opinion, security lights are a must. The Commission members agreed to their installation, where appropriate. b. 1984 Housing Update The recently issued report of Eagan's growth was noted by Director Vraa. He said Eagan had 952 dwelling units constructed in 1984. Eden Prairie, with 815 units, was the next closest growing city. Such growth is expected to continue. c. 1985 Commission Objectives Chairman Martin noted that the Commission still should visit special use facilities as they did not do that in 1984. Commission member Masin said we still have to make an all out effort to get parkland for the much needed community park. Commission members wanted to take a construction tour of the parks, view park buildings in other communities and meet with neighboring communities park commissions (the latter is scheduled for April 24). Chairman Martin asked to have 1983 and 1984 objectives at the March 7 meeting and then to compile a list for -1985. 2 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm February 21, 1985 5. OTHER Director Vraa said the Landscape Architect Department, University of Minnesota, is taking on the water feature at Schwanz Lake as a teaching project this year. Class members are to bring back models of proposed designs. Much creativity is expected of their efforts, but whether anything practical will come of it remains to be seen. 6. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Martin adjourned the meeting at 8:30 P.M.. Dated : Xo go "I Advisory Parks & Recrea ion Secre ary 3