08/07/1986 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA AUGUST 7, 1986 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:15 P.M. The meeting was preceded by.a field trip to view the new construction of buildings at Trapp Farm Park and the archery range at Walnut Hill Park. Members present were: Porter, Masin, Alt, Bertz, Martin, Thurston, Carroll and Caponi. Commissioners Kubik and Ketcham had notified Staff they would be unable to attend. Staff members present were: Parks and Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner Steve Sullivan; Planner, Jim Sturm and Administrative Assistant Liz Witt. Other visitors were present for particular items on the agenda. - AGENDA Director Vraa added "acquisition" to the Parks development item. Chairman Martin added: Parks dedication fee, ordinance review, and water management as discussion to "Other Business". On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Bertz, the agenda was approved as amended. The motion carried. MINUTES JULY 10, 1986 Corrections were noted on page 3,- the 4th recommendation. The developer shall be responsible for benching in a trail 2' above the high water elevation, not "normal" elevation. Also, under July proposals, the single family housing will be off Ches Mar, not Oak Chase Road. On page 4, Park Shelters: Chairman Martin asked "if it were feasible for Vo-tech to construct", not "said it was not feasible for Vo-tech to construct". On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Porter, the minutes were approved as corrected. The motion carried. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 1. Whispering Woods - 3rd Addition - Burnsville Lumber Planner Sturm noted that the proposal is for 13 single family homes on 5.7 acres, located near Cliff and Slaters Road. The Planning Commission gave it's approval and it will be on the City Council agenda August 19. Commissioner Alt moved, Porter seconded to approve cash dedication. All voted in favor. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. August 7, 1986 2. Marstad Addition - Steve Marstad Planner Sturm stated the proposal is for a preliminary plat of four (4) single family lots on two acres, south of Cliff Road and west of Ridgecliffe First Addition. The Planning Commission expressed concern with the extension of Nokia Way through the parcel and that it be a full city street width. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Bertz, the Commission recommended that if the proposal was actually developed, a cash dedication for the additional lots created, would be required. the motion carried. 3. Wilderness Ponds - John Karos Planner Sturm noted this is a preliminary Plat, consisting of 20.7 acres for forty-one (41) single family homes (two homes already exist). Rick Sather, Design Engineer for the Developer, was present, as were the owners of the parcel. Mr. Sather described the proposed development in more detail. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa said, a resident, at the Planning Commission meeting, raised the issue about parkland dedication when Ches Mar, 1st Addition, was developed. Mr. Vraa researched the issue and learned that the developer initiated a nine acre land dedication, but the Council asked instead, for cash dedication. The Homeowners Association did assume maintenance of some of that nine acres and recently turned it over to the City. Tom Karn, President of the Wilderness Run Woods Homeowners Association, was present. He asked why the land dedication was rejected by the Council. He says, the neighborhood needs a park for play equipment closer than the existing parks and he also expressed concern about traffic. Chairman Martin observed that if the City accepted land dedication for Wilderness Ponds, it should be adjacent to existing City Park. That particular strip of land has steep topography, many trees and a pond. He favored accepting cash dedication. He asked if Staff could locate play equipment near the reservoir or at Well Site Park. He felt the neighborhood could be served by existing parks. Mr. Karn did not want the neighborhood children to use Pilot Knob Road to get to a play area. He urged the Commission to take the two acre land dedication, in order to install play equipment. 2 Adv.Parks& Rec. Comm. August 7, 1986 Commissioner Carroll responded that it is not cost effective to have small parks near every development. He asked, if there was an internal trail that could be utilized to get children to the play equipment. Staff mentioned that there were connecting trails to Well Site Park. Commissioner Thurston moved, Bertz seconded, the recommendation to accept cash dedication for Wilderness Ponds. The motion carried. Commissioner Thurston then made a motion, seconded by Bertz, to direct staff to study the placement of play equipment in reasonable proximity to the neighborhood, utilizing existing Park-or-City property. All voted in favor. 4. Blackhawk Acres -2nd Addition - Les Duroos Planner Sturm explained the proposed addition is a preliminary plat for 32 townhouses on six acres of land. It is located west of Blackhawk, and is divided by Robin Lane. He noted the Planning Commission continued the proposal in order to get more drawings, which will show the impact on the surrounding area. Director Vraa cited three issues he wanted the Commission to address: Cash dedication, tot lot, and a trail on Robin Lane. He noted: the townhouses are bisected by Robin Lane, making access to a tot lot difficult. He further noted, that there are trails on Blackhawk Road, Blue Cross Road, and Highway #13, and another one was not really needed on Robin Lane. Wayne Cordis and Les Duroos, representing the Developer's, were present. Mr. Cordis, in his comments said,- the parcel was difficult to develop with hills on both sides. There is a large wooded area and utility easement through the property. He said, there is no place for a central tot lot, and asked if smaller play equipment could-be placed in various spots throughout the property. These areas could be connected by a wood chip trail. Commissioner Carroll asked where the trail would be located. Mr. Duroos responded that the trail would go through the wooded area, around the perimeter and over part of the utility easement. Commissioner's Alt and Bertz expressed concern with the safety and maintenance aspects of the trail. They did not want small children to take the trail through the wooded area where parents would not be able to see them. They also wondered, if the Association would do the trail maintenance. They felt there should be a requirement, that the Homeowners Association maintain the trail. Commissioner Bertz further noted a lack of green space in the overall project. She favored two visible mini tot-lots with two large swings, a slide, or other small equipment on either side of Robin Lane. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. August 7, 1986 Mr. Duroos replied, that there could be monies set aside to maintain the recreational areas and the trail. Mr. Correz said, play areas could be located just off the trail where play could be observed. Chairman Martin asked Staff to look at the type of recreational activities, which should be provided. Commissioner Thurston noted, it is the Developer's responsibility to build a play area. She thought there should be duplicate facilitites to discourage the crossing of Robin Lane. Commissioner Caponi preferred to have a trail which would lead to different play equipment, or a rest area. He felt a trail, by itself, is not interesting. After further discussion, the general consensus of the Commission was not to have a wood chip trail. Commissioner Thurston suggested the Developer work with Staff to select and site appropriate play equipment. Commissioner Masin asked that Staff be creative in the equipment selection. Commissioner Bertz moved, seconded by Carroll, the recommendation to accept cash dedication; to require two mini tot lots, one for either side of Robin Lane with Staff to aide in locating the sites; to require an open recreation area. The motion carried unanimously. 5. Lexington Hills - First Addition - H & Z Partners Planner Sturm presented the proposal as comprised of 168 apartment units near Northview School. He said, the Planning Commission continued the application, because the site plan was not submitted; specifics were not outlined; there are detached garages, and there is no recreational area or open space. The site is heavily wooded on the westerly half. The Commissioners agreed they-wanted to see the approved version of the proposal before it goes to the City Council. Commissioner Thurston moved, Masin seconded, the following concerns about the proposed development: There is no space to put amenities, and there is no recreational area. The trail is needed along Lexington Avenue and should be written into the Developer's agreement. There is too much building and impervious surface on the site. The proposal does not conform to the City's landscape policy. The motion carried. 6. Wilson Addition - Fred Wilson Mr. Wilson proposes four lots on Blackhawk Road, north of Blue Cross/Blaekhawk Road intersection. The Commission is to address a trail along Blackhawk. Director Vraa noted the slope along Blackhawk at this location, and suggested the Commission consider a trail along both sides of Blackhawk. He thought the Developer could give trail easement at this time in the eventuality that a dual trail is constructed. Commissioner Masin moved, Alt seconded, to require cash dedication for the lots and trail easement along Blackhawk Road. All voted in favor. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. August 7, 1986 7. Town Centre 70 - 5th Addition - Taco Bell Commissioner Alt moved, Thurston seconded, the recommendation of cash dedication at the Commercial/Industrial rate. All voted in favor. 8. Town Centre 70 - 6th Addition - Car care center - Planner Sturm said, the: large Car Care Center was located at the intersection of Pilot Knob Road and Duckwood Drive. He noted that Staff placed many conditions on the development, one of which was the placement of trash containers near the building. The Planning Commission approved the application with the condition that the trash containers be placed on the perimeter with adequate screening. Chairman Martin wondered about the handling and storage of gasoline and oil. He noted there are strict rules about underground storage and the City must be sure those requirements are observed. Chairman Martin moved, Thurston seconded, the recommendation to accept cash dedication at the Commercial /Industrial rate. As part of the motion, the Commission expressed concern about the placement of the trash containers along the perimeters; about the lack of green space, and vast amount of impervious surface, and also that the landscaping policy be enforced for the Car Care Center. The motion passed unanimously. Future Proposals - Planner Sturm advised that there are several proposals for August, the largest of which is 200 units in Brittany. This construction should then complete Brittany, and a park will then become a reality for that area. OLD BUSINESS 1. Dakota County Bike Trails Plan Commissioner Thurston reported on the meeting of the Dakota County Commissioners. She said, that the testimony was in support of keeping the trail plan as originally laid out. The County Commissioners did approve the five-year Trail Plan, and a five-year Capital Improvements Plan. Director Vraa said, that the Commission must continually monitor County action, particularly at budget time. It is a good idea to be present at regular board meetings from time to time. Apparently, the County Commissioners think that people don't use trails, and Eagan residents must provide evidence to the contrary. Commissioner Thurston commented that the trail system is segmented now, and connecting links are needed so the trails can be used as they were intended to be used. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. August 7, 1986 2. Project 463 - Pilot Knob Road Trunk Storm Sewer - Mooney Lake, Patrick Eagan Park Director Vraa informed the Commission that the Council deferred this item to a September agenda to explore the Commission's recommendation for overland water flow. He said, that residents of Berry Ridge Road were present at a neighborhood meeting, and suggested the water flow to the west, rather than to the east,- to pick up the trunk line. A lift station would be necessary to make it workable. Mark Hanson of the Bonestroo Engineering firm will be at the September Parks & Recreation Commission meeting to discuss the various alternatives. Chairman Martin was concerned with water elevation and quality of ponds in all City parks, plus the fact that many trees are now under water. He would like Mr. Hanson to address this concern at the September meeting. NEW BUSINESS 1. Briar Hills Additions - Trailway Connection Director Vraa explained that trail connectors to the park and tot lot was part of the original development conditions. However, the developer, Carl Tollefson, did not put in the trails, and has sold some of the lots where the trail was to be placed. The developer was to get easement from the land owners so a new trail alignment can be installed. However, he is now asking that the trail issue be abandoned. The Homeowners Asssociation is to maintain the trail. The Public Works Department has redrawn the trail location, to accommodate already sold.-lots, but part of the trail comes directly off private driveways. There was considerable discussion as to how the trails could still be put in, and the necessity to acquire easements by condemnation. Commissioner Thurston moved, Caponi seconded, the recommendation to require the trails be completed as proposed by the Public Works Department. In the event the developer proposes an alternative trail connection; it must receive Staff approval. All voted in favor. The Commissioners said, the Developer failed to perform as initially he agreed to do. The trail was to go to the tot lot, and it doesn't do that. Currently, people's, yards are trespassed in order to get to the tot lot. 2. User Fees - Trapp Farm and Other Facilities Included in the packet was a staff proposal for a fee structure for park shelter buildings. Staff suggested the park facilities be grouped into four classifications for reservation program: large pavillion (Trapp Farm Park); enclosed shelter buildings (Trapp Farm Park, Goat Hill & Rahn); Open shelters and athletic facility shelters (Northview and Rahn). Fees for the large pavillion would be $35.00 for one-half day (1/2) and $50.00 for a full-day. Fees for enclosed shelters would be $30.00, minimum five hours, with an additional $5.00/hour over five hours. A damage deposit of $100.00 would be required. 6 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. August 7, 1986 Fees for open shelters would be $15.00 with no time limit on the reservation. Fees for the athletic facility shelters would be included with the athletic field reservation. A field could be reserved for $30.00 per day. Lights, when required, would be $20.00 per field/per day. The building cleaning charge would be $30.00. A damage deposit of $100 would be required. Director Vraa wanted a recommendation from the Commission regarding the fee structure as presented. He felt the fees should be firm so they could be included in the recreation calendar. Commissioner Caponi said, the minimum fees were okay, but he wondered if we should charge more for non-residents. He also thought there should be "free time" available for residents to use facilities. Commissioner Masin thought we should let the fee plan operate for a year first and then see if free days are needed. Chairman Martin agreed. He said, the rates should be established and adjustments made after a year of operation. Commissioner Porter suggested a log be kept of all requests. He was particularly interested in the requests that could not be honored - who requested, when, and why the request was denied. He felt the log would identify those who could not be served. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Alt moved, seconded by Carroll, to recommend approval of the fee schedule as presented subject to review in a year's time. The motion carried. 3. Updating of Eagan Bike Trails Plan: Authorization to use Tim Erkkila Director Vraa indicated there was a need to update the trails plan, and recommended Tim Erkkila be retained to do the update. Commissioner Thurston moved, Bertz seconded, the recommendation to hire Tim Erkkila to update the trail plan. PARKS DEVELOPMENT 1. Acquisition Progress - Athletic Site(s) Director Vraa said, the Ohmann estate had been settled except for assessments. The land should be acquired within the next 30 days. He said, he had presented the Barr site to the Council and had been directed to consider other sites. One suggested site was the O'Neil property, which now sells for $35 - $40,000 per acre. Mr. Vraa was directed to re-examine five sites along with their cost estimates. The. Commission expressed disappointment at the Council's reception of the months of study and effort put in by the Commission. Staff presented a concept plan for the acreage to be acquired near Northview Park. Mr. Vraa has been negotiating with Jim Curry and reached a price of $24,000 per acre, plus assessments of $4,000 per acre: The assessment would be covered by other property owned by Mr. Curry. The total cost for seven acres = $140,000. 7 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. August 7, 1986 The negotiated price for the church acreage is $24,000 per acre, plus one-half of the assessments. The cost for those three acres would be $74,600. Total cost to acquire the 10 acres would be $214,600. The Commission also discussed possible acquisition of a 2.5 acre parcel, somewhat isolated from the remaining Curry property as a result of the athletic site sale to the City. A full sized street will have to be constructed just west of the athletic site to serve the small parcel. Acquisition of the smaller parcel could include the strip where the road would go. The Commission discussed and dismissed a few possible uses for the small parcel, and decided they were trying to accommodate a circumstance, which was not included in the Parks System Plan. The Commission determined the parcel could be reviewed further, but that the City should proceed on the seven (7) acres, rather than delay the process further. Commissioner Bertz moved, seconded by Thurston, the recommendation to acquire the seven (7) and three (3) acre parcels for $214,600. All voted in favor. 2. Security Light - Neighborhood Parks Parks Planner Steve Sullivan said, that Dakota Electric will be installing security lights, using concrete pole material. Dakota electric did not favor the concrete poles, but because of durability he recommended the City pay the difference between the usual pole and•the concrete pole. The poles will have "lantern" light fixtures. Members expressed their agreement with this, questioning how soon, and which parks would be getting the lights. 3. Parking Lot Lights and Fencing Contracts Parks Planner Sullivan said, parking lot lights will be installed in three parks this year, and they will have the "Marquette" (boxlike) light fixture. The fencing contract includes backstops and fencing at Rahn and Goat Hill Parks, and backstops at Walnut Hill, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Quarry and Meadowland Parks. 4. Play Equipment: Pilot Knob, Walnut Hill, O'Leary Park & Woodhaven Park Park Planner Sullivan announced the play equipment for these parks should be installed this year. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Commission Picnic The annual picnic will be held Friday, September 12th at Trapp Farm Park. The cost has been increased to $3.50 per person. a Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. August 7, 1986 2. September Equipment Presentation The Commission was in favor of having an equipment demonstration prior to the September meeting and suggested a box dinner be available for Staff and Commissioner's attending. The demonstration is tentatively set for 5:30 p.m. 3. Park Maintenance Report A report, prepared by John VonDeLinde, Superintendent of Parks, was distributed to Commission members. Mr. VonDeLinde highlighted the July accomplishments, the Restitution Program, the Twin Cities Tree Trust, archery wall, bench installations, Rahn tennis lighting, athletic fields, play structure installations, turf maintenance, tennis court inspections, equipment acquisitions, picnic kits, picnic tables, compost site, Fourth of July celebration, August work plan, July accomplishments for the Forestry Department and the compost program. 4. Park Dedication Fee: Mr. Martin said, that he hoped the Annual Review of Parks Dedication could be started in September. He also asked the status of the ordinance revision. Director Vraa said, the newly drafted ordinance is done and is to be sent to the City Attorney for review. The item will be on the September agenda. 5. City Code Review Mr. Martin said, he wanted the Commissioner's to review the City Code on all matters relating to parks. Commissioners Carroll and Caponi will review Chapters 1 & 2; Thurston & Martin - Chapters 3 & 4: Bertz & Alt - Chapters 5 & 6; Masin & Porter - Chapters 7, 8, & 12; Kubik & Ketcham - Chapters 9 & 10. All Commissioners will review the Zoning Chapter (Chapter. 11), and the Subdivision Chapter (Chapter 13). 6. Water management Mr. Martin expressed the concern for trees being flooded at many of the City ponds, and of the poor water quality. He continued on to express great concern, and spoke of the need to do something to change the situation. Chairman Martin will draft a letter to the City Council regarding the water quantity and quality, particularly in the park ponds. He feels that poor engineering has resulted in high water tables and contaiminated water. Mr. Martin will provide Commission members with a copy of the letter for their input. Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. August 7, 1986 ROUND TABLE Commissioner Masin asked when the Commission discussed the work that was recently completed at Cedar Pond. Director Vraa said, a tie wall was installed to correct erosion problems, and that the item was on the agenda some months ago. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Alt moved, seconded by Caponi, to adjourn. Time of adjournment was 11:00 p.m. n Dated: Advisory Parks creation ecretary 10