07/02/1987 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 2, 1987 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:05 p.m. Members present were Porter, Sames, Alt, Martin, Carroll, Caponi, and Masin. Members Thurston, Kubik and Bertz indicated they would be unavailable for the meeting. Staff present were the Director of Parks and Recreation Ken Vraa and Parks Planner/Landscape Architect Steve Sullivan. AGENDA With a motion by Carroll, seconded by ALt, with all members voting in favor, the agenda was approved. MINUTES OF JUNE 4, 1987 With a motion by Alt, seconded by Sames, with all members voting in favor, the minutes of June 4, 1987 were approved. INVITATION TO JOIN MINNESOTA RECREATION AND PARKS ASSOCIATION Ms. Kay Zwernik, Executive Director of the Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association, and Ms. Joan Lonsbury, Chairman of Board and Commission section of MRPA, were present to invite the commission to become members of the state association. Ms. Zwernik reviewed for the Advisory Commission the benefits the association provides to its board and commission members. Joan Lonsbury distributed informational packets and flyers concerning recent activities of the board and commissions section. Chairman Martin and commission members questioned the cost, legislative lobbying efforts and other activities of the association. Chairman Martin started that he felt the cost was reasonable and the benefit to Eagan and the commission would be well worth the investment. With a motion by Dick Carroll, seconded by Caponi, and all members voting in favor, the commission recommended membership as a part of the Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS The following Consent Agenda Items were presented for approval. With a motion by Carroll, seconded by Caponi, and all members voting in favor, the commission approved recommendation to the City Council on the following items: 1. Jean Addition/Wayne Murphy - That a cash dedication requirement be a condition of plat approval. 2. Pine Ridge Addition - That-a cash dedication for seven lots be a condition of plat approval. 3. Eagan Royale Addition Revised, Meritor Corporation - That this revised preliminary plat proposing 72 lots be subject to a cash dedication requirement. 1 4. Building Block Addition - That this preliminary plat and amendment to the Cedar Cliff Planned Development be subject to a cash dedication requirement consistent with the Commercial /Industrial property. 5. Kinder Care Addition - That this preliminary plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement consistent with the City's commercial /industrial policy. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Manor Lake Addition - Director of Parks Ken Vraa explained the revised development plan-for =Marror._Lake Addition, explaining the circulatory system, topography, etc. Parks Planner Steve Sullivan reviewed the differences in-the proposed parks plan. from the original Manor Lake proposal and the revised proposal. Chairman Martin stated that the service section is a small residential area but that the proposed 2.1 acres for a park dedication is totally inadequate and is less than the required 10% land dedication. Commission member Caponi stated that under the old plan it appeared that the City had something for a park. He questioned whether this park met City standards for dedication. Steve Sullivan stated that the 2.1 acres of dedication does not meet the City's dedication policy. Bob Porter stated that.-Commission should recommend denial of this-plat because the proposed park doesn't meet needs of the City, parks dedication, nor does it meet City Ordinance. There were additional questions-from members--Caponi, Sames and Alt regarding size of the park, potential for future expansion or acquisition elsewhere. With a motion by Masin, seconded by Caponi and all members voting in favor, it was recommended that the preliminary plat be denied in that the proposed park does not meet City Code requirements for'-=a -i0%-land dedication, that the 2.1 acres is insufficient. Further, that the park does not provide for additional opportunities for expansion to the south as did the original Manor Lake Addition. Dallas Development - Director. of Parks.-and- -Recreation Ken Vraa reviewed the proposed Dallas Development stating that the issue for the commission has to do with proposed intended use of a private school. Chairman Martin stated that he felt the commission -had -adequately covered this issue at a previous meeting and unless there was other discussion or new information, this plat should be subject to a cash dedication. On a motion by Alt, seconded by Porter, with all members voting in fa-vor, the .commission has..recommended that..Dallas Development be subject to a cash- dedication development consistent with the City's commercial /industrial policy. OLD BUSINESS Director of Parks and Recreation Ken Vraa distributed to the Advisory Commission the rating sheet to be used for prioritizing and rating commission objectives. There were several questions by members Caponi and Martin regarding methodology and the importance of prioritizing, noting that priorities may change as a result of time factor, 2 The commission then reviewed each of the commission's objectives and by mutual agreement, prioritized the various goals as distributed. It was decided to group these goals by priority categories and distribute them to the commission and City Council. COMMUNITY CENTER STUDY The Director of Parrks and Recreation explained that in the packet there was a draft of an interim report to the City Council regarding the community center study. Three members previously reviewed an initial draft for a rewrite. The commission then reviewed each page of - the draft or comment noting several changes in the report. Chairman Martin questioned whether staff had been able to do any work on the suggested survey of the community concerning their interest levels. The Director of Parks and Recreation responded that he was meeting with a firm later in the month who specializes in community surveys to determine its value to the City. After additional discusssion and questioning, with a motion by Caponi, seconded by Masin, it was recommended that the interim report to the City Council, with noted changes, be forwarded to the City Council. All members voted in favor. NEW BUSINESS LETTER OF REQUEST, MR ROY HARVEY, JR I director of Parks'. and Recreation -Ken -Vraa indicat-ed that -the-City had been contacted by Mr. Roy Harvey, Jr. regarding the trailway on Riverton Avenue and Riverton Point. He stated that a letter from Mr. Harvey was included in the packet along with additional background information provided by staff. He stated that he was under the impression that Mr. Harvey was going to be present to discuss this item but was not available at this time. Commission member Carroll stated that he remembered the Advisory Commission had spent an inordinate amount of time regarding the' whole trails' issue with the Blackhawk Oaks and Blackhawk Lake Additions. The question was whether the trail was installed prior to Mr. Harvey building his house. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa said that the trail had been completed and installed prior to the house-and--lot construction. Mr. Caponi interjected that because, he had built the house after the trail had been installed, he made some presumptions which he should not have done. He suggested that the commission reject this without comment because this is too trivial of an issue. Bob Porter suggested that this was a way-of alleviating Mr. Harvey's problems, placing the burden on other homeowners. He questioned whether they had been contacted' by Mr. Harvey-or staff -regarding this `issue. Mr. Carroll stated that he felt the alternative was more difficult and that this was the best alternative of the two regardless of the timing of when the trail was installed. He went on to state that he agreed with staff's comment that the trailway is not completed land judgement is premature on its suitability. Mr. Sames commented that it is not unusual for the City to have a trail alongside people's homes. With additional discussion, and a motion by Porter, seconded by Masin, with all members voting in favor, it was the recommendation of the Advisory Commission that this trail stay at its present location. 3 DNR FISHERIES PROGRAM Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa reviewed the current DNR Fisheries program and its impact upon City lakes. Bob Porter stated that he felt that this was an excellent program and one the kids of the community could take advantage of. There were several positive comments regarding the status of the fisheries program within the community. No action was taken on this item. PARKS DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Landscape Architect Steve Sullivan and Director of Parks and Recreation Ken Vraa reviewed the current status of the construction projects for the Advisory Commission. They noted that construction was beginning on Project 87-01 and that tennis court contract would be open later in the month. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Staff reported on the current status of recreation programs and summer activities, noting that attendance continues to climb at the summer playground programs. Staff reported that there continues to be a rather strong market for recreation activities with the success of the Evening in the Park series, softball, playgrounds and Friday Fun days. The Parks Maintenance report was noted without comment from the Advisory Commission. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Advisory Commission, with a motion by Alt, seconded by Porter, and all members voting in favor, the regular Advisory Commission meeting of July 2 was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. KV Date ecretary/Treasurer 4