07/11/1985 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN MINNESOTA JULY 11, 1985 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:05 P.M. Commission members present were: Martin, Masin, Alt, Fedde, Ketcham, Thurston, Carroll and Kubik. Members Bertz and Caponi had notified the Commission they would not be able to attend. Staff members present were: Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan; and Parks Intern, Scott Morgan. AGENDA Members Martin and Thurston requested the discussion of the annual picnic and the need for a second meeting in July be added under "Other Business." Member Kubik moved, Thurston seconded, the approval of the agenda as amended. The motion carried. MINUTES OF JUNE 6, 1985 Martin indicated the change in the wording regarding the Kehne House under "Other Business" and a typographical error under "D - Other Business" - the word "will" should be inserted. Carroll moved, seconded by Ketcham, the minutes of June 6 be approved as amended. All voted in favor. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. R.J. O'Neil - Rezoning Parks & Recreation Director Vraa briefly reviewed the proposed rezoning for R.J. O'Neil which the Commission had first reviewed at its June 6 Commission meeting. The Director explained the three basic alternatives regarding park space as well as the potential number of residents in the area based on current zoning. After presentation, Commission member Masin indicated that based on the number of people that may live in the area, the park space will be needed. Commission member Martin indicated that he saw no need for parkland in the 100 acre parcel if the rezoning is approved. Member Carroll added that if the 100 acres industrial /commercial is approved, the Commission should accept a cash dedication. If multiple, then land dedication for a park should be obtained. This would be most desirable in the northern portion adjacent to existing R-3 multiple. There was additional discussion by the Commission concerning trail access, topography of the area, possible location for a park, and development of the 100 acres. Roger Martin indicated that it would be best if a cash dedication be accepted according to current plans, but if plans for rezoning are not adhered to then the issue should be returned to the Commission regarding land dedication for parks. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Fedde, the Advisory Commission recommended that if the 100 acre P.U.D. rezoning is approved, the Commission will accept a cash dedication. A land dedication will be sought in the current 20 acre parcel should it develop 1 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. July 11, 1985 as multiple residential. Such land dedication shall be adjacent to other multiple zoning and shall be suitable for active recreation. Second, the Commission shall review each plat in the PUD for parks dedication requirements consistent with the policies for parks and recreation dedication requirements at the time of platting. Third, trailways shall be reviewed with each plat application for recommendation. All members voted in favor. B. Lexington Place South Addition Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa indicated that members Martin and Kubik had recently visited the parcels in question for a-visual inspection. Roger then presented a brief slide presentation to show the two outlots and surrounding vegetation. Mr. Bob Hoffman, speaking on behalf of U.S. Homes, traced the history of the platting of U.S. Homes from 1982 in which the original proposal was for R-4 development. He stated at that time the Advisory Commission indicated they did not wish to have parkland within the development. He went on to say that the area south of Duckwood was then replatted into single family homes. He again indicated the Commission did not want parkland. Mr. Hoffman completed his presentation by saying the current outlots are owned by U.S. Homes which now wishes to plat them for the purpose of showing ownership of the outlots. Roger Martin questioned how much fill is currently in place and how much will go into the various ponds in order to create these lots. He went on to say that apparently there is a lot of fill encroachment in the ponding areas and the Commission has a concern and sees the need for wildlife and maintenance of vegetation and its habitat. He stated this fill would also increase the pond height with a negative affect on the aesthetic quality which would not be a benefit to Eagan and these residents. Commission member Carroll questioned Mr. Hoffman's comments regarding the Parks & Recreation's previous recommendation not to accept parkland. He stated that the Commission was reacting to U.S. Homes proposals which in fact provide for open space and park amenities with the multiple development as well as the single family platting. Chairman Martin questioned that if U.S. Homes owned the outlots at present, why not continue to own the outlots and maintain them for the association? He said that U.S. Homes had made an agreement with the City and should be held accountable to that agreement. Mr. Hoffman stated that the open space amenities were to be under a private ownership for the amenities that were to be provided. The Commission did not give park credit for these amenities even though U.S. Homes had requested such. He went on to say that 90% of the area in question would remain as is, but that only 10% of the area would be filled in order to create the lots. Mr. Chuck Winden, Planner for U.S. Homes, was present and responded to a series of questions regarding fill. Member Tom Ketcham said that U.S. Homes is bound to an agreement to place the tennis courts and swimming area or be in default of the development contract. He questioned what other areas U.S. Homes would not be fulfilling as previously agreed to. Commission member Carroll stated the reduction in density and the changing of development approaches by U.S. Homes was a request 2 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm July 11, 1985 to the City and that the City decided to give approvals based on U.S. Homes request. He questioned how the current proposal differed from previous requests seen last month. Mr. Hoffman responded that U.S. Homes had made a reduction of three lots. In response to a question from the Commission, the Director of Parks & Recreation explained problems associated with replatting the entire Lexington South Addition and extension of lot lines through Outlot A. Chairman Martin again asked why U.S. Homes could not own the outlots. Mr. Hoffman responded that U.S. Homes would probably not maintain them once the residential lots are sold, the outlots will be abandoned and fall back to the City. He stated that it was his impression the City wishes to avoid this type of maintenance responsibility. Chairman Martin questioned why Outlot A was already partially filled. U.S. Homes responded that in order to place the roadways and right- of-way, a portion of this ponding area was filled in. Mr. Windom indicated that all grades are in accordance with the approved plan for the Lexington South Addition. Commission member Fedde questioned what the maintanence cost for the outlots by area would be per year. Director Vraa responded that no figures are available, but that such costs would be minimal if the area were properly graded. Member Fedde questioned why the developer could not be obligated to put money into an annuity to help offset maintenance cost. There was no response by U.S. Homes. Chairman Martin recommended that the outlots remain as open space as was previously agreed to. Member Kubik stated that the current proposal does provide significant fill and land alteration, loss of vegetation, wildlife habitat and general desirability of the area. Mr. Hoffman responded that there would be minimal loss and the current plan provides for large lots and should, in effect, maintain the open space area but under ownership of single family homes. This would be a benefit to the area. Mr. Kubik responded that the benefit to R-4 and to the single family is not necessarily a benefit to the City as it is to U.S. Homes. Member Kubik suggested that perhaps the amount of fill could be reduced on Outlot A and blended into the existing environment if there was reduction in the number of lots. Mr. Hoffman questioned the Commission that what if the development did not fill in the pond at all. Martin said, "Why not create three lots in lieu of five, therefore, preserving the pond and echo system". A variance may be required to provide less front yard setback to allow for a building pad. U.S. Homes indicated this may be a possibility. Mr. Martin indicated that the Commission had spent a considerable amount of time on this issue and that a consensus be formed. Member Kubik indicated he liked the concept of platting Outlot A into fewer lots and giving a setback which would give ownership of the outlots to single family residents and maintain the pond and echo systems. Commission member Fedde stated that the outlots could be maintained and that the City would eventually maintain the property or require the developer to put money into an annuity for maintenance. Commission member Carroll said reduction in the number of lots in Outlot A is a reasonable alternative. Member Ketcham felt that U.S. Homes should revise the entire plan in return. Member Alt said the entire area should be left as open space. Member Thurston expressed concern about the loss of open space and fill in the pond under the existing proposal. After additional discussion by the Commission concerning fill and open space as well as ownership, Chairman Martin made a motion to recommend that Outlots A and C stay as previously proposed; the motion was Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. July 11, 1985 seconded by Alt and failed by a 3 to 5 vote. Member Martin then made the motion that Outlot C remain as proposed and Outlot A have the number of lots reduced by two and that the City provide a variance for lot frontage on one lot. The motion was seconded by Fedde who added that the objective would be to reduce the amount of fill in the pond to increase open space. The motion passed 8 to 0. - Immediately following the action of the Commission, Commission member Kubik suggested that the Commission inform the Council via letter, using the current situation as an example, regarding the ackwardness of these types of situations and how the Commission reacts accordingly to the development proposal. It was suggested that Council understand the Commission's concern for open space and the maintenance of quality of Eagan's land forms. Mr. Martin and Mr. Kubik indicated that they would prepare a letter on behalf of the Commission regarding this issue. B. Woodhaven Addition The Director of Parks & Recreation reviewed the Woodhaven Addition and the history of an earlier preliminary plat. After review by the Advisory Commission, a motion was made by Carroll, seconded by Thurston, that the Advisory Commission recommend a cash dedication requirement for this prelimniary plat. Further, that a trail easement would be provided along Rahn Road for possible use with an upgrading of this roadway. Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Martin also stated that it should be made known to the developer that the Commission would be interested in a trail going through Outlot A adjacent to existing parkland as this parcel is developed. C. Rahn Ridge Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa reviewed the proposed preliminary plat entitled "Rahn Ridge". He stated that this property was originally part of the Mission Hills P.U.D. and Vienna Woods development. He stated that the City was holding an escrow account pending an actual land dedication with this plat. The Commission had previously indicated a land dedication with the specific location defined, but not yet dedication. The Commission inquired about the preliminary plat and development of the parks. Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan, presented an analysis of the area indicating the topography of the area, vegetation and probable uses of the parks. He indicated that major impacts of I-35E could be negated by a planting program utilizing fast growing poplars and a second planting of heartier tree stock. He also stated that the proposed preliminary plat show the storm sewer entering at the main entrance to the park. Commission member Carroll suggested that this should be moved to avoid conflicts. Parks Planner Sullivan continued, indicating a number of other areas of concern relative to the parks development. Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa in response to a question said staff would recommend that the City accept the proposed changes in land dedication. He went on to say that in order to make this park work the City should take immediate steps to prepare the park for future development including the development of a parks plan and preliminary grading within the ponding area. 4 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm July 11, 1985 Members of the Commission agreed, saying that this would make future development easier and certainly less expensive. After additional discussion concerning the plat, on a motion by Kubik, seconded by Masin, that the City accept the proposed parkland dedication with this preliminary plat, an asphalt trail be developed on Rahn Road through Fieldcrest Drive, that the storm sewer inlets into the park/pond be relocated and subject to approval of the Parks & Recreation staff, and that the proposed preliminary grading plan also be reviewed to complement parks planning, and that a 20' trail be provided between Lots 1 and 6 as depicted. All voted in favor. Chairman Martin said he assumed it was the consensus of the Commission to have staff prepare a preliminary plan for the park and for staff to proceed with the work as indicated by the Director of Parks & Recreation. Members indicated it was their intent for staff to proceed in this manner.- D. Sunset 9th Addition Director of Parks & Recreation reviewed the proposed Sunset 9th Addition indicating that a land dedication should be made. He reviewed other issues concerning the dedication and, in particular, that this dedication would be primarily water and lakeshore and that negotiations would have to be conducted to determine exact property lines. After additional review and discussion by the Commission, on a motion by Ketcham, seconded by Masin, that the City accept a land dedication and for staff to negotiate said property lines. Motion carried unanimously. E. R.L. Johnson Director Vraa presented the proposed preliminary plat for R.L. Johnson indicating the development would be for an office warehouse. Member Kubik questioned the landscaping plan indicating this area would be very important to ensure it blended in with the surrounding area. On a motion by Fedde, seconded by Alt, that the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission accept a cash dedication requirement consistent with the City's policies or commercial and industrial development. All voted in favor. F. Easter Lutheran Church A proposal for the expansion of the Easter Lutheran Church and the platting of this property was presented by the Director of Parks & Recreation. A number of questions were raised by the Advisory Commission concerning access, trail easement and the Commission's policy regarding cash dedication requirements for church property. Member Kubik stated that part of the Commission's policy was to insist upon a cash dedication should the property ever revert to private ownership. On a motion by Alt, seconded by Ketcham, the Advisory Commission recommended that the City not acquire a cash dedication with this preliminary plat but that should the property revert to private ownership, a cash dedication shall be accepted at that time. Motion carried 8 to 0. 5 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. July 11, 1985 OLD BUSINESS A. Lighting Policy - Northview Athletic Fields Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa presented the lighting policy for the Athletic Fields which was reviewed at the. previous Commission meeting. Commission member Carroll said that he had no.problem with the policy, but suggested that perhaps the City should begin an intensive planting program along Northview Park Road. It was suggested that Lombardy poplar, as suggested with Rahn Ridge development, be planted. Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa incurred that some planting should be done, but suggested that when Northview Road is upgraded and goes through to the east boundary, many of these trees probably would be impacted and lost. Member Ketcham recommended that the 9:45 starting time be removed from the policy as it was ambiguous and confusing. Commission member Carroll suggested that the 9:45 time really provided for an additonal regulation and would reinforce the authority of the policy. Member Martin agreed with Mr. Carroll. In a motion by Martin, seconded by Thurston, the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS The Director of Parks & Recreation explained the budget process the City was now initiating for 1986. He requested that any comments or concerns by the Commission be addressed within the next several days in order that they may be evaluated for budget inclusion. Member Kubik suggested that perhaps a meeting of the Recreation Subcommittee would be appropriate at this time so some of its concerns could be considered. Martin asked what the time line would be for the Commission's reactions. Member Kubik commented his concern for expansion of the recreation person's position in order that programming opportunities could be met. Martin concurred indicating that he is aware of the need for additional help in this area to carry out many of the programs previously suggested. Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa indicated he concurred with the comments concerning the need for recreational activities expansion. He stated that due to the availability of staff, expansion of recreational program offerings is not possible. He stated that activities for seniors had been added previously as have some winter events, but that this is the limit because of time constraints and expansion in terms of numbers of existing programs. Members expressed other issues concerning the budget and indicated their willingness to suggest other items to the Director of Parks & Recreation after the meeting. B. Parks Development 1. Parks Construction Update. Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan, reviewed several slides taken of the construction progress of the spring parks contract. In reviewing the slides, changes were noted which resulted in additional costs. Various questions from the Commission were answered by Mr. Sullivan. Member Martin indicated a desire for a tour of these facilities at this stage. 6 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. July 11, 1985 2. Athletic Site. The Director of Parks & Recreation updated the Advisory Commission on the status of the negotiations for the acquisition-of the preferred athletic site. He also reviewed with the Advisory Commission an alternative which consisted of a parcel of 43 acres and a parcel of 22 acres. The Advisory Commission raised several questions concerning the site located east of Highway 3 and south of Cliff Road which are to be addressed by staff. Members agreed that the asking price was acceptable. Staff reported that additional information was needed concerning this site and was not making a recommendation at this time, but merely trying to determine Commission's interest. By consensus of the Commission, staff was directed to provide more detailing and develop alternative plans and grading concepts to better evaluate the site. It was also determined that the Director should continue to negotiate with the Petersons upon their return from an extended vacation. 3. Park Buildings - Architectural Review. The Director reported that staff would be meeting with the architectural firm of Schwarz-Weber on Monday, July 15. He indicated that a contract has been completed which details the scope of services. 4. Other Business and Reports - Blue Cross/Blue Shield Park Property & Acquisition Director of Parks & Recreation updated the Commission on the negotiations for acquisition of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Park in advance of development. He indicated that he believes the Board of Directors for Blue Cross/Blue Shield will be acting on a proposal which would dedicate 10.25 acres to the City by the end of this year. It was explained that additional acreage which had originally been requested may be acquired at a later date when this development occurs. Several questions were asked by the Advisory Commission with a consensus that the early acquisition of the 10.25 acres was indeed important and would permit development in 1986. 5. Northview Park Project Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa, during the slide presentation updated the Commission on improvements at Northview Athletic Fields as a result of the utilization of the Tree Trust Program. This area had been cleared and construction of a foot path trail around the existing pond was noted. 6. City/District 196 Park - School Site District 196 has made an offer to purchase 30 acres on Wescott Road in Section 14 of the City for a future elementary school. This purchase agreement contains a contingency clause to allow the City to purchase 10 of the 30 acres for a neighborhood park. This cost would be at $9,000 per acre. Staff indicated this was an informational item for the Advisory Commission. Staff 7 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. July 11, 1985 will be meeting with the School District's architects and site planners to best determine which 10 of the 30 acre parcel would be suitable for park space. This is neither a commitment or an agreement for the City to purchase 10 acres, however, would provide the City with an opportunity to acquire this parkland because of pending developments in the area. Members expressed an opinion that the City should proceed with this acquisition and are anxious to make a recommendation based on fact and desirability of the park space. 6. Annual Picnic Carolyn Thurston indicated the Commission should discuss its annual picnic for date, time and location. Chairman Martin indicated that he would like to see the Commission have a second meeting in July to tour the parks and ask that the Commission discuss this at that time. Thurston agreed that this would be appropriate. It was agreed by the Advisory Commission to meet on Thursday, July 25, 6:30 P.M. at the Eagan Municipal Center for the purpose of visiting the construction sites and on-going development program. Further, Commission will discuss the annual picnic at that time. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to conduct, on a motion be Fedde, seconded by Ketcham, the Advisory Commission was adjourned at 11:25 P.M. ,,G s Dated :=LC d J T Advi ory Parks & Recreation ommissio retary r