11/07/1985 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA NOVEMBER 7, 1985 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:00 P.M. Commission members present were Ketcham, Alt, Fedde, Martin, Thurston, Bertz, Kubik and Carroll. Sandy Masin arrived at 8 P.M. Toni . Caponi notified the Commission he would be unable to attend. Also present were Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan; Assistant Planner, Jim Sturm; Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt, and Parks Intern, Scott Morgan. Cable Administrator, Ralph Campbell, was also in attendance. AGENDA Several items were added to "Other Business" and on a motion by Thurston, seconded by Fedde, the agenda was approved as amended. All voted in favor. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 3, 1985 REGULAR MEETING Commission member Thurston moved, Kubik seconded, that the minutes be approved as presented. The motion carried. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 31, 1985 SPECIAL MEETING Commission member Thurston moved, Alt seconded, that the minutes be approved as presented. The motion carried. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 10, 1985 SPECIAL ISSUES COMMITTEE Committee members pointed out a change in paragraph 4 which should read, "...More important to use park site fund dollars to insure that existing parks, committed to as part of the park bond fund, are-developed..." Chairman Martin moved, Ketcham seconded, the iminutes.be approved as corrected. The motion-carried. - PRESENTATION - RALPH CAMPBELL - CABLE ADMINISTRATOR Mr. Campbell commented that there is a high penetration of cable subscriptions in the Burnsville-Eagan communities with many homes already hooked up. He said some local programming is underway. City Administrator, Tom Hedges, hosts "The Eagan Report" and will have Ken Vraa as his guest very soon. The municipal election was covered live and featured local residents providing an analysis of the results. Mr. Campbell suggested possible ways the Commission might make use of cable: recreation program registration by cable, prepare video presentations of-park issues or a question-answer exchange. He asked Commission members to contact him with other ideas they might have for cable presentation. 1 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. November 7, 1985 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. -Debra & David Bailey - lot split The Bailey parcel is located west of the Diffley and Pilot Knob Road intersection and is subject to cash dedication. Commission member Thurston moved,. seconded by Bertz, to recommend cash dedication for the newly-created lot. All voted in favor. Planning Assistant Sturm said there was a second lot split near Blue .Cross/Blue Shield on Blackhawk owned by Fred Wilson. It, too, is subject to cash dedication. Commission member Carroll moved, Kubik seconded, to recommend a cash dedication for the Wilson lot split. The motion carried. B. Town Centre 70 Planning Assistant Sturm presented a brief review of Town Centre 70, a 70-acre commercial shopping center which will feature a Rainbow Foods store and a st.r-ip--commercial center. The project is subject to a_cash dedication and trail. Commission members expressed opposition to the vast amount of impervious surface with no green space evident. Members said they were not aware that an exception to the landscape policy had been granted to Town Centre 70. Further discussion of the proposal resulted in the following motions: Commission member Kubik moved, Bertz seconded, to recommend cash dediction, sidewalk easement..along the north side of Duckwood when that part of the development comes in for review, and a landscape plan be provided. Commission .members felt. the City Council and Planning Commission should know that the Parks & Recreation Commission is seriously concerned that the landscape policy is not being followed and represents a dangerous precedent when exceptions are granted as it appears has taken place with this plat. The proposal was received without full staff review and created problems for the Commission's decision, making process. The Commission was concerned with the bypass of ,noruralprocedurgs. All voted in favor. - Commission member Kubik moved, Carroll seconded, that Chairman Martin write a letter to the Council with a copy to the Planning Commission, expressing Parks & Recreation Commission concerns as outlined above. The motion passed unanimously. C. Annual P.U.D. Review Planning Assistant, Jim Sturm, announced that the annual P.U.D. review held before a joint meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council will be on Tuesday, November 12, 1985. Parks & Recreation Commission members were given copies of_the agenda and invited to attend. No action was necessary. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. November 7, 1985 OLD BUSINESS A. Blackhawk Park - (Acquisition) Discussion Director Vraa reported on his meeting with the State grant administrator indicating that grant monies for the Blackhawk Park acquisition was not as readily available as monies for development. He did not feel that the status would change in 1986. He said the City could resubmit the same proposal in 1986 and take its chances or could consider acquiring parkland with park fund monies and request a development grant. The development grant would have greater chance of successbecause of the selection criteria favor, development over acquisition. The Commission discussed possible parcels to buy the small lakeshore site belonging to Mrs. Waldron and a larger one belonging to Ed Dunn. Additional parkland will be acquired via parkland dedication from Mr. Dunn as part of the Blackhawk P.U.D. Vraa noted that the asking price is about $20,000 an acre with marketing at a much higher value. The land is zoned R-4, multiple housing. He reminded the Commission that road access may have to be acquired from Leo Murphy to the south or Ed Dunn to the WISW. Chairman Martin felt access to the south was a necessity. Commission member Alt thought this might be the City's only opportunity to obtain land surrounding the lake and that the City should acquire as much as possible. Members Ketcham and Fedde agreed that acquisition was necessary. Commission member Carroll suggested the department not buy the parcel surrounding the eastern shoreline, but bridge across from the Waldron parcel or that a smaller portion be acquired. Commission member Bertz was concerned with the high cost to acquire and source of monies needed to develop. She felt the City could better spend its money on needed recreational facilities. After additional discussion and review of possible options and alternatives, on a motion by Masin, seconded by Thurston, the Commission recommended that staff negotiate on the Waldron property and review various configurations for possible acquisition of the Dunn property. Staff is also to discuss access easement off Ed Dunn's development. All voted in favor. NEW BUSINESS A. Annual Review - Parks Dedication Requirement The Commission discussed the existing fees, fee increase and the possibility of an escalating fee schedule for greater density residential developments. Director Vraa was directed to bring some fee alternatives to the December meeting based on the formula used in other communities. 3 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. November 7, 1985 B. Annual Update - Park Systems Plan Chairman Martin assigned sections of the plan to Commission members who are to review and return with commentary by December 1, 1985. Assigned sections are: Ponds & Lakes Masin & Alt _ .,_.Inventory Anplysis Carroll Trails Ketcham & Fedde Special'Use Facilities - Martin Public/Private Recreation - Martin Parks & Recreation Standards - Kubik & Caponi Acquisition & Development Plans - Thurston & Bertz Funding & Implementation - Vraa PARKS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM A, Update - Parks Development Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Sullivan, said that trees and shrubs have been planted at Walnut Hill, Goat Hill and Fish Lake Parks. Tree planting will continue until bad weather forces a halt. The parking lots at Ridgecliff and Rahn Parks are done and the trails should be completed in a few days.. Work has started on the lights for Goat Hill and Ridgecliff Parks hockey rinks. _ A contract will soon be awarded for the reseeding of Cinnamon Ridge and O'Leary Parks. Staff will be working on contracts-for next spring with design plans for Blue Cross/Blue Shield Park a priority item. B. 1986 Work Program Includedin the~-packet was a preliminary report/outline for 1986 park development and construction. Five parks that may be targeted for 1986 include Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Quarry, Meadowland, Pilot Knob and South Oaks. Some projects which may be,und.ertaken include grading, play equipment installation, landscaping, backstops and fences, park signs and graphics,. tennis courts construction,, trails, lighted parking lots, security lights, park--shelter buildings and hockey rinks. Director Vraa said that staff will review these work projects and provide additional information to the Commission concerning the scope of the projects as plans develop. Commission and staff agreed that the '86 program is very aggressive. C. Report - Predesigning Phase - Park Shelter Building Director Vraa announced- that the next meeting with the architects will occur ir}_a few days and that-some'schematic drawings will be presented to the Commission at the December meeting. - 4 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. November 7, 1985 OTHER BUSINESS & REPORTS A. -1986 Budget Director Vraa said that the 1986 budget had been approved by the Council although copies will not be available until after the first of the year. He said that approval had been given to hire additional staff - a recreation supervisor who will be responsible for summer playground, skating and the tots program, additional clerical help, a full-time "Parks Manager" and a full-time maintenance person. Director Vraa noted that the recreation program budget was approved as requested. There was discussion concerning timing, job responsibilities and inter-department relationships. B. -Fall Recreation Activity Report Recreation Supervisor, Peterson, submitted a report which was included in the packet. There was much favorable comment about the spook trail and the recommendation that it be continued as an annual event. Commission members commended Dorothy Peterson for her fall program efforts. C. Winter Program Planning Recreation Supervisor, Peterson, also provided the Commission with a report on upcoming winter programs. The popular "Specials Event Weekend" will be held in February. She announced a Breakfast with Santa, updated the Commission on warming house attendants, noted the cross-country ski lessons are set as well as dance lessons. There will be a full slate of winter activities for Eagan residents. D. Volunteer Recognition Director Vraa is looking for ideas to appropriately recognize those volunteers who physically or financially give to the Parks & Recreation program in Eagan. The item will be on the December agenda. E. Ohmann Property Update Director Vraa announced a meeting the week of November 18th with three family members to discuss acquisition of the middle 33 acres. F. Water Management Study Director Vraa said that a study of all Eagan ponds and lakes will be undertaken to improve the water quality and reduce algae. Public Works Director, Tom Colbert, will head up the study. Members commented on the need to include those lakes which have recreation potential. G. Murr Property Director Vraa announced that the Murr property has been acquired. c Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. November 7, 1985 H. Joint Commission Meeting.- Burnsville, Apple Valley The next joint meeting is scheduled for January 28, 1986. Charlie Smith will discuss recreation trends. Fort Snelling will also be on the agenda. The meeting location has not yet been set. I. Correspondence from Dorothy LeMay Dorothy LeMay informed Parks Director, Vraa, that she would like to see a 2-3 acre parcel be acquired for park purposes. The item will be on the December agenda. J. Horse and Surrey Owner Director Vraa has received a request from a horse & surrey owner that a place is needed to run the horse and was a park available for such a use? The item will be on the December agenda. The request prompted discussion on having a place to hit golf balls and a place for batting practice. These too were placed on the December agenda. K. Publicity on the Eagan Park Plan Director Vraa announced that the reverse side of the Eagan City map will feature information about Eagan parks. Staff is preparing the graphics to be included on the 1986 maps which will be out in February. ADJOURNMENT Tom Ketcham moved, Martin seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. All voted in favor. Time of adjournment was 10:40 P.M. Dated Advisory arks ec ion Secre ary 6