10/06/1986 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1986 The meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 5:05 P.M. by Chairman Martin. The Commission meeting was convened at the frontage road off of Deerwood, west of 35E. The purpose of the meeting was to make an on-site reviewal of the property being proposed for sale by Mr. Ed Dunn, as additional acquisition to Blackhawk Park. Director of Parks and' Recreation, Ken Vraa and Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Stephen Sullivan reviewed the site graphic which illustrated the proposed acquisition under the P.U.D. agreement. Also reviewed were additional acquisition, by increments, around Blackhawk Lake, approximately at 2 acre intervals - within the property owned by Mr. Dunn. Director of Parks and Recreation Ken Vraa also announced to the Advisory Commission that he had recently spoken with Kathy Waldron, owner of the parcel on the north side of Blackhawk Lake. Previously, she had indicated an asking price of $20,000 per acre, for the approximate seven (7) acre parcel.- Mr. Vraa indicated she would now accept.$10,000 per acre or approximately $70,000. There have been no discussions regarding the approximate $12,000 worth of assessments on the property, or the fact that part of the property included lake area. Director Vraa indicated that a figure of 50,000 to 60,000 seemed a figure that might be acceptable to Kathy Waldron. Commission members and Staff proceeded to walk the area, noting vegetation and topography suitability for parks usage consistent with overall preliminary concept planning. At several locations along the shoreline, distances were noted which helped to define building locations if the property were to be developed. Following the tour, Commission members addressed the desired acquisitions, questioning the status of the Park Site Fund and Bond Fund as potential sources for dollars. In response to the question, the director viewed both funds status, indicating that this year's fee dedication had already amounted to approximately $250,000. After discussion of community prioritites, Chairman Martin stated he would request motions to purchase each particular parcel by priority. Members were in agreement that the Walden parcel and the first eight (8) acres; to provide for a 250 feet from shoreline, were essential for parks acquisition. Chairman Martin indicated that he felt the City should extend this line to 300 feet, because the topography - in some cases, would still place buildings in close visual proximity. All members were in agreement that these should be the first three priorities. After additional discussion concerning four(4), two acre acquisitions, Commission agreed that the first two parcels, immediately east of the P.U.D. Park Dedication, would also be included in the Commission's recommendation. All members were in agreement. A motion by Kubik, seconded by Thurston. There was a recommendation of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission to acquire the Waldren parcel, up to the 300 foot line of the Lakeshore Parcel, and the first two (2) - two acre parcels, as depicted by the Concept Sketch. All members voted in favor. 1 Special Meeting Minutes Adv. Comm. Parks & Rec. October 6, 1986 Chairman Martin stated there was discussion and concern relative to potential for rezoning and density changes at the north side of the lake, adjacent to I- 35E, under the control of Mr. Dunn. Due to the topography, the locations here would dominate the park area, and he felt--it was appropriate for Staff to discuss with Mr. Dunn additional acquistion in. this area. Commission members agreed that a multiple residential development at this location,:would severly impact the park, while single family residents would hardly be observable. After -further discussion, a motion by Carroll, seconded by Bertz, that the City Council be apprised of the Commission's concern relative to set-backs and possible P.U.D. review for development of this area. Should this area revert to multiple family use, a greater set-back be required as a condition. 1987 PROJECT PRIORITIES Deferred from the Thursday Commission meeting, as project priorities for 1987. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa indicated it was Staff's recommendation to proceed with the design and construction of Thomas Lake, O'Leary, Carnelian, and Lakeside Parks. Further, Vienna Woods Park would also be considered as an inclusion into the 1987 construction project list, only if time permitted. The director went on to recommend, that the tennis court contract, hockey rink contract, irrigation, and lighting of hockey rinks also be contracted and be part of the 1987 project list. Installation of play equipment could be deferred until a later meeting. Trapp Farm Park and parks under the 1986 Construction Program should have high priority. Roger Martin stated he felt that the City needed to get into a replacement program of play equipment for existing parks not scheduled within the Park Bond Referendum. Members agreed that this would be prudent and necessary to continue to ensure that the system does not become antiquated. After additional discussion, a motion by Masin, seconded by Bertz, the Commission confirmed the recommendation of the Director of Parks and Recreation for the 1987 Park Construction Priorities. There being no further business, the Recreation Commission adjourned at 7:00 P.M. Date Adw TsoryParks and-Recre-a "ion Secret ra y 2