01/07/1988 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JANUARY 7, 1988 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Roger Martin at 7:00 P.M. Members present were Porter, Masin, Martin, Thurston, Caponi, Carroll, Kubik and Alt. Member Sames was unable to attend, as he was out-of-town. Staff present were the Director of Parks & Recreation, Ken Vraa, Parks Planner/Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan, and Parks Superintendent, John VonDeLinde. AGENDA On a motion by Kubik, seconded by Caponi, with all members voting in favor, the agenda for January 7th, 1987 was approved as received. MINUTES FOR DECECEMBER 3RD, 1987 Page three, seven lines from the bottom, the word skaters should be changed to "sledders". -Page six, concerning parks development, the words "quantity" and "quality" should be reversed as attributed to George Kubik. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Masin, with all members voting in favor, the minutes of the December 3rd meeting were approved as amended. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Director of Parks & Recreation, Vraa, noted that there were no development proposals for review by the Advisory Commission at this time. He noted that this was an unusual circumstance. WINKLER/JACKSON PARK Director Vraa introduced the subject, noting that the Winkler/Jackson PUD provided for a land dedication requirement. Further, the PUD also required the developer to grade the park area, which is to be combined with property turn back from M.Dot. He said that he had recently received a call from the Attorney representing the partnership, and that they now propose a cash amount of $30,000 in lieu of the grading requirment. Several questions from the Advisory Commission concerned the status of the parkland, development of the preliminary plans, staff's perception of the amount of grading required, and possible time for development were responded to by staff. Chairman Martin stated that he felt that it would be beneficial to the parks system to accept the cash dedication. Noting staff's comments concerning contracting the work through a City contract, rather than through a contractor working for a developer, it was agreed the City contract would be preferable. After additional discussion, and a motion by Kubik, seconded by Carroll, with all members voting in favor, the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission recommended to the City Council that it accept the $30,000 cash payment in lieu of the grading responsibility within the Winkler/Jackson PUD development. 1 Adivsory Parks and Recreation Conunission Minutes of January 7, 1988 Meeting WILLMUS PARK Page 2 Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa, introduced the topic concerning the future of the proposed parks dedication within Parks Service Section #28, now identified as Willmus Park. Mr. Vraa noted that Mr. John Uban had been retained by the Willmus Family Properties with the intent of making the required parkland dedication, in order that the Willmus family trust could assign parcels to family members. Mr. Vraa went on to explain the boundaries of the existing property owned by the City; noting a 2.3 acre shortage in a previous dedication made by Willmus Properties. After additional explanation concerning the proposal and the information contained in the Commission packet, Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan, presented the preliminary concept plan, noting a possible park layout. Mr. Sullivan concluded that revisions to the plan as proposed by Mr. Uban and staff were different in respect to the most westerly property line, and a compromise had been reached between the two plans by staff and consultant. Mr. John Uban representing the developer, explained the concept plan as he had prepared it. He noted that the area south of the existing park property had mature oaks and undulating topography. He stated that this area might work extremely well for trails, picnic area and for more casual park use. He stated that wintertime opportunities could provide for telemark skiing on the limited slopes. Mr. Uban then went into further details pertaining to the parks plan. Mr. Caponi stated that he favored the concept of a packaged park and liked the plan that had been developed. Mr. Kubik questioned if there was a need to take this to the neighborhood for reviewal. Mr. Richard Marhula, representing Mr. Willmus, stated that the property was within a Family Trust and the opportunity may not be available in the future for the City to acquire the entire parkland parcel, as it is now envisioned. He stated that the Trust will begin to distribute the parcels to different individuals this year, thus a single continuous parkland dedication may not be possible. Carolyn Thurston questioned if a one month delay would be too long for the Willmus Trust, should the Commission decide that a review by the residents is necessary? Mr. Marhula stated that the delay would not be too long, however neighborhood meetings tend to take more than a month and an extended delay may not permit such a dedication. It was further noted that the developer was prepared now to make such a dedication, and at the earliest opportunity. Members of the Advisory Commission discussed components of the proposed park area, acreage amounts, and topsoil availability. After considerable discussion concerning these issues, Mr. Capons motioned to recommend approval of the plan as envisioned in Concept "A", in principal, subject to the developer and City negotiation of topsoil, a second, was made by Mr. Kubik. Mr. Porter questioned if a neighborhood meeting would help in the facility program, and if it was necessary at this time. In a call of the motion, all members voted in favor. Motion by Kubik, seconded by Porter, staff is to inform residents of the property proposed for acquisition by the City. All members voted in favor. BLACKHAWK PARK ACCESS STUDY Director Vraa introduced the item noting that Meritor Development was now proposing single family dwellings with a long cul-de-sac in the property south of Blackhawk Park, east of Leo Murphy's property. Staff has a study on the access road and asked the Advisory Commission if it had any concerns or suggestions at this time. 2 V _1~ - -Y _ - - Minutes of 1/7/88 Meeting Page 3 Mr. Sullivan then reviewed the three proposed concepts, noting differences in grade and grading amounts. He stated that each concept had a different impact upon the parks access, particularly surrounding vegetation, and the amount of set-backs required, etc. After conclusion of this presentation, member Masin questioned the property required from Leo Murphy in order to accommodate the road. Member Kubik questioned the size of the road width and if a reduced land size may not reduce the impact on the park. There was considerable discussion by the Advisory Commission concerning the alternatives and possible impacts upon the area. It was noted that staff would be meeting with Mr. Murphy to both inform him on chat had transpired and to learn of his concerns. No action was taken by the Advisory Commission on this item. WELL SITE PARK - PLAN REVIEW Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan, said the Advisory Commission had previously reviewed certain temporary and permanent road right-of-way easements required for the upgrading of Pilot Knob Road. He stated that at the time of this review, Commissioners were informed of the impact on Well Site Park. Since that meeting, the Highway Engineering Department has agreed to provide the necessary access road into the park, due to the loss of facility usage associated with the upgrading of Pilot Knob Road. Staff has proceeded with a preliminary plan because the County has agreed to include the construction in its contract documents if supplied within two weeks. Mr. Sullivan then went into details, explaining the park concept plan, including grades, number of parking stalls, roadway access, and drainage. Members questioned the amount of parking made available and if an open skating area to the north, rather than the south, could be provided. Staff responded to these questions. Member Martin noted that there did not appear to be a lot of alternatives to this site, noting the grades, access point, and existing constraints. The only alternatives for consideration were to move the hockey rink, which is obviously too expensive. After additional discussion and review of grades, parking stalls, etc., on a motion by Kubik, seconded by Thurston, that the Advisory Commission accept the plan with revision noted, and the road to be asphalt, to reserve parking on the west side and south end of the hockey rink. All members voted in favor. PARKS DEVELOPMENT Director Vraa provided an update on the expenditures from the Parks Bond Fund, totaling $3,940,000. through the end of November. Steve Sullivan provided an update on the status of the- construction contracts, noting that the building contractor has several punch list items left to complete before the contract can be finaled out. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Community Center study - Director Vraa stated the survey had been field tested and was now being administered to residents. He stated that early results may be back by February 1st, although a completed report was not expected until later that month, or early March. Director Vraa and Park Superintendent VonDeLinde updated the Commission on the status of skating rinks, noting the rinks were opened on December 23rd, as a result of residents using the rinks, rather than them being ready for use. 3 Director Vraa noted that the packet contained a letter from Sandy Bertz indicating her decision not to re-apply for an appointment to the Advisory Commission. Chairman Martin asked if a letter or plaque would be given to Sandy for her years of service on the Commission. Vraa stated this would be an item on the February Agenda. LETTERS TO THE ADVISORY COMMISSION Letters to the Advisory Commission from: Cheryl Johnson, Floyd Hiar, Senator Boschwitz, were noted in the Commission's packet, as well as a copy of the letter to the Lions Club concerning their desire and proposal for involvement in a future pavilion in Blackhawk Park. Chairman Martin stated that he would like to send a letter to Cheryl Johnson, thanking her for the letter to the Editor. Roger stated that he and Carolyn Thurston had also prepared a letter, which was to appear in the next issue of the Eagan Chronicle. Mr. Caponi stated that he had talked to the fellow that had written the first editorial. Mr. Caponi said he would like to get to know the Commission members better and to understand how decisions are reached by each member regarding parks and recreation. Chairman Martin stated that he had noticed that the Council had deferred action on snowmobiles. Vraa explained that the topic would be on the next Council Agenda. Member. Alt stated that Thomas Lake Park has had an extremely high amount of snowmobile use. Vraa stated that the Police had been notified, along with the park rangers, with additional signs ordered for placement within the park area. FEBRUARY COMMISSION AGENDA Director Vraa noted that the February agenda would be the Commission's organizational meeting. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Porter, seconded by Masin, with all members voting in favor, the Advisory Commission meeting of January 7th, 1988 was adjourned. KV Date 'Advisory Parks & Recreation Secretary Advisory Parks and Recreation Consnission Minutes of January 7, 1988 Meeting Page 4