12/05/1985 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS &-RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA DECEMBER 5, 1985 The meeting was gal 1 ed to order by-Chairman, Martin at 7:10 P.M. Commission members present were: Martin;--Fedde, Caponi, Alt, Masin and Carroll. Commission member Bertz arrived at 8:15. Members Thurston, Kubik and Ketcham had notified the Commission they would be unable to attend. Also present were: Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan- Assistant City Planner, Jim Sturm, and Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt. AGENDA Parks & Recreation Director Vraa added a few items to "Other Business". On-a motion -by Fedde, seconded, the agenda was approved as amended. The motion carried. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 7, 1985 Two minor corrections on page three were noted. "Acre" instead of area and "success", not source. -Commission member- Masin moved, Alt seconded, to approve the minutes as corrected. All voted in favor. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 1. Yorkton Industrial Park South - Preliminary Plat Assistant Planner, Jim Sturm, stated that the development is located on a 43- acre site bounded by T.H. 149, the UPS development and Inver Grove Heights. Two structures are proposed on a 4 1/2-acre site with the remainder to be developed at a later time. The Advisory Planning Commission and City Council have already given preliminary plat approval. A landscape plan is to be s bmittedr with the final flat. There are -no -trail considerations. Commission member Alt moved, 'Carrol-I seconded, that cash dedication at the commercial rate be recommended-for Yorkton Industrial Park South. All voted in favor. 2. Norwest.3rd Addition - The proposal is for a strip shopping center containing one-half retail-and one-half limited business.- Tenants are-not finalized- as yet and the project .will not start this year. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Fedde, the Commission recommended cash dedication at the commercial rate for this development. The motion carried. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. December 5, 1985 3. Eagandale Office Park 3rd Addition - Replat Assistant Planner Sturm reviewed the proposed replat. It was noted that lot one was under construction for the five-story office building and had already paid the cash dedication fee. Therefore, lots 2 and 3 are responsible for a $.02 per square foot cash "dedication. It was noted that the trail on Pilot Knob Road-14 already in. Commission member Fedde moved, Caponi seconded, the recommendation `to"aceeptcthe suggested-cash dedication'"for"lots two and three. All--voted in favor. 4. Hardee's Restaurant - Conditional Use - This proposal for a conditional'use is on a platted lot and is subject to the $.02 per square foot cash dedication. The Advisory Planning Commission has given approval and a landscape plan is to be submitted with the building plans. Commission member Alt moved, Fedde seconded, to approve the $.02 per square foot cash dedication. The motion'barried. r. January Proposals Assistant Planner, Jim Sturm, brief 1-Y reviewed development proposals which will be on the January agenda. A home is proposed to be constructed on a lot abutting Highview Park and there could be some possible implications for the park. A 95,000 square foot office /warehouse building is proposed near Silver Be1L:Road and Highway -13..--.,Ninety single family homes are being proposed south of Carriage Hills Golf Course and west of the school/park site. The Deerwood school is also on the January agenda. OLD BUSINESS 1. Park dedication fees - from November, 1985 meeting Director -Vraa reported that in preparing the report requested by the Commission at the November meeting, he learned three other communities were considering major revisions -to -their ordinance/formula. He said that directors of 'the growth dommuffittes,-Eden Prairie,'-Maple Grove-and Eagan, plan to review the entire dedication structure; but that results of such a review might not be available until next spring. He explained what the effort might include and the issue involved and then stated that the Commission should review the fee for apartment units as discussed last month. To wait until the study results are available would be a potential loss. He felt the other fees - for single family, townhouse and commercial - could wait as the fees now being charged appeared to be within the range of most others. In response to a- question, the,, director suggested the apartment fee be ;raised from $278 per unit to $300. There was considerable discussion-.-by the Commission concerning the future report, time frame for completion, alternative, other community fees and apartment densities. Chairman Martin moved, Caponi seconded, to recommend a raise of the apartment unit fee to $300. The rationale for the increase is that park dedication fees, based upon population, result in less fees for multiple than for single family residential. The remaining fees will be reviewed after study results are known. The Commission will then make a recommendation to the Council on fee restructuring. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. December 5, 1985 The staff is to write a memo to the City Council so they are aware of the recommendation and staff report. 2. Dakota County Bike Trails Plan Dakota County Parks & Planning personnel held an informational meeting on Monday,. December 2, 1985_. The County announced that they may not continue with the trails program or may drastically cut back from original plans. In Eagan they will. drop--plans for trails along parts of Nicols Road and have rejected the request for a trail to be included in the County plan on Lexington, Cliff Road and Yankee Doodle east of I-35E. Director Vraa said he is writing a letter to the County stressing the importance of trails in Eagan. He. will- request that more meetings be held to discuss trails, preferable in the .early spring:. He would also like a public hearing by the Board of Commissioners after meetings have taken place. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission to send a letter to the County emphasizing that City trail plans were made to coordinate with County trail plans- and that the City has constructed many miles of trails to date. The Commission also felt the trails served to bring communities closer. together through planning and using a countywide trail system. Commission members also plan to write a letter to the area newspapers in conjunction with future '!trail" meetings.which might be held. 3. Park Systems Plan - Updating Director Vraa and Chairman Martin requested that Commission members complete their reviews and turn in their comments by December 15. Bla.ekhawk Park. Blackhawk Park was singled out for further review at the annual review of planned unit developments. .Director Vraa stated the City will be reviewing parkland dedication from Mr. Dunn., The- developer, Ed Dunn, said he: would be willing to sell the entire 50-acre parcel:-adjacent to Blackhawk Park to the City.. The issue is on.-hold at,: this . times : Mr.;.Dunn s:.aid te -would give the City.an easement to build an access road to Blackhawk Park, but he would not participate in any road costs. Director Vraa suggested the Commission await further action until the P.U.D. review is complete. He suggests the City also wait on the Waldron parcel. NEW BUSINESS The. two items % under; "New Business" -:;Park, Aequisition..Request, .-D. LeMay and Volunteer Recognition - were'held over to the January meeting. _ PARK DEVELOPMENT 1. Park Shelters - Design Considerations - Schwarz-Weber Architects Dick Schwarz, Schwarz-Weber Architects, was present to review building schematics for structures at Northview Park, Trapp Farm Park, Goat Hill Park and Rahn Park. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. December 5, 1985 Northview - A summer use building would be sited near the middle of ball field activi.y. ---The building would house restrooms, a concession stand and an observation deck on the upper level. It would. have a pyramid roof structure with an overhang protection for the concession and restroom located on the l,,pwer. -]level. There was some discussion about the starkness of the roof line. It was suggested, that an additional overhang could be made which would soften the effect. Members commented that they liked the design overall. Trapp Farm Park - Picnic Shelter Mr. Schwarz pr€serited--two schemes a rectangular structure. and an octagonal form. Both feature a center double fireplace and cooking area. The Commission agreed on a preference for the octagonal structure. Modifications to the structure included adding more wall protection to the two cooking areas and moving the steps which serve to divide the structure for multi-group use to the other side of the central -fireplace -so they could be utilized for seating. Trapp Farm Park - Warming House This structure would feature a seating area for park users to warm up and to watch others slide on the hill or skate.... There could also be a fireplace, but would include restroom facilities. Commission members preferred to have more window area so they could see more of the outdoor activites and that the windows not have wood strips which would block out some of the view. There was also a request for electrical outlets so that building users could warm up cider, hot chocolate, coffee, tea, etc. Members liked the design, but question if the addition of a fireplace was affordable. - Goat-Hill Park -,;Shelter-. - This building would be placed between the hockey and free skating rinks near the playground area. There would be restrooms and a service area. The building would feature a tower with a single circle window to provide natural -light. Commission members expressed concern about the height of the building (tower), the window, which suggested a church use rather than recreational, and the overall size of the building. Rahn Park - Small Shelter Mr. Schwarz noted that this is a small-shelter located at the west end of Rahn Park. There will be restrooms with outside access, a service area and open shelter area on the north and east. There was some discussion about the amount of window space, but the feeling was that there would be little to view so more windows were not necessary. There was some discussion about providing a "changing area" in the restrooms and City liability potential. Commission members agreed that counter space could be provided in all restrooms with no designation as to specific use. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. December 5, 1985 2. Construction Update Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan, said that final payment is to be made for grading in designated parks. Partial payment has been made for trails in Ridgecliff and Rahn Parks. He noted that blacktop cannot be laid because of winters arrival and the contract had to be extended to the spring of 1986. All landscaping is on hold, but the lighting is proceeding for Goat Hill rinks. He concluded by saying that staff is now reviewing spring contracts. 3. Update - Ohmann Site Acquisition Director Vraa said that three members of the Ohmann family have listed their properties with a realtor and that Derrick Land Company is considering a large single family development on that land. At this time, one family member who has 15 acres, is willing to sell to the City for parkland. Chairman Martin asked Director Vraa to closely monitor the situation and suggested that the Commission might look again at the parcel in the southeast corner of the City. No action was taken. OTHER BUSINESS & REPORTS 1. Communications With Planning Commission - Chairman Martin Chairman Martin said that he had talked with Planning Commission Chairman, Chuck Hall. Mr. Hall suggested that perhaps the Parks & Recreation Commission could come to the next Planning Commission meeting. Chairman Martin responded that the Planning Commission wished to discuss the Park Systems Plan and the landscape policy and preferred to do that at a separate meeting or for an hour prior to the regular Planning Commission meeting. Commission members expressed the desire to hold a joint meeting in January and that it be a separate meeting. The director was asked to see if staff could establish a date in January. 2. 3. Snowmobiles and golf practice areas were held over to the January meeting. 4. 1986 Calendar _ The 1986 Calendar of Events, sponsored by the City of Eagan Parks & Recreation Department, was distributed to Commission members. The calendar was put together by Recreation Supervisor, Dorothy Peterson and Parks Intern, Scott Morgan. Commission members were very enthusiastic about the calendar and `commended staff for their efforts. The director explained costs and the idea that this calendar was still something of an experiment to test the best marketing approach. 5 ADJOURNMENT Commission member Carroll moved, Martin seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Time of adjournment was 11:00 P.M. Dated: }fir Pars & ec on Seere ary :Advisory 6