10/31/1985 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN., MINNESOTA OCTOBER 31, 1985 Vice-Chairperson Thurston called the Special Meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. to review revisions in the Thomas Lake Project. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa explained to the Commission that the developer.of Thomas Lake Apartments. had recently made revisions to the previous plan and the proponent needed Commission review prior to the 11/6/85 City Council Meeting. Director Vraa explained the following revisions: 1. The park boundary is altered exchanging park property at the entrance drive of the apartment for additional parkland within the southeast knoll adjacent to the lake. 2. The grading by the proponent for side slopes which was proposed within the park was revised using a tiered retaining wall thus eliminating any grading within the park boundary. 3. The proposed south storm sewer line is removed eliminating grading and disturbance within the park. 4. The current plan proposes a storm water retention area on park property. Dominium Representative Bob Lux stated the developer would place the trail, as shown on park property, subject to the department's review and staking of alignment. Further, the developer will provide landscaping and restoration in the retaining pond area subject to the standards of the Parks and Recreation Department. MOTION by George Kubik, 2nd - Sandy Bertz. Motion for the approval of the park boundary revision per the plan by James R. Hill Inc. dated 6/25/84 and that the developer work with staff regarding the retention pond layout and the development of a detailed landscape plan for mitigation of the visual consequence of the northeast retaining wall and the retention pond. All members approved. Motion to adjourn at 5:50 p.m. Dated: Advar° s& at i ecretary