06/04/1987 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission ~ - J MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Eagan, Minnesota June 4, 1987 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:00 p.m. Members present were Alt, Martin, Bertz, Thurston, Caponi, Carroll and Kubik. Members Masin, Sames and Porter had indicated they would be unavailable for the meeting. Staff present were the Director of Parks and Recreation Ken Vraa and Steve Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner. AGENDA A motion by Bertz, seconded by Kubik, with all members voting in favor, the agenda was approved. MINUTES OF MAY 7, 1987 Mr. Kubik noted that on page two, his late arrival was due to his completion of school. On page six, we noted that Sandy Bertz arrived at 8:00 o'clock p.m. With no other corrections, a motion by Thurston, seconded by Dick Carroll, with all voting in favor, the minutes of the May 7, 1987 Commission meeting were approved as amended. CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda item was presented for approval, on a motion by Kubik, seconded by Bertz, with all members in favor, the Commission approved recommendations to the City Council the following item: 1. Cray Addition--That a cash dedication be requirement of this plat consistent with the City's commercial/industrial property. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Stuart 2nd Addition--Parks Planner Steve Sullivan reviewed the proposed preliminary plat for Stuart 2nd Addition. Director of Parks and Recreation Ken Vraa reviewed his two-page memorandum and the letter from Stuart Corporation from Mr. Gerald L. Sovel, Vice President, questioning a waiver of parks dedication fees was raised. Mr. Vraa reviewed the proposed improvements to be made by Stuart Corporation of the ponding area. This would provide for trails, benches, and plant material. Mr. Sullivan provided an analysis of the area at the request of the Advisory Commission. Member Caponi questioned what else the property could be used for, being that it was his opinion that the only benefit was for the developer. Members questioned the value of the area for parks purposes and the staff's opinion in the use of the trail system and the ponding area. Commission member Carroll noted that the topography of this site, including the steep slopes, and the fact that the proposed trail would be under water at time of high water elevation. It was commented that if the parcel was not dedicated, why it would be of any value to the City. There were several other questions presented to the Commission relating to the types of recreational facilities the developer would be providing including a proposed swimming pool. Member Kubik stated he did not feel that this was a significant and sufficient amenity to suggest a reduction in the parks cash contribution. After a brief discussion, on a motion by Kubik, seconded by Thurston, it was a recommendation of the Advisory r Parks and Recreation Commission that 1) a cash dedication requirement be made, 2) that there be no credit provided, and 3) that a trail on Lexington Avenue be a condition to plat approval. The Welsh Addition--Planner Jim Sturm noted that this preliminary plat had been withdrawn and that the developer was pursuing another alternative site. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa asked the Commission to review the concept and provide staff in the City with direction. It was noted that the preliminary plat was for a private school. The school is a profit organization and would be operating the school for grades K through 6. In addition to the school functions, which were proposed to be operative year- round, they would provide both "pre" and "post" daycare activities. Staff responded to.several questions concerning the proposed development and member Thurston stated that she felt they are a profit organization and as much responsible for parks dedication as any commercial development. It is a concensus of the opinion of the Advisory Commission that if the developer does decide on a site in Eagan for this addition, they should be informed that a cash dedication requirement for commercial /industrial property will be required. OLD BUSINESS Four Oaks Townhomes--Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed the history of the request from Four Oaks Townhomes Association and the elimination of a tot-lot requirement. Director Vraa stated this item had appeared on the Advisory Commission agenda approximately one year ago and the direction of the Commission was to have the owners surveyed and make such a request. Director Vraa stated that he had received over 50 letters of approximately 80 owners indicating they would prefer not to have a tot-lot and in favor of the existing green space and open area. Representatives of the association in the audience stated there are approximately 6 or 7 children within the association of which at least half are over the age of 15. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Martin, with all members voting in favor, the requirement of a tot-lot for installation was deleted from the requirements for the Four Oaks Townhomes. COMMUNITY CENTER STUDY Director of Parks and $ecreation Ken Vraa reported that the Community Center Study flow chart provides for a summary of data to this time. This report had been drafted and reviewed by members of the Advisory Commission and staff. A second draft would be prepared for the Commission's reviewal at the next meeting. Director Vraa noted that there continues to be an interest in a Community Center particularly among new residents and those interested in swimming. Director Vraa also suggested that it may be appropriate to conduct a random survey by a professional firm to determine the interest levels-within the community. He stated he would be reviewing such a proposal for recommendation at a later date. DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES Director of Parks and Recreation Ken Vraa stated that staff has been working on its 1987 goals,-and objectives and. appreciated the input of the Advisory Commission members. He noted that the staff had originally compiled a list of approximately 65 statements of goals and objectives which has consequently been reduced. Commission member Caponi inquired as to if he would be able to see all of the originals as well as those staff is now recommending. The Director continued, stating that the original list had been reduced to a smaller number. Staff was classifying the object-i-ves to categories such as recreation, parks and parks planning. All of these would be given to the Commission. Sandy Bertz questioned if-staff would mail a copy to the Commission to review prior to the meeting date in order to help dyetermine-priorit.iesr NEW BUSINESS _ Wilmus Park/Park Service Section No. 28--Director of Parks and Recreation Ken Vraa indicated that staff has received several calls from residents in this area. A letter was enclosed in the packet from a resident who is also inquiring as to the status of the park. Director Vraa stated that park area has been determined by previous developers agreement associated with the Mallard Park Addition but the owner, Mr. Wilmus, would set the time frame for the remainder of the parks dedication with development. The City does not have a PUD agreement nor has the park been specifically identified. Mr. Vraa noted that a suggestion had been made for a neighborhood meeting to inform residents of the status of the parks planning. Mr. Kubik recommended that an informational letter be sent to residents in the park service district. He noted- oted that the Commission and staff is very busy at this time. Commission member Carroll agreed stating that the letter would be a good idea and would at least inform the residents of the City's planning efforts. A motion by Kubik, seconded by Carroll, with all members voting in favor, staff was directed to send an informational letter to residents in the proposed park area indicating the City's planning efforts. Water Quality Management Plan--Director of Parks and Recreation Ken Vraa reviewed a memorandum from Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works, regarding the City's ad hoc committee on a Water Quality Management Plan. He stated Mr. Colbert is seeking an appointment from the Commission to serve as a member of the ad hoc committee. Various members stated they would have an interest in being appointed to the committee. It was noted that Mr. Sames had previously expressed an interest-but was unable to be at the Commission meeting so it was suggested that staff contact M-r.. Sames first to see if he was still interested in serving. -If Mr. Sames is unable to be a member of the committee, Sandy Masin or Roger Martin would be interested in filling this rp.e. sr r ;r r_ mee:, i.: a a- n PARKS DEVELOPMENT I _ . Parks Construction Contract 87-1--Director of Parks and Recreation Ken Vraa reported on the bids received for the Contract 87-1, Parks Construction. He stated that Mr. Sullivan's estimate was within $15,000 of the actual bid price of $546,000. It was stated that a preconstruction conference would:be~held -within, the next several weeks and it is expected that the contractor will begin in late June. Financial Review--Director= of, Parks and Reerea-tion re.vlewed his memorandum contained within the packet on pages 37 and 38, noting that the numbers were unaudited. He stated that this should provide the Commission with just*a brief updating on the current status of expenditures and encumbered funds for the number of work projects. Director stated that because of the number of projects ongoing and yet proposed for this year, he was unable to provide the Commission with a detailed set of numbers because of the time commitment- and the necessity of re-estimating work yet :to come. -He stated it is his belief that the projects were very much on target with overages in some project areas compensated by favorable bids in others. It was noted that the Director would provide another update with the conclusion of the summer projects. OTHER BUSINESS & REPORTS There are a number of items under the Other Business and Reports Agenda, including the Trapp Farm Park Grand Opening, and the Community Theatre Group now forming within the City with the assistance of the Parks and Recreation staff. Director Vraa. stated that the first meeting of the Community--Theatre Group-was very positive with approximately 20 people in attendance. Staff is beginning the 1988 budget preparation process and any input from the Advisory Commission would be appropriate at this time or over the next several weeks. Director also noted that the ground breaking for the new elementary school, entitled- Woodland--fslementapy-School, would be held on Thursday, June 18, 1987. He stated Advisory Commission members would be receiving Invitations to this ground breaking ceremony. ADJOURNMENT There will- be no further business of the Advisory Commission, on a motion by Alt, seconded by Bertz, with all members voting in favor, the Regular Advisory Commission meeting of June 4th was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. KV Dat 'Director of Parks Recreation