03/07/1985 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MARCH 7, 1985 Chairman Martin called the meeting to order at 7:08 P.M. Present were members Masin, Bertz, Fedde, Martin, Ketcham, Caponi & Kubik. Members Alt, Thurston & Carroll had notified the Commission they'd be unable to attend. Also present were Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan; Department Intern, Scott Morgan; and Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt. AGENDA Three items were added to "Other Business & Reports". Commission member Fedde moved,- Bertz seconded, to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. MINUTES FEBRUARY 7, 1985 A typo on page two was noted - Item A should read "2 1/2 acres". Chairman Martin noted that Parks & Recreation Director Vraa•was also present at the Joint Community Commission Meeting. Commission member Bertz moved, Fedde seconded, to approve the minutes as corrected. All voted in favor. FEBRUARY 21, 1985 Commission member Bertz moved, Masin seconded, to approve the minutes as presented. All voted in favor. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. Frontier-Midwest - Hampton Heights - Residential Director Vraa noted there are 192 single family units proposed with 60-65' lot widths. He said the Advisory Planning Commission voted 4-3 to approve the development with a recommendation to increase the lots to 65'. Director Vraa. noted that there was a land swap negotiated with the owner to the south who will be coming in with a proposal next month. In response to a question regarding the possibility of obtaining a land dedication, the Director indicated the City could only expect 3+ acres for Hampton Heights. He recommended the City require a trail along Coachman Road all through the development and a cash dedication for the number of units. 1 ADV PARKS & REC COMM MARCH 7,1985 Commission member Kubik noted that this is a densely populated area of the City and needs more park area than other park service areas. He also stated that there is a heavy population turnover at Pilot Knob School, indicating that many residents move in and out of the area at a fast clip. Member Fedde stated he felt a land dedication would be appropriate because of the small lots and obvious density. When asked about the possibility of obtaining more parkland in the area, Parks Director Vraa said the most that could be acquired would be eight acres. There was a general discussion by the Commission of this idea. The Director responded to a request for information, indicating there was apparently 32 acres combined in the nearest neighborhood parks, which shall meet projected population needs. He reminded the Commission that the land is zoned R-2 and is being used at that density, but with single family homes at smaller lots. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission that the heavy density, small lots and limited green space places a great deal of pressure on the park services in the area. Members expressed concern with the quality of life in Eagan and were generally opposed to developments like Hampton Heights in the community. They did not.-like such a"'heavy concentration of people in one small area of the City. George Kubik moved, Caponi seconded, that if the City Council approves the proposed project, then the Commission recommends cash dedication and a trail along Coachman Road throughout the plat. All voted in favor of the motion with the exception of Commission member Masin. She was opposed to the proposed development and felt the land should be used to a lesser intensity. B. Northwest Airlines - Northwest Airlines 1st Addition - Commercial Northwest Airlines is proposing to build a 267,000 square foot building at the present time and outlot 84 acres for future development. Parks & Recreation Director Vraa said that cash dedication is the consideration here. He noted the developer plans some trailways and cross-country skiing on-site. Commission members were pleased with the landscaping efforts of Northwest Airlines. Commission member Kubik moved, Masin seconded, to accept cash dedication for the site to be constructed. Cash dedication requirement for the outlot will be determined at the time it is platted. The motion carried. C. UPS - UPS 1st Addition - Commercial UPS is proposing to construct a 324,000 square foot distribution center.. Included in their plans is a large ponding area for water run-off. Chairman Martin commented that new E.P.A. regulations call for provisions for run-off from parking lot for this size development. This would cover oil leaks from cars. Director Vraa said there are internal code requirements which address spill prevention and control measures. In response to a question regarding landscaping, he said he expects the developer to have a good landscaping plan. Sandy Bertz moved, Fedde seconded, to recommend cash dedication. The motion carried. ADV PKS & REC COMM MARCH 7, 1985 D. Opus Corporation - Eagandale Office Center - Commercial Director Vraa stated that Opus is replatting this parcel to accommodate four office buildings and a restaurant; by doing so they have reduced the intensity of development from that originally platted. Commission member Kubik moved, Bertz seconded, to recommend cash dedication for the replat. The motion carried. E. M.G. Astleford - Galaxie Court'- Commercial This proposal calls for mini-storage in the vicinity of Galaxie, Cliff and 35E. It has been continued by the Planning Commission. The Commission members agreed they did not like the vast amount of impervious surface shown on the plan and felt there should be provision for green space. The Commission discussed cash dedication if the proposal is approved by the City Council. Discussion ensued regarding the status of the landscaping policy and the appropriateness of this type of commercial use.in a neighborhood area. Commission member Caponi also expressed the desire to'have more communication with the Planning Commission so that each body knows where the other is coming from. He continued saying that from the brief time he has been on the Parks Commission, there is a real sensitivity for sites and how they are developed. He questioned what the Planning Commission evaluates and whether or not there is a strong guide to be followed. It was suggested a.;Commission member attend Planning Commission meetings on a rotating basis to express Parks Commission concerns. No action was taken. Staff was asked to review the issue to see what alternatives might be available. Parks Director Vraa said the landscaping plan is being finalized. F. M.G.* Astleford - Lind Addition - Commercial This proposal calls for 11 warehouse/storage buildings near Federal Drive and Yankee Doodle. The Planning Commission continued this item. After a brief review, Commission member Fedde moved, Martin seconded, to defer action on both Astleford proposals until the Planning Commission has made their recommendation. The motion carried. G. Overhill Properties - Overhill Farm - 2nd Addition This is a revised plat calling for 17 single family lots. The Director explained there was an excess land dedication made with Overhill Farm 1st. Addition, therefore there is a "credit" available. A cash dedication of $3,819.00 shall be made for the balance of the parks dedication. Chairman Martin moved, Fedde seconded, to recommend cash dedication in the amount of $3,819.00 for Overhill Farm 2nd Addition. All voted in favor. 3 ADV PKS & REC COMM MARCH 7, 1985 OLD BUSINESS A. Oak Chase Park - Play Equipment Plan Staff has made several changes in the Oak Chase Park plan based on comments at the February 21 meeting. An 8' trail was brought in from the Wilderness Run/ Oak Chase Road intersection. A low berm was sloped towards the playground and a bench was placed to block possible movement from the play area to the street. The play equipment was placed so the focus was internal and not towards the street; both of the modifications should improve the safety factor that has been of concern. Provision was made for one security light in the park and staff is checking on the status of a light at the intersection. The Commission recommended that the trail be brought through the park and onto Oak Chase Road to provide the park access from the south. Chairman Martin moved, Caponi seconded, to accept the plan as amended. The motion carried unanimously. PARK DEVELOPMENT A. Fish Lake Park Plan Review Steve Sullivan, Landscape Architect, made the presentation on Fish Lake Park. He said it will be a part of the 1985 spring grading contract. He explained the modifications from the original plan, indicating that the size of the parking lot has been reduced. Of major concern is to reduce the impact on the adjacent properties to as little as possible. It was noted that the City will have to obtain a trail easement so the trail can go around the edge of the lake to the peninsula which has oak trees and is planned as a pleasant, quiet area. Mr. Sullivan indicated that if an easement couldn't be obtained, it might be possible to have the trail go over a boardwalk to reach the peninsula. Commission member Caponi did not like the idea of a boardwalk so close to the shoreline. It would appear to be an illogical move on the City's part. He was in favor of seeking an easement from the landowner as the first alternative. Steve Sullivan recommended a pathway through the woods which could be a picnicing area. He completed his comments by stating a resident had contacted him about an island in Fish Lake which presents possible recreational uses. He said the area between the mainland and the island is filled with trees which are decayed and would have to be removed. Chairman Martin said he too had been contacted and asked that staff research as to whom the island belongs. It was speculated that the "island" was a result of an increase in the water elevation. Commission member Kubik said the City would have to closely police an island so it wouldn't become a haven for beer parties. He suggested the launching area be specifically a canoe launch or small boat launch and it be posted that no gas motors are allowed, however, electric motors are permissible. Commission member Kubik moved, Masin seconded, to accept the Fish Lake Park plan as presented; that staff try to obtain the trail easement to allow access to the peninsula and research the ownership of the island and possible benefits of its use. The motion carried. 4 ADV PKS & REC COMM MARCH 7, 1985 B. Cost Estimate Review - Spring Park Projects The Director of Parks and Recreation explained the cost estimating procedure for the four parks in the spring project. In addition to the cost estimate for spring work, a re-estimating of future work was also made. These figures are refinements of previous figures and not necessarily unit costs. After additional explanation on how costs were obtained, the Director explained each park cost in detail. 1. Fish Lake Park - The spring estimate figure of $29,753 is somewhat over budget, but the future items estimate is lower so the total costs are approximately $9000 less than projected. 2. Goat Hill Park - Costs were increased for landscaping, play structure, lighting and the lower parking area added. Total costs are $37,000 under original projections. 3. Walnut Hill Park - Cost estimates were increased for the play structure, lighting and archery targets, but the overall costs are down $20,000 from original projections. 4. Schwanz Lake Park - A picnic pavilion was added, increasing costs by $100,000. However, a grant in the amount of $165,000 was awarded Eagan so the overall estimates are about the same as projected. After discussion, on a motion by Chairman Martin, seconded by Fedde, the Commission recommended that the City Council proceed with bids on the four parks. All voted in favor. There was some discussion about a water facility at Schwanz Lake. Director Vraa said the architectural landscaping class from the University will be presenting their projects in an all-day session in late March. All Commission members were invited to attend. Commission member Caponi indicated he would be interested in the presentations. C. Athletic Site Acquisition - Update The Director explained he has had recent contact and discussion on all three search sites. The Ohman property is not available. The Peterson property on Dodd Road has an interested seller and the price is $10,000 an acre. However, there are other considerations. Site 10E appears to be too costly and irregular in shape. Staff will continue to negotiate on the Peterson site and an analysis of the site prepared. Commission members decided to look at the site at 6:15 P.M. on April 4. 5 ADV PKS & REC COMM MARCH 7, 1985 OTHER BUSINESS & REPORTS A. Commission Objectives Director Vraa reviewed the 1983 and 1984 Commission objectives. He noted the only goal not realized either year was a tour of special use facilities. Commission members outlined 1985 objectives: 1. Tour new construction at four parks (July or August). 2. Meeting with other City commissions (set for April 24, 1985). 3. Have a joint meeting with the Planning Commission - possible agenda items: a liaison person who attends both meetings and communicates Commission concerns. 4. Equipment demonstration (spring or fall). 5. View potential new park areas. 6. Tour various park buildings (decide after viewing slide show). 7. Tour special use facilities (not a high priority objective). 8. Park dedication fees: review in October and have more support material available. B. District 196 Elementary Site Acquisition Director Vraa explained the school district is interested in acquiring a centrally located site for an elementary school. They are looking at a 35 acre site near Lexington/Deerwood. The school would take approximately 15 acres with the remainder available for parkland. This is the general search site for a neighborhood park. Director Vraa will keep the Commission apprised as negotiations proceed. C. Budget Director Vraa distributed copies of the 1985 City Budget. He noted that $17,000 shown for towing charges should be "Other Contractual Services". He stated that the Park Site Acquisition & Development Fund started with a $302,000 balance in 1984. Interest and park dedication fees contributed $321,000. A $31,175 grant was received for Fish Lake Park for total available revenues of $639,600. The Park Systems Plan study and other expenditures totaled $35,100, leaving a starting fund balance for 1985 of $604,500. He anticipates that $1,069,000 will be available in 1985 minus $436,480 in expenditures, primarily park improvements which are committed funds. D. Next Meeting Date Because a special party is planned for departing Public Works Director, Tom Colbert on March 21, the next meeting date will be March 28. E. Blue Cross/Blue Shield Parkland Parks & Recreation Director Vraa noted that Blue Cross/Blue Shield is preparing a response to the City's request for early park dedication. A cost figure is yet to be agreed to. ADV PARKS & REC COMM MARCH 7, 1985 F. Winter Fun Weekend The Commission commended Dorothy Peterson on her efforts to make the Feb. 9-10 outdoor recreation event so enjoyable. Members felt the weekend was highly successful and should be an annual event. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Fedde, seconded by Ketcham, the meeting was adjourned at 10:17 P.M. Dated: A isory Parks & Recreation Secretary • it