01/09/1986 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JANUARY 9, 1986 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:10 P.M. Commission members present were Bertz, Carroll, Martin, Kubik, Caponi, Alt, Masin and Fedde. Commission members Thurston and Ketcham were unable to attend. Staff present included Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Stephen Sullivan; Assistant Planner, Jim Sturm; Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt; and Parks Intern, Scott Morgan. AGENDA Commission member Bertz moved, Alt seconded, the agenda be approved with the two add-ons to "Other Business." The motion carried. MINUTES OF DECEMBER 5, 1985 Commission member Carroll moved, Kubik seconded, the minutes be approved as presented. The motion carried. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS GREENSBORO PRELIMINARY PLAT P.D. - DAVE GABBERT Planning Assistant, Jim Sturm, explained that Greensboro consists of 40 acres located south of Carriage Hills Golf Course and west of the proposed Wescott Park/school site. The developer is requesting rezoning from A to R-1/PD because there are proposed to be lots under the 12,000 sq. ft. minimum size. Jim Sturm noted that the Planning Commission has continued the proposal and related issues that concerned the Planning Commission. The Parks & Recreation Commission reviewed alternative trail connections through the plat from Lexington Place South to the future school/park site. Much of the Commission's discusson centered around trail access from the development. One option was to put a trail over the Williams Pipeline easement. Commission member Carroll thought City staff should work with the school district to see where they would like children to have access to the school site. Chairman Martin agreed and noted that trail placement should be where children are most likely to use it. There was some objection to the use of the pipeline easement because it would take children in the wrong direction and it appears to be topographically difficult. There was discussion about having trails along streets in the entire development or just through the northern section. Sturm said there would be a trail along Wescott. It was the consensus of Commission members that they wanted safe trails for children going to school and for residents using the future park. George Kubik made the motion, seconded by Martin, to recommend 1) a cash dedication 2) a trail connection be made to the west 3) a trail connection to the school, placement of which should be worked out with the school district and 4) if the Council approves a significantly changed plan, then the Parks & Recreation Commission would like to review again. All voted in favor. I Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. January 9, 1986 REMICK ADDITION - MARK REMICK Planning Assistant, Jim Sturm, texplained.,Gat the proposal consists of a 1 + acre land-locked site adjacent to Highview Park. He explained the reasons the Planning Commission had deferred action. City Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Stephen Sullivan, presented an analysis of the site and its relationship to the park. He explained the analysis presented two main cmncerns:11" 1 The house structure, ' as proposed, would totally dominate and influence the park 2. The owner wants to buy an adjacent outlot from the City to provide access to his property. Parks Planner, Stephen Sullivan, suggested moving the house to lessen the dominant effect on the park. - Plantings have also been suggested to further screen the house. Jim Sturm said the legality of selling City-owned land to a private party for road access is being reviewed by the City attorney. Parks & Recreation Director Vraa explained the possibility of a land swap which seems to benefit the City and the lot owner. He responded to numerous questions. Commission members felt" that the request for road right-of-way along the western 25' of lot 1, block 1, Remick Addition and within Highview Park should not be allowed on the lot to minimize its impact on Highview Park. Chairman Martin made a motion, seconded by Kubik, that in order to maintain the integrity .f the park, the Commission recommends 1) a "swap" of a buffer strip for an access strip to the Remick property, if legally appropriate. 2) There should be a 35''.slope easement on the Remick site to allow for proper fill and grading. 3) The City obtain a parks dedication along the south boundary of 251L., 4) The house-should be set back 25' from the new south property-line and be no closer than 180' to the east property line. = The. motion carried unanimously. a - DEERWOOD SCHOOL - IND. SCH.DIST. 196 0' The proposed school site is on a 15-acre parcel south of'Deerwood Drive. Parks & Recreation Director Vraa said there would be a trail on Deerwood and he noted that should there be a future change in use of the site, e.g. for commercial purposes, the site/acreage should be subject to park dedication. On a motion by-Caponi, seconded by Kubik, the Commission recommended that proposed play equipment design be reviewed with City staff and any f-uture change in use of the school be subject to a parks dedication at the time of change. The motion carried. SILVER BELL I, DALLAS DEVELOPMENT - OFFICE WAREHOUSE The developers are proposing a 102,000 sq. ft. warehouse similar to the R.L. Johnson warehouse. The building would have interior loading bays and the proposal is adhering to the landscape policy. Commission member Carroll moved, seconded by Fedde, the recommendation to accept=cash dedication. The motion carried.- on 2 Adv.-Parks & Rec. Comm. January 9, 1986 FEBRUARY-PROPOSALS Planning Assistant Sturm -mentioned five proposals which-will. probably be on the: February agenda.. The Advent Methodist Church plans. to build on. a five- acre site on Lexington Avenue. There is a proposal for 144 apartments just west of the Carriage Hills Apartments on Yankee Doodle and Lexington Road. South Delaware Hills, 111 acres, might become active again. Another proposal is- for a strip shopping center just south of Duckwood and east of Krestwood. There is also a limited business proposal for a convenience store, gas station, etc. south of Diff ley.and east of . Lexington. OLD BUSINESS CITY LANDSCAPING POLICY The landscaping policy was approved at a joint meeting of the City Council and Advisory Planning Commission and is now being implemented. PARK SYSTEMS PLAN - UPDATING Director Vraa noted that.`a draft of the update was.included in the packet. He said he would like to see the trails systems plan brought.-.up to-date. He reviewed significant-comments from each section of the. ,plan. Members indicated their agreement. He went on to say that the demographic section and population projections should be updated as a result of the special census taken in the City. Chairman Martin directed that comments for revision by Commission members .be given to Director Vraa now so he can get the draft finalized and printed... DAKOTA COUNTY BIKE PLAN. _ Commission member Masin read a letter she had prepared on behalf of the Commission for local newspapers voicing concern with Dakota County's .announced intention to out back and curtail trail construction. Commission members'ad3ed thoughts they wanted included in the letter. Staff will revise and distribute it to the Commission for further review and comment. Director Vraa said that the time line for review by the County has been pushed back and the letter will not have to be sent to the papers until spring. He also felt there . will. have to 'be lobbying efforts if the bike plan is to be retained, As originally planned. NEW BUSINESS - PARK ACQUISITION REQUEST - D. LEMAY Dorothy LeMay- had requested that the City consider acquisition of two small parcels for parkland. The properties are located east of Pilot Knob Road and south of Jurdy Road. After a brief discussion, Commission members agreed-that the parcels' location and size do not meet the City neighborhood park design standards. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Martin, it was recommended that the request be denied. The motion carried. 3 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Commission members liked the idea of giving recognition to park volunteers. Chairman Martin said he likes what the Minnesota Zoo does - giving a specific pin for- designated hours of volunteer work, i.e. a plastic pin for 100 hours, whale pin for 1,000 hours, a tiger pin _for 2,000 hours, etc. It was ugg.ested that°Commission members take partln recognition ceremonie for larger groups. Chairman Martin directed tie Special Issues' Committee to review and make recommendations. The meeting date is set for January 22.' SNOWMOBILES The Commission reviewed the report on snowmobiles prepared by staff. Members expressed their -oisncerns-indicating that current snowmobile usage constitutes a real problem in the City along with many reckless snowmobile operators. Commission member Carroll asked if the Police Department or Council had received many complaints. Commission member Alt wondered about the operation of three-wheelers as she sees many of them around the City streets and parks. Concern was voiced about snowmobiles in City parks which substantially damage vegetation, particularly young trees. Members Martin and Kubik both related instances `having to do with a speeding snowmobile and which jeopardized the safety of both. Many Commissioners felt it was difficult to enforce the ordinance by the Police because they (snowmobilers) can get away so quickly from a telephone complaint. Director Vraa suggested that .before any action to recommend the banning of snowmobiles on the Highline Trail that an informational meeting be held. Chairman Martin moved, Kubik seconded, the recommendation to work with the Council regarding a possible public informational meeting. The motion carried. RAHN PARK - STORM SEWER PROJECT Tom Colbert, Public-Works Director, was present to explain Project 452. He aid the aid the project report was in response to a request by Jim Durning who needs for-the pond on his parcel to be connected into the City storm sewer system. Mr. Colbert indicated that a pond in Rahn Park (AP-49) is part of the system. In order to connect Durning's pond (AP-50) in the Cedar Cliff Commercial Park 2nd Addition, construction work would have to be done in. Rahn park. The result". of such work would include tree -1oss_ of at least- 5' around the water line. (Another alternate studied would take out at least 12' around the water line because of depth of-water.) Mr. Colbert offered Alternate A which would follow contour lines through the park as it connected Ponds AP-49 and 50 to the system. Alternate B would follow a proposed road in the commercial park before it turned north to connect at Pond AP-49 at a 90° angle. Commission members were not happy with the potential loss of hardwood trees and preferred to have Pond AP-49 bypassed altogether. They suggested a third alternative was that the line would follow the proposed commercial parcel road and connect to Pond AP-49 on its. eastern edge. They also asked staff to look at following along the boundary of Rahn Park on the property to the south before connecting to the pond on its eastern edge. Members agreed they did riot like Alternate A at all having the most and worst impact on the park. Chairman Martin asked that the location of hardwood trees be included when considering the high water level. He would like for the pond level to be manageable and to be defined so that concerned parties can plan accordingly. 4 Adv Parks & Rec. Comm. January 9, 1986 Consensus of the Commission was a preference to have Pond AP-49,bypassed altogether. If that is not possible, then the engineers should pick a route which would have minimum impact 'on the trees. Public Works Director Colbert said he would include-Commission concerns in his review of all proposed alternates for the storm sewer system. PARKLAND STUDY - SERVICE SECTION 21 This item was deferred to the February agenda., PARK DEVELOPMENT FINALIZATION OF I.C. 85-14 - SPRING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT This report was included in the packet. The Director of Parks & Recreation reviewed significant aspects of the report indicating administrative changes that will be made. The report was accepted by the Commission and approved for changes given. CONSTRUCTION UPDATE - LIGHTING CONTRACT Stephen Sullivan said that lights would be on at the Goat Hill and Ridgecliff rinks on Friday, January 10. He explained the problems which- caused a delay in having the lights on sooner. 1986 SPRING CONSTRUCTION - TIME LINE Director Vraa reviewed the time line included in the packet and was intended to be coordinated with Commission meeting dates. Members reviewed the dates and accepted the time line. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES - PARK SHELTER BUILDINGS This item was deferred to the February meeting. OTHER BUSINESS-- JOINT MEETING - JANUARY 28 Director Vraa reminded- Commission members that the joint meeting of neighborhood -parks & recreation commissions will be held January 28, probably at Fort Snelling. He said an informative letter will be sent a few days prior to the meeting. GOLF NETTING - STAFF REPORT This item was deferred to the February agenda. ROUND TABLE Commission member's had an opportunity to bring to the meeting individual concerns they would like to have addressed. The following items were brought up: 5 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. January 9, 1986 1) Was archery range moved at Goat Hill Park? - Yes, a short distance. 2) New park development should be toured-prior to regular meetings. 3) The Commission should consider two meetings in February. 4) Interviews will soon be conducted to select a replacement for'Scott - Morgan. 5) Interviews for City Commissions will take place on January 14. 6) A sign-up sheet was available for Commission members to indicate a preference for.winter weekend participation. SCOTT MORGAN Intern Scott Morgan was hired as a recreation supervisor for a parks district in California. He will live in Indio, California and start his assignment early in February. Commission members commended Scott on the fine work he did for Eagan. OHMANN PROPERTY - UPDATE The City Council authorized staff to make an offer to the owner of the 15-acre parcel. Director Vraa stated that if more land cannot be obtained from the Ohmanns, the,-15-acre parcel will-become a neighborhood park and an athletic site will be selected elsewhere. SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 School District 196 Community Education'Advisory Council wishes to have a representative from the Eagan Parks & Recreation Commission. Sandy Bertz volunteered to be Eagan's representative. SCHOOL DISTRICT 197 The school district will share in the cost of equipment to be installed at Pilot Knob Park/school amounting to approximately $6,000. ADJOURNMENT Commission member Carroll made the motion, seconded by Bertz, to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor. Time of adjournment was 11:00 P.M. Dated: Alle isory Parks" R creation Secretary 6