05/01/1986 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MAY 1, 1986 Chairman Martin called the meeting to order at 7:25 P.M. Members present were: Porter, Alt, Ketcham, Martin, Thurston, Carroll, Kubik, Masin and Caponi. Commission member Bertz had notified staff she would be unable to attend. Also present were: Parks and Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan; Planner, Jim Sturm; and Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt. Parks Superintendent, John VonDeLinde, joined the Commission on a tour of Fish Lake, Northview Athletic Fields, Goathill, Walnut Hill and Trapp Farm parks prior to the meeting. AGENDA Chairman Martin added garden plots to Other Business. Commission member Masin moved, Ketcham seconded, the approval of the agenda as amended. The motion carried. _ MINUTES April 3, 1986 Commission member Carroll moved, Kubik seconded, the approval of the minutes as presented. All voted in favor. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. T.S.M. - ADDITION - 3 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS A previous purchase agreement with Thomas Murr provided for an acquisition to Trapp Farm Park from Mr. Murr. The agreement also included satisfaction of any future parks dedication requirements with his remaining land. This addition has then fulfilled the park dedication responsibilities. This item is informational and no action was necessary. B. WINDTREE 7TH AND 8TH ADDITION This development, located near West Publishing, has already fulfilled its park dedication requirements and is served by Wescott Station Park. The developers are responsible for trail construction along Wescott Road. On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Kubik, the commission recommended a trail along Wescott Road. The motion carried. 1 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. May 1, 1986 C. MAY UPDATE Planner Sturm stated there is a 192 single family development proposal on 82 acres near Northview School. Federal Land Co. will also be in with more commercial development near Denmark and Yankee Doodle Road. Opus Corporation is requesting a waiver of plat and there is activity in Section 36 even though that part of the City is not sewered. OLD BUSINESS - A. FAIRWAY HILLS - PARK PLAN REVIEW, ATHLETIC SITE REVIEW Parks and Recreation Director Vraa said, that the Council tabled action on the proposal pending the widening of the roadways to 60 feet! It will be on the Council's May 6 Agenda. Mr. Vraa asked the Commission to consider a neighborhood park concept or an athletic field concept. He said, that Staff had tried many different concepts for the athletic site and felt the best use of the land was for four (4) soccer fields. Play equipment, a trail, and perhaps an overlay of a softball field on a soccer field, could be added as a neighborhood component. He didn't think the site would have lights. He thought softball fields and lights would be objected to by the neighboring residents. Director Vraa also felt the separation of youth from adult recreation, with the soccer fields at this location, would be a benefit. Parks Director Vraa stated that the neighborhood park would be about seven (7) acres in size and satisfactorily serve the neighboring residents. The park would be located so that it could expand into the golf course if, and when that land is developed. The neighborhood park overlaid on the Fairway Hills Preliminary Plat, would have a softball/soccer field, play equipment, parking and a trail. The athletic site would utilize much of the 15 acre parcel to be purchased from Laverna Lehmann. To provide for optimum use of parkland, Mr. Vraa proposes a land swap with Derrick Land Company. By providing for residential development on part of the Lehmann parcel, utilities would be available to Mrs. Lehmann's sister's property. Director Vraa said, the athletic site with soccer fields would complement a possible three-ball field addition to Northview Athletic Fields. He suggested, that ten (10) acres could be purchased from Jim Curry. (At $24,000 per acre, the land is zoned R-4.) A road could be constructed behind the fields and connect to an enlarged parking lot. It would be necessary to add more restrooms. 2 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. May 1, 1986 General discussion followed. Commission member Masin felt that having all ball fields in one location would decrease maintenance costs. She also said, the availability of many fields in one location would enhance the site for ':possible tournament use. She went on to say, she liked the four soccer field layout. Chairman Martin said, that the ten (10) acre price was very high. He was concerned with so much traffic on one road (Northview) and it's impact on Lexington Avenue. Mr. Martin preferred to have information on all three alternate athletic sites so the Commission could more knowledgeably review and make _a decision. Commission member Caponi said, the Commission should carefully review all sites, but not let cost be the primary factor in the decision making. He did like the layout of present Northview Park and felt the addition of three (3) more fields would synergize the complex into a first-rate athletic site. He liked the visibility of Northview and felt that this proposal was very reasonable. Commission member Porter agreed that the purchase price was high, but the location was excellent. Commission member Alt also liked the central location. Commission member Ketcham wondered if there was less expensive land available for soccer fields. Commission member Thurston said, it wasn't realistic to find a desirable forty (40) acre site. She commented that the Ohmann site was similar to Rahn Park, being surrounded by single family homes, and she preferred the soccer alternative for the Ohmann site. Commission member Carroll wanted to review positives and negatives of each site. Dave Sellegren of Derrick Land Company was present. He said, he had not seen the athletic site proposal in connection with the Ohmann parcel. He asked, the Commission to defer a decision until the developer had time to review. Commission members agreed to honor Mr. Sellegren's request. There was consensus to have Staff prepare a matrix of features for all the athletic sites being proposed: Ohmann/Northview, Peterson and Barr. Issues to be included are: size, cost, topography, grading costs, maintenance costs, number and type of facilities able to accommodate, parking requirements, access, lighting, potential traffic problems, driving distance, possibility for expansion and impact on neighborhood. The Commission agreed to hold a meeting at 5 P.M., May 15, prior to the County bikeway meeting. Staff was directed to send out a reminder notice and information packet. Box lunches are to be provided. Adv. Parks & Rec.Comm. May 1, 1986 B. COUNTY BIKEWAY MEETING - MAY 15, 1986 Director Vraa said, the Commission letter regarding the trails will be sent to the papers for publication the week before the meeting. He asked Commission members to encourage people to come to the meeting. He will bring copies of the bikeway plan to the May 15 special meeting on an athletic site. C. FOUR OAKS COURT - ELIMINATION OF PROPOSED TOT LOT - Director Vraa stated that he had not received any information from the Four Oaks Association. The item was deferred to the June meeting. NEW BUSINESS A. BID TABULATION - 86-01 SPRING PARK CONSTRUCTION The contract estimate was $370,000 and the low bid, from Central Landscaping, was $313,753.81. Director Vraa indicated he is pleased with previous work done by Central Landscaping, and that their bid is $57,000 below estimate. The City Council will take action on May 6, 1986. B. BID TABULATION -86-09 PARK SHELTER BUILDING Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan distributed the bid sheets to the Commission. He pointed out that A.L.M. Construction had the low bid of $374,840, which was approximately $56,000 under the architect's estimate. Add-ons which include a fireplace, and a hot water heater, plus improvements in the concession part of the Northview building, were included to bring the total bid package to $382,838. Director Vraa said, that A.L.M. Construction passed the reference check and the contract will be on the Council's May 6 Agenda for award. PARKS DEVELOPMENT A. UPDATE Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan stated the lights are at Goat Hill Park's ballfield, and People's Electric should get them in within the month. Black dirt has been distributed at Cinnamon Ridge and O'Leary Parks. The trail at Rahn and Ridgecliff will be completed this month. 4 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. May 1, 1986. OTHER BUSINESS A. TRAPP FARM PARK - FALL EVENT Director Vraa proposed that an "Open House" be held at Trapp Farm Park, when the shelter buildings are completed. He said, that a theater artist might be retained to integrate the summer program into a theater presentation at the amphitheater. He would like the Recreation Committee to meet and discuss the possibilities for a fall event. The Committee set 4 p.m. on May 8th for the meeting. B. 1987 - BUDGET PREPARATION Director Vraa noted that budget preparation had been moved up a month this year. If anyone has items for consideration, he or she should contact Ken Vraa. C. BUR OAK HILL - COUNCIL ACTION Director Vraa stated that the Council passed the Bur Oak Hill proposal with a two-lot, 180' park access. He indicated that the Council was supportive of this action. _ D. WILLMUS PARK - UPDATE Director Vraa said, that representatives of the Willmus property were in to discuss development on their remaining property. They wondered what would be expected in terms of parks-dedication. Director Vraa indicated, that there was still some park dedication owing to the City from previous development. E. HORSE ARENA Earlier in the year the Commission had been asked to consider providing a horse arena within it's parks system. Director Vraa said, he had talked with other communities and learned there are maintenance considerations of a larger magnitude than originally thought. In Minnetonka, the maintenance crew had to spread a 4" sand base. Commission members questioned what such a base would do to hockey rink maintenance. There was a general consensus that the space at Goat Hill Park was not adequate for a horse arena. Staff will do more research and come back to the Commission at a later date. F. GARDEN PLOTS Director Vraa said, that he was not able to find a suitable location for garden plots. He regrets that a suitable location, one that provides parking, suitable soils, water, etc., were not readily available. G. MATERIAL FOR LIGHT POLES Director Vraa said, he has reviewed information on wood, steel, and concrete light poles for use in parking lots. He is impressed with the variety and durability of concrete, and asked if any of the Commission members were aware of their use for visual inspections. 5 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. May 1, 1986 ADJOURNMENT Commission member Kubik moved, seconded by Carroll, that the meeting be adjourned. Time of adjournment was 9:55. Dated: -Ad isory Parks Recreation Secretary 6