11/06/1986 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINNESOTA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION EAGAN, MINNESOTA NOVEMBER 6, 1986 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:05 P.M. Members present were: Porter, Alt, Masin, Martin, Thurston, Bertz, Caponi, Carroll, Kubik. Absent was Commission member Ketcham, who was ill. Staff present were: Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa; Parks Planner/Landscape Architect Stephen Sullivan; Planner, Jim Sturm; Student Intern, Julie Lencowski. Other visitors were present for specific agenda items. AGENDA Chairman Martin asked to have added to the agenda the setting of a date to visit the parcels being proposed for development by Mr. Hall and Sienna Corporation. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa, asked that under "New Business", Item #5 - Trails, be added. There being no further additions, a motion by Thurston, seconded by Carroll, with all members voting in favor, the agenda of November 6th was approved. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 4, 1986 Chairman Martin noted several typographical mistakes for correction. It was noted that under "Round Table - Item C" the word "collected" should have been inserted after the words "additional dollars". Motion by Alt, seconded by Masin, with all in favor the September 4th, 1986 minutes were approved as amended. 1 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. November 6, 1986 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OCTOBER 2, 1986 Commission Bertz moved, seconded by Kubik, with all members voting in favor that the minutes of October 2, 1986, be approved as presented. In the minutes of the Special Meeting, October 6th, member Carroll corrected the Waldron spelling! A. motion _b'y Carroll, seconded by Kubik, with all members in favor, minutes of October 6th as amended, were approved. Chairman Martin noted that Planner Jim Sturm was not present at this time, and moved that the Commission discuss Item #1 under "New Business", Eagan Hockey petition. COMMUNITY CENTER PETITION Mr. Robert Smith, President of the Eagan Hockey Boosters, presented a petition representing approximately 250 signatures of Eagan residents. Mr. Smith said, the petition was collected to show the City Council and Advisory Commission the interest within the City for developing a Community Center. He went on to state that the petitioners felt that the City of Eagan needed a Community Center to service existing needs of the City, and as the City continues to grow, these needs will only expand. He indicated that many residents were tired of travelling to Burnsville and Rosemount to make use of facilities. He indicated that nearly $13,000 of ice time was purchased from other arenas, as skaters must go to other communities to skate or swim. He stated that the names on the petition' represented mostly those interested in hockey and swimming. Roger Martin then explained to Mr. Smith the existing information concerning a community center and the recent Commission formation of a Study Committee. Mr. Smith, in response to a question, stated that he felt that School District #196, identified primarily with Rosemount, and not Eagan, was a major factor for people gravitating towards Rosemount in the use of their facilities. He felt that Eagan needs a recreational hub, and a community center would fulfill that need. Chairman Martin questioned if the petition represented the interest of the general population or if it was strictly "hockey interests". Mr. Smith responded, that he felt the petition represented Eagan Hockey Club, but also included others interested in swimming and a community center in general. Mr. Martin said, that he felt the petition was a good inventory tool, and felt there were other recreation and social concerns for a community center, which the City must study. After additional discussion, and a motion by Kubik, seconded by Carroll, with all in favor, that the petition be accepted from the Hockey Association, noting that the City Council has directed the Commission to prepare a first phase study. 2 -Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. November 6, 1986 STORM SEWER STUDY Chairman Martin noted that this item was deferred to December, as a result of Mr. Colbert's required attendance at the City Council meeting, which was held simultaneously in the Council Chambers. CITY CODE REVIEW -Roger Martin explained, that each individual has a responsibility to review those sections of the City Code pertaining to parks. He then inquired as to where the "Parks Dedication" is in the City Code? Director Vraa replied, that within the zoning section, references are made to the requirement and certain dedications for parks purposes, which are then spelled out by the City .policy. Commission member Thurston questioned whether the Commission will be made aware of any City code changes and updates, as well as revisions. Director Vraa responded that, as the City code book is updated, the revised pages would be sent to the Commission members. After additional discussion, Chairman Martin suggested that the Commission submit their reviews in writing to the Director of Parks and Recreation regarding issues pertaining to parks in anticipation of next month's meeting. Such memorandums could then be compiled and sent to the Commission with the packet. November 24th was established as the deadline date to have these into the Director's office. COMMUNITY CENTER STUDY The Director of Parks and Recreation presented a list of existing facilities to the Commission for further review and refinement, as potential facilities to visit. He indicated the Commission should consider dates for visits, which facilities to visit, and add any other facilities not mentioned. Jo Anne Alt questioned, what the difference was between a first and second generation ice arena, which the Director responded to. George Kubik questioned what the Staff's top five facility prorities were? The response was: St. Louis Park, Brooklyn Center, and Eden Prairie, as being three of the top possibilities on the list. Bogert Martin said, he wished to go to the three sites, as mentioned. Sandy Bertz concurred saying, she felt these three facilities were very important to visit. After additional discussion, the Commission decided on the second Saturday in January (January 10th), in which to make visits to the sites. Director of Parks and Recreation was requested to mail out questionnaires to these community centers and set up meeting times. 3 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. November 7, 1986 SNOWMOBILE TRAIL USE REQUEST Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa, presented the request from the Eagan Snowmobile Club as requested by Mr. Maynard-Ohm. He stated that this was a request for a fourth or fifth season. Chairman Martin questioned if there had been any problems in the past year. The Director responded that, the only problem was that the people do not stay on the designated trails, and go on-to-parks, specifically Walnut Hill, Trapp Farm, and Rahn school sites. Martin asked if the Snowmobile Club could do an additional job of policing, would the use continue? ~Sandy `Masiz questioned, if it was- possible. to-.find out if the snowmobile abusers are within the Snowmobile Club. Jo Anne Alt commented that most of the use was along the Highline Trail, in which more. and more homes-were being built adjacent to it. .She indieated.that snowmobiles along the trails do not mix well with residential development. Roger Martin concurred that more and more people are living along the Highline Trails, and if the snowmobiles are abusive they do not work together. After additional discussion concerning various problems, on a motion by Kubik, seconded by Martin, with eight members voting in favor, and one "no" vote, the Commission recommended to the City Council approvals to use Highline Trail Corridor and Johnny Cake Ridge Road as corridor for access to the Dakota County Trail System as in previous years. The Commission further went on the record to express concern with problems, which occur in other areas and asked the Snowmobile Club and Police Department to continue monitoring these issues. PARK NAMING COMMITTEE Commission member Carroll suggested that this item be deferred until the December meeting, in order that he may obtain some historical data regarding individual sites to be considered for official naming. FIRST DRAFT DEMOGRAPHIC STUDY Julie Lencowski, Student Intern from The University of Minnesota, indicated that her project for the department was to update the demographic information as contained in the Parks Systems Planned Study. Julie went on to indicate that she had completed her review of all housing data through August of 1985, which computed into a population of approximately 31,000 people. Continued review of the building permits from September of 1985 through 1986, indicated that the population is 40,000, excluding vacancy rates, which represents about 10%. Julie indicated that the continuation of the study would break down the population within park service areas,-for review at the December meeting. Commission member Alt questioned "What is the child to the adult ratio?", Julie indicated that the study was utilizing demographic figures provided by School District #196. She decided that there were approximately 3.34 individuals per single family household. Porter indicated that District #196 keeps records of all children from birth dates. It was suggested that the 4 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. November 7, 1986 demographer.be contacted from the school district. Julie responded that, the City and the School District use different formats, as did the 1985 census, consequently.it was very difficult to have the various boundaries match in order to ensure figures are accurate. She further went on to indicate that the City staff had contacted the school district .to.receive.some assistance. After further questioning and discussion, Julie. indicated that- -she hoped to have the complete report and the updated parks system pages at the December Commission meeting. PATRICK EAGAN PARK/LILLIAN MCCARTHY-,PARCEL Director of Parks and Recreation explained the past acquisition..of Patrick Eagan Park, from Joe and Lillian McCarthy. He asked if the City wished to purchase, what is now the homesite of Lillian McCarthy, adjacent to Lexington Avenue and represents 3.8 acres. He indicated that the parcel was not presently being offered for sale. However, a family member did wish to see if the City still had an interest in the property. Carolyn Thurston inquired as to what the cost of the parcel was. The director responded that, an appraisal of the property was done in 1985, which concluded that the house and parcel was worth approximately $96,000. Chairman Martin responded that he has always been disappointed with the frontage along Lexington Avenue for Patrick Eagan Park, noting that the small road access virtually hides the park from users. Several Commission members spoke in support of necessity of acquiring this parcel for various reasons, including frontage, road access to the park, eta. On a motion by Kubik, seconded by Thurston, Staff was to continue to review purchasing of the property, as well-as utilization of the house, should the property be placed on the market, or be offered to the City. Motion carried. TRAILS Director of Parks and Recreation and the Staff has been working to update the Trails Map, for several months. He stated that he had just received the latest update from Tim Erkkila, who wished to give a first review with the Advisory Commission. He stressed the large amount of trails construction since the last update in the Comprehensive Trails Plan. He indicated that changes were made, with the trail along the right-of-way on Northview Park Road, south to Diffley. The second change was extended to the trail along Thomas Lake Road Extension, to the south of Deerwood; with the need to add Coachman Road Trail, as directed by the Commission previously. Dick Carroll commented that there was need to add the trail beneath the northern state's power easement (north/south) as a none-right-of-way trail. Commission members commented on other trail sections. The Director responded that at the December meeting, there will be a reduction for Commission members for final review and approval. Commission member Carroll sited the C-1 Classification for the south side of the east/west trail along Cliff Road, noting the high traffic use on this County Road. He suggested that the City continue to indicate this as future off-road trailway. 5 Adv. Parks & Bee. Comm. November 6, 1986 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL .Chairman Martin noted that- Jim Sturm was now available, and the Commission could review the development reports. Jim Sturm first presented a brief .overview,of the, proposal by Molenaro and Associates entitled "Pond View". _ . 11 71 Mr, Sturm then explained-Stafford Place, a proposed single family home development of approximately 200 lots, of which 114 did not meet current City Code. He also indicated that the City Engineering Department felt a north/south collector's street was necessary, and may well be placed through this devel_oment. He further, indicated that he expects some changes in the plat, as a result of the non-conformance of the zoning ordinance and the collector street issue. Also, he noted that there should be trails along--the north/south road, trail access to the school site and along Diffley Road. Chairman Martin asked if Staff had contacted the school district to.see'if the trail is wanted. There was much discussion by the Advisory Commission concerning this plat. The Commission was in agreement that a trailway on Cliff Road, and along the north/south street as shown, should be required.' A cash dedication would also be a requirement. After further discussion, and noting that the plat may be changed, the Commission determined that it would withhold it's final recommendation concerning the plat, until these revisions had been completed. Carolyn Thurston, noting that the issues of trails were such a concern with the Hampton Heights development; and this is the same developer; the Commission should go on record that no lot should be sold until the exact trail locations are determined. Upon a motion by Thurston, seconded by Carroll, with all Commission members in favor, it was moved that the-Commission go on record that the pre-selling of lots should not occur until all trail locations are determined, with a development agreement prepared. - MANOR LAi~ ADDITION Planner Jim Sturm reviewed the proposed plat entitled "Manor Lake" indicating that Outlet C, was designated as commercial use. He stated that the Planning Commission continue this item, because the plat had failed to recognize uses to the south, and the contingency plan for Outlot C - should rezoning to commercial not be granted. Parks Planner, Stephen Sullivan, reviewed an analysis over the area proposed for parkland dedication. He indicated that the topography was relatively flat and represented the best area within the forty-three (43) acre parcel. The area was basically pasture, without any significant vegetation, with good visual orientation to the pond to the west. He stated that the parcel was relatively small and much tighter than the typical parks being done, and much closer in proximity to proposed homes. After further review by the Landscape Architect, the Commission questioned the size of the park parcel, in relation to the plat. Members noted that the size of the dedication appears to be less than that which would be required from the 10% dedication policy. Members were also concerned relative to the small size of lake access. Most 6 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. November 7, 1986 Commission members agreed that the general location shown was appropriate for the park. Members questioned access to the park via the proposed cul-de-sac, and the limited road frontage for access to the park from this development. There continued considerable discussion regarding the size of the park and the park access, as well trails connection to the west. Director Vraa responded that Staff had prepared a scheme which removed the cul-de-sac and would provide a curvilinear roadway. Commission members were in agreement with this layout, indicating the preference -spot of road access, and visual connection to the park. After additional discussion, a motion by Carroll, seconded by Porter, with all-members voting in favor, the Commission went on record as indicating that they favored the layout on sheet #4, with the additional road frontage, increase in parkland closer to the representation of the plat, and future expansion possibilities. Further, that the City receive dedication for platted outlots at this time, that a trail access to the west, within the proposed roadway shown in Outlot A, be provided, that south property acquisition provide for an open play space, and that the City recognize the unusual situation, in which the City does not typically have a neighborhood park under ten (10) acres and the necessity of providing for a smaller, atypical neighborhood park, as a result of roads isolating this neighborhood. PARKS DEVELOPMENT Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan updated the Advisory Commission on the status of parks development, indicating that most of the :work that is outstanding could be completed within two weeks, given favorable weather conditions. He stated that 'the building contractor is proceeding well, but still very much behind schedule. DESIGN REVIEW/COST ESTIMATES - SUN SHELTER WARMING HOUSE Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed the cost estimate for the warming houses and the sun shelter at $32,340. and $10,250. respectively. He stated that in the case of the sun shelters, and if City forces were used - a savings of $5,100 could be made. A savings of approximately $8,000 might be made from the warming house construction. He stated that the issue for the Commission was, if they desired to move ahead more quickly, the buildings should be constructed as part of a contract. If, however, the Commission felt that a slower approach could be used, City forces could build the shelters. In response to one question, the Director responded that bid specifications for these buildings be done by staff, because of the similarity of construction techniques with current construction program and the simplicity of design. Chairman Martin was concerned about the number of windows shown. Member Caponi questioned how these facilities would be situated on the site and their orientation. Director Vraa responded, that the number and location of windows can be expanded quite easily. The design shown was a generic approach. Further, that the exact building location and orientation would be dependent upon the park. It would also have an impact on the location of 7 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. November 7, 1986 doors and windows. After further discussion, and response to a question, the Director responded that he would recommend that the City forces build the sun shelters, in hopes of constructing between one and three in 1987. Further, that the warming house shelter be part of a building contract, that might go with Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Quarry Park. The first priority would be for Carnelian Park, which is slated for refurbishment in 1987. After additional discussion and a motion by Kubik, seconded by Masin, with all members- voting in favor, the Staff recommendation included the warming house building contract, with City forces to:complete- the sun shelters be approved. LAND ACQUISITION Director of Parks-and -Recreation told the Advisory Commission that all acquisitions have now been completed for the Curry/Ohmann and Church parcel. Director indicated that the Derrick Land Company had not as yet closed on the parcels creating the Fairway Hills Addition, because of an apparent lack of funding. Commission member Thurston questioned, if this might not open the door for additional acquisition as the next athletic site. Commission discussed this possibility, and a motion by Thurston, seconded by Bertz, Staff was directed to review the possibility for additional acreage acquisition, within the Ohmann Estate for the next athletic site. Commission member Kubik moved, seconded by Carroll, that the Commission send a letter to Mr. Jim Curry thanking him for his cooperation with the City in securing his land for an addition to Northview Park. All members were in favor. BOND FUND SUMMARY Director of Parks and Recreation then reviewed a bond fund summary, prepared by the development, indicating that it was a status report on the expenditures to date. He reviewed the various figures, indicating that they were very preliminary, due to the work in process and still unknown certainties associated with parks yet to be developed. He stated that the bottom line was that the bond fund was very much on target. In response to a question from member Alt, the Director explained the transfer of $100,000 for the buildings from the parksite fund. He stated that this was at the direction of the Advisory Commission at the time the Commission was reviewing costs for these .facilities. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS LLWCON/LCMR Grant Director Vraa stated that he had received communications from State Senators Durenburger and Boschwitz concerning the City LAWCON application, as well as local Representatives. He felt that the funding for LAWCON/LCMR funds would be appropriated and that the grant for Thomas Lake Park would be approved. 8 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. November 7, 1986 -Maintenance Report, Chairman Martin said that he appreciated the Maintenance Report, noting the amount of work that the maintenance staff had accomplished. Caponi Parcel-Site Visit Members discussed the pending visit to Caponi parcel for reviewal of the Community Art Center. Martin indicated that he would also like to review the parcel being proposed for development by Mr. Hall and Sienna Corporation. After discussion, the Commission agreed to view the sites beginning on Saturday, at 9:00 A.M. commencing at City Hall. Northview Park Road Director of Parks and Recreation stated, that the Northview Park Road, as a result of the Lexington Park Square development would be upgraded in order for construction to begin next year. Construction will be in phases to accommodate access to the park, and there will be storm water improvement plans. Members expressed interest in these storm water plans and a desire to review such plans prior to public hearings. Winter Rinks Priority Staff had prepared a maintenance and priority program for winter rinks. Director reviewed these-plans as consistent with previous Commission direction. It was noted that this year's program should improve, as a result of the Street Department requiring less parks maintenance men to help plow streets in snow emergencies. Building Interiors Director responded that Staff has been researching the various carpeting and furniture available for installation at Trapp Farm Park and Goat Hill. However, he stated that none of this was approved in the parks bond fund and it would be appropriate for the Commission to now approve the staff purchasing of these items. A motion by Kubik, seconded by Caponi, with all members in favor, Staff was authorized to proceed with the purchase of carpeting and furniture for the two buildings, as discussed. 9 Adv. Parks & Rec. Comm. November 6, 1986, Softball Fees Director of Parks and Recreation stated that the League Leadership Committee for the Softball-Organization's have recommended that a $25.00 "new team initiation" fee be applied. The new team fee would then be deposited for use at Northview Park or other athletic facilities. A motion by Bertz, seconded by Caponi, with all in favor, Staff was authorized to charge an initiation fee of $25.00- fee for- new teams in the adult softball leagues. _ Rahn Root Director Vraa updated the Advisory Commission on the Rahn roof status, indicating that a cost of $30,000 for the construction of a false roof was received. Staff is now proceeding with repair work under a proposal form, rather than the more expensive roof design. Waldron Parcel Director Vraa stated that he has received a copy of the certificate of title for the Kathy Waldron parcel, indicating it's size. Commission has already recommended acquistion of the parcel, but an offer price has not been determined. Staff recommended a price of $115,000 plus assessments. All members in favor. December Meeting Commission member Alt suggested that the December meeting be held at Trapp Farm Park. She suggested that this could be the Christmas party for the Commission. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting of November 6th, 1986 was adjourned at 10:115 P.M. Dated Advisory Parks & Recreration Secretary 10