10/10/1984 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SPECIAL ISSUES COMMITTEE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 10, 1985 Members present were Chairman Martin, A. Caponi, S. Masin, and T. Ketcham. -Al-so present was the Director- of= Parks & Recreation, Ken Vraa. The purpose of the meeting was to review the status of the Park Site Fund and the dollars available might be available for park structures for other parks related development. The Director of Parks & Recreation reviewed the five-year C.Y.P. from 1985- through 1989. It was noted that over $10,000,000 is projected in the C.I.P. which includes acquisition of land parcels through parks dedication. The- Director of Parks & Recreation provided additional background concerning the development of the C.I.P. indicating that the first years of the C.I.P. were more likely to happen as projected than the last two. There was considerable discussion by the subcommittee concerning funding the magnitude of the C.I.P. It was the consensus of the committee, however, that it would be more important to use park site fund dollars to insure that exist- ing parks, committed to as part of the park bond fund, are developed in existing neighborhoods, rather than for parks not yet acquired. In response to a question, the Director of Parks & Recreation explained that the first three years of the C.I.P. would be funded primarily through the parks bond fund. Additional dollars would be from existing- LAWCON/L.C.M.R. grants and possible submission of a future grant. He also indicated that the park site fund would be obligated to $300,000 of proposed development under the C.I.P. if developed as projected. The Director then went on to explain the current dollars available in the park site fund, obligations encumbered to date, projected income for the-remainder of the year, etc. There was considerable discussion by the subcommittee to- clarify amounts and proposed development. Member Caponi stated that he felt the Commission should insure that current parks development is adequate and that park site fund be used for acquisition of key parcels before opportunities are lost, particularly Blackhawk Park. Sandy Masin indicated she wanted to insure that current parks are developed properly such as Trapp Farm and Northview. Roger Martin indicated that he felt it was important that the athletic site be acquired and that funding from the park site fund to supplement the bond budget also seemed appropriate. There was discussion of allocating $100,000 for park shelters, $150,000 for athletic site and money for Blackhawk park acquisition. •Member Caponi questioned what the subcommittee's report would be to the entire Commission. It was summarized by Chairman Martin that the park site fund can be used for shelter buildings construction, athletic site acquisition and potential Blackhawk Park acquisition contingent on the Director's recommendation concerning LAWCON/L.C.M.R. grants without jeopardizing the fund balance or reserve for special needs. Mr. Martin indicated that he would present a report to the Commission at their next meeting. Dated: &A,I (o Commi tee hairman