10/01/1987 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 1, 1987 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Roger Martin, at 7:00 P.M. Members present were Caponi, Thurston, Martin, Bertz, Sames, Alt, Porter. Members Masin and Kubik indicated that they would be arriving late for the meeting, and Mr. Car- roll is on vacation. Staff present were Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa, Parks Planner/Landscape Architect, Stephen Sullivan and Parks Superin- tendent, John VonDeLinde. AGENDA Director of Parks and Recreation, Vraa suggested the Advisory Com- mission add to the agenda review of their next meeting date, due to a conflict with a City Council meeting, which has been moved to November 5th. A motion by Alt, seconded by Bertz, with all members voting in favor, the Agenda was approved. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 3RD, 1987 Member Thurston noted that on Page Two (2) of the minutes, Paragraph four (4), that initial concerns were "for probable loss of parking along Rahn Road." On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Caponi, with all mem- bers voting in favor, the minutes of September 3rd, 1987 were approved as amended. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS The following consent agenda items were presented for approval. Following a motion by Bertz, seconded by Kubik, with all members voting in favor, the Commission approved recommendation to the City Council of the fol- lowing items: 1. Engstroms Deerwood Addition - that this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement, a trailway on Pilot Knob Road to the ex- tent of the plat, and a trail connection to the Deerwood Elemen- tary School. 2. Dorchester of Eagan - that this plat be subject to a cash dedica- tion and also, that this plat be subject to a trailway on County Road #30. 3. Cedar Cliff Commercial - 3rd Addition - that this plat be subject to a cash dedication consistent with City policy for commercial/industrial property. 1 4. York Town Industrial Park - 2nd Addition - that this plat be sub- ject to a cash dedication consistent with City Policy for commercial/industrial policy. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS - BLACKHALJK GLEN 3RD ADDITION Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan reviewed the proposed Black- hawk Glen 3rd Addition. Mr. Rick Packer, representing Sienna Corporation was also present. Mr. Sullivan reviewed the proposed dedication which consisted of a one (1) acre outlot which would provide for a portion of the overall dedication requirements. The remainder would be a cash dedication of ap- proximately $9,000.00. Mr. Sullivan then reviewed the trailway connection ex- tending from the roadway into the park. He indicated that the grades are relatively steep and therefore a design had been prepared reflecting how this could be accomplished. The developer would be responsible for grading this. Mr. Sullivan also suggested a temporary easement along the-south side of the plat would be required in order to accommodate trailway construction. After further detailing of the site plan, members of the Advisory Commission had several questions concerning the trailway, plat and a suggested preservation easement. Mr. Martin questioned why a temporary easement, instead of a full easement for the trailway? Commission member Bertz questioned if the proposed trail would provide for steps, and might this preclude the City from receiving LAWCON funds, because it would not meet handicap accessibility standards? Mr. Sullivan responded by indicating that the trailway easement was necessary only because a permanent easement could not be defined at this time as a result of lack of detailed planning. Superintendent VonDeLinde responded that the LAWCON grant would not be disqualified as a result of the steep topography. There were several other questions by the Advisory Commis- sion pertaining to the plat, after which time, with a motion by Martin, seconded by Alt, with all members voting in favor, the Advisory Commission recommended to the City Council that Blackhawk Glen - 3rd Addition be sub- ject to the following: 1. Parks Dedication of Outlot B., and the remaining dedication in cash. 2. The developer provide for a conservation easement along the lot abutting Blackhawk Park, as determined by City Staff. 3.. That the developer provide for a trail easement within the southwest portion of the parcel, providing adequate area for trail construction and placement, as determined by City Staff. Such temporary easement shall last for a period.of up to five years. 4. The developer grade the trail with steep bed along the pedestrian access according to Parks and Recreation design and standards. 2 CLIFFLAKE GALLERIA TOWERS Planner Jim Sturm reviewed the proposed Cliff Lake Galleria Towers, noting that Mr. Peter Beck, Mr. Pat Hoffman, and Mr. Tim Erkkila, the Landscape Architect for the project, were present to review the project proposal. Mr. Peter Beck provided a summary of the site, indicating that there was 320,000 sq.ft. of commercial property divided for Target, in the shopping center, a Super-Value food store and other tenants in free standing shops. He stated there was no front or back to the building and architec- turally, it will be treated equally. He stated the developer has gone to great extent to provide approximately ninety (90) trees, which were predominately White Oaks. An additional forty (40) White Oaks would be transplanted. He stated that the traffic survey in EAW had not been com- pleted, but was underway. Mr. Beck then reviewed a historical overview of the site, indicat- ing that-in 1969 the eighty (80) acres were zoned Commercial Shopping Center (CSC) and multiple housing for twenty (20) acres, and that currently sixty- eight (68) acres are proposed within the CSC zoning area for development. In 1978 a Planned Dvelopment for Eagan Hills West Commercial multiple family development was proposed. He then went on to explain the acquisition of Rahn Park, noting that the Commission's concern relative to traffic to Rahn Park was consistent with other community parks, including Rahn Park on Nichols Rd, Northview Road and Northview Park, Cedar Pond etc. He stated that traffic on Rahn Road would not be inconsistent with the current situation at other parks. Mr. Beck then reviewed several other aspects of the site, before ending his presentation. Sandy Masin questioned the amount of business, in comparison to Burnsville Target, and the impact on the site? Mr. Beck indicated there would be much slower traffic than on County Road #42, and improvements to Cliff and Rahn Road intersections would be necessary. Mr. Sames said that more people will be using the ballfields and the park, and this would mean that a second parking lot should be developed with the traffic impacts sug- gested. The Director of Parks and Recreation stated that at this time he was not aware of what the parking status would be on Rahn Road, but there is a small parking lot within the park. He cautioned that this lot is not sized to handle the needs of the two athletic fields on park property. Mr. Porter wondered if it was possible if Rahn Road could be shifted to the east and provide an improved parking lot in Rahn Park. Mr. Martin suggested that per- haps the cost of the parking lot be subsidized by the developer. Mr. Beck said that the developer would be willing to discuss this issue. Mr. Martin questioned whether white oaks could be transplanted and how successfully such a transplant would be. Mr. Erkkila stated that the developer had intended to use an oversize tree spade and that selection of the trees would be smaller in size to ensure viability. It was also stated that the developer would be using berming walls and adjusting building elevations to protect existing trees and protect its zones. He also indicated that he would be recommending to the developer that barricade fencing be erected to protect trees. Mr. Mar- tin suggested that a commitment to save the trees and a replacement policy be enacted tree for tree, or inch for inch. Member Thurston mentioned that Mr. Beck had compared fencing of the park on Nichols Road with the fencing of Rahn - was inconsistent. She stated that City fences facilities and not parks. Commission member Bertz questioned the count provided for vehicular traffic, stating that no Target in the Twin Cities has 35,000 car count, and how it could be used as a case for Rahn Road? Mr. Beck apologized that he did not intend to mislead the Commission; only 7% of the traffic goes north on Rahn 3 Road beyond the last northern street outlet. He stated that a "left only" is acceptable from the developers standpoint. Mr. Porter asked whether species of trees would be used in terms of size or minimum number? Mr. Erkkila stated that they intended to use native plant material at the site, including Ash and Locust within parking lot islands. Mr. Caponi suggested that 2-1/2" diameter trees for white oak will take years to mature. He agreed that the use of a variety of plant materials was a very positive gesture. Further, he stated that the parking lot is wide open and there is a need to break it up with grouping of trees and other significant species with good size. Mr. Kubik questioned where the trash dumpsters would be. Mr. Beck stated that there would be screening walls at both the Target and Super Value locations. Mr. Kubik stated there should be vegetation along the back of the buildings where the trailways were. The cluster of trees was needed to break up the as- phalt of the parking lot. Mr. Sames questioned whether the trailway would connect to Cliff Road. Mr. Beck stated that the trail would out in on the property, but would become part of the trail proposal for future development to the east. Sandy Masin questioned why a major. shopping center would be based on this particular parcel, noting the topography and obvious traffic problems on Rahn Road. Mr. Beck stated that the excess from Cliff and 35E makes this a desirable location. There was additional discussion by the Ad- visory Parks & Recreation Commission and a number of questions came up for Mr. Beck and the developer. Mr. Martin stated that he was aware that the City staff had a meeting with the developer on Monday, and proposed that the Com- mission meet on Thursday, October 22nd for final review of this particular item, as well as other Commission business. Members agreed, and a meeting was set for October 22, 1987. BLACKHAWK LASE PARK - LAWCON GRANT REQUEST Director Vraa indicated that the City's application for financial assistance for Blackhawk Park had been ranked 3rd, qualifying for about $151,000 in LAWCON funds and $20,000 in State funds. Additional information was supplied to the Advisory Commission regarding congressional action on the funding of LAWCON and the processing of the grant, etc. After additional explanation, a motion by Masin, seconded by Kubic, all members voting in favor, it was the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission to submit the final application for funding of Blackhawk Park. PATRICK EAGAN.PARK - CHERYL LASE PROPOSAL Director of Parks & Recreation then discussed the proposal by Cheryl Lake which was communicated to the Advisory Commission in September. Member Alt suggested it was interesting to hear of new ideas, but felt that this site would be inappropriate for use as a bird sanctuary, as was proposed by Ms. Lake. There was discussion by the Advisory Commission in which Mr. Martin stated that there was a consensus among the Advisory Commission that a letter should be sent to Ms. Lake thanking her for the idea, but indicating the Commission was not interested in the proposal at this time. 4 WESTBURY - 3RD ADDITION Director Vraa informed the Advisory Commission regarding the three lots on the Westbury 3rd Addition. He stated that the right-of-way agent for Williams Brothers Pipeline said the three lots were buildable lots, which is a correction from an earlier understanding. He stated a letter has been sent to Williams Brothers indicating the City may be interested in all three lots, with a clear understanding of the conditions in which the property would be accepted. DISTRIBUTION OF CITY CODE NOTATIONS Director of Parks & Recreation, Vraa, distributed notations of the City Code, which the Advisory Commission members had worked on several months ago. NEW BUSINESS 1. Survey of Adult Softball facilities: Director Vraa stated that Recreation Supervisor, Peterson, and he had completed a survey of area communities and the number of softball facilities that they provide. Staff made this survey in an effort to reconfirm and quantify its needs for facilities for the City of Eagan. Director Vraa noted that the City's average team numbers have increased steadily, from a high of one team per 365 residents of a few years ago to one team per 290 residents now. There was additional discussion by the Commission on the Staff's report, and agreement by the Commission that its conclusion of needing the equivalent of 15 fields seemed reasonable given the data. Mr. Vraa then viewed for the Advisory Commission a proposal from Mr. Dan Gustafson, which had only occurred the preceding day. He stated that the property on Lexington Avenue and County Road #30 may be available for $18,000 an acre, as the bank still has the property under its con- trol. He mentioned that he and Mr. Gustafson had agreed that the City would need to acquire forty (40) acres and the remainder would be used for residential development. Mr. Caponi stated that this would be a financially good deal, but not of primary consideration. He stated that noise would be high from from Goat Hill, and the lights a distraction. He felt the Commission should look elsewhere because of the impact on the surrounding area of these fields. In response to a question, Mr. Vraa. stated that the site is zoned multiple, the area to the east is commercial. Mr. Caponi reiterated that he felt that the site was-on-top of a hill, and therefore the sound generated would go in all direc- tions. He stated that it would be different if the site was in a bowl which could contain the noise and the lights. Mr. Kubik asked what ac- tion the Commission needed to take. Mr. Vraa stated that the Commission should provide its input, and he felt comfortable with a recommendation to the City Council. Mr. Martin then motioned that Staff be directed to purchase the property after consultation with the City Council. With Council approval, said site should be purchased. Motion was seconded by Thurston, and motion passed seven (7) to one (1), with Mr. Caponi voting 5 "no". Mr. Caponi stated that he would like to provide a letter to the Commission regarding his "no" vote. Mr. Martin stated that he felt his comments and the minutes would reflect his "no" vote based on his ear- lier comments. PARKS DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Steve Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner provided the Ad- visory Commission with an update and status report on the various construc- tion projects within the community. He stated that the contractors were proceeding along nicely, although the tennis court contractor was slightly behind. BRIDLE RIDGE PARK The park has now been graded and was nearly ready for seeding. He stated that staff has taken advantage of rough grading of the site, and now intended to proceed with it. Mr. Sullivan continued, that Bridle Ridge Park is now ready for work such as curb and gutter, bituminous, hardcourt surface area, and backstop. He stated that existing contractors on other parks projects may be willing to do this, but authorization to expend the funds from the park site fund would be appropriate. Mr. Kubik motioned, seconded by Thurston, that staff be authorized to expend an additional $35,000 for development of the park as reported. All members voted in favor. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Director Vraa introduced the issue of the platting and develop- ment of the Eagan High School and Dakota Hills Middle School. Mr. Martin said, due to the lateness of the hour this item could be deferred to the 22nd. Director Vraa noted that Superintendent VonDeLinde had prepared a parks maintenance report, concerning the many activities of the maintenance staff over the last several weeks. He also stated that a letter to the Ad- visory Commission has been received as a result of the Eagan Newsletter requesting input from the City regarding Parks & Recreation needs. NOVEMBER COMMISSION MEETING Director Vraa noted that the next Advisory Commission meeting would conflict with the City Council's first meeting of the month. It had been changed from the 1st Tuesday, due to elections. Members questioned whether the items could be covered on October 22nd, or at a special meeting on the 5th at Trapp Farm Park. The meeting was set for November 5th at Trapp Farm Park. Mr. Vraa and Recreation Supervisor, Peterson, updated the Advisory Commission on the Athletic Association's recent meeting with Facility Ad- ministrators. It was noted that the Rosemount Athletic Association and the Eagan Athletic Association would meet together to discuss possible merger op- portunities or deferment of some programs currently offered by the Rosemount Athletic Association to the Eagan Athletic Association. Mr. Vraa indicated that this was a very positive step and would help resolve some of the problems of having two Youth Sports Associations serving the City. 6 Director Vraa next noted that the bond fund print-out of expendi- tures as of August 31st, were included in the packet. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business for the Commission, the Advisory Commission adjourned at 11:15 P.M. 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