05/02/1985 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MAY 2, 1985 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:08 P.M. Commission members present were Alt, Bertz, Masin, Carroll, Fedde, Ketcham, Caponi and Kubik. Commission member Thurston had notified the Commission she would be unable to attend. Staff present included Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect, Stephen Sullivan; Assistant Planner, Greg Ingraham; Parks Intern, Scott Morgan; and Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt. Representatives were present to discuss Lexington Place South Second Addition. AGENDA - Chairman Martin added several items to "Other Business." On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Fedde, the agenda was approved as amended. MINUTES OF MARCH 28, 1985 Commission member Carroll moved, Fedde seconded, the minutes of March 28 be approved as presented. All voted in favor. MINUTES OF APRIL 4, 1985 Commission member Bertz noted that under the item "Splashland Water Park," it was Mike Fedde who had noted the facility is much like a bowling alley and should not receive special credit consideration. Also, on page four Commision member Masin indicated that she preferred a different name altogether for "Schwanz Lake Park." On a motion by Alt, seconded by Ketcham, the minutes of April 4 were approved as corrected. MINUTES OF APRIL 18, 1985 - RECREATION SUBCOMMITTEE Chairman Martin moved, Kubik seconded, the subcommittee minutes be approved as presented.. The motion carried. MINUTES OF APRIL 18 1985 - SPECIAL MEETING OF FULL COMMISSION Corrections on page one - under "Athletic site - he has not recieved the appraisal, not "approval", as was shown and at the bottom of the page, the year should read "1989", not "1984." Chairman Martin moved, Alt seconded, that the minutes of April 18 be approved as corrected. All voted in favor. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. Sunset 7th Addition - Randy Barrows Greg Ingraham, Assistant Planner, stated that the item is a two lot subdivision on a parcel presently zoned residential. The Planning Commission has already approved the plat and the Commission's option is-for a cash. dedication. Commission member Fedde moved, Ketcham seconded, to accept cash dedication. All voted in favor. 1 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. May 2, 1985 B. Williams - LaRue Second - D.H. LaRue This proposal calls for replatting two large lots into five on a site near Lexington and Wescott. All of the lots conform to the minimum lot size, but an easement will have to be obtained to access lot one. The Planning Commission requires that the area must have sewer. Parks & Recreation Director Vraa noted that the developer is responsible for trail and sidewalk. Commission member Carroll moved, Bertz seconded, motion carried the recommendation for a cash dedication on four lots and sidewalk along Wescott and a trail on the east side of Lexington Avenue. C. Lexington-Place South Second - U.S. Home Corporation Greg Ingraham, Assistant Planner, presented the background report on Lexington Place and the original Lexington Place South Addition. Previously the Lexington Place South Addition had called for Outlots A and C to be utilized as a private recreational area. The developers now propose to rearrange some of the lots and plat an additional 16 lots to cover both outlots. Representing the developers at the evening meeting were Jim Nervik, Joe Franks and Chuck Winden. Director Vraa noted that the Advisory Planning Commission asked the Parks & Recreation Commission to review the changed proposal and tabled the item until the review was made. The Planning Commission wanted to know if the Parks Commission wanted land dedication, if the Commission felt the proposal addresses recreational needs and how the changed proposal will affect the City park system. Mr. Nervik said the new platting will have the lot lines right through the ponding areas so that all the land will be privately owned. He also said there will not be a homeowners association as was planned originally. He indicated that U.S. Home Corporation did not sell any units and felt they had to make major changes in order to market the lots. Chuck Winden said the lots will be 60' in width and not have zero lot lines as was shown in the original proposal. Commission member Kubik said he was upset with the proposed changes from the original development. The development places too big a burden on the Lexington Place recreational area. He says that area is not well managed, not appropriate for young children and is already inadequate without adding more residents. Chairman Martin agreed. He said that the area needs some recreational space of its own. He wondered if parkland could be obtained to relieve the added burden to the park system. Director Vraa said the City cannot get parkland because the developers have already paid the cash dedication on the original proposal with less than an acre possible for the "new" lots. He continued on by indicating that there is a lot to provide access to the east and eventually to the park/school segment about one-quarter mile away. He noted, however, that there has been no firm decision made as to a school site. Commission member Bertz said it is difficult to do anything at this point except to accept cash dedication for the lots. She felt frustrated because had the Commission known that the plans would be changed later,* they would. have opted for a land dedication or open space requirement when the project was first proposed. 2 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. May 2, 1985 Commission member Carroll felt there was more green space when the site was originally proposed for multiple housing. He felt the Commission acted in good faith when it originally approved the outlots' use for recreational purposes. Commission member Fbdde agreed. He said the original plan was approved with outlots for recreational space and they should be left as open space. Tony Caponi said the Commission now has a different circumstance and should consider not accepting the plan for the 16 lots. Commission member Alt said it is not a desirable situation and she did not like it, but if the proposal is approved by the Council then cash dedication should be recommended for the 16 lots. Commission member Kubik moved, Alt seconded, the following motion for recommendation to the Council. The proposal is not desirable!! The Commission does not like being maneuvered by the developer into this -type of situation. The Commission does not like to make decisions on incomplete information, nor do they like a proposal without green space. Commission members are concerned with the added pressure on neighborhood parks. The Commission does not like the proposal - period! The members agreed they would like to review the proposal again after Planning Commission action. The motion carried unanimously. D. Federal Land - Rezoning The Commission was asked to respond to a concept plan for uses of land immediately south of Rahn Park. Earlier the members had voiced objections to what they regarded as inappropriate uses such as a car care center and restaurants. Greg Ingraham said the Planning Commission denied the proposal on the basis that there are enough office buildings in the area to take care of needs for some time to come. The Planning Commission also noted that the comp. plan shows the land for R3 use. Director Vraa noted the options which might be considered by the Commission: Decisions could be made with each plat. A developers' agreement should state the conditions, e.g. preference to review each use, desire for a tree inventory, good screening, enforcement of landscape policy, etc. A lengthy discussion ensued followed by a motion by Commission member Kubik, seconded by Fedde, which called for low density, well designed multiple housing (R3.) If that were not feasible, then well designed commercial uses which must be compatible with Rahn Park would be acceptable. The motion failed. Commission member Kubik then called for a buffer of R3 by the park with commercial along Cliff Road, with a second made by Richard Carroll. After further discussion, the motion was withdrawn. 3 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. May 2, 1985 Tony Caponi moved, Chairman Martin seconded, the following: If the City Council approves the rezoning, then the Parks Commission will accept the concept plan as shown in relation to the park. The landscape policy must be adhered to. A developers' agreement must include a tree survey which might necessitate a modification of the above recommendation if too many trees are affected, a determination of location for the trail connection to the park, appropriate screening for the parking lot, loading docks, etc. and buildings, drainage for parking lots and rooftops should not impact the park. There must be a trail on Cliff Road. A car care facility is inappropriate to the site. All voted in favor. E. Norse Development Company - Peter Stalland The developer has a preliminary plat proposal on 11.5 acres for a hotel, shopping center, restaurant, drive-up bank and similar type uses. It was noted that a trail is already going in on County Road 30. Commission member Carroll moved, Fedde seconded, to accept cash dedication for the proposed development. It was also recommended to apply the landscape plan policy to the proposal. All voted in favor. F. Finishing Equipment - Waiver of Plat The parcel presently has 3.1 acres and the owner wishes to split off 157 feet as a separate lot. Commission member Fedde moved, Bertz seconded, the recommendation to accept a cash dedication for the new lot. The motion carried. G. Frontier Midwest - Informational This is a new revision of Hampton Heights which now shows 130 lots compared with 190 in the original proposal. The Advisory Planning Commission approved the revised development. Parks & Recreation Director Vraa advised the Commission that a trail should still be included within development along the realigned Coachman Road. Commission member Kubik voiced opposition to the proposal. He said there was too much development on the site and that the City was being asked to accomodate developers. Commission member Caponi agreed. He did not like the way the proposal has gone through the City process. No action was required, but Director Vraa did tell the Commission that the owner wishes to give to the City the 4.3 acre pond (Outlot B) immediately east of Coachman Road with no strings attached. Commission member Kubik thought the City should look at this type of area for future needs, although he did realize they would present maintenance problems. Director Vraa noted the pond area will be part of the City's ponding system or it can be retained as an open space/wildlife area. Commission member Masin moved, Alt seconded, to be- willing to accept "Outlot B" which shall be designated as open space/preserve. All voted in favor. 4 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. May 2, 1985 H. Thomas Lake Place - Jack Safar - Informational This is the 17.5 acre site east of Thomas Lake Road proposed for 228 unit apartment costruction. Mr. Safar appeared before the Commission earlier in the year with a tree inventory and placement of the buildings to save as many trees as possible. Greg Ingraham reported that the Advisory Planning Commission denied the proposal because of potential drainage/erosion problems, the visual impact it will have on the area and the necessity to remove trees. No action was required of the Commission. OLD BUSINESS There was no "Old Business" before the Parks & Recreation Commission. NEW BUSINESS The proposed gift of Outlot B (Hampton Heights) was discussed as part of Development Proposals, Item G. PARK DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM A. Architect Selection Committee Parks & Recreation Director Vraa indicated that three to four architects would be presented for final interviewing later this month, probably the week of May 20. He asked that the Committee be appointed. Commission members agreed that the Architect Selection Committee will be comprised of Director Vraa, Council member Wachter, Tony Caponi and Richard Carroll. B. Athletic Site - Discussion Parks & Recreation Director Vraa said the appraisal on the southerly site was $9,500 an acre, or $310,000, for the parcel. He anticipated that that offer would not be accepted as the owner has been mentioning a much higher figure. Stephen Sullivan then addressed the pluses and minuses of the site offered by Opus near the bulk mail plant. He said the area has a 5-10% slope, generally with an 8-20% slope in the north section. The developer, Opus Corporation, is proposing a 27-acre site of which 17 acres is a pond. The pond is part of the City's drainage system. Steve presented two concept plans, one showing four soccer fields with parking. The other plan had two soccer fields and two softball fields with parking. Opus Corporation would provide access to the site. Negative aspects of the area are noise, access, and the small amount of usable space. The positive aspects are the ability to have lighted fields and active area without disturbing residential neighboring areas. After further discussion, Commission member Caponi moved, Kubik seconded, to recommend the City begin negotiations by offering $310,000 for the southerly site. All voted in favor. 5 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. May 2, '985 C. Spring Construction Contract - Informational Director Vraa stated that seven bids had been received, with the contract awarded to Central Landscaping Company for $476,000. He noted the estimate was $513,000. He anticipates work will start May 27 or sooner. OTHER BUSINESS A. Park Planning,_Cooperative - Discussion Director Vraa said he was pleased with the turn out and general comments received. He suggested the Commission seek more in-depth discussion with Dakota County in the fall. He also thought the City Commissions could get together to discuss mutual problems. Chairman Martin was in favor of the Commission exchange and wanted to include common purchases as an agenda item. Director Vraa said there is a possibility that. Burnsville and Eagan may want to buy a bombey together to maintain the ski trails. Tony Caponi wondered if representatives of the Commissions should meet or just Commission members who are interested. Chairman Martin and Ken Vraa will discuss future meetings of the communities with their counterparts. B. May 9 "Lights On" At Northview Park The ceremonial turning on of the lights will be Thursday, May 9, at 8:15 P.M. "Notables" who will throw the switches include the Mayor and Council, Lee Graff, Roger Martin, Dorothy Peterson and Steve Taylor of Parks Maintenance. C. Next Commission Meeting Director Vraa did not see the need for a second meeting in May and the Commission agreed. D. Landscape Plan Policy Staff noted that park development planning had been taking up a great deal of work time, but that they hoped to have the landscape plan in final form by July. E. Kehne House Director Vraa said the papers have been signed and work on the roof should start soon. He commented that the quote on the windows was too high and cost estimates will be again reviewed. F. Fish Lake Clean-Up In response to Chairman Martinis inquiry, staff said they have not done any more work on Fish Lake plans, but will work on it soon and get back to Roger. G. Miscellaneous It was noted that over half of the garden plots have been spoken for already...... Pilot Knob School favorably commented on work done by the Eagan Parks Department. 6 ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Fedde, seconded by Ketcham, the meeting was adjourned. Time of adjournment was 10:22. Dated: Advisory Parks & Recreation Secretary 7