02/24/1987 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A JOINT MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL/ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA February 24, 1987 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, February 24, 1987, at 7:00 p.m. at the Trapp Farm Park Shelter Building. The purpose of the meeting was to meet jointly with the Parks and Recreation. Advisory Commission to discuss a number of issues that that Advisory Commis- sion has been working on in the past calendar year and the location was selected due to the already scheduled public hearings in the council chambers for the regular Planning Commission Meeting. Present were Mayor Blomquist and City Councilmembers Egan, Smith, Ellison and Wachter, who arrived at approximately 8:25 p.m. Also present were Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission members Carolyn Thurston, Joanne Alt, Dick Carroll, Anthony Caponi, George Kubik, Bob Porter, Sandy Bertz and Sandra Mason. Also present were Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa, Parks Planner/Landscape Architects Sullivan and City Administrator Hedges. INFORMATIVE UPDATE Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa provided a status report on the proposed acquistion of property adjacent to Blackhawk Park. He also provided an update on the LAWCON/LCMR Grant Application for 1987 that included improvements to Thomas Lake Park and a 1988 grant application for Blackhawk Park. Director of Parks and Recreation also provided an update on the joint park land and elementary school development that will occur with Independent School District 196 on the former Mueller site located on Wescott Road between Lexington Avenue and Elrene Road. Copies of a draft agreement between the City of Eagan and Independent School District 196 pertaining to the long term ownership and use and maintenance for the elementary school and park land was reviewed in detail. There were several changes proposed by members of of the City Council and it was determined that the City Attorney would review the draft agreement and provide a revised copy for consideration at the March 3 City Council Meeting. The Director of Parks and Recreation and Park Planner/Landscape Architect Sullivan provided illustrations and background data for three (3) shelter buildings including a facility proposed at the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Park Facility, a replacement building design and a sun shelter designed to be used in various parks. There were concerns raised by both the City Council and Parks Advisory Commission regarding the locker room facilities that will be maintained at the shelter in Blue Cross Park. The Director of Parks and Recreation stated that the Blue Cross Corporation will be responsible for all operations of the locker room facility and if the concept is successful it would be used periodically by the department. 1 PARK DEDICATIONS/SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Acting Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Chairperson Thurston stated that language in the Subdivision Ordinance should be strengthened by adding a paragraph that would allow for the park dedication policy to be adopted by reference or resolution of the City Council. Acting Chairperson Thurston emphasized the importance of referencing that document as a regulatory provision of the City Code. Members of the City Council and Parks Advisory Commission concurred with acting Chairperson Thurston and the city staff was directed to add a paragraph adopting the park dedication procedure/policy by reference identified as a resolution in the City Code when it is recodified in 1987. 1987 PARK PROJECTS Park Planner/Landscape Architect Sullivan stated that the park projects that were proposed for 1987 have been delayed due to the volume of new development applications received and processed by the city since late Fall 1986. He reported specifically on the improvements to Carnelian Park stating that a neighborhood meeting was held and various remarks from that meeting will be incorporated into the final design for Carnelian Park. There were other specific park projects discussed but not in specific detail. NORTHVIEW PARK/REQUEST FOR SITE GRADING Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that the Northview Park Land Expansion/Acquisition has been completed with Jim Curry. He stated that the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission is recommending that an expanded parking lot be approved for construction in 1987, complete all grading for future softball diamonds and provide for turf establishment for the new park land. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa further stated that the backstops and other surface improvements could be made in 1988 or future years when the fields and playing area are needed. Representives of the Advisory Parks Commissions stated that it was their consensus to add this project in 1987 and pay for the improvements out of the park site fund. Mayor Blomquist expressed a concern about the impact lighting is causing on homes in the area during summer months when the ball fields are heavily used. It was suggested by Council and Commission Members that signs be installed specifically stating that fields will be lighted in future years. After further discussion regarding improvement of the roadway and other expansion considerations to Northview Park a motion was made by Commission Member Alt, seconded by Commission Member Kubic with all members voting in favor that the aggregate surface of parking lot, roadway, grading and establishment of turf for the Northview Park expansion be authorized in 1987 and that payment for these improvements occur from the park site fund further stating the aforementioned action is a recommendation to the City Council for their consideration. Mayor Blomquist asked for any comments and a motion from the City Council regarding the recommendation for improvements to Northview Park in 1987. In a motion by Councilmember Smith and seconded by Councilmember Egan with all members voting in favor of the recommendation of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission to construct both the aggregate surface and parking lot, improve the roadway and establish turf for the expansion of Northview Park in 1987 was improved and further that payment would occur from the park site fund. 2 City Councilmember Wachter arrived and participated in the remainder of the meeting. FUTURE ATHLETIC SITES Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa reviewed several locations that were given previous consideration by the City Council, Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission and Staff for a future athletic field site. Park Planner Sullivan specifically reviewed a site owned by Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company located immediately East of Lexington Avenue and North of Yankee Doodle Road consisting of approximately 20 to 25 acres. He stated that the topography is such that a different design would be necessary for the softball fields located on the East side of the property. Parks and Recreation Vraa reported that a cost has not been negotiated with Northwestern Mutual Life to date. There is some discussion by both the City Council and Park Commission that if this site is selected only the West half would be developed in the near future. The East portion could be designated as a reserve parcel and developed in future years if the need is identified. The Director of Parks and Recreation also reviewed a 67 acre site that is located at the Southwest quadrant of Lexington Avenue and Diffley Road. Members of the City Council and Park Commission expressed a concern over the lighting that would be required for ball fields at this location. It was stated that this area represents one of the high vistas in the community as lighting is seen from many residential areas throughout South Central Eagan. Members of the Council and Commission expressed the desire to have the next athletic field located in an area where lighting would not infringe on any present or future residential areas. City Councilmember Wachter suggested another site which is located on the West side of Lexington Avenue generally across from the Carson Pirie Scott building stating that this land is flat and would save considerable dollars in site preparation and grading. The Director of Parks and Recreation stated that he would pursue the total acreage, ownership and cost for this site. Another location was discussed by Staff, Council and Commission members which is an area adjacent to the proposed Stonebridge Addition in the Eagan Hill Farms Addition. There is some discussion regarding the advantages and disadvantages of locating another athletic field adjacent to the Northfield Athletic Field. After further review, questions and discussion by both the Commission and City Council the motion was made by Commission Member Mason, seconded by Commission Member Caponi with all members voting in favor that a recommendation be made to the City Council to pursue the Northwestern Mutual site at the intersection of Lexington Avenue and Yankee Doodle Road as the primary site and that a site at Lexington and Diffley be considered a secondary site and further the staff proceed with the cost determination for the acquisition and development of both sites. Mayor Blomquist asked for any further discussion and action by the City Council. In a motion by City Councilmember Egan, seconded by City Councilmember Smith with all members in favor the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission to further negotiate and pursue the Northwestern Mutual site as a primary location for the City's next athletic field which is described generally as East of the Lexington/Yankee Doodle Road intersection and that further a second site be considered at the Southwest quadrant of the intersection of Lexington and Diff ley Road and that a cost analysis be made for both sites. 3 LILLIAN McCARTHY PARCEL Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that the Advisory Commission is giving consideration to the acquistion of a three (3) acre site owned by Lillian McCarthy and located between Lexington Avenue and Patrick Eagan Park. He stated that the property might be available for acquistion in 1987 and if the City should acquire the property, the house would be sold and moved. After a review of potential uses for the property and its strategic location in relationship to Patrick Eagan Park both members of the Advisory Commission and City Council expressed a strong interest in acquiring the property as City park land. CLIFF/PILOT KNOB ROAD PROPERTY ACQUISITION Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa reported that Dakota County. has acquired the Burow residence which is located immediately adjacent to the intersection of Cliff Road and Pilot Knob Road in the Northeast quadrant. The reason for acquistion is related to the county road improvements that are cited for 1987/1988. He reported that the county is not planning to destroy or relocate the building, however the only access to the building is through Well Site Park. The Director of Parks and Recreation stated that the City has inspected the building and determined that it could be used as a storage facility by local athletic associations which are currently storing it in the old McCarthy house located in Patrick Eagan Park. Advisory Commission and City Councilmembers asked a number of questions including pliability in the cost for acquiring the house. The Director of Parks and Recreation stated the building will be turned over to the City of Eagan at little or no cost and the building would be added to the list of other community buildings on the City's insurance policy. After further review and consideration a motion was made by Commission member Carroll, seconded by Commission member Kubik with all members voting in favor that a recommendation be made to the City Council to accept the Burow residence from Dakota County to be used as a storage facility by local athletic associations and the City of Eagan. Mayor Blomquist asked for motion by the City Council and in a motion by City Councilmember Ellison, seconded by Councilmember Wachter with all members voting in favor the recommendation of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission to accept the Burow property located in the Northeast quandrant of Cliff Road and Pilot Knob Road to be used for storage by local athletic associations and the City of Eagan was approved. EXPLORER PROGRAM/CITY PARKS Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that explorer scouts will be used to patrol parks at different times during the year under the direction of the Eagan Police Department. COMMUNITY CENTER Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa reviewed a f low chart outlining a number of steps that are required for both the Advisory Park Commission and City Council as the City continues to review and consider the building of a community center in the future. He specifically reviewed the tasks, process and product and then outlined four (4) stages which include 1) „ gather information, 2) secure public input, 3) develop preliminary outline of community center components and 4) determine/proceed with recommendations to further refine the goals for the community center. Members of the Commission and City Council both concurred with the schedule however directions given by members of the Council to proceed in a slow but forward movement given the workload confronting the Parks and Recreation Department in 1987. The Director of Parks and Recreation stated that the Study Committee should be able to complete the process and be ready for presentation to the City Council in approximately November. BEVERAGE/BEER ISSUE IN CITY PARKS The Director of Parks and Recreation stated that the consumption of beer and other alcoholic beverages is occurring throughout city parks and that a specific direction should be given as to whether the consumption of liquor or beer should be allowed in the future. There is some discussion regarding the limitation of quantity however it was determined that quantity cannot be accurately defined and therefore the issue is whether there should or should not be an ordinance allowing or restricting the consumption of alcoholic beverages in city parks. After considerable input by both Commission and City Councilmembers it was determined that the following guidelines be applied to the consumption of beer in all city parks: 1) beer consumption is allowed in cans or cups that are disposable and non-breakable, 2) large quantities of beer or beer in the form of a keg can be allowed in park facilities if a permit is granted by the City, 3) no hard liquor, 4) no disturbances to be tolerated by consumption and 5) no beer drinking allowed on athletic fields or at events where minors are performing. The Director of Parks and Recreation was directed by both Commission and City Councilmembers to prepare a policy statement for review by the City Attorney's Office and redistributioned to both Commission and City Council. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Acting Chairperson Thurston expressed a deep concern of the Parks and Recreation Commission about the erosion in new sub- divisions and specifically its impact on ponding areas throughout the community. She stated that many of the Parks and Recreation activities, facilities, trails and other active/passive park land uses are adjacent to ponding areas which are quickly becoming degraded by surrounding erosion. City Councilmember Smith stated that City Council at their February 17, 1987 meeting hired the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation personnel to monitor errosion control for each and every new sub-division that is to be developed within the City. He further stated that the City Council and City Staff are confident that this will provide a vast improvement on the problems the City has experienced with errosion control during the past active development years. CULTURAL GARDENS Parks and Recreation Commission member Caponi excused himself from the meeting stating that the Cultural Gardens issue is pertaining to his property and felt he should not be present to interfere with any conversation and discussion the City Council might have on his proposal for Cultural Gardens. Acting Chairperson Thurston stated that each and every member of 5 the Commission and City Council has received a copy of Mr. Caponi's proposal for the designation of his twenty (20) acre parcel located North of Diffley Road and adjacent to Patrick Eagan Park as the future Cultural Gardens to be owned by the City of Eagan. There was extensive review given by both members of the Commission and City Council. Several comments were made such as a funding source, concern about limited staff resources to work on this project and many other issues. It was generally determined by the Commission and City Council that the City should act as facilitator. A private corporation should be given the task of soliciting private funds and to determine the needs and direction for the Cultural Gardens. It was suggested that the City Staff contact the Dakota County for the Arts Society and also that a non- profit group be established to administer the Cultural Gardens Project. Various members of the Commission and City Council expressed a strong desire and excitement for the project which in the words of one Commission member expressed a strong vision for the future of Eagan. Mayor Blomquist stated that she was excited about the program and felt it was an opportunity to set aside some property and develop a unique park setting that could offer some regional significance and positive identity for Eagan. Mayor Blomquist also stated that a proposal was received from S&B Properties who would act as a consultant to the project) 1) explore and recommend types of ownership, 2) explore and recommend initial on-going funding sources and 3) recommend steps for helping the Cultural Gardens concept become a reality. After a brief review by both Commission and City Council it was determined that the hiring of a consultant would be beneficial and that different non-profit organizations such as the Dakota County for the Arts should be contacted to -see if funding is available for the consulting service. In a motion by Commission member Kubik, seconded by Commission member Mason, with all members voting in favor, specific direction was given to continue exploring the Cultural Gardens proposal as presented by Mr. Anthony Caponi for the use and development of his approximate twenty (20) acres located North of Diffley Road and adjacent to Patrick Eagan Park and further that third party ownership and methods for financing be researched by retaining S&B Properties as a consultant to the project. Mayor Blomquist asked for direction from the City Council. In a motion by City Councilmember Egan, seconded by Councilmember Wachter, the recommendation of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission as to exploring the Cultural Gardens proposal as presented by Mr. Anthony Caponi and as to research regarding the third party ownership and methods for creative financing by retaining of S&B Properties as a consultant to the project, were approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:00 p.m. TLH ,Cy ity Clerk Secretary A RC 6