04/04/1985 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA APRIL 4, 1985 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:25 P.M. A visit to the proposed athletic park site preceded the regular meeting. Members present were Alt, Masin, Thurston, Fedde,,Martin, Kubik and Ketcham (arrived 10:25.) Members absent were Bertz, Carroll and Caponi. Staff present included Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect, Stephen Sullivan; Assistant Planner, Greg Ingraham; Liz Witt, and Gary King speaking on King Addition. AGENDA Parks & Recreation Director Vraa noted three add-ons to other business - Eagan 125th Celebration, Four Oaks condominiums and the Kehne House. On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Fedde, the Commission approved the agenda as-amended. MINUTES - MARCH 7, 1985 On page four, Fish Lake Park Plan, Commission member Kubik indicated that boats with electric motors can be allowed as long as they are consistent with the City ordinance. On page six, budget, an error in the amount shown in the Park Site Acquisition and Development Fund was noted. Commission member Kubik moved, Masin seconded, to approve the minutes as corrected. All voted in favor. To circumvent a potentially long wait, the King First Addition under "Old Business" was moved up on the agenda. 4a. King First Addition - Gary King Mr. King has received preliminary plat approval for ten lots on approximately seven acres. Lot lines in the southern site extend into the ponding area. Previous discussion about this site indicated that the City should acquire about 1.08 acres, all of which is below the high-water level. Director Vraa noted that a 50% credit could be given if 70% of the gross area is above the high-water mark. Such is not the case. If the 70% requirement were waived and the 50% formula applied to the 1.08 acres, the dedication would equal .54 acres or a quarter acre short of required acreage. Additional cash dedication could be recommended to completely fulfill park dedication requirements. Sandy Masin asked if it were possible to get a trail in that area. Director Vraa responded that it probably would not be. Construction of a trail would require acquisition from numerous owners and did not appear likely. Mr. King spoke in regards to the proposed dedication. Chairman Martin moved, Carolyn Thurston seconded, the recommendation to accept 1.08 acres for a credit of .54 acres and the remainder of the dedication to be cash, with the amount to be determined after. completion of a survey and final plat document. All voted in favor. Mr. King noted his agreement with this proposal. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. April It, 1985 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. Blackhawk Glen - Sienna Corporation The proposal is to rezone 61.6 acres from A to R1 for 111 lots. The site is just south of the previously proposed Hampton Heights and will be served by Blue Cross/Blue Shield Park. The developer is proposing larger lots where the site borders Blackhawk Hills and smaller lots in the center. The Planning Commission denied the proposal and the developer will probably come back with changes. The Planning Commission wants larger lots. Commission member Kubik said he was concerned with the conversion of large amounts of agriculture zoned land to more dense zoning. He wondered which had precedence - the Comprehensive Guide Plan or zoning. Greg Ingraham stated that in his conversations with attorneys, the Comp. Plan and zoning carry equal weight. Commission member Kubik noted that this was a Planning Commission item, but he did want to voice his concern. Greg Ingraham said there will be a joint review soon of the Comp. Guide Plan. Commission member Alt said she was supportive of the Planning Commission action to deny the application based on the smaller front footage. Other members agreed. On a motion by Fedde, seconded by Alt, the Commission recommended that if the Council approved the proposal, the Commission requests cash dedication and trail construction along Ashbury, Coachman Road and Blackhawk Hills Road, east of Ashbury. All voted in favor. B. Splashland Water Park This proposal is located near Metcalf Jr. High School near Cedar and Diffley. The developers wish to rezone 33.16 acres from A and GB to a PD, allowing for a recreational water park and entertainment facility. It would feature a series of water slides, a wave pool, an amphitheater and a park-like area which would be open from June through August. Ken Vraa asked the Commission to consider whether credit should be given because the facility is recreational in scope. Mike Fedde did not think any special considerations should be given as the facility is much like a bowling alley, is of questionable recreational benefit to the City, and it will be operated by a "for profit" group. There was also discussion of the possibility that if park dedication were reduced or waived and the water park folded, the City could not require dedication from another proposed use for the same site. Ken Vraa noted that cash dedication would equal about $50,000 if the projet gains approval. It was noted that credit was given to Sperry for their ball fields, although Eagan was able to utilize the fields for City recreational programming. Commission noted that there was clearly a difference between the two developments. Chairman Martin moved, Kubik seconded, the recommendation to accept cash dedication at the commercial/ industrial rate. There should be no recreational credit given-because the venture is private enterprise and Eagan residents receive no special recreation benefit or consideration. The motion carried unanimously. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm April 4, 1985 C. Summerfield Addition - Tri-Land Properties The proposal is for 38 single family lots with zero lot lines near the intersection of Dodd Road and Wilderness Run. The site is part of the Lexington South P.U.D. and dedication has already been given. Commission member Fedde moved, Kubik seconded, to recommend a trailway on Wilderness Run Road and a short trailway on Summerfield Lane, north to the future Highline Trail. All voted in favor. D. Art Perri - Lot Split The lot split is located at Oak Chase Road and Oak Chase Way. On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Masin, the Commission recommended to accept a cash dedication. The motion carried. E. Eagan Center First Addition - James Curry The proposal is part of the Lexington South P.U.D. commercial area. The Planning Commission approved the project, but. noted that the landscape plan meets- minimal criteria. Parks & Recreation Commission members did not like the vast amount of impervious surface. Ken Vraa noted the Lexington South P.U.D. parks dedication agreement calls for a cash dedication per acre. Commission member Alt moved, Kubik seconded, to recommend cashdedication consistent with the City's agreement, trailway on Patrick Drive and on Lexington Avenue, and that landscape guidelines as approved earlier in 1985 be imposed on this development. All voted in favor. F & G. Galaxie Court & Lind Addition Both proposals are for mini-storage. Galaxie Court was continued by the Planning, Commission upon request of the applicant. The developer was told to hold a 'neighborhood meeting with nearby residents. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the Lind proposal and the Council did vote to deny. There will be another mini-storage proposal on next month's agenda. No action was taken pending Planning Commission action. OLD BUSINESS B. Federal Land Company - Rezoning Of 20.6 Acres This is the proposal on Cliff near Rahn which the Commission discussed in March. At that time the Commission stated it preferred more compatible uses for the lots adjacent to Rahn Park. Staff has prepared a report included in the packet concerning the proposed rezoning. Federal Land Company personnel are to attend a meeting with City staff on Friday, April 5, to discuss feasible uses. Chairman Martin said he preferred to see a proposed plan before taking any action. He continued by saying the proposed development must be compatible. The item was deferred until a plan is submitted. 3 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm April 4, 1985 C. Parkland - School District 196 Purchase Parks & Recreation Director Vraa gave the Commission an update on the possible purchase of land for an elementary school by District 196 in Park Service Section 14. The district is considering the same site and parcel that the City has proposed as a park. The district intends to buy 15 acres while the owner wants to sell 35 acres. Director Vraa said there might be the possibility of a joint purchase by the City and school district of 25-30 acres. Director Vraa will discuss planning strategies with the school district once they make a firm commitment to purchase this parcel. There was general discussion and agreement that staff should communicate with the school district. NEW BUSINESS A. Park Naming - Schwanz Lake Park Park Intern, Scott Morgan, had researched the Schwanz Lake area and submitted a report which was part of the packet. Scott reviewed possible alternatives for park names including Schwanz Lake Park, Trapp or Trapp Farm Park, or a combination of Schwanz Lake and Trapp Farm Park. General discussion of the history, significance of land ownership and other factors ensu-ed. Member Fedde felt the park should carry the same name as the lake. Masin indicated that neither name was that significant and suggested a new name be found. Chairman Martin moved, Kubik seconded, to recommend the name "Trapp Farm Park" and retain the lake name of "Schwanz Lake."" The reasons for the recommendation include the fact the majority of the park land was part of the Trapp Farm property. There are parks with similar names to Schwanz in nearby communities and there is precedence for naming the park after a resident, e.g. Rahn Park. The motion carried with Masin opposed and Fedde abstaining. Commission member Alt suggested the Council be given the Schwanz Lake/Trapp Farm report.Masin noted she preferred a different name altogether. B. Skating/Winter Program Report Parks & Recreation Director Vraa made a few comments in addition to his and the recreation supervisor's report which was included in the packet. He noted that some warming houses are in bad condition and both a short term and long term solution should be found. He stated he did not have a recommendation at this time. Chairman Martin suggested that a replacement schedule be put together with two houses scheduled per year. Perhaps portable rinks and warming houses could be used for the lesser used sites. After some discussion, it was decided to refer the matter to the Special Issues Committee which will meet at 6:15 P.M. prior to the April 18th meeting. The Commission commended the Recreation Supervisor on the winter programs. They were well received by the community and provided a positive experience for the residents. It was also decided that the Recreation Committee will meet with Dorothy to discuss the summer recreation program. That meeting is scheduled for 6:15 on April`24th prior to the joint Park Commission's meeting. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm April 4, 1985 C. Cross-Country Ski Report/Grooming Equipment As part of the winter report, Director Vraa and Intern Morgan presented a report on cross-country ski maintenance. At the present time, Eagan has no grooming equipment. The City was able to contract with Lakeville this past year when Eagan's snowmobile was damaged. However, that arrangement was for a short term and the City must decide whether to purchase equipment or contract with an outside agency. There was some discussion regarding the use of the Minnesota Zoo equipment or buying-equipment and renting it to the zoo. Scott Morgan distributed material on equipment which ranged in price from $7,200 for a used bombey to over $40,000 for larger pieces. The City could consider a joint purchase with.Apple Valley. Director Vraa will discuss these options with Apple Valley and Minnesota Zoo personnel and bring a report back to the Commission. D. L.A.W.C.O.N. Grant Application - FY 1986 Director Vraa said that Blackhawk Park meets much of the criteria for a successful grant application. The one factor which could adversely affect the application is the lack of a planned access to the park. He has had discussion with a representative of the owner to the south and there is no interest in selling or deeding any road access now or in the foreseeable future. Director Vraa felt that some weight might be given it-the Council were to make a commitment stating there will be a southerly access to Blackhawk Park. Director Vraa said the Commission should be prepared to provide state and federal matching funds from the Park Site Acquisition and Development Fund. He also said it would be necessary to have an appraiser develop preliminary cost estimates for acquisition. After some discussion, it was decided that Blackhawk Park was the logical choice for a L.A.W.C.O.N. grant application. On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Fedde, it was recommended to make grant application for Blackhawk Park and request that the Council pass a resolution stating a southerly access to the park will be provided. All voted in favor. E. 1985-89 C.I.P. Director Vraa stated that staff was developing a five year Capital Improvement Program. He stated that if the Commission had concerns to please express them to the staff so they may be considered. He continued by saying a draft of the C.I.P. may be available by the April 18th meeting. PARK IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM A. Building Design/Architectural Selection Process Parks & Recreation Director Vraa outlined a possible selection process for the Commission. He suggested that staff review interested architectural firms and screen three to four finalists. A committee could then review the finalists. The committee might be comprised of Council, Commission and staff. The Director noted that time is short if a structure is to be constructed at Trapp Farm/Schwanz Lake Park this year. Commission members stated they want to move 5 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm April 4, 1985 quickly, but wanted to take plenty of time in reviewing building alternatives. By consensus, the Commission decided to start with a fall goal in mind, but if the process lags, then the construction can wait until spring. Commission members felt that the structure in Schwanz Lake/Trapp Farm Park will be the cornerstone to Eagan parks and it should be the best design/construction possible. Chairman Martin moved, Fedde seconded, to recommend to the City Council to proceed with architect selection for park shelter buildings under the proposal prepared by staff. All voted in favor. B. Athletic Site Acquisition Discussion, Information Staff presented several sketch plans of ball field/soccer field configurations for the athletic site to assist in the evaluation of the site. Commission member Kubik said he preferred a more intense use of the site as the need is so acute. He opted for four ball fields, two to three soccer fields, restrooms, parking lots and a few picnic tables. It appears that this site can meet this need. Carolyn Thurston suggested the City contact MnDot regarding access from Dodd Road including right/left turn lanes. Commission member Fedde moved, Ketcham seconded, the recommendation to. have an appraisal made of the site. The motion carried. C. Update And Status Report Stephen Sullivan reported that lights at Northview Park will be in by April 15 and operative by May 1. Play equipment is scheduled for Highview, Ridgecliff and Cinnamon Ridge Parks this spring. Proposals for four parks will be ready next week. Some of the better water proposals for Schwarz Lake will be shown at the April 18 meeting. OTHER BUSINESS & REPORTS A. Park System Plan Parks & Recreation Director Vraa stated the plan was not ready for the April 4 meeting. B. Northview Lights As Stephen Sullivan stated, the lights should be ready for use on May 1. The first league game is scheduled for May 7. Director Vraa suggested a "lights on" ceremony might be appropriate. Because May 7 is a Council meeting night, he suggested the Commission schedule a ceremony for May 9 about 8:00 P.M. The Mayor, Council, Press and interested ball players could be invited. The Parks Commission liked the idea and asked Ken to proceed with the planning. 6 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm April 4, 1985 C. April 23 Joint Community Park Commission Meeting This meeting will be held at the Eagan City Hall starting promptly at 7:00 P.M. Representatives from Apple Valley, Rosemount, Burnsville, Lakeville, Department of Natural Resources, Met. Council Parks & Open Space Committee, Hennepin County Park System, Minnesota Wildlife and the Dakota County Parks System will be present. D. Eagan Celebration Committee - Sandy Masin gave a report of the Eagan Celebration Committee. Most festivities are scheduled for July 6 - a turkey roast, music by the "Ecletics" and fireworks. A logo contest is underway to commemorate the 125th birthday. It is hoped the History of Eagan will also be ready to sell on the sixth. Sandy announced that there will be another time of celebration in the fall. E. Four Oaks Condominiums In 1981, the Rosewood Corporation contractually agreed to the placement of a tot lot in Four Oaks. They are now saying that the residents prefer a. picnic or open space area because there are not many children in the complex. Rosewood Corporation wants the letter of credit reduced by the $5,000 tot lot required amount. Chairman Martin felt that more information was needed. He would like to hear from the Homeowners Association as to how many and what percent of the total number of residents want an open area. He thinks the homeowners should review their options and come to a Parks & Recreation Commission meeting with their recommendations. The item was deferred until more information is available. F. Kehne House Director Vraa announced that bids were approved for roofing the house and that it should be ready for occupancy in May or June. ADJOURNMENT Commission member Masin moved, Fedde seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Time of adjournment was 11:10 P.M. Dated : Advisory Pa s & Recreation Secre