10/22/1987 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 22, 1987 Those present were Bertz, Thurston, Porter, Sames, Kubik, Caponi, Masin, Martin. Also present were the Director of Parks & Recreation, Ken Vraa, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan and visitors concerning the items on the agenda. CLIFF LAKE GALLERIA TOWERS Director Vraa gave a brief introductory statement concerning the proposed Cliff Lake Galleria Towers project, indicating that the Advisory Commission has already had two meetings reviewing this particular item. He stated, for members of the audience, that the Advisory Commission's role is to review the plan for specifics relating to parks, and not to make a determination on the overall zoning for land use issues. Mr. Peter Beck invited the Commission to review a rendering - showing the trail corridor on the site plan. He stated that he would review the proposed plan, and staff's memo of October 19th; take each item, and respond to these concerns. Relative to #1, he reiterated that the traffic impact on Rahn Park was consistent with the City's plan for having community athletic facilities on collector streets. Rahn Road is such a collector street, and therefore Rahn Park should not be severely impacted by any traffic. Mr. Beck stated that he felt the traffic would be much less than what is now occuring with several existing community parks. Item Two; the access road alignment has been reviewed by Tom Colbert, Public Works Director. He stated that this road access into the park should not be a problem with the Target access roads. Mr. Beck said the developer is willing to share in the costs for adjustments at Rahn Park, if the ballfield backstop fencing needs relocation. Mr. Martin questioned if there might be fill available for any berming along the Rahn road on the park side. Mr. Beck responded that grading computations appear to be balanced, but that a small amount required for the berming should be made available. 1 In regards to the trailway on Rahn Road, Mr. Beck stated that there is an existing sidewalk on the west side of Rahn Road which provides for good transportation. He suggested that there not be a trail on the east side, so as not to conflict with Target traffic. Mr. Steve O'Gara, of Beaver Dam Road, stated that there should be a sidewalk on the north side of the east/west road and that a trailway should be considered on the east side of Rahn Road to the north of the site. Roger Martin indicated that the City's Comprehensive Trail Plan does indicate a trail on the east side of Rahn Road, and the developer would be responsible. Bob Porter said he was in favor of a trail on the east side, because it is human nature for someone to go to a corner, cross - then head toward the center. Member Caponi said the Commission should consider utilizing more of the west side of Rahn for pedestrians, since safety is of a primary concern. Commission developer and members of the audience reviewed the trail suggestions that were provided. Mr. Erkkila, Westwood Planning Engineering, representing the developer, stated that the City could install a trail within the road right-of-way that may be already available on Rahn Road, if the City feels it is necessary. Mr. Beck suggested another alternative, which involved the MinDot property as an extension from Cliff Lake Pond to Cliff Road. It was also noted that an alternative might be for a trail connection at the intersection of Cliff and Rahn Road - directly to the interior of the site, provided that the topography and vegetation could permit such a trail. After extensive discussion, it appeared there was an agreement that the developer would be willing to provide for the trailways - the exact determination to be made by staff, after review of the topography and by contact with MinDot. Mr. Beck then reviewed paragraph #6, relative to the massing of trees in the parking lot. He stated that faster growing trees might be provided in the parking lot with oak clusters around the site, but oaks would not necessarily be added to the parking lot area. Mr. Ca.poni questioned the appearance of the trees in the parking lot, and their protection. Mr. Erkkila stated that there would be fill with perhaps, a retaining wall - 10X20 or 20X20 in size. He stated that two feet of fill might be provided given that some sites would have more and some less. Mr. Caponi mentioned that the trees would look like potted trees, why not leave large massing instead? Mr. Kubik stated that the idea of clustered trees in a natural like setting should be preserved. Mr. Sames reiterated that the Commission's primary concern was for a naturalized planting of shrubs and trees. There was additional discussion between the Commission and the developer., including the amount of parking space required. Director Vraa stated that it appeared the Commission concensus was that they wished to have more green space within the parking lot, even if it was necessary to reduce the number of parking stalls to create this additional landscaping island. Members of the Commission affirmed that this was indeed their direction. Mr. Beek then reaffirmed that issues #7, 8, and 9 were certainly agreeable to the developer and that #10, which provides for a trail connection to the highline corridor was approved, only the location needed to be reviewed. -Thedeveloper-then stated his agreement with conditions #11, 12, 13 and #14. Sandy Masin questioned how much land dedication was responsible with this development, and why the need for a cash dedication? The Director responded that the developer had already provided for a partial land dedication, under the PUD, in that there already was a land shortage as a result of the dedication of Meadowlands Park, a cash amount would be necessitated. 2 Mr. Beek stated that another issue with the Advisory Commission has to do with a section of questions in the EAW concerning the "impairing or destroying" of the park. He stated that the EAW has been checked "no", subject to parking lot fencing, berming and landscaping, if necessary at Rahn Park. After a discussion by the Advisory Commission, the Commission agreed that this seemed to be an appropriate way to handle the EAW statement. On a motion by Caponi, seconded by Kubik, it was recommended of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission to forward to the Council the thirteen statements/conditions by Staff. Discussion by the motion, led to concern for the length of time for bonding of the landscaping and ensuring the landscaping plan would be maintained. The developer indicated his willingness to extend the bonding deadline, as the project would surely go beyond the two-year time frame. Mr. Kubik also stated that the motion should contain a section regarding. the sidewalk on the east side, subject to staff review for possible impact on the trees. Members agreed that an amendment to the motion should also include the need for coordination with the engineering department for the proposed extention of Beaver Dam trailway signs. Member Thurston suggested item number fifteen should include a left-turn only off the access roads onto Rahn to reduce traffic to the north. This addition was accepted as an amendment to the motion, and on a call of the motion - all members voted in favor. Sandy Masin made a motion that she felt the Advisory Commission should go on record as not being satisfied with a facility of this magnitude, because of it's impact on the park. Mr. Martin stated he didn't feel this was within the Commission's role. The motion died for lack of a second to the motion. HIGH SCHOOL SITE Director Vraa introduced the Eagan High School site issue to the Advisory Commission, introducing Dr. Tom Wilson, Principal on Special Assignment, and Ted Rozeboom, of Hammel, Green, and Associates, architects on the project. Mr. Rozeboom reviewed the School District's objective of opening the facilities in the Fall of 1989, and the need to have a fast track construction method. Mr. Wilson then reviewed the entire site plan, noting concerns that the school district has for siting of the building, preservation of trees, and a need to develop playfield facilities. Chairman Martin questioned the rectangular ponds, and their value to the site. Mr. Rozeboom stated that the first problem was an architectural pond next to the school, and a more natural pond to the north. Mr. Caponi stated students are influenced by their environment, and that rectangular forms are stressful. He continued by stating his concern for the humanistic requirements of the site - and this fast track method may limit the effectiveness of the humanistic quality for the school. Mr. Rozeboom responded that the phase development package will allow adequate time for providing for a good school siting. Mr. Caponi said the field should act as a front yard as a grassy area. There was additional discussion of the ponding area and it's requirements, and recognition that the ponds would take on a more natural element. Mr. Porter questioned if there was adequate parking on the site, noting that Rosemount High School is very short of adequate parking facilities. Mr. Wilson noted that there would be adequate parking, and should the school expand, additional parking would be made available with space-that has been provided. Mr. Wilson noted staffhas expressed to the School District concerns for the siting and location of the football field. He stated the field would be depressed into the ground and that berming_and landscaping will be provided to help obscure the view. Further, ticket taking, restrooms and concessions would be internal to the site, reducing the impact to the 3 nearby residents. He also stated that should lighting be provided, this would be done with a four pole system to reduce the glare element as much as possible. In response to a question, Dr. Wilson responded that there are five baseball fields, and two softball. Upon which Mr. Martin questioned, noting the growth in softball and soccer, rather than baseball. Mr. Wilson replied that the district stands ready to revise it's site at such time as those needs are apparent; but he felt the school district could shift with changing athletic needs. In response to questions regarding the site planning, it was noted that the school district is short of facilities with the original program for athletic facilities. Dr. Wilson stated that the district hopes to utilize City facilities at Northview Park, and will be providing facilities for community use in exhange. Mr. Wilson referrenced the fact that City staff and the school staff have reviewed draft documents for the construction of tennis courts at Northview and for the sharing of ballfields. Mr. Vraa indicated that the Commission would be reviewing these items next. After additional discussion by the Advisory Commission concerning the plan, a motion by Porter, seconded by Bertz, will all members voting in favor, the site plan for the school building was recommended for approval to the City Council. Mr. Martin indicated that the Commission would be able to review the details of the site at another meeting. DRAFT AGREEMENTS - SCHOOL DISTRICT #196 TENNIS COURTS AND BALLFIELDS Director Vraa reviewed the proposed draft agreements, for tennis courts at Northview Athletic fields and sharing of ballfields with District #196, noting that the School Board, as well as City Council would have to review these items. He stated that while it was not necessary for the Advisory Commission to approve these documents, that wording or questions should be raised at this time for additional revision. Chairman Martin questioned the statement on vandalism, which Dr. Wilson and Director Vraa responded to. Mr. Caponi questioned the length of the agreement, stating that the agreement should be changeable if needs warrant, rather than have a specific timeframe. In response to a question, Mr. Wilson stated that Director Vraa had drafted the agreement, and he agreed that the City should construct the tennis court facilities. He stated that this would save the School District several thousands of dollars as a'result of his contract with H.G.A. After additional questions and comments, it was the consensus of the Advisory Commission that the draft agreements were acceptable - recognizing that future review would be made after the draft is revised. COMMUNITY SURVEY Director Vraa noted that Mr. Sullivan and he had completed interviews with perspective firms to complete a survey of the residents of Eagan for a Community Center. He stated, Decision Resources, Inc. was the preferred firm based on their recent experience with Inver Grove Heights, their lower fees and charges, and understanding of the project. All members stated that they were agreement with Staff's recommendation. -4 BOULDER RIDGE Steve Sullivan stated that he has reviewed several modifications required with the Boulder Ridge and Heine Pond development. He stated that staff is bringing this issue to the Advisory Commission due to their deep concern for the project as shown earlier. Mr. Sullivan reviewed the changes that were required by the Department of Natural Resources, as it affected the normal water elevation and grading limits. Mr. Sullivan then reviewed several alternatives and their ramifications. Trailways, parking stalls, and grades were reviewed by the Advisory Commission with specific review of alternative plans pertaining to the site. Direction was given to the staff to proceed with these changes and discussions with the developer. Commission adjourned at 10:10 P.M. KV Date Secretary/Treasurer 5 -