05/15/1986 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MAY 15, 1986 Chairman Martin called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. Members present: Porter, Alt, Ketcham, Martin, Thurston, Kubik, Masin, Caponi, and Bertz. Also present were: Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation, Steven Sullivan, Landscape Architech/Planner. AGENDA: Commission members approved the agenda. FAIRWAY HILLS/ATHLETIC SITE ACQUISITION In reference to the Fairway Hills proposal, Director Vraa felt that it was necessary for the Commission to determine if it was acceptable to have an athletic facility in a neighborhood setting. Once decided, the Commission could further define and analyze additional athletic facility sites. Chairman Martin preferenced that athletic facilities should not be next to R-1 areas. Four soccer fields within the Ohmann parcel would create a large parking lot, with too much automobile circulation. Commission member Kubik felt that soccer fields would only provide additional open space within the Ohmann parcel, because no cumbersome equipment would be involved within their operations. Commission member Caponi preferred the Northview expansion and any option which would be complimentary to this expansion. Derrick Land Company liked the idea of the neighborhood park, but would consider the athletic park if it were not to be lighted, and if the park design, layout and acquisition would be a joint process between the City and themselves. Director Vraa gave a short presentation of the four potential site parcels. The first parcel: Northview expansion was the purchase of a three (3) acre site that is currently zoned for a church and approximately seven (7) acres of adjacent land to the park. The church currently wants to relocate and it is felt that they would readily sell the three (3) acre parcel. Northview expansion would provide for three (3) additional softball fields. The topography is conducive for athletic field development. Fairway Hills and Northview Expansion would provide for four (4) soccer and three (3) softball fields. The terrain at both locations is relatively flat and easily accommodates athletic facilities. 1 The Peterson parcel provides for: four (4) softball and two (2) soccer fields. The terrain has moderate slopes and with some grading could accommodate these athletic facilities. The Peterson parcel is forty-three (43) acres. Some of this acreage being lake, and, "unusable" resulting in a net acreage of closer to 32 acres. The Southeast parcel is comprised of two properties. One being forty three (43) acres, and the second being twenty-two (22). The park can accommodate up to seven (7) athletic facilities. The site also offers opportunities for additional development, other than athletic. Director- Vraa-'=indieated that- several options should be-considered-in determining future park acquisition. =For example: The Commission could consider purchasing both the Ohmann parcel and the Northview expansion properties. This would provide for three (3) softball and four (4) additional soccer. Commission member Masin questioned whether or not the church really was going to move. Director Vraa stated that he had met with the church pastor, and it was indicated to him that the existing church site is too small and the location no longer desirable. Commission member Kubik questioned whether there was anyone interested in the Peterson parcel. Commission member Martin stated that there may be some potential for athletic field development if the Kirschner property was available. Commission member Bertz .liked the Northview expansion and Ohmann property joint development, with the Southeast parcel being an option for future considerations. Commission member Masin and Commission member Kubik preferred the Northview expansion and Ohmann property combination. Commission member Kubik felt that the acquisition of the southeast parcel would provide for future opportunities. Commission member Porter felt that the Ohmann parcel would not be adequate for athletics, because it was not to be lighted. He also indicated that the expansion of Northview would provide for a reasonable athletic facility. He was concerned with the existing railroad and highway three along the southeast parcel, and was.-curious in regard to the development of the Peterson parcel, with the acquisition of the Kirschner property. Commission member Caponi preferenced the Ohmann/Northview combination. He felt that it was necessary for the Commission to make a decision as soon as possible, in order not to loose an existing opportunity. Commission member Ketcham liked placing additional softball fields at the Northview expansion property. He felt that the Ohmann property worked in regards to soccer fields. Also, he considered the potential for development within the Southeast parcel. Commission member Thurston stated that the City had made precedence with placing Rahn Athletic Facility adjacent to an existing family neighborhood. The development of the Ohamann property would concurr with this existing precedence. She also felt that the Northview expansion would be a cost effective way for the development of additional softball fields. The Southeast Parcel has poor access due to highway three, and therefore was not a good choice for an athletic site. Commission member Thurston expressed the need for the Commission to look ahead of the referendum, and provide properties for future development. Commission member Alt preferenced the Northview/Ohmann combination. She was concerned with the railroad and highway three for the development of the southeast parcel. She would consider the development of the southeast parcel for future development. 2 Chairman Martin expressed that the final decision should be: which plan would be best for the citizens. He stated that he felt the Ohmann parcel, as laid out, provided an inadequate neighborhood park for the adjacent single family homes. He felt that by reducing the number of soccer fields, this - could expand the neighborhood park and the neighborhood park area. He also opposed the $24,000 per acre price for the Northview property. He did feel that it would -serve future needs, and would-complement the existing facilities at Northview Park. Chairman Martin favored the purchase of the south section of the-southeast parcel, for the development of an adult athletic complex. He felt'that the removed soccer field-at the Ohmann parcel could be placed within the southeast parcel to accommodate the lost facility. Commission member Masin moved, seconded by Caponi for the purchase of the Northview expansion. All Commission 'timbers voted' in favor, with the exception of Chairman Martin. Commission member Kubik mentioned that the Commission should be sensitive to both the community's immediate needs and long term needs. He felt that it could be- necessary for the purchase of properties for- these facilities; at this time. Commission' member Thurston felt that the Southeast parcel could provide for future needs. -She was also interested in the development potential for the Kirshner property. Commission member Kubik felt that the Northview expansion property would provide for our immediate athletic needs. The Peterson parcel was too small, and expensive. The Southeast parcel could provide for future parkland opportunities. Commission member Caponi felt that the City should buy the Northview parcel now. He felt the Ohmann parcel could be considered for development, and the Southeast parcel used for future development. Chairman Martin expressed the need for the Commission to consider the athletic needs and existing parkland as a package, and not as individual sites. Commission member Caponi moved that we proceed with acquiring in principal, the Northview Athletic Field expansion, and the Ohmann parcel based on the Staff working with the developer, layout and configuration ,of the property. Commission member Masin seconded the motion. The motion failed three to six. The Commission had an extended discussion regarding the various sites. Chairman Martin indicated he favored the Peterson Parcel if the Kirshner Land could be acquired. Mr. Kubik stated that, because the Commission was to be at the Trails Meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m.; that staff be directed to obtain information on the Kirshner Parcel for discussion at the next Commission meeting. All members agreed. Commission members then adjourned to attend the County Bike Trail meeting. Dated: /S" 98( Advisory Parks & Recreation Secretary 3