02/04/1988 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 4, 1988 A regular meeting of the. Advisory Parks and. Recreation Commission was called to order at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 4, 1988 with the following Commission Members present: Dick Carroll, Michele Swanson, Wayne Sames, Sandy Masin, JoAnne Alt, Bob Porter and George Kubik. Staff present included Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan; Parks Superintendent, John VonDeLinde; Recreation Supervisor, Dorothy Peterson; Recreation Supervisor, Paula Norwiak; Park Intern., Lisa Lundquist and Parks Secretary, Cherryl Mesko. SWEARING IN CEREMONY Tom Hedges, City Administrator, administered the oath of office to Michele Swanson, the newest member of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission. Alternate, David Hennes, was not present to be sworn in as a new member of the Commission. Administrator Hedges presented the election. process to the Commission members indicating that nominations would-be accepted, seconded, followed by a ballot vote. The nominations for Chair was opened. Sandy Masin nominated and Wayne Sames seconded the- nomination of Dick.Carroll. Dick Carroll nominated and JoAnn..Alt seconded the nomination of George Kubick. Nominations were closed, seconded and a ballot vote was taken with Dick Carroll elected as Chairman. Nominations for Vice Chair were opened. Dick Carroll nominated and Bob Porter seconded the nomination of George Kubick. Dick Carroll nominated and JoAnn Alt seconded the nomination of Sandy Masin. Nominations were closed, seconded and ".a ballot vote was taken with Sandy Masin elected as Vice Chair. Nominations for Secretary were opened. Bob Porter nominated and Dick Carroll seconded the nomination of George Kubick. The nominations were closed, seconded and George Kubick•was elected as-Secretary. Chairman Carroll proceeded with a brief description of the standing subcommittees and asked for volunteers from the. commission to serve on each of the Recreation, Park Naming, -and Development/Finance Committees. The appointments to. the Recreation Committee were George Kubick, Chair, Sandy Masin, Michele Swanson and David Hennes. The. appointments to the Park Naming Committee were JoAnn Alt, "Chair, Dick Carroll and Sandy Masin. The appointments to the Development/ Finance Committee were Wayne Sames, Chair, JoAnn Alt, and Bob Porter. It was 1 Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of February 4, 1988 Meeting Page 2 decided that the Special Issues Subcommittee would serve as an Ad Hoc Committee that would convene when necessary and those members would be determined at a later date. Chairman Dick Carroll requested an updated list of all Commission Members as well as the committees they will be serving on. Chairman Carroll welcomed Michele Swanson to the Parks and Recreation commission on behalf of the. returning_members and expressed their pleasure in having her become a part of the Commission and welcomed her input. AGENDA Bob Porter requested that adiscussion of the manner in which the Commission could show their appreciation to outgoing Commission members be added to the agenda. Masin so moved adding that the agenda be approved as received, Sames seconded, all members voted in favor to approve the agenda for February 4th as received with the one addition.. MINUTES FOR JANUARY 7, 1988 MEETING Page 7, LETTERS TO THE ADVISORY COMMISSION, Line 3 in the 2nd,-Paragraph, the words "and Masin" should be deleted.. On a motion by Kubic, seconded by Porter, with all members voting in favor, the minutes of the .January 7th meeting were approved as amended. CONSENT,AGENDA ITEMS The following consent agenda items were presented for approval. On a motion by Porter, seconded by Masin, with all members voting in favor, the Commission approved recommendation to the City-Council of the following items: 1) Community of Joy Church - That this plat be subject-to a cash dedication requirement at such time as the church property revert to any other use and for a trailway along ..Lexington Avenue. 2) Beau D'Rue Drive Addition - That a cash dedication be required for the newly created lots consistent with the City's commercial/ industrial park dedication policy. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Director Vraa started-by introducing the Parks.. and Recreation Department Staff to Commission Member Michele Swanson and welcomed her to the Commission. 2 Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of February 4, 1988 Meeting Page 3 BLACKHAWK POND ADDITION Director Vraa outlined some of the concerns that have been shared regarding Blackhawk Pond Addition; specifically its impact on the neighboring Blackhawk Park. The developer proposed a long cul de sac to accommodate the 50 single family lots to be developed in this area. The developer has made some minor changes in that he has removed 2 lots and shortened the cul de sac. This property was zoned R-4 under the Blackhawk PUD with the parks dedication being completed, .thus, no further park dedication is required. The first concern for the impact to the Blackhawk Community Park would be the affects of storm water ponding. The second concern is for an..access road to the park . An alternative would be to enter the park through adjacent property owned by Leo Murphy. Director Vraa indicated he had met with Mr. Murphy and suggested that in exchange for access, an early parks dedication at this time would be credited against his land. Staff received a letter from Mr. Murphy and Steve Sullivan will be looking at proposing another alternative for alignment access to the park and will show some proposals at the March meeting for the Commission to review. A motion was made by Kubick, seconded by Sames to recommend approval of the preliminary plat with Outlots A and B; with Out-lot A to be reconfigured for an easement for grading for a road access. All members voted in favor. TOWN CENTRE 100 - 5TH ADDITION: WATERFORD APARTMENTS Landscape Architect/Park Planner, Steve Sullivan did a visual presentation of the area surrounding O'Leary Park as it related to the trail system for. the area. As background, Steve Sullivan said the apartment complex proposed north of the park would have 6 buildings, with detached garages off Town Centre Drive. The first alternate for trail is a single trail along all interior streets within the PUD to service offices and residential areas adjacent to O'Leary Park; and to provide access through these areas to existing trail system. The Developer is proposing a trail lane from their property to tie in to the existing and proposed trail system. The second alternative would provide a double trail on both sides of the street, Town Centre Drive. 3 Advisory ParKs ana riecreatlon commission Minutes of February 4, 1988 Meeting Page 4 Chairman Carroll indicated most of the traffic would be pedestrian but the intensity was not known at this point in time. The park would offer a very positive environment for the surrounding areas. He questioned the need for two trails if service type development is in the NE quadrant. Member Porter indicated the importance of the trail system in the north area , because of -a day care center near the park as well as the southern area where there..are a number of single family homes and a population of small children. Mike Black of James R. Hill Engineering, representing the Developer, indicated a possible problem of clearance with a trail on the south side of Town Centre Drive. There is a 50 foot setback from the curb to the parking lot and the developer plans to do landscaping to buffer the parking lot. Developer feels the sidewalk on the north is ample enough to service people. They also feel the park is definitely an asset to the units being developed and would provide an easement on the westerly edge. Their recommendation is for a trail on the north side of the street. Concern was expressed by Member Swanson with the number of driveway accesses on the south side of the property and concern by Carroll regarding children crossing the street. He questioned if -this could be controlled with stop/walk signage. Member Sames questioned if there would be a crossing from..the tower, and should the Commission be considering a separate bicycle/pedestrian trail system. Further discussion by Commission Members regarding whether the trails should be .a sidewalk, trail, or•combination of both was clarified when it-.was determined that the Planned Development determines whether it will be sidewalk or trail. Discussion continued relative to the impact of-traffic once the trail system was in effect; would the surrounding area be adequately served in being able to access O'Leary Park without the concern of crossing at inappropriate intersections. Member -Alt made the motion to` recommend a sidewalk on the north and trail on the south, deleting the area north of the apartments. Motion was seconded by Kubic with the stipulation that the signing and striping for pedestrian crossing be completed and that a spur trail be included and blacktopped to accommodate bicycles. All members voted in favor of the motion. Another point was brought-to the attention of the Commission by Steve Sullivan that involved the storm sewer system. The -need for a catch basin between the tennis courts and north. By the area remaining wet across the trail it can cause some long term cumulative damage. There is the potential of erosion and wear- which would require continual repair to the existing-trail. 4 Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of February 4, 1988 Page 5 The cost to construct the storm sewer and the catch basin is approximated at $2,300 for the city. The developer has indicated they would accept the responsibility for the upper piping required. Mike Black for James R. Hill Engineering indicated that they have to work with the developer to reduce the overland drainage from the adjacent property so - as to reduce the possibility of standing water in this area. Since the tennis court is near a low area, the drainage swale seems to be between the tennis courts, and the parking lot. Running a storm sewer line underground seemed to be the best alternative. After further discussion a motion was made by George Kubick that the Staff and Developer work out the storm sewer drainage on a cost share agreement with the motion being seconded by JoAnn Alt. All members..voted in favor of the motion. THOMAS LAKE PARK DESIGN REVIEW .Mr. Richard Schwarz of Schwarz-Weber Architects presented to the Commission a slide presentation of the Thomas Lake Park area where the proposed shelter building will be built. The main objective in showing the area was to present the most suitable location for the building to enable good views of the surrounding natural beauty. An overview of the proposed buildings was shown next with a description of the exterior and interior amenities. The main building and pavilion would be constructed with the same materials as the Trapp Farm building. There would be concrete columns around the perimeter, with light source coming through. the top/roof area. with south and west exposure. The large building will be partitioned to enclosed food/cooking areas with the food preparation area to have a flat counter. The smaller building to the side is designed for maintenance and rest areas with-a separated education pavilion to seat 30 to 40 people. The overall building will be slightly smaller in covered area than Trapp Farm but will enable 150 people to be comfortably seated by using 5 rows of table with 5 tables in each row. Water will be outside rather than inside the building. The outdoor amenities include a bonfire circle with a bench area. In planning the overall configuration of the building on the site, great care was taken to have views of the lake and wooded views from as many areas as possible. The fireplace was placed outside the building in lieu of including it in the building with an anticipated plan of considering a grill area that would tie in with the total look of the building and the exterior amenities-. Director Vraa indicated the next step would be to get. .-cost estimates and refine the plans. 5 Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of February 4, 1988 Meeting Page 6 Motion by Kubic, seconded by Carroll, with all members voting in favor to accept the preliminary building plan as presented and to proceed with Staff to refine the plans as necessary and do a cost estimate. NEW BUSINESS A presentation was given by the Parks and Recreation intern, Lisa Lundquist regarding the Apple Valley Ice Arena Referendum. Lisa is a senior at St. Adolfus College. Her internship has involved doing an indepth study of the-reasons why the Apple Valley Ice Arena Referendum failed. Her presentation included the background regarding the timing involved in handling this referendum. The referendum was defeated by a 3-1 margin and she cited some of the reasons for the failure to be: 1) Timing of the Bond issue was poor because of the high school proposal that had just recently passed. People felt they were paying. too many taxes at that point. 2) Most people surveyed felt that with an existing ice arena there was no need for another. Chairman Carroll thanked Lisa for the extensive research that was done in compiling the information for the Commission and expressed their gratitude for the excellent work she has done for the Parks and Recreation Department during her association with them. On behalf of. the Commission, Chairman Carroll thanked Dorothy Peterson and her staff for planning and preparation for the very successful Winter Weekend. Commission members shared their comments as they received. them from the participants of the Winter Weekend and they were very positive overall. BERRY PATCH PARR The lift station is in place at Mooney Lake and the water level is down considerably. It is very evident there are a large number of dead trees. Park Superintendent Von De Linde indicated the Staff will be working with the Forester to clear cut the dead trees from the park-area. Staff will work with residents of the surrounding area to remove the appropriate trees. Revegitation .will„take place within the next few years. 6 Advisory Parks and Recreation Corirassion Minutes of February 4, 1988 Meeting Page 7 Superintendent Von De Linde also explained that the 4 foot wide bituminous trail has deteriorated. Because of the standing water there has been buckling, cracking and surface breaking. Some of the things that will need to be completed would be to patch the trail and cover with 2" bituminous overlay at a cost of approximately $3,600. The cost of the- tree removal and restoration will cost an approximate $7,000 - $8,000. BUDGET Director Vraa outlined some of the areas covered in the 1988 with a slide presentation of the items contained in the Commission"-packet. Some of the items covered included the fact that in 1975 the City maintained 10 sites whereas in 1987 they maintained 48 sites. In 1975 the City was responsible for mowing 50 acres of park-whereas in 1987 it had increased to 300. In 1980 the infield dragging was done for 24 fields whereas in 19-88 it will be increased to 47. With all the increases in parks, staff levels have had to increase accordingly. The approval has been received to add another full-time maintenance person in 1988. The forestry program will continue to grow as the park areas continue and this too will require additional staff. Bituminous resurfacing had no budget as of 1986 but will continue to grow. The establishment of a resurfacing program will incorporate seal coating of hard surfaces in a 5 year program. Member Kubic indicated the great need for an additional Recreation Supervisor. Considering the program offering and the number-of Staff to administer-those programs, it would seem to be- an important factor to have additional staff. Director Vraa indicated there would be a provision in-the 1989 budget to allow for a Recreation Supervisor. Member Kubic stated that the recommendation from the Commission should be strong to the Council and--that it should continue. The Commission needs to anticipate the needs of the community and be prepared to fill those needs. Member Masin asked if programs can be self- sustaining to cover the Recreation Supervisor's salary. It was disclosed that between 1983 and 1987 the revenues..generated -"through the recreation programs went from $23,000 to $81,-000 which should be able to support that proposal. Chairman Carroll felt it would be very natural to submit to the Council the increased need based on the increased usage. OHMANN PARK Ohmann Park is a 15 acre parcel off Pilot Knob that was -dedicated at the-same time Fairway Hills was approved.. City Council approved a community park of 15 acres which would include softball, soccer fields, playground equipment and neighborhood park. - 7 " Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of February 4, 1988 Meeting Page 8 In reviewing the proposal to grade the park it was learned there was a need to include a retention area (dry pond). It was discovered by the Engineering Department that the retention area would be required to be in the park area since the existing storm system could not accommodate the water. If the south and south - east area develops it will create an evan larger area of run-off than exists now, thus the ponding is needed. The existing run - off is projected as follows: 1.) Park 50% 2.) Fairway Hills 25% 3.) S. and S.E. area - 25% In all the reviews of the property in the past there was no indication that the ponding area would need to be located on the park property. It was felt that the original land swap that occurred would result in the 100% utilization of the parkland, thus the facilities were presented based on that. At this point Landscape Architect/Park Planer Sullivan indicated we would need to pursue the park layout, grading issue and other alternatives. Director Vraa indicated there may be some concerns for the neighboring area such as berming, vegetation, etc. and that the layout may change to accommodate existing and/or changed layout. Member Kubic very strongly expressed his opinion that the appropriation of parkland was based on miscalculations by others and that this seems to be a pattern that he feels needs to be eliminated. He felt the land has simply been lost and should not be allowed to happen in the future. Chairman Carroll stated that perhaps a basic statement needs to be issued regarding future developments that no alternate..use of parkland space can be made after approval to insure that issues don't arise where changes are made after approval. Member- Porter suggested that a discussion of water transportation as it relates to parks should be scheduled. Further, Porter moved, Masin seconded, and all members voted in favor of setting a meeting with City engineers and Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission to cover the following two points: 1.) Present the storm sewer system to Commission 2.) Opportunity for future alternates to present system to eliminate bounce back. DECISION RESOURCES The results have been tabulated by Decision Resources relative to the survey recently conducted regarding a future Community Center. Director Vraa will be meeting with Design Resources to get the preliminary results on Friday,, Feb. -12, 1988. Director Vraa suggested that a joint meeting be held-with the Commission and the City Council so that Decision Resources can provide the information to all members at one time. Chairman Carroll, Director Vraa. and Administrator Hedges will set up the joint meeting and notify the Commission members appropriately. 8 Advisory Parks ana Recreation Commission Minutes of February 4, 1988 Meeting Page 9 PARK BOND FUND Director Vraa commented that the report for the park bond fund was as submitted, however it was unaudited at this point. The balance remaining should be approximately $400,000 - $500,000. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Chairman Carroll welcomed. Cherryl Mesko to the Parks and Recreation staff on behalf of the Commission. Item .#4 regarding Well Site Park plans, Steve Sullivan indicated that the plans have been engineered but have not been drawn as yet. ...They will be provided as soon as. they are available. Item #6 regarding Blackhawk Park grant; Chairman Carroll questioned the impact of the reduction in moP' es as it affects the facilities planned. Director Vraa indicated the pavilion was eliminated and trails were reduced from asphalt to soft surface to mention a few items. Item #10 was an indication that warm weather was to-begin in February! ADDITION TO AGENDA Motion was made by Kubic, seconded by Masin, with all members voting in favor to show appreciation to the previous Commission members.by way of a commemorative plaque. Member Sames questioned the status of the athletic field acquisition. Director Vraa commented that H.U.D. basically said, "no, thanks" to the City's offer. H.U.D. indicated they would look at the issue but the property is not for sale at this time. Vraa said he has to correspond with Jacquelyn Kennedy, Single Family Property Disposition at the Department of H.U.D. Director Vraa has indicated the City.'s interest in acquiring the property and is disappointed in, the way in which it was being handled. Member Kubic suggested that a letter from the Chairman of the Advisory Commission reiterating Director Vraa's comments may be appropriate. With no further business to conduct, JoAnn Alt moved, George Kubic seconded the motion to adjourn with all members voting in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. z (25( D e A visory Parks and Recreation Secretary 9