06/11/1986 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION CITY OF EAGAN JUNE 11, 1986 The special meeting was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:20 P.M. Members present were: Martin, Kubik, Thurston, Porter, Ketcham and Carroll. Members Alt, Bertz, Masin and Caponi had indicated they would be unable to attend. Staff was represented by Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan and Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt. Mark Parranto of Frontier- Midwest was also present. Chairman Martin announced that the only item on the agenda was the trailway for Hampton Heights. He said, the Commission's concern should be for a trail, not whether the street is or isn't a collector street. Mark Parranto stated he had three concerns: 1. With the exception of Riverton, there are no other trailways along City streets. The proposed Hampton Heights trail would impact approximately 40 homes in the development. 2. Coachman road is not a collector street. Covington is the only 32' street that has a sidewalk. 3. The City ordinance does not preclude a trail recommendation, but it does say they should be along collector streets. Mr. Parranto said, that he had no problems with putting a trail along Lexington as part of his developments there, but. with the change in status of Coachman Rd, a trail should not be required. Commission member Carroll commented that at the June 5th Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, the suggestion was made to have Hampton Heights residents utilize trail connections to Blue Cross/Blue Shield Park - a much safer route. Commission member Thurston felt that children are not so concerned about safety and would take the most direct route to get to where they want to go. Commission member Porter expressed concern with truck traffic to and from the Public Works garage. He would like to see a trail along the east side of Coachman Road so the residents could get to Yankee Square Shopping Center. He did not see a need to cross Yankee Doodle Road to get to Quarry Park. Commission member Kubik said, there are 130 homes in. Hampton Heights which should have access to Yankee Doodle Road and to a park. There was a general discussion about the feasibility of a fairly straight trail which would require easement from two lots in Hampton Heights. Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan, said that four to six feet of material would have to be removed from the crest of the hill and then there would be grading through the two lots to construct a trail with an acceptable grade. Mr. Parranto objected to that, as he has all of the lots sold. He indicated he will be on the June 17 City Council agenda for final plat approval. Construction would start soon after. 1 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. Special Meeting June 11, 1986 Further discussion then--focused- on a trail along Coachman Road as it curves through the development. Commission member Carroll said, that a trail fronting on 40 lots could cause-a lot of interruption on the driveways. Commission Chairman Martin said, there are trails on Blue Cross Road, Yankee Doodle Road and Asbury Road. Perhaps there was no need for a trail in Hampton Heights. He did not see a natural flow through the reconfigured neighborhood nor a need-to connect to Quarry or-Blue Cross/Blue Shield Parks. He did feel it - was''important to` have 'a-'trail 'along Coachman Road from Yankee Doodle Road to the northern-boundary of Hampton Heights.- Commission member Kubik -expressed- dismay-that -the preliminary plat had been- changed and the Commission had only seen the first proposal. Now, the Commission cannot make a preferred recommendation, because the lots have already been sold. There was general consensus not to require a trail on Coachman Road as it winds through Hampton Heights. Further, there should be a trail to Yankee Doodle Road along Coachman Road, north of Hampton Heights. Chairman Martin moved, seconded by Porter, to recommend the following: 1. A trail through Hampton Heights-will not be required. 2. When Outlot A/B is developed, there should be trail dedication along Coachman Road., which shall extend from Yankee Doodle Road to the north boundary of Hampton Heights on the east side of.Coachman Road. Members in favor: Martin, Porter, Carroll, and Ketcham Members opposed: Thurston and-'Kubik The motion carried. The Commission members agreed that the City will still require trails as development occurs and such trails will be required whether a collector street or not. It was suggested that staff review and amend the ordinance as necessary, to reflect the commission recommendation. The Commission did not take official action, because Hampton heights was the only agenda item. However, the Commission recommends a trail along the east side of Coachman Road to the southern boundary of Outlot B. Then the trail should be on the west side to the southern boundary of Public Works property. The Commission suggested that fencing will have to be installed on the public works property to ensure security. Staff was requested to provide copies of the City Code to Commission members if possible to do so. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M. Dated : 'A isory Pa ks a d creation Se Ary 2