06/05/1986 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JUNE 5, 1986 Acting Chair Richard Carroll called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. Members present were: Porter, Masin, Ketcham, Carroll, Bertz, Alt, Caponi and Kubik. Commission members Martin and Thurston were excused for high school commencement obligations, although Chairman Martin was present for some of the discussion on Hampton Heights and Fairway Hills/athletic site. Staff members present were: Landscape Architect/Parks Planner Stephen Sullivan; Assistant City Planner Jim Sturm and Administrative Assistant Liz Witt. Parks & Recreation Director Ken Vraa was excused early due to illness. The meeting was preceded by a tour of Quarry Park, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Park, Rahn Park and a drive by of the Ohmann site. AGENDA Commission member Masin moved, seconded by Ketcham, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried. - MINUTES OF MAY 1, 1986 Acting Chair Carroll moved, Caponi seconded, to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried. MINUTES OF MAY 15, 1986 Commission member Alt made the motion, seconded by Bertz, to approve the minutes of the special meeting as presented. All voted in favor. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 1. INFORMAL REVIEW - 20-ACRE PARCEL WEST OF MOONEY LAWS (CHATTERTON POND). The proposal is for 26 higher priced single family homes just south of St. John Neumann Church. The Commission was asked to review trail alignments that would affect the proposal. At the present time, there is a trail along the south edge of Mooney Lake. There is a sliver of parkland along the east side of the lake, however it would be very difficult to put in a trail due to the steep terrain and heavy forestation. Bob Engstrom, representing Robert Engstrom Associates, suggested the Commission consider trail links to connect the development to Patrick Eagan Park via the south edge of the lake to the St. John Neumann and Pilot Knob Road trail rather than construct a trail around the lake. He presented slide pictures of the area. In reference to the trail that is under water, Mr. Engstrom noted the control level of the lake is set by the D.N.R. and right now the level is 2' above the high water elevation. 1 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. June 5, 1986 Parks & Recreation Director Vraa said there should be a 20' easement for construction of a 5-8' blacktop trail. He said the trail along the south edge of the lake is 5' wide. He stated the City would have to acquire an easement along the high water elevation line for trail construction on the north side and that would consume many of the lots adjacent to the lake. There was discussion as to potential for development north of the lake. Director Vraa pointed out there are 3:1 slopes, making it very costly or perhaps impossible to put in a road. Commission member Masin wondered if residents would like to be able to walk around the lake. She and JoAnn Alt requested a field trip to the area prior to the July meeting. Commission member Caponi thought the City should have a trail and should acquire easements as development occurs. -Acting Chair Carroll thought the trail could be dangerous for bicyclists, possibly leaving the City vulnerable to a lawsuit. Parks Planner Stephen Sullivan said if a wood chip path was put in, it would readily wash out. A blacktop trail would be tempting and dangerous for cyclists. It was the consensus of the Commission to view the site prior to making a recommendation. The item will be on the July agenda with a tour of the site scheduled for 6:45 P.M. at the regularly scheduled meeting of July 10. NEW BUSINESS 1. 1986 - BLACKHAWK PARK - L.C.M.R./LAWCON GRANT Director Vraa announced that the City stands to receive a $25,000 L.C.M.R. grant. If the grant is accepted, the City would not be eligible for a grant next year. In addition, the project application would have to be amended to adjust for the lesser monies received. The City could well wind-up putting in much more money than originally -planned. If the City rejects the grant, it could apply in 1987. He recommended the Commission turn down the $25,000 on the basis that it is too much of a financial burden to take on. Commission members agreed with Mr. Vraa's recommendation and on a motion by Bertz, seconded by Kubik, the Commission recommended declining the grant. Director Vraa was directed to send a letter to the State declining the monies for the reasons outlined above. The motion carried. Mr. Vraa was excused from the meeting at this point. 2. 1987 - 1991 C.I.P. REVIEW The parks section of the C.I.P. was distributed with the packet and Commission members were asked to forward any comments to Director Vraa. It was noted there was reference to possible bond referendums for a new community center. Acting Chair Carroll moved, seconded by Bertz, that the C.I.P. be accepted as distributed. The motion carried. 2 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. June 5, 1986 OLD BUSINESS 1. TRAILWAY - HAMPTON HEIGHTS Mark Parranto, representing Frontier Companies, requested reconsideration of the trailway requirements for Hampton Heights. He objected to the trail placement in the front yards of many of the lots. He stated that Coachman Road is no longer considered a collector street and should not be subject to a trail requirement. Mr. Parranto noted that the lots have been reconfigured to discourage through traffic and feels that people can use the streets as a trailway. Mr. Parranto stated further that the trail requirement for Hampton Heights is unreasonable, is contrary to City code, and he would actively oppose it. Parks Planner Stephen Sullivan commented that even though the lots have been reconfigured to discourage through traffic and Coachman Road has been downgraded, the Commission must decide if the reasons for having a trail are still valid. He noted that the trail policy is flexible and the Commission must determine if this is a necessary trail link. Acting Chair Carroll stated it is the goal of the City to provide trails to parks. Quarry Park is a neighborhood park for the Hampton Heights Subdivision. He said that staff had drawn up another route for the trail, that is along Coachman to the corner of Hampton Heights, along easement through a lot and then within road right-of-way to Ashbury Street. (There is a trail proposed along Ashbury Road' connecting to Blue Cross/Blue Shield Park.) It was noted that the new route has some spots of 10% grade and there is a 14' drop from the City's public works lot to the other side of the adjacent Hampton Heights lot. Staff felt the new alignment was workable and could serve to alleviate Mr. Parranto's concerns about an 8' trail along residents' front yards. Commission member Porter questioned the need for a trail. He thought the children could use existing streets. He did not want them crossing Yankee Doodle Road to get to the park. Further he didn't think having a traffic signal at that intersection would do much to insure children's safety. Commission member Kubik wondered if we should channel people to Quarry Park. He felt the Commission should have more information before making a decision. It is particularly important to know if a traffic signal is planned for the Coachman/Yankee Doodle Road intersection. Commission member Masin felt it was much too difficult to cross Yankee Doodle Road. Mark Parranto stated he would be at the June 17 City Council meeting seeking final plat approval. He wondered if the Commission could recommend that if a traffic signal is placed at the intersection, a trail will be required. If a traffic signal is not to be installed at the intersection, then a trail will not be required. He noted that he is working with the public works department to berm the back lots of Hampton Heights to screen the public works building and he plans to plant trees there also. Such activity would directly conflict with staff's suggested new alignment of the Coachman Road trail. Adv. Parks & Ree. Comm. June 5, 1986 Commission member Kubik observed that all of this commentary is new to the Commission and it is difficult to make a decision without a complete staff report. Commission member Caponi supported Mr. Kubik's contention. Acting Chair Carroll reiterated it is a goal of the City to have trail links between parks. He also recognized the potential traffic problem on Yankee Doodle Road and didn't want to compound the problem. He did not know if the proposed trail route is feasible. He concluded by stating the Commission is not in a position to make a decision based on the information available. He asked if staff could provide the necessary information in time for a special meeting to be held prior to the June 17 Council meeting. - Commission member Kubik moved to table, seconded by Ketcham. All voted in favor. Staff was requested to research information on if and when there will be a traffic signal at the Coachman/Yankee Doodle Road intersection. Alternate routes for trails to both Quarry and Blue Cross/Blue Shield Parks are to be reviewed. Information on changes being considered in the public works landscaping plans are to be provided. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Porter, the special meeting date was set for Wednesday, June 11 at 7 P.M. The motion carried. Mr. Parranto stated that the owner of Outlot B wanted the City to have the parcel for development as a skating rink. He said that if the City was not interested in that proposal, he would buy it from the owner. Mr. Parranto said he intended to combine Outlots A and B for future development. Commission member Bertz observed that the "gift" had been discussed previously by the Commission and there was little interest in the proposal. Director Vraa had not voiced interest in the proposal either. Acting Chair Carroll moved, seconded by Bertz, that Outlot B not be acquired and utilized as a skating rink. The motion carried with Masin abstaining. She stated she did not have enough information upon which to base a decision. 2. FAIRWAY BILLS - ATHLETIC SITE Staff had prepared a detailed report of alternatives for athletic sites. Commission members felt the item had been fully discussed on previous occasions. Based upon the staff report, the Commission was ready to make its recommendation. Commission member Bertz thought the City should have the Ohmann site for soccer, Northview for ball fields and the Barr property for future athletic complex. Regarding financial concerns of the Ohmann purchase and Fairway Hills dedication, Commission member Kubik suggested staff work out the best deal for the City. The land swap versus acquisition should be done to the City's advantage. Commission member Kubik moved, seconded by Caponi, the recommendation to acquire the Ohamnn/Northview/Barr sites for approximately $600,000. The motion carried unanimously. - In a follow-up motion, Commission member Kubik moved, Bertz seconded, that the land swap with the developer vs. park dedication from the developer be accomplished to the net gain of the City. All voted in favor. 4 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. June 5, 1986 Commission member Bertz commented that the soccer fields at the Ohmann site should be for youth; but as needs change and the population ages, the designated use at Ohmann may have to change. She felt the residents should be put on notice as to the possibility of lighted fields in the future. There was general agreement among Commission members with her comments. PARKS DEVELOPMENT 1. PARKS CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Parks Planner Stephen Sullivan noted that there will be a great deal of construction starting in the next couple of weeks. The lights will soon go up at Goat Hill Park. O'Leary and Cinnamon Ridge Parks have been seeded and mulched. Grading for the pavillion at Trapp Farm Park will start next week. In response to a question, there will not be a swimming beach at Trapp Farm Park and it will be signed "No Swimming". The lake would have to be dredged in order to make a decent swimming beach. OTHER BUSINESS 1. PARKS MAINTENANCE - UPDATE 2. RECREATION PROGRAM REPORT Both reports were included in the packet. Acting Chair Carroll, on behalf of the Commission, spoke very highly of the professional, knowledgeable staff, the work they have accomplished, and the reports they have prepared. 3. JULY MEETING DATE Because the July 3rd meeting date would be held so close to the holiday, the Commission voted to reschedule-the meeting date for July 10. Commission member Masin moved, Caponi seconded, and all voted in favor. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Alt, seconded by Ketcham, the meeting was adjourned. Time of adjournment was 10:17 P.M. Dated: 41 dv sort' arks'& Recreation tart'