10/03/1985 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 3, 1985 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:05 p.m. All commission members were-present with the exception of Tom Ketcham, who had notified staff he would be unable to attend. Also present were Parks & Reere.ation, Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Park Planner, Steve Sullivan; Assistant Planner, Jim Sturm; Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt and Parks Intern, Scott Morgan. Two members of the Wilderness Run Park Association were also in attendance. AGENDA Several items were-added to other business and on a motion by Richard Carroll, seconded by Carolyn Thurston, the agenda was approved as amended. All voted in favor. = MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1985 It was noted that Commission member Kubik was present at the meeting. On a motion by Commission member Bertz, seconded by Masin, the minutes were approved-as corrected. The motion carried. DEVELOPMENT-PROPOSALS - A. Sunset 10th - Randy Borrows The City Council approved the preliminary plat subject to the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission recommendation. Commission member Alt moved, Thurston seconded that there be a trailway along County Road' 30. The motion carried. B. Windtree 6th Richardson Properties The City Counc-il appro.ved•.the proposal. Because there was no trail or land/cash dedication to be considered, no action was taken. The item was informational: C. Norwest_2nd Addition Commission member Fedde-moved, Carroll seconded, to'accept cash dedication for the Norwest parcel. All ,voted in favor. OLD BUSINESS There was no-old business. NEW BUSINESS A. Rahn Road Trail - Engineering Report Director of Parks and Recreation presented the report prepared by the Engineering Department regarding trail construction along Rahn Road south of County Road 30. Director Vraa noted that there is some easement to be 1 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. October 3, 1985 obtained from an old farmstead site. He said the owner has not been contacted regarding such easement, but that work could start anytime after it is obtained. The construction of the trail could be done at anytime or combined with a street improvement project. Chairman Martin wondered if the Rahn trail should be included with the '86 projects, with staff completing the necessary lead work in the interim. Commission consensus was to proceed, noting that the trail would benefit the parks to the south. Commission member Masin moved, Kubik seconded, the recommendation to start easement acquisition. The motion carried. B. East Thomas Lake/Wilderness Run Park Association - Land Gift Board members Jack Osten and Jerry Norsby of the Wilderness Run Park Association were present to ask the City to accept a gift of approximately five acres. The land in question is contained in two separate parcels. One is Outlet A in the ChesMar 1st Addition and the second is 010-50 in the Wilderness Run 1st Addition. Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed a prepared memorandum which addressed the proposed gift. The City did not accept the site as part of a park dedication from the original developer, so he transferred it over to the Wilderness Run Park Association in 1978. The Association has been having difficulty collecting increasing tax monies from association members for the last several years as homes have exchanged ownership. Director Vraa continued his review of the parcel(s) and noted that most of the area is dominated by water. There is a small peninsula with many mature oak trees. The City had not accepted a previous offer as the Commission was split on a 3 - 3 vote in 1980. He stated that reasons not to accept would be the small size, difficulty to access for maintenance purposes and the overabundance of "open-space" passive park land the City already has. He did not know if development could take place on the site. Director Vraa also noted that there are three neighborhood parks in this park service district. He said an on-site inspection of the access shows adjacent land owners have developed the 30' access into "backyard space" making it difficult for maintenance equipment to get into the site. Chairman Martin told the Commission that back in 1980 there was a great deal of concern about liability costs because children were swimming in the lake off the peninsula. There was also concern about the inadequacies of access to the site. The Association representatives noted that the water is-not very clean now and it is not used for swimming. Commission member Bertz asked if all association members were in agreement to give the land to the City. The association representative responded that they should be agreeable because they sure complain about having to pay taxes. He was very concerned right now because taxes are due October 15. Commission member Kubik said it is a very scenic site which the City should consider acquiring to set aside for passive open space. There was some discussion about how the two parcels came to be in the configuration they are; and'it was suggested there might have been some land swapping at a previous time which was not properly recorded at the County. Commission member Kubik moved, Caponi seconded, to recommend acceptance of the site contingent upon a majority of members of the Park Association's approval, that the maintenance crews can access the site, that the platting of the two parcels was properly recorded and that contiguous property owners Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. October 3, 1985 give written approval. All voted in favor. Commi.ssion members expressed appreciation to the association who were directed to work with staff regarding the details. PARK DEVELOPMENT A. Schwarz-Weber Architects Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa introduced Dick Schwarz and the agenda of his presentation. He reminded the-Commission that the architect's first responsibility was to determine the appropriateness of using pre-manufactured buildings in relation to the-City's program for building needs. Dick Schwarz presented and distributed a preliminary draft of the report on park structures.:. He asked for comments as he described the various segments of the report. As part of the introduction, Mr. Schwarz emphasized that the plan is about how a building relates to the site, not the actual building itself. He commented on an analysis of site-built building vs. manufactured building and felt the manufactured structure is not cost effective and does not meet the needs for long-term maintenance and heating efficiency. His cost comparisons were as follows: Mfd Site-built structural frame & enclosure $77,500 $43,000 foundation and concrete floor 15,000 15,000 doors, windows & finishes 12,000 -12,000 mechanical 12,500 12,500 electrical 7,500 7,500 architectural fees 7,500 Total $124,500 $97,500 Mr. Schwarz did not consider the manufactured building to be a good investment for Eagan, even though there would be some advantages. There would be a porter construction period and cost savings would result from "standard" packages. You could "see" what you are buying beforehand. Prepackaged .buildings decrease field construction errors and familiarity of assembly may result in time and cost saving. However, there are limitations on design options, the insulation value (R) will be reduced and you could not establish -City identity with a. prepackaged building. There would be limited selection of structures for specific sites. It would be difficult to repair damage caused by vandals or accident.. Plank wall is not economical in rooms such as toilets where hard surface finishes are required. And, there would be no one person responsible for integration of building components, utilities and lighting. There were several questions raised by the Commission which Mr. Schwarz and staff responded. After additional comments and discussion, members agreed that prepackaged buildings would be inappropriate. Mr. Schwarz continued with his presentation. _ .Mr. Schwarz outlined the standard building concepts for all buildings. He reiterated that the structures should complement the site as well as the Eagan Park System as a whole. He said the buildings should be well-insulated, durable, vandal resistant, handicap accessible, easy to maintain, etc. He then outlined the space requirements, special features, construction time 3 Adv. Parks & Rec Comm. October 3, 1985 frame, and recommended budget on a park by park basis. Trapp Farm park will have the warming house, a pavilion and shelters. Goat Hill and Rahn Parks will have shelters and there will be a central shelter at Northview Park. He noted the original bond figure was $318,000 but more recent estimates are at $430,000. Directer Vraa then reviewed the Bond Fund Budget and indicated that, although the process is not complete, it appears the first contract is coming in under the contract price and perhaps the park buildings shortage could be pulled out of the contingency Line Item or park fund monies generated by the commercial- industrial dedication for community parks. He went on to explain the dollar amount available from the first four parks, and the amount that might be needed from the Park Site Fund. It was the concensus of the Commission not to change the architect programs and to go with designed structure. The Special Issues Committee will take a look at the use of park fund monies to supplement the construction budget. Director Vraa said that the next process is the schematic design of the shelters. Commission member Caponi moved, Bertz seconded to approve the general direction of Phase I as presented by Mr. Schwarz and support movement in the next phase. The motion carried. B. Lighting/Paving Contracts Director Vraa stated that the City Council approved the plan for two hockey rinks and a baseball field at Goat Hill Park and he hopes to have them ready for this winter. He said Vo-Tech is considering the construction of warming houses, but it will probably be a spring project. Director Vraa said that the paving contract was let for the Rahn Park parking lot and trail. He did note that we are behind because of the bad weather this fall. OTHER BUSINESS A. Parks Maintenance Report - The Parks Maintenance Report was included in the packet to update Commission members. B. Ridgecliff Park A resident had requested the Commission consider a backboard in connection with the construction of the tennis courts. Director Vraa felt that backboards would be more appropriate in community parks where there are more courts. He did say it was really too early to decide and it could be discussed:at the February or March meeting as final plans are prepared. C. Park Planning Cooperative - Eagan, Apple Valley and Burnsville Chairman Martin said that he would like the cooperative efforts to continue. Commission member Masin said she would like to tour Apple Valley and Burnsville park buildings and then discuss with those commissions their likes and dislikes of the buildings. Chairman Martin agreed to the suggestion and asked other members to think of other possible agenda items they would like to see addressed. 4 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. October 3, 1985 D. Platting Process Director Vraa announced that the City Council had approved the lengthening of the platting process thus giving both Commissions and the Council more time to fully review proposals. He felt the Parks Commission would be able to have a better look at some proposals with longer processing. E. Kehne House Director Vraa said that he advised the contractor that insulation would not be necessary at this time as the building would primarily be used as a ski chalet. F. Pilot Knob Park & School District #197 Director Vraa advised School District 197 that the Parks Department intends to move. the hockey rink. He asked school district cooperation in cleaning up the site and doing some seeding or laying of sod where necessary. A meeting is planned with the Superintendent of Schools. G. Burnsville-Eagan Cable Administrator Director Vraa advised the Commission that Cable Administrator Ralph Campbell would like to present a short presentation to the Commission to show how parks and recreation could utilize local programming. Chairman Martin placed Mr. Campbell on the November agenda. H. Athletic Site Director Vraa stated that the surveying had been done on the Ohman parcel to be able to prepare legals. Probate of the will is to be concluded on October 9. He said that two family members have indicated an interest to sell. I. Trapp Farm Park - Run-Off Into Lake Chairman Martin asked what was happening. regarding the correction and funding of erosion caused by Northview Meadows construction. He again stated that the City should not have to pay for the repair work. J. Landscape Policy Chairman Martin requested that staff have the landscape policy on the next agenda if at all possible. K. Special Issues Committee Meeting The Special Issues meeting will meet October 10th at 7 P.M. 5 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. October 3, 1985 ADJOURNMENT Commission member Kubik moved, Fedde seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Time of ournment was 10:10. Dated:, dv ory s Recreation Se etary 6