09/03/1987 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Roger Martin, at 7:40 P.M., Members present were Porter, Sames, Masin, Alt, Martin, Carroll, Thurston, and Caponi. Members Bertz and Kubik indicated that they would arrive late due to other commitments. Staff present were Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa, Parks Planner/Landscape Architect, Stephen Sullivan and Parks Superintendent, John VonDeLinde. AGENDA A motion by Porter, seconded by Sames, with all members voting in favor, the agenda was approved. MINUTES OF AUGUST 6, 1987 Several changes were noted in the Commission minutes of August 6, 1987. Page 3, Number 2, should read .5 acres and Item 5, should read trailway easement. On Page 5, the year 1988, should be substituted for the year 1987. A motion by Carroll, seconded by Thurston, with all members voting in favor, the minutes of August 6, 1987 were approved as amended. PARKS TOUR It was noted that the Advisory Commission preceded the regular meeting with a tour of park facilities, including Northview Park construction, and the proposed Cliff Lake - Galleria development. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS The following consent agenda items were presented for approval. Following a motion by Carroll, seconded by Masin, all members voting in favor, the Commission approved recommendation to the City Council on the following items: 1. Dodd Farm - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement for the newly created lots. 2. Cedar Cliff Commercial - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement consistent with the City's Commercial/Industrial Policy. 3. Galaxie Place Addition - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement consistent with the City's Commercial /Industrial Policy, a trailway along Galaxie drive, and a trailway along any proposed internal road as depicted in the site plan. 1 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS - GALLERIA TOWERS Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa, noted that this particular preliminary plat involves a number of issues including zoning, which is to be resolved by the Advisory Planning Commission and City Council. He stated the Advisory Commission should be concerned about the development as it relates to parks, in that this area is being covered by the Eagan Hills West PUD development. Planner, Jim Sturm, gave an overview of the development proposal, stating that the Advisory Planning Commission had deferred this item for thirty (30) days for further study. Commission Masin questioned if the School District had responded with any concerns relative to this development and it's location to Rahn School. Other members questioned traffic impact on the site. Mr. Peter Beck, Attorney for the Hoffman Development, introduced himself, noting that Mr. Hoffman still had hopes for, right-in-access off of Cliff Road, which would reduce road traffic on Rahn Road. He continued by saying that the developer is still anticipating multiple family residential development along the park and Shale Lane, of approximately twenty-five (25) acres. Peter Beck also stated that part of the PUD park land dedication to the City had previously been made. The developer remains committed to make the additional dedication with the development of the residential area. Mr. Beck understood the Commission to be concerned about the probable loss of parking along Rahn Road and saving trees. The developer has taken steps to modify the site plan, which would save a substantial number of Oaks. Mr. Beck then presented a graphic representing the number of trees saved. He also stated that between thirty (30) and sixty (60) -.three--inch Oaks would be saved by transplantation. Chairman Martin questioned whether a tree inventory had been prepared? Mr. Beck stated that this was being done at present. Mr. Sturm stated that the City has not yet reviewed the landscape plan as presented to date. After considerable discussion concerning efforts to save existing vegetation, Mr. Caponi noted that the developer was destroying a substantial number of trees; he questioned whether the effort to save trees would be realistic, inasmuch as grading that close would cause their demise. He said, he hoped the Commission would not be misled by this graphic. Mr. Beck stated that the developer would be responsible for tree replacement in the event a tree died. Mr. Caponi then questioned about the back of the building and it's appearance, noting that a road to the back would obviously mean there would be clutter and would not be very appealing that close to the lake. Mr. Beck stated the truck would be behind a screen wall, and there would be no overhead doors or 'loading dock. The service drive is actually below grade, and there will be a berm with screening plant material. Mr. Martin questioned the number of cars that would be at the site per day. Mr. Beck responded that the engineers have estimated between 8,000 and 9,000 ADT. Mr. Martin questioned the number of cars adjacent to the park and the concern for traffic and the impact. Member Thurston also expressed her concern relative to the safety of park users with that amount of traffic. Mr. Beck responded that approximately 7% of the traffic would go to the north and the developer proposes to further restrict truck traffic. Mr. Beck said the developer would, be willing to 'Work with the City and install a.fence.or berm along Rahn Road to preserve the integrity of Rahn park if the Commission felt this would be helpful. There were numerous questions regarding the proposal which the developer..responded to. _ Mr. Martin noted that the Commission had already spent over an hour covering the issues and concerns of the Advisory Commission. He suggested that the Commission establish a special meeting to cover remaining 2 items, unless the Commission felt comfortable with the available information to make a motion at this time. Other members noted their agreement with the need for a special meeting. In response to a question, Mr. Sturm and Mr. Beck stated that a traffic study was being done at this time. Mr. Caponi stated that he felt the developer's information was incomplete and supported the Commission's decision to delay this item for thirty (30) days until an update was obtained. Roger Martin questioned whether it would be possible for the Commission to meet before the Planning Commission, so that information could be transferred to them. Mr. Beck and Mr. Hoffman mentioned that they would be happy to come to any meeting by the Advisory Commission. After discussion, the Commission decided to meet on Tuesday, September 15th, 7:00 P.M., in the lunchroom to cover the concerns of the Advisory Commission. Member Bertz arrived at 8:40 P.M. and Mr.Kubik at 9:10 P.M. ST.FRANCIS WOODS - 6TH ADDITION Planner Sturm reviewed the proposed St. Francis Woods - 6th Addition, noting that the 5th Addition had proposed multiple residential dwellings. After review by the Advisory Commission, a motion by Porter, seconded by Sames, with all members voting in favor, the Advisory Commission has recommended a cash dedication requirement for the new single family lots, and this development be responsible for ensuring that the proposed trailway on Lexington Avenue, which was a requirement for the St. Francis Woods - 5th Addition, be complied with. BLACKHAWK RIDGE Planner Sturm reviewed the proposed Blackhawk Ridge Addition. It was noted that this parcel was contained within the Blackhawk PUD., and therefore no cash or land dedication would be required. The Advisory Commission members noted that it appeared there would be grading on City parkland. Member Thurston suggested that the developer should work with the City staff to eliminate this grading, or at least ensure that there would be no distruption to existing trees. Director of Parks & Recreation, Ken Vraa, noted that there would be a necessity of a trailway connection to Blackhawk Park, and that this developer and the developer to the west (the proposed Blackhawk Glen - 3rd Addition), have been working together to resolve trail issues. After additional discussion, on a motion by Thurston, seconded by Alt, with all members voting in favor, the Advisory Commission is recommending that there be no grading on the triangle of property owned by the City, so as to alleviate any loss "of Oaks or important vegetation. Further, the developer should work with City' staff to review this grading plan, the trailway be coordinated with staff and the adjacent developer, and a sedimentation pond be coordinated with department staff. Finally, a scenic easement be provided to save existing Oak vegetation on the south portion of the plat. SUMMER PROGRAM REPORT Chairman Martin noted with the presence of the recreation programming staff, it would be appropriate for the Commission to take-up the summer program report. Commission member Bertz, stated that before the report was given, she wished to make note that the soccer coaches had expressed to her an appreciation of the coaches clinic held by the department. She stated that the coaches found this very valuable and was much appreciated. 3 Dorothy Peterson reported on the Eagan Stage Door Performers ~ Organization, stating that the group now has a board of directors, and is working on a 501-3C status. He stated that the group has receieved an offer for costumes from a defunct theatre group and has performed at the recent Arts program at Trapp Farm Park. Dorothy made a report on the South of the River Soccer group and a Fall Football League with the surrounding communities. She stated that team tennis is also a concept that is being discussed for next year. It appears to be a program with a possible sponsor. The junior tennis team program is reported to have a good response, and will be offered next year. She stated that adult softball grew with a net gain of twenty-five (25) teams, with thirty-seven (37) new teams added. She noted that based on the 5,000 population growth in the City, the number of new teams translated into one new team for every 130 residents. Paula Nowariak reported on the summer playground programs, noting that Walnut Hill Park, in only its second year, had sixty-seven (67) registrations with an average daily attendance of twenty-seven (27). She noted that with the hot weather, that this was a rather high average. There were many other days with over forty (40) children present. The numbers for the entire program continue to remain high - even during the hot days. Paula stated that there were seven returnees of a staff of twenty-six, which helped to lead to a quality program. She stated that the Eaganettes dance program continues to be a popular program for the 115 children registered, with over 300 parents in attendance at the year end recital. Paula explained some of the fall programming anticipated this year, including Star Gazing, Music and More - for small children, Santa Calling and Volleyball for Adults, which has already registered 15 teams. Members of the Advisory Commission thanked Dorothy and Paula for their efforts and congratulated them on the fine recreational programs. OLD BUSINESS 1. Community Center Study - Director of Parks and Recreation, Vraa, noted that the Commission's packet contained a list of components or programs which might be implemented in the Community Center. He said, that this was an initial list which would have to be refined, deleted or added to it at the Commission's desire. He stated this was at least a step in the right direction of refining what a community center could become. Commission member Caponi, questioned why a police pistol range had been added. It was noted that this could be a possibility, assuming that the range could be made public for gun safety programs, etc. There was no action taken on this listing. The Director then reviewed information relative to a community survey, noting that Decision Resources had responded to a number of questions of the Advisory Commission. The Director stated that City staff has also contacted other communities that have used firms to conduct independent research. He stated that two additional firms had indicated a willingness to submit a proposal, which had not yet been received as yet. The Commission questioned who would be responsible for writing the questions for such a survey. The Director responded that the Commission would be involved in the process, but the actual questions themselves would be the responsibility of the consulting firm. After additional discussions and questions by the Advisory Commission, on a motion by Kubik, seconded by Thurston, it was the recommendation of the Advisory Commission that the City Council hire an independent research firm to do a sample survey, regarding citizen interest in a community center and recreation programs in general. All members voted in favor. 4 ATHLETIC FIELD STUDY c' Director Vraa noted that Landscape Architect/City Planner, Steve Sullivan, had to leave the meeting early, however, he said he would try to provide the background information concerning the athletic field study. He stated that the City Council had requested additional studies be performed on two additional sites, and a third site that Staff had been made aware of. The third site being the southwest corner of Lexington Avenue and Diffley Road. The Director then reviewed comparative costs for the Borchart-Ingersoll Site, the north Opus site and the Lexington/Diffley Road site. The Director noted that in terms of like comparisons, the Lexington/County Road site development costs were projected at $337,000.00. In comparison, the previously reviewed southeast parcel was $360,000.00; the Peterson parcel $310,000, the Borchart-Ingersoll $450,000; and the Opus parcel approximately $596,000. The Director cautioned the Commission on these numbers, noting that these are not intended to be actual development costs, but simply a comparison of like unit quantity costs in an effort to rank, sequential, site costs. Mr. Capons questioned the Lexington /County Road 30 site noting the elevation would not lend itself well to lighted athletic fields. He also expressed concern with surrounding development and how this would be impacted by an athletic location.. Other members expressed concern over the proposed development costs for the Opus site, being nearly twice as much as this parcel. Mr. Kubik expressed concern that a number of sites have already been acquired, and there are few alternatives available for the Advisory Commission. There were numerous questions regarding the sites and opportunities for either expansion or relaying out of the number of facilities, possible reductions in costs, and other site enhancements. Commission member Carroll questioned whether staff had looked at the southeast corner of Dodd and Wescott Road. Director of Parks and Recreation responded that the City staff had reviewed it, but did not believe that any formal presentation had been made to the Advisory Commission. After discussion, Director Vraa stated that it was his intent to prepare a report for the Advisory Commission and City Council concerning the various alternatives, and that a joint meeting for review by the City Council would be appropriate. No action was taken by the Advisory Commission. NEW BUSINESS Patrick Eagan Park - by Cheryl Lake. Chairman Martin stated this item could be deferred to the, next agenda, due to the time. Commission deferred this discussion tothe'Odtober, 1987 Commission meeting. AVAILABILITY OF PROPERTY Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa, noted that Williams Pipeline apparently was an ownership of three lots within the Westbury 3rd Addition. He stated the Advisory Commission had seen these three lots on their tour, and although there has been no official offer conveyed to the City, apparently the lots may be available at little cost. The question before the Advisory Commission is what value or use did they feel the lots were, and at what cost? Commission member Carroll suggested that the City acquire the lots, noting that they could be used as a vegetable/flower garden, but he did not feel that a tot lot should be considered for proposal, because members had already proposed a tot-lot for the south end of the development. Members questioned if the three lots were used for park purposes, would there be sufficient parking for a playground/flower garden area. Mr. Porter questioned whether the assessments of over $17,000 would have to be paid by the City? S After additional discussion, the Advisory Commission referred the issue to the Director of Parks and Recreation; requesting contact with Williams Brothers Pipeline to determine what costs might be involved; and if the residents immediately adjacent to the parcel had any concerns relative to this area being utilized for parks purposes. On a motion by Kubik, seconded by Martin, with all members voting in favor, the item was deferred, pending a staff report. PARKS DEVELOPMENT Director of Parks and Recreation, Vraa, reviewed for the Advisory Commission the information contained within the packet referencing the bond fund update and park status report. He stated that the status of the bond fund itself was healthy and that the projects had generally been within the earlier budget estimates. The fund balance was low in comparison to the number of projects which had not yet been completed and referenced in the original proposal; however, a transfer of funds from the LAWCON/LCMR account had not as yet been made. The Director then reviewed for the Advisory Commission current construction projects, noting that Council has awarded the lighting contract for hockey rink construction. The tennis court contract had also been let, and it is expected that the contractor will complete much of this work by late October. The park shelter buildings are still somewhat behind schedule, but the contractor had increased his work force two weeks ago, and was making up time. Finally, the parks construction contract had encountered significant problems at Thomas Lake Park, due to poor unstable soils. This problem has been resolved by a $22,000 change order for parking lot stabilization. The Director then reviewed the 1988 projects, noting that the list had already expanded beyond the department's capability for completion. Many of these items have to be deferred until the 1st of the year, due to the City's current developmental framework, including such parks as: Bridle Ridge, and Woodland Elementary School, which were not contemplated for 1987. He stated that a more complete report would be presented to the Advisory Commission perhaps as early as October. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS There are several items under "Other Business and Reports", including a report on the meeting with Eagan Athletic Association, Representive, Kevin Mitchell, on the concern for more athletic facilities. The Director stated that the Parks Status Report pertaining to facilities, was mailed to Mr. Mitchell. Further, Staff has already initiated a letter to the three School Districts and Athletic Associations in an attempt to coordinate a meeting of facility users and providers. The Director then reviewed the 1988 budget process on current status reviewed by the City Council. The Director stated that the Eagan High School - Northview Park Site Plan has been underway, and the school district envisions the need to construct approximately twelve (12) tennis courts on Northview Athletic fields. There were several comments, questions, and concerns expressed by the Advisory Commission relative to the twelve courts and what benefits might be available to the City, if this were to occur. Director Vraa stated that although this must be approved by the Advisory Commission and City Council, he would be developing a tentative agreement for the site utilization by the City and school district facilities, in case tennis were placed on City property. 6 ANNUAL PICNIC It was noted that the Commission's annual picnic was scheduled for Friday, September 11, and a commitment should be made no later than Friday, September 4th. ADJOURNMENT There being no additional items, a motion by Thurston, seconded by Porter,-with all members voting in favor, the Advisory Commission of September 3rd, 1987 was adjourned at 11:30 P.M. KV ate Secretary/Treasurer 7