09/05/1985 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA SEPTEMBER 5, 1985 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:25 P.M. Members present were Kubik, Martin, Caponi, Fedde, Ketcham, Thurston and Masin. Members Carroll, Bertz and Alt had notified the Commission they would be unable to attend. Also present were Parks & Recreation Director Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner Steve Sullivan; Assistant Planner Jim Sturm; Administrative Assistant Liz Witt and Parks Intern Scott Morgan. AGENDA Parks & Recreation Director Vraa added 5a & b - Dakota County Trails Plan and Kehne House; 6c - September 19 meeting with Trapp Farm Park structure architects; and 71 - playground equipment report. On a motion by Fedde, seconded by Masin, the agenda was accepted as amended. All voted in favor. MINUTES OF AUGUST 1, 1985 Commission member Masin moved, Fedde seconded, the minutes be approved as presented. The motion carried. MINUTES OF AUGUST 152 1985 On page two, Rahn Ridge, should read "proposed commercial lots," not government lots. On page 3, pleasure skating - Lexington Park, Chairman Martin said the minutes should be clarified to indicate there will be pleasure skating this coming winter and more lights may be added. On a motion by Fedde, seconded by Kubik, the minutes were approved as corrected. The motion carried. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. WHISPERING WOODS Assistant Planner Jim Sturm said that Whispering Woods is a proposal for 15 single family lots on 5.4 acres in the SW corner of the City. There were no land or trail dedication concerns for the parcel. Commission member Kubik moved, Fedde seconded, to accept a cash dedication. All voted in favor. B. WESTBROOK FIRST ADDITION This proposal was for six (6) lots and is adjacent to Lexington Place South. The Council had approved the project at the September 3rd meeting. On a motion by Fedde, seconded by Kubik, the Commission recommended cash dedication be accepted. The motion carried. 1 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm September 5, 1985 C. NORWEST SECOND ADDITION Norwest has 3.88 acres north of their bank which they wish to develop. One possible tenant might be a medical clinic. The other lot might house an office or retail. The Planning Commission has several concerns and has continued the proposal to their September meeting. The Parks Commission continued the plat to their October agenda. D. SUNSET TENTH ADDITION The Planning Commission continued this proposal as they have some concerns about access. The Parks Commission will consider Sunset Tenth at the October meeting. OLD BUSINESS A. JOINT SCHOOL DISTRICT/CITY PARK PURCHASE The Director of Parks & Recreation reviewed the background of the proposed school/park site. The selected site for an elementary school is on Wescott Road just east of the NSP easement. Cost for the 10-acre park parcel will be $90,000 with probable construction of the school/park to take place within the next five (5) years. If the school is not constructed, the City would continue to plan for a park in the area. Commission members agreed that it would be wise to have a park plan with trails ready to go so that the park and school are constructed at the same time. There was additional discussion regarding trails, access to the park, possible joint development of the site, play equipment location, etc. Members commented and agreed that staff analysis was excellent. Their concerns shall be included in the agreement or understanding with the School District. On a motion by Caponi, seconded by Masin, the Commission recommended the City pursue the purchase of ten acres with the district and to plan its efforts to develop the park with the district incorporating staff recommendations. Staff should also prepare a basic park plan in cooperation with the School District. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS A. DAKOTA COUNTY TRAILS PLAN Dakota County provided a proposed five-year C.I.P./Trails Plan to the City for comment and recommendations. Plans for 1986 include: Nicols Road - Beau D'Rue to Cliff Road Lone Oak Road - Pilot Knob to Eagandale Blvd 1987 - Pilot Knob Road - Yankee Doodle to Cliff Road 1988 - Cliff Road - Lexington Ave. to the eastern boundary 1989 - Cliff Road - Johnny Cake Road to Pilot Knob Road 1990 - Cliff Road - Pilot Knob Road to Lexington Ave Pilot Knob Road - From Cliff Road south 2 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. September 5, 1985 Commission discussed the 5-year plan at some length and made the following comments and recommendations: The City appreciates the opportunity to be heard on the subject of trails, particularly since they are so heavily used in our community. Commission would like the County to consider doing the Cliff Road Trail between Pilot Knob Road and Lexington in 1988, the same year they construct the Cliff Road segment from Lexington to the east. Commission went on to say the County should include in its trails plan, construction of a trail on Yankee Doodle Road between Pilot Knob Road and Lexington Avenue. Members urged the County to include a trail on Lexington Avenue from Yankee Doodle south to County Road 30. (A trail is in place on Lexington Avenue from County Road 30 to Cliff). This would provide a much needed trails link, particularly because of the proposed 170-acre Town Centre Development. The motion was made by Caponi, seconded by Kubik, with all members voting in favor. On a related matter, there was discussion of the bike trail along Rahn Road, specifically south of Diffley to Rahn Park. On a motion by Ketcham, seconded by Fedde, staff was directed to review the status of the Rahn Road trail. The motion carried. B. KEHNE HOUSE Director Vraa noted that there were only two bids for a new heating system and that staff is reviewing them now. He stated that the,contractor who is replacing the windows discovered there is little insulation on the west side of the house and was now proposing to do this work. Director Vraa said $55,000 had been allocated for repair and was now slightly over budget. Carolyn Thurston said she would like to have more information. After further discussion, Commission member Caponi moved, seconded by Kubik, to direct Director Vraa to get a cost breakdown from the contractor to discuss the need with Architect Sjobeck, to determine fuel costs and make a decision based upon that information and present a recommendation to the Council. The motion carried. PARK DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM A. ATHLETIC SITE Parks & Recreation Director Vraa stated to the Commission there is a good possibility that the athletic site can be obtained from the Ohmann family. He explained the review process that staff had gone through. Steve Sullivan presented several drawings to show how soccer and softball fields could be placed on a 30 or 40 acre site. Staff noted that the terrain is relatively flat keeping grading costs to a minimum. The access off Pilot Knob Road and Cliff Road is very good. The shape of the parcel will allow maximum development and it is centrally located. 3 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. September 5, 1985 Director Vraa presented a matrix analysis of the Ohmann, Peterson and SE (Barr) properties. He compared the number of fields possible per site, site utilization, potential for additional compatible facilities, site expansion, compatibility with adjacent land use, location, access, topography, intrusions on-site, development costs, acquisition costs, soil, drainage, utilities, existing vegetation, existing usable structures, unique features and pedestrian circulation. The Ohmann parcel had more pluses than the other two. Commission member Kubik expressed appreciation for all the possibilities presented which greatly assist in decision making. Commission member Caponi said getting the best acreage should be the top priority and Chairman Martin felt a recommendation should be made at the meeting. Parks & Recreation Director Vraa presented preliminary figures, stating it would cost $260,000 to develop 33 acres of the Ohmann property. He said it would cost $200,000 alone just to put in an underpass at the Barr location. There was a difference of $100,000 in grading costs with the Barr site the costlier. The Peterson parcel had been ruled out as a possible site so cost figures were not provided. Director Vraa thought the chances of getting a 40-acre parcel fromn the Ohmanns was good, but not conclusive until the City actually entered a purchase proposal. He also suggested the City retain an agent to work on behalf of the City. There was considerable review and discussion by the Commission on each of the sites, funding costs and the use of an agent. Commission member Masin moved, seconded by Kubik, to have staff initiate proceedings to acquire a 40-acre parcel from the Ohmanns. Staff was given discretion to negotiate based upon Commission discussion at the meeting and to use an agent. Director Vraa will bring to the Commission an offer price before final action is taken. All voted in favor. B. PARKS CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Steve Sullivan stated that $406,000 has been paid out thus far for the spring construction project. A hockey rink is about to go into Goat Hill Park. Lighting bids for Goat Hill and Ridgecliff will be in shortly with construction to be completed by November 28, 1985. There is a new play structure at South Oaks Park. Fifty (50) benches have come in and are being distributed. Parking lots will be put in at Rahn and Ridgecliff Parks. C. SEPTEMBER 19 MEETING WITH ARCHITECTS Director Vraa reminded the Commission that the second September meeting will have the architects for the Trapp Farm Park structure on the agenda. Meeting time is 7:00 P.M. OTHER BUSINESS A. PLANNED PLAY EQUIPMENT TOUR - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1985 Director Vraa asked that Commission members be present at a park of their choice to hand out information sheets and answer any questions the attendees might have. Commission member Masin will take Peridot Path, Carolyn - Oak Chase, Mike Fedde - Ridgecliff, with other members to give their preference to staff if they can attend. 4 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm September 5, 1985 B. SUMMER PROGRAM REPORT Because the hour was getting late and some members had already departed, Commission accepted the report as presented. C. .COMPOSTING PROGRAM Director. Vraa .said -the Council had, approved -the composting pro.gram.. _ He said the'creiis will turn'the compost mare' thi"s year as that gives abetter final product. D. PICNIC REMINDER The annual Parks Department picnic will be held at Blackhawk Park on Friday, September 6, at 6:30 P.M. E. STORM WATER RUN-OFF - TRAPP FARM PARK Director Vraa distributed a letter from Assistant City Engineer Rich Hefti which stated the,-cost to correct the run-off problem will be almost .$16,000. Mr. Hefti did-not`think that the developer would take responsibility for all of the costs even though his development caused the problem. He thought the City would have to pick up any cost the developer did not assume. It was the consensus of the Commission that the City should not pick up any of the costs. The problem was caused by bad engineering design, inadequate review and inspection. Further, the run-off necessitates restoration work on the Schwanz Lake beach and the developer should be responsible for that cost also. The Commission requested a response to their concerns. F.' BLACKHAWK PARK - LAWCON/L.C.M.R. The City was notified that it placed fifth in ranking, but there was only enough monies to go to the first three applicants. Director Vraa noted that the point spread was very close. He felt Eagan would have done better if they had had defined development plans. He said the City can resubmit next year. He also noted that the entire Blackhawk Park P.U.D. park dedication will be reviewed at the time of the annual planned development review near the end of the year. No action was taken by the Commission. Staff was requested to place the item on an agenda for further consideration after discussion with LAWCON/L.C.M.R. staff. G. DEDICATION DATE FOR BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD PARK The dedication date is being arranged, probably in late September or early October. The ceremony will be brief and probably take place on a weekday afternoon. 5 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. September 5, 1985 H. PARK SITE FUND Director Vraa reviewed the status of the park site fund. He stated that the Commission will have to fund some development projects and acquisition from the fund. Chairman Martin requested that the Commission consider how they would like to approach this issue, indicating that future income and probable expense must be considered. The matter is to be on the November agenda. A subcommittee, perhaps the Special Issues Committee, will set a meeting date to discuss possible project/allocation. I. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT REPORT - SCOTT MORGAN Intern Morgan included a report on play equipment usage in the Commission packet. He reviewed the park user count, how often people frequent parks, how to get to parks, distance to the park and comments on the new equipment at Oak Chase and Ridgecliff Parks. Mr. Morgan commented that many park users were not aware of other parks in Eagan or what amenities they offered. Commission member Caponi thought there should be more public information available on the parks, more stories in the newspaper, etc. Commission member Ketcham suggested taking the chuckwagon to various locations and distributing maps and information sheets to the general public. ADJOURNMENT The time of adjournment was 10:50 P.M. dated visory Parks ecrtation Secre ry 6