03/13/1986 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION, EAGAN, MINNESOTA MARCH 13, 1986 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7 p.m. in the City conference rooms. Members present were: Ketcham, Bertz, Caponi, Porter, Carroll, Martin, Masin and Kubik. Members Thurston and Alt had notified staff they would be unable to attend. Staff members present were Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan; and Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt. Agenda items were those deferred from the March 6, 1986 meeting. 1. Park Dedication Director, Ken Kraa stated that he had met with other park directors and found they had little common ground for a single ordinance. He did feel the discussion input will be helpful to the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission as the parks dedication ordinance is updated. Director Vraa noted that Eagan's present ordinance is unique in that it provides partial parkland credit for pond areas; for utility easement areas and for commercial projects which provide for on-site parks/open space. He felt the City could strengthen its ordinance by directly relating dedication to impact of development upon the park service district. He thought the City should take the density of population into account when- establishing the land percentage. Mr. Vraa reminded the Commission that much of the park policy regarding dedication is found in the Park System Plan and not in the Ordinance. He noted that developers are quick to point the lack of requirements in the Ordinance; therefore, it is necessary to incorporate policies into the Ordinance, or to make reference to the process which establishes the dedication. Mr. Vraa said the Ordinance review process will be lengthy. However, Commission members have long felt the need to better show the relationship between the platting review and the need for parks. Comp.liance with state statutes must be addressed also. Mr. Vraa noted the Council is fully supportive of the ordinance review. Director Vraa reviewed how current land dedication is calculated, and presented alternatives which might better reflect "reasonable 'and equitable" dedication fees. Chairman Martin suggested the information be put in matrix form so it would be easier to understand. He felt the selected dedication process must not be too complicated. Mr. Martin said that Alternate 2 is 1 Adv.Parks & Rec.Comm. Special Meeting March 13, 1986 more equitable of the two alternates, if the 12 acre/1,000 population standard is correct. Alternate 2 is: No. of people x .012 = No. acres due (land dedication) No. of people x .012 x value of land = cash dedication There was concern about the fair market value, which is determined at the time of final plat. The value fluctuates and the price is not the market price. Some developers sell at a lower price per acre and insert a balloon payment to get around park dedication. Commission member Bertz noted that if the City collected on the basis of number of bedrooms, the developer can designate the rooms as office or den, negating the City's ability to collect on "bedrooms". Commission member Ketcham thought the ordinance should include the "green space" recuirement. Commission member Carroll said the ordinance must comply with state law. He also suggested that before the ordinance is completed, staff should conduct a comparitive analysis with similar sized communities. After additional discussion, the Commission agreed that a second meeting would be required. Chairman Martin volunteered to put together a matrix addressing alternate calculations, have staff review it, and present it for the April meeting. 2.e Deerwood frontage road The Commission reopened discussion of a name for this road segment. There was some support for the "Conklin Lane" after the man who captured Chief Blaekhawk. Further discussion led to the consensus that the name might connote a poor image for the Indians. Two Commission members mentioned that Blaekhawk Lake was originally called Long Lake and suggested the name Long Lake Lane. That name will be submitted to the Council, along with two names generated at the March 6 meeting. ser c. 3. Golf netting/batting cage Director Vraa said. there is a multi-use frame for golf and batting practice on the market for approximately $1,200. He noted that Eden Prairie has one set up, in one of their hockey rinks. Use of the unit would be monitored to decrease liability impact. Chairman Martin said that he had something different in mind when he had first requested this. He felt that a batting cage would be a service and provide a profit. Commission member Porter suggested the unit be moved from park to park so more residents could use it. Director Vraa will come back to the Commission with firm cost figures and budget considerations.-for purchase of the unit(s). 4. Wiring construction estimates Landscape Architect, Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan distributed estimates for 1986 construction at Blue Cross/Blue Shield,-Quarry, Pilot Knob, 2 Adv.Parks & Rec. Comm. Special Meeting March 13, 1986 Meadowlands,, and South Oaks Parks. He stated tfia-t the estimates- will be submitted to the' March 19 City Council meeting for Council approval to go out for bids. Sullivan is hopeful the process will result in bids received by April 11. Parks & Recreation Director Vraa noted that the total figure does exceed the bond figure by $85,000. He said that most of that difference is in the cost of development for South Oaks Park. He stated that 1986 will be a heavy construction period for the entire City and he felt it economically worthwhile to have just one-contractor for all five parks. Commission member Ketcham moved, seconded by Carroll to recommend approval of bid -process for the five parks. The motion carried. . C. Bur Oak Hi ll s Director Vraa said that several Commission members attended a special meeting with the City Council on March 11. Council members were supportive of the Commission and it's concerns, he council agreed that they would not accept the proposal as an agenda item without Parks & Recreation Commission recommendations. Some council members expressed concern about the poor park facility available- for that park service district currently, and did not want to approve a potentially worse condition. Director Vraa said. that staff had had another meeting with Mr. Briggs and Mr. Merila of Harstad Company earlier in the day. He said the developer does not yet appear willing to compromise. The developers were asked to prepare a statement in writing as to their position. The matter will be on the April agenda. ADJOURNMENT Commission member Carroll moved, Kubik seconded, that the meeting be ad,ourned. Dated: / j,~/ Advisory Parks & RRe eation Secreatary 3