07/10/1986 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 10, 1986 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:05 P.M. in the Eagan Municipal Center lunchroom. This meeting was preceded by a field trip to Chatterton Pond. Members present were: Martin, Alt, Porter, Caponi, Thurston, Masin and Ketcham. Commission members Bertz and Carroll notified staff they would be unable to attend. Commission member Kubik was also absent. Staff members present were: Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Stephen Sullivan; Planner, Jim Sturm; and Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt. Public Works Director, Tom Colbert, was present to discuss project #473, Trunk Storm Sewer Improvements, which will impact Evergreen Park, Berry Patch Park and the Eagan Municipal Center. AGENDA Director Vraa added project #473 to the agenda under "New Business". Chairman Martin added discussion on the Hampton Heights approval process and necessity to review code regulations regarding trails and landscaping. Commission member Caponi moved, Ketcham seconded, to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried. MINUTES OF JUNE 5, 1986 Commission member Alt moved, Porter seconded, to approve the minutes as presented. All voted in favor. MINUTES OF JUNE 11, 1986 Chairman Martin clarified his motion regarding the trail in Hampton Heights "which shall extend from Yankee Doodle Road to the north boundary of Hampton Heights on the east side of Coachman Road." On a motion by Masin, seconded by Thurston, the minutes were approved as corrected. The motion carried. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 1. CHATTERTON PONDS - ROBERT ENGSTROM - PROJECT #473 The Commission had informally reviewed the Chatterton Pond proposal at its regular June meeting. The development calls for 47 units on approximately 20 acres. The Director of Parks & Recreation suggested the Commission combine this issue with Tom Colbert's discussion of City project #473. Public Works Director, Tom Colbert, explained how the area will be drained, specifically how Mooney Lake and other ponds in the parks will be affected. He noted that Mooney Lake is about 4' over the high water elevation right now and needs an outlet. He said the trunk storm sewer project (#473) through the area will alleviate the drainage problem. Mr. Colbert said he will need sewer easements and that this project represents the last segment of the area which drains into the Minnesota River. Mr. Colbert stated that in response to the Director of Parks & Recreation, Engineering has reviewed the possibility of a lift station, alternate routes and overland gravity flow. He noted the sewer pipe 1 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. July 10, 1986 will have to be put through two ridges and in between the ridges lies a fairly large area at a lower elevation. He said if the water is not piped through both ridges, it will flow to the depressed area and pond in the property not owned or controlled by the City. Commission member Caponi wondered if somewhere in the area the water could be allowed to flow above ground. He felt the water could be directed to form a waterfall, a beautiful amenity for, the area. He said the high ridges, ponds and vegetation make it one of the last places in Eagan where a waterfall could be added to the scenic beauty. He suggested that any possible erosion from the water be corrected through the use of large boulders, gabions or timbers. Mr. Colbert said that overland flow would be very costly. It would necessitate cutting a swale, putting in a substantial amount of rip-rap and other erosion control devices. Further, that the water would only flow during and immediately after rains. He noted there are homes already constructed on some lots so all work will have to be done on unplatted lots. Chairman Martin liked the idea of a waterfall, but felt it might be too expensive at the location Commission member Caponi originally suggested. He wondered if the water could flow above ground between the small pond (JP #8) and McCarthy Lake. Commission Member Caponi urged the Commission to study the possibility. He said that once the water is piped underground, the opportunity is lost. After further discussion, the Commission members were in agreement with the need and concept plan for the storm sewer project. Commission member Caponi moved, Chairm Martin seconded, the following recommendations: 1. The Parks & Engineering Departments should study the possibility of having water flow overland from the most feasible point in the Mooney-McCarthy Lake area. - 2. The study should include a review of the small pond (JP #8) as to how it fits in the park system. All voted in favor. Discussion then focused on a trail around Mooney Lake and through the Chatterton Pond Development. The City owns property on the west side of the lake and a trail would have to be extended through part of Lot 25, Chatterton Pond, in order to access the west side of the lake. There were questions as to the feasibility of having a trail along the north side of the lake because of the steep terrain. The consensus of the Commission was to keep the City's option open regarding future trails around Mooney Lake. They decided the City should build the remaining trail segment on the south side of the lake to connect to one coming from Chatterton Pond. Commission member Thurston moved, Alt seconded, the following recommendations: 3. There be trail dedication and construction from the easterly most cul-de- sac to the southeast corner of the development. (That trail will connect to the City-constructed segment along the southwest portion of the lake). 2 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. July 10, 1986 4. The develn er will be responsible for benching in a trail 2' above the hioh..caaj•ex_~elevation and provide a trail easement through proposed Lot 24 to that portion of Berry Patch Park now inaccessible. a. Cash dedication for all lots. b. Trailway on Pilot Knob Road. The motion carried unanimously. 2. PARK FOREST APARTMENTS - DESIGN COLLECTIVE This proposal calls for 420 apartment units in six buildings on 30 acres near Blackhawk Glen. The Planning Commission denied the application and it will be on the July 15 Council agenda. There was a brief discussion about the amenities being proposed for the project if it is approved by Council. Chairman Martin moved, Caponi seconded, the recommendation to receive cash dedication, a trail requirement along Federal Drive, and an open recreational area to be determined by staff. The motion carried. 3. TRAILS OF THOMAS LASE - NEW HORIZON HOMES The project consists of 15 duplexes on Outlot C, Thomas Lake Heights, and will be immediately east of a future parks dedication associated with Tom Willmus. There is no park dedication requirement as the development is part of Blackhawk Park P.U.D. Chairman Martin commented that if the preliminary plat changes from this proposal, the Commission would like to review. No action was necessary. 4. COMPRI HOTEL - OPUS COPORATION - Planner Sturm said the hotel wil-1 be a six-story, 190 - room structure. There will be a small restaurant inside, mostly for use by guests. He noted there will also be a separate restaurant on the plat. Commission member Alt moved, Porter seconded, the recommendation to accept cash dedication at the commercial /industrial rate and require a trail on Pilot Knob Road, if not already in place. All voted in favor. 5. FAWN RIDGE SECOND - REVISED This is an informational item only. The proposal was revised from townhouses to single family units. No action was necessary. 6. JULY PROPOSALS - JIM STURM Planner Sturm said there is a variety of items on the July Planning agenda including 20 acres of single family housing off Ches Mar Road, Whispering Woods Development off Slaters Road near Cinnamon Ridge, and a possible apartment development off Lexington near Diffley Road. OLD BUSINESS 1. DAKOTA COUNTY BIKEWAY - DAKOTA COUNTY BOARD HEARING - JULY 29 Director Vraa announced he has received notice of a July 29th hearing by the County Commission. He asked Commission members for their comments on the Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. July 10, 1986 proposed trail plan. Chairman Martin suggested the Commission send a letter with their comments. Director Vraa was directed to write the letter for Chairman Martin's signature. Vice-chair Thurston and Director Vraa will attend the hearing on behalf of the Commission. NEW BUSINESS 1. PARK SHELTERS - PRELIMINARY REPORT Director Vraa identified eight temporary shelters in various parks which are in very poor condition. Six of the structures are warming houses and the other two are open shelters. He noted that the Well Site warming houses need immediate attention. He asked the Commission to decide on a process for reviewing such structures. He cautioned that building replacement is not the only answer and said the use pattern for a particular park will suggest what type facility the park should have. Suggested options for replacement structures include prefab concrete, wood, prefab wood and rental. Chairman Martin asked if it was (feasible for the Vo-Tech to construct the buildings. He wondered if the City could again construct portable buildings. Director Vraa said that staff had reviewed that option and found it to be costly. Commission member Thurston felt that most of the options presented would not project the image the City would.like to project. She felt that the wood frame structure is the most feasible and that the Commission has already done enough review, as a result of the current construction program, to know. Commission member Porter thought the City should utilize rental trailers as a phasing approach until a building is constructed. He noted that the City can't afford to build everything. He said further that if the rental structure starts to look tacky, it can be immediately replaced. Member Ketcham said that rental can eat up a lot of money in five or six years and you have nothing to show for it. Commission member Caponi suggested the architect be commissioned to design a "smaller" shelter without restrooms for the Commission to review. He said changes could be made before building any structures. There can be variations of the building for each location. Director Vraa asked if the Commission was favorable to using rental trailers. Members Porter and Caponi said the trailers could be used while the permanent shelter was being constructed, but all opposed the trailers as long term solutions. On a motion by Masin, seconded by Caponi, the Commission recommended that the architect design a permanent structure for park shelters with flexibility for individual site needs. The directive will include both warming houses and open shelter buildings. The motion carried. 2. PARK PROPOSAL - PREVIEW Director Vraa identified eight parcels which might serve as possible park sites: 1. 43 acres near Cliff & Dodd Road 2. A parcel near Cliff & Beacon Hill Road 3. Near Lemay Lake & I-35E it. Near Pilot Knob Rd. & Deerwood 5. Near Yankee Doodle and Surrey Heights Road n Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. July 10, 1986 6. Near Blackhawk Lake 7. Near Johnny Cake and Highline Trail 8. Near Crestridge Lane north of Fish Lake The Commission agreed that a park was needed in the southwest corner by the lake in the 43-acre parcel '(Peterson) near Cliff and Dodd. They as so agreed to acquiring park dedication from the Cliff/Beacon Hill site to make a neighborhood park out of-Walden Park. Chairman Martin says there should be a south entranee'to Blackhawk Park and directed Parks Director Vraa to do some more talking with Ed Dunn. The Commission agreed to place possible purchase of the Waldron property north of Blackhawk Lake on hold, but to ask what the purchase price would be. Dire%tor Vraa was asked to get more information about the Crestridge Lane parcel . PARKS DEVELOPMENT 1. STATUS REPORT - DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Parks Planner Sullivan said there are four active construction contracts on nine parks. The parking lots are being finished at Ridgecliff and Rahn Parks. The lighting at Goat Hill Park should be completed in a couple of weeks. Work has started on the pavilion and warming house at Trapp Farm Park. Grading has been completed at four parks with paving, sodding and seeding left to be done. Play structures have been ordered for Walnut Hill and O'Leary Parks and one will be ordered for Woodhaven. Yet to come are play structures for Pilot Knob and Cedar Pond. The lighting contract for Trapp Farm Park has not been let. He hopes the trail contract will be let in time to get trails done this year. 2. STATUS REPORT - LAND ACQUISITION Director Vraa reported that the City Council requested a report of all parcels viewed as possible athletic sites with reasons why they were not further considered. The Council is very supportive of the acquisition of more athletic sites and wanted more information before they approved the purchase of the Barr property. Director Vraa will present the report at the July 15 Council meeting. Director Vraa reported to the Commission that the church owner of land near the Northview Athletic complex has contacted him and wants to sell that land to the City. A letter is expected soon. City ownership of that site will allow expansion of the Northview Athletic Fields as planned. OTHER BUSINESS & REPORTS 1. CITY COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN Director Vraa said he had worked with Planning Consultant, John Voss, to update the parks section of the plan. The Council and Planning Commission were meeting July 10 to review the revised plan. 5 2. TRAPP FARM PARK - WATER ELEVATION Director Vraa stated -that the Council had approved the storm sewer construction project which would allow the water elevation at Trapp Farm to drop. 3. HORSE RIDING REQUEST Director Vraa had been asked if horse riding was an approved activity along the pipeline easement near Beacon Hill. Commission member Thurston thought horse riding was only allowed and designated in Patrick Eagan Park. The Commission will review the regulations when they receive copies of the City Code. ROUND TABLE 1. Chairman Martin wanted to know what the process is for developers who come to the City with their proposals. After a brief explanation, Director Vraa said he will ask City Planner, Dale Runkle, to attend the next meeting to go over the process. An outline of the process and required forms will be included in the Commission packet. Chairman Martin said he did not want to see another Hampton Heights where the preliminary plat was approved and a park recommendation given only to have further plat changes which the Commission did not have an opportunity to review. 2. Chairman Martin wanted to be assured that copies of the City Code would be made available, particularly so the Commission could document the development process. 3. When asked about the status of the Kehne House, Director Vraa said the house is now in good shape. There are new renters and they seem to be reliable and interested.inthe upkeep of the house. _ 4. Chairman Martin asked Commission members to think about the annual picnic. He said that prices might have to be raised. The item will be on the August agenda. 5. Commission member Porter asked how often the trails are cleaned. He noted there are a couple of spots along Lexington where debris has resulted from washouts. Parks Director Vraa said the trails would be checked and bad spots cleaned up and erosion control enforced. ADJOURNIENT Commission member Ketcham moved, seconded by Porter, that the meeting be adjourned. Time of adjournment was 10:30 P.M. Dated o ~Adv sort' Parks' & Recreation Se ary 6