08/06/1987 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA AUGUST 6, 1987 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:35 P.M. Members present were Porter, Sames, Martin, Carroll, Thurston, Kubik, and Bertz. Members Caponi and Alt indicated that they would be unavailable for the meeting. Staff present was the Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa, Parks Planner/Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan and Parks Superintendent, John VonDeLinde. AGENDA A motion by Thurston, seconded by Kubik, with all members voting in favor, the agenda was approved. MINUTES OF JULY 2, 1987 With a motion by Carroll, seconded by Sames, with all members voting in favor, the minutes the July 2, 1987 were approved. PARKS TOUR Chairman Martin noted his, and the Commission's pleasure over the park tour preceeding the Commission meeting. O'Leary Park was particularly pleasing, noting how difficult the parcel was in designing to begin with. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS The following Consent Agenda Items were presented for approval. Upon a motion by Sames, seconded by Bertz, and all members voting in favor, the Commission approved recommendation to the City Council on the following items:. 1. B.B.D. Second Addition --That this plat be subjected to a cash dedication requirement consistent with the City's commercial /industrial policy, and for a trailway on Coachman Road. 2. Stoney Point Addition - That this plat be subjected to a cash dedication requirement for the residential property and for a trailway to be located along the east side of Federal Drive and the north property line continuing on the east and south side bordering Federal Drive and Blackhawk Hills Road. 1 3. Harveys Heritage Addition - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement for the newly created single family lots, and- for a conservation easement to be placed on the four lots abutting Fish Lake prohibiting removal of trees, and construction of any secondary structures. 4. Cutters Ridge Addition - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement for the lots created and for a bituminous trailway along Pilot Knob Road. OLD BUSINESS - MANOR LAKE ADDITION Parks Planner/Landscape Architect, Steven Sullivan, reviewed the history of the Manor Lake platting and the history of the park. The plat was returned to the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission by the City Council based on the Commission's recommendations to deny the plat due to park reasons. The Staff and the developer, Mr. Bob Middlemist, have reviewed the Commission's concerns. The developer has proposed a new plat, relocating the park. Mr. Middlemist discussed a future cul-de-sac on the property currently owned by the Holtz family. He mentioned that he had first option on this property and wished to ensure that he could develop it, along with the existing property to the north. Mr. Middlemist stated that in relocating the park to it's current location as shown, would provide for possible expansion to the south and west, as was originally requested by the Commission. Steven Sullivan reviewed an analysis of the new park plan with an option presented by Staff so as not to bisect the park as in the new proposal by Mr. Middlemist. This alternative would provide access from the west to the five acre Holtz parcel, thus allowing the park to remain in one continuous piece. After additional comments by Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Middlemist explained that he has an investment in the project and was concerned about access to what would be a landlocked parcel under the staff proposal. He went on to explain utilities would come from the north through the development, servicing the south and west parcels. -Chairman Martin questioned the phasing of the project, and Mr. Sames questioned the access from the west and size of the lots bordering the site. Mr. Carroll questioned the size of the park, the potential for acquisition of additional property to the west and south and topography of the site. There were other questions by the Commission, which Staff responded to. Regarding a question on grading, Mr. Sullivan explained that Mr. Middlemist would be responsible for grading.the park due to the low, undulating area. Mr. Sullivan explained that staff and developer were proposing an alternative approach.as a compromise to the dilemma. Staff suggested that the Commission should consider the phase development of the parcel, deferring action on the final configuration of the parkland until. Phase #4. If access from thewest or south could be gained to the Holtz parcel, it would not be necessary to go through the park with the cul-de- sac. If on the otherhand, at the time of the fourth phase an access from the south or west had not been achieved, the road would go through the park severing the parkland. Member Masin questioned about the potential for problems in a separated park and the dangers and responsibilities for such an issue. Director Vraa responded that, obviously, this was not a preferred alternative. After significant reviews, there appeared not to be any real alternatives. He went on to explain that there would be approximately eleven homes which would be 2 serviced via this cul-de-sac and roadway. Consequently, traffic through the park would be minimal. Mr. Middlemist concurred that it was not desireable for the City, but he was reluctant to let go of access on the front end of the development project. Chairman Martin stated that he preferred the development to occur without the cul-de-sac. He stated he could certainly see the problem for the developer in creating a landlock parcel. Mr. Martin continued to explain the Commission's concern regarding erosion control measures. Commission Member Carroll, stated that based on the situation of the developer, the alternative proposed by staff appears to be the best solution to the dilemma. Member Thurston stated that she did not see any other alternative for the developer and the City, and would hope that access from the west would be achieved in order to preclude extending the cul-de-sac. Member Carroll stated that the developer should coordinate with staff regarding the enlargement of the easement on the east and the west side of proposed road; it appeared that this could be enlarged to enhance the park. Additional discussion.-by, s_taff.,_ developer, and Commission members continued regarding the actual acreage and variations to the plan proposed. Mr. Middlemist stated that this could be achieved with re-alignment and shifting of the road. Mr. Porter stated that he agreed with the other comments of the Commission, that the plan would be acceptable if the developer would be willing to do the improvements to the road radius as discussed, and if the developer had to go through the park shown on his plan, the City would get the outlots as provided. After additional discussion on a motion by Thurston, seconded by Carroll, with all members voting in favor, the Advisory Commission recommended to the City Council that: 1. Developer provide a parkland dedication of approximately 2.6 acres with the 1st through 3rd Phase. 2. Final dedication of an additional .5 acres would be made with the 4th Phase, upon determination of the access to the Holtz parcel from the west, or the extention of the street through the-park to a proposed cul-de-sac. 3. That a future land dedication will be made with platting of what is now known as the Holtz parcel. 4. That erosion control measures be strictly adhered to. 5. A trailwav easement on Cliff Road be vrovided. 6. The developer be responsible for grading and seeding the park consistent with the City's standards within the first phase of development._ 7. The road alignment be modified to the east of the park, resulting in an increase to the park pond. STUART'S SECOND ADDITION - EAGAN GREEN APARTMENTS Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan, provided background information to the Advisory. Commission as to why this particular item was again appearing before the Commission. He reviewed the proposal, which included a 102 unit apartment building with the City developer proposing an amenity to the site for area residents, apartment dwellers, regular pedestrian and auto traffic which will find the area attractive to curb site appeal. Sullivan then explained the road connection to O'Leary Park, proposed water fountain, and well area. He continued explaining-the proposed landscaping plan, placement 3 of the trail, and signage. There were several questions by Commission members. One question regarded the high water,; and normal water elevations. Questions were also asked in regard to the cosh, of the development, grades, and type of vegetation currently on the site. Members noted that during their tour of the parks proceeding the meeting, they had. an opportunity to see the site. There were comments and questions concerning the value to the parks system of this pond, due to it's proximity to O'Leary Park and the abundance of open space in the park system. Mr. Porter commented that based on the information presented, the City would be paying for landscaping basically. He questioned if the City was not already getting a trail on Lexington and Yankee Doodle. Chairman Martin stated that he could not see good dollar value for the parks in total or with partial deferment of the cash dedication. Other Members stated the cost appeared to exceed the benefits to the City and Park System and the cash dedication be used to enhance the parks. such as O'Leary, rather than open space. After additional discussion, Mr. Martin surmised that consensus of _th.e Commission was to reaffirm it's earlier decision. Upon motion-by Kubik, seconded by Carroll, and all members voting in favor,, the Advisory Commission reaffirmed it's earlier recommendation to require a cash dedication in it's entirety for the Eagan Green Second Addition.. COMMUNITY CENTER - SAMPLE SURVEY Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa, stated that he had met with a Mr. William Morris, representing Decision Resources, Inc. on a sample survey of the community. He stated that a sample survey would include approximately 400 randomly sampled residents. The survey would be conducted over the phone, with approximately 60 questions per call. He stated that he has talked to other communities who have contracted previously with this firm, and that feedback from the survey and firm was rated as "excellent". Mr..Vraa then discussed various ways in which the survey is formatted, timeframe, costs,- etc. He stated that there was a certain amount of shelf life to the survey and if the Commission recommend to have a survey, the issue of when the survey is conducted would be important. He noted that with the strong support for a Community Center, it might be best to conduct the survey later, to help devise the architectural program, as well as a strategy for implementation. However, if there was uncertainty in regards to the Community. Center and the support by citizens, then the survey would best be taken now. There were several questions by the Advisory Commission, including the need to bid the survey. Mr. Vraa responded that it would be best for Staff to seek proposals from various companies, because the cost does not warrant a bidding procedure. Mr. Kubik also questioned the format of the results, that this would be imperative to interpretation of the information and it's usefulness. He went on to state that the survey is a small cost in comparison to future costs. The survey, taken now, would provide additional information in order to fine tune any architects working on the project and assist in later decisions. Roger Martin stated he felt the survey would provide additional information prior to the hiring of an architectural consultant to work on the project. There was a general consensus amongst the Advisory Members regarding the value and benefits of taking the survey now, rather than waiting longer. Chairman Martin stated that Staff should check with other companies to decide which would be the best to go with, a determination brought back to decision in terms of cost, format, and process. The Commission could then make a recommendation to the City Council. Mr. Kubik requested to see the results format at the next meeting. Mr. Martin stated that he did not feel a motion was necessary, that direction and consensus of the Commission was sufficient direction to the staff. NEW BUSINESS Director of Parks and Recreation and Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan, updated the Commission on various parks projects, including park shelter building, park grading, and the tennis court contract. Chairman Martin noted that the packet contained a memorandum regarding the deletion of the tennis courts at Walnut Hill Park. He stated that he was in concurrence with Staff's recommendation as a result of the additional expense involved in trying to place these courts here. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Director of Parks and Recreation apprised the Advisory Commission on a number of items, including gathering data for the next City Newsletter. He stated that relative to the cultural gardens, consultants had completed the land and art appraisal. The art appraisal valued the works of art at between $285,000 and $570,000 and the land at approximately $260,000. In response to Mr. Sames question regarding the range of value for the art, the marketability on some objects were difficult to determine because there were no comparisons available. The Director stated that it was expected that the consultants would have a report available to the Commission by September, regarding funding prospects, etc. 1987 BUDGET The Director then briefly reviewed the 1988 Budget, which has been submitted to the City Administrator for reviewal. The Director stated that some of the major items included part-time staffing, City Forester position, and necessary capital equipment items. Mr. Kubik questioned the additional requests made for recreation and programming. The Director responded that Staff has asked for a 1/2 time recreation person, and has suggested several new programs for the community. Mr. Vraa then related a recent survey of various communities concerning the amount of maintenance staffing. He stated that the survey for the City of Eagan concluded the least number of full-time and part-time staff equivalents for maintained acres. ANNUAL PICNIC Mr. Martin stated that it was time to plan the annual picnic for the Commission. The 11th of September, 1987 at Trapp Farm Park pavilion was the date set. Various responsibilities were given to Commission members. CORE APPLICATION Superintendent VonDeLinde stated that Staff had applied for a D.N.R. Grant in July, 1986, which would provide for improved fishing opportunities for local government by aeration and access to lakes, such as fishing piers. 5 It was stated that they had received word that; Fish and Schwanz Lake received $15,000 for aeration. He then explained the portable system currently specified and used by the Department of Natural` Resources for the enhancement of water quality. There were several question`. by the Advisory Commission regarding the structure. Mr. VonDeLinde explained that the aeration systems used today are not the bubbler systems placed in the middle of the lake that most of us are familiar with. He then distributed photos and additional material explaining use of this system. Several members commented on the value and benefit of this item. EAGAN HIGH SCHOOL/NORTHVIEW PARK Director of Parks and Recreation, Vraa, then outlined for the Advisory Commission recent meetings between the City and the school district with the High School and Northview park usage. The school district is concerned about location of tennis courts and bailfields; their desire is to have a situation similiar to the elementary school recently completed. They will provide more information to the Advisory Commission later, when staff and school begin to review specific issues. Mr. Vraa explained that Chairman Martin and Mr. Mitchell, of the Eagan Athletic Association, confirmed concerns of the Eagan Athletic Association and an apparent lack of athletic facilities. Mr. Vraa also commented on a letter from Mr. Smith, which was included in the packet and on a recently discussed proposal for the City to lease the vacated home located on the northeast corner of Pilot Knob and Cliff Road. He reminded the Commission that they had discussed this some months earlier, and it now appeared the County was willing to proceed. In response to questions, he stated that the home would be sub-leased to the Eagan Athletic Association for storage of various materials and equipment items. Access would be restricted through the park, as there would be no access onto Cliff or Pilot Knob Roads. Chairman Martin then asked if Commission members had any questions or concerns that should be expressed at this time. ADJOURNMENT There be no additional items, a motion by Bertz and seconded by Porter, with all members voting in favor, the Advisory Commission meeting of August 6, 1987 was adjourned at 9:50 P.M. KV ate Director of Parks & Recreation 6