06/06/1985 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATON COMMISSION EAGAN MINNESOTA JUNE 6, 1985 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:10 P.M. Commission members present were: Martin, Masin, Alt, Fedde, Bertz, Ketcham, Thurston, Carroll and Caponi. George Kubik had notified the Commission he would be unable to attend. Staff present were: Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan; Assistant Planner, Greg Ingraham; Parks Intern, Scott Morgan and Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt. AGENDA Chairman Martin added discussion of a second June meeting to Other Business. Richard Carroll moved, Caponi seconded, the approval of the agenda as amended. The motion carried. MINUTES OF MAY 2, 1985 Mike Fedde moved, Masin seconded, the minutes of May 2 be approved as presented. All voted in favor. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. Lexington Place South - 2nd Addition Assistant Planner Greg Ingraham, informed the Commission that the Council and the Planning Commission recommended denial of the proposal as presented. The developers were told to reconfigure the plat and bring it back to the Council. Greg said there may be construction in the two outlots but just what it will be is not known as yet. After further discussion, Commission member Caponi moved, seconded by Thurston, the following: The Parks & Recreation Commission supported the Council's rejection of the proposal as presented. The Commission still prefers that the outlots be designated open space with no additional lots. However, the Commission is supportive of redrawing the lot lines through the outlots. If the Council decides that additional lots may be created, then the Commission requests that the Council refer the proposal back to the Commission for further consideration. All voted in favor. B. Eagles Nest Village Eagles Nest is a preliminary plat for 14 townhouses, half of which would be handicap accessible. The units would be owner-occupied. The Planning Commission recommended approval. Chairman Martin moved, Fedde seconded, the recommendation for cash dedication for the units and a blacktop trail along Rahn Road. The motion carried. C. Sunset 8th Addition This item is essentially a lot split with two additional lots being created. The Planning Commission has given approval. Mike Fedde moved, Carroll seconded the recommendation to accept cash dedication. All voted in favor. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. June 6, 1985 D. O'Neil Center - R.J. O'Neil Planner Ingraham provided background on the proposed O'Neil zoning request. He went on to say the proposal calls for a rezoning of 100 acres from A to a P.U.D. on a site between Lexington and 35E and north of Yankee Doodle Road. There would be multiple housing, office warehouse and roadside business in the plat. There are also several ponding areas to be created. After some initial discussion, Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa reviewed the issues before the Advisory Commission based on three basic alternatives. Director Vraa noted there is a possibility for 240 apartment units, and from nearby parcels there is a possibility for 700 additional units. That means there would be almost 1000 units. A park may be needed to serve them. However, the plat could be entirely commercial in which case a park would not be needed. Another possibility would be the purchase of the Opus property for an athletic site, utilizing the south portion for a neighborhood park to serve the O'Neil property and existing R-3 zoning. Greg Ingraham said the Planning Commission had recommended denial of the proposal. He thought O'Neil would probably sell off the parcels and not act as a developer. Richard Carroll said the Commission would inform the Council that the entire rezoning does present potential problems for the City Park system and need for a close look. Chairman Martin commented that a plan was needed for the area. Director Vraa stated that the current R3 and R4 zoning and Comprehensive Guide Plan calls for a neighborhood-size park, but, if zoning changes, a park may not be needed. After discussion, Chairman Martin requested staff to prepare a study of the area and plan for a potential park which would be necessary if the land is residentially developed. He went on to say the consensus of the Commission is for this mini-study to help the Commission understand the issues better. E. Development Update Assistant Planner Ingrahamn informed the Commission of development proposals for June. R.L. Johnson is proposing a warehouse on the Comserv corner. The Woodhaven proposal, which had been presented to the Commission previously, now calls for townhouses and duplexes. A 26-acre site south of the Western Court Facility is being proposed for duplexes and a church. Easter Lutheran Church plans a substantial addition to the church. NEW BUSINESS A. Athletic Field Lighting Policy Director Vraa provided a handout which addressed a lighting usage policy for the benefit of league operation and those residents who will abut the property in the future. He noted that some communities have a "lights out" at 11:00 p.m. with no deviations. Other cities are more flexible and allow games to be completed under certain conditions. He suggested the Commission consider an 11:00 p.m. event cut off, with no new inning beginning after this time. This provides for some flexibility. He also suggested that in drawing up schedules, no game or event be scheduled to begin after 9:45 p.m. This starting time would generally assure completion of a game by 11:00 p.m. The Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. June 6, 1985 Commission discussed the need for a policy and generally agreed with Director Vraa. He was directed to write up the recommended option as a formal policy and bring it back to the Commission. PARKS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM A. Status Report: Parks Project Landscape Architect Steve Sullivan summarized progress on the parks. He said the tennis courts were complete, play equipment was in at Highview Park and the next play structure is scheduled for Ridgecliff Park. The lights at Northview Park are scheduled to be checked for intensity, drop off and related functions., The play perimeter is soon to be constructed at Peridot Path Park. Staff has been closely monitoring Cinnamon Park as Zachman developers have not performed their job as agreed upon. The trail is to be started and some grading is to take place this week. Steve noted that Rahn Park is at the finished grade and the site has been seeded. He said the Schwanz Lake, Walnut Hill and Goat Hill sites have been cleared and grubbed. Almost all of the erosion control with siltration fabric is in place. Top soil is being salvaged now. About seven feet of top soil was found in the pond and it is being mined out now. The pond will be 3 - 4 ft. deeper once the top soil is removed. Chariman Martin cautioned the staff to closely monitor the work to assure that erosion control is observed. B. Architect Selection Director Vraa said Carolyn Thurston, Richard Carroll, Tony Caponi and Ted Wachter interviewed several architects recently. The Interview Committee recommended the firm of Schwarz-Weber Architects as their choice, with the Council giving their approval at the June 4, 1985, meeting. Director Vraa plans to meet with the firm's representatives next week to work out a contract. The architects would like to meet with the Commission, and Director Vraa will try to set up a meeting date. He suggested the possibility of a second June meeting and will advise Commission members if that will be agreeble to the architects. C. Athletic Site Purchase - Update Director Vraa said the owners of the Cliff/Highway 3 potential athletic site are asking $10,000 an acre, plus assessments, which calculates out to near $16,000 per useable acre. The total asking price is about $150,000 over the City's estimated value. He said that staff is continuing to look at other possible sites. Commission discussion focused on the desirability to have one large site rather than two smaller ones. Members generally agreed that negotiations should continue on the Cliff/Highway 3 site, but that staff should also consider new possibilities. It was suggested that land sale information sheets of recent sales be given to the owners and perhaps a modest increase in the offer price could be considered. These suggestions comprised a directive for Director Vraa. No motion was made. 3 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. June 6, 1985 OTHER A. Set July Meeting Date Because the first Thursday in July falls on the 4th, the July meeting will be July 11. B. Maintenance Report Director Vraa included a maintenance update with the packet. He noted that much of parks crew time, has been taking up with mowing. The athletic fields have been prepared including dragging and striping. Maintenance activities are behind schedule this spring due to the heavy crush of things which have to be done this time of year. C. Kehne House Director Vraa said the Kehne House is now being rented to a young couple who have worked very hard to clean the building. He said the husband is a carpenter who will perform repair work in lieu of rent reduction. D. July 4 Celebration Committee Commission member Masin reported that the parade will have the 125th birthday theme. She said there will be a booth selling shirts, caps and other mementos. There will also be a turkey roast and volunteers are needed for that activity. The roast will be Saturday, July 6. Ticket sellers are also needed and she had a sign up sheet for those members interested. She noted there will be fireworks on the 4th and on the 6th with the "Eclectics" to perform on Saturday night. E. Next June Meeting - If Needed If the architects are ready, the Commission will schedule a second June meeting - June 27 - to discuss building ideas. If the meeting is held, it will be preceded by a tour of park sites under construction. ADJOURNMENT Sandy Masin moved, Ketcham seconded, the meeting be adjourned. Time of adjournment was 9:45. Dated: Advisory Parks & Recrea ion ecre