03/03/1988 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MARCH 3, 1988 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 3, 1988 with the following Commission Members present: Dick Carroll, Michele Swanson, Sandy Masin, and Bob Porter. Staff present included Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan; Parks Superintendent, John VonDeLinde; Recreation Supervisor, Dorothy Peterson and Parks Secretary, Cherryl Mesko. Commission Members not present included George Kubic, JoAnne Alt, Wayne Sames and David Hennes. AGENDA A motion was made by Masin, seconded by Porter with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 4, 1988 MEETING Page 12, the first paragraph, should read, "In reviewing the proposal to grade the park it was learned there was a need to include a retention area (dry pond). It was discovered by the Engineering Department that the retention area would be required to be in the park area since the existing storm system could not accommodate the water. If the south and southeast area develops it will create an even larger area of run-off than exists now, thus the ponding is needed. The existing run-off is projected as follows:" Page 13, paragraph 3 under DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS, second line, the word "movies" should be changed to "monies". Page 13, paragraph 1 under ADDITION TO AGENDA, line 3 the word "commerative" should be "commemorative". With the above changes addressed, Dick Carroll moved, Sandy Masin seconded and all members voted in favor of accepting the February minutes as amended. 1 Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of March 3, 1988 meeting Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda items were presented for approval. On a motion by Porter, seconded by Masin, with all members voting in favor, the Commission approved recommendation to the City Council of the following items: 1. PRETTYMAN HEIGHTS - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement. 2. COUNTRY HOLLOW-2ND ADDITION - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement. 3. TOWN CENTRE 100 - 2ND ADDITION (PIZZA HUT) - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement consistent with the City's policy for commercial/industrial property. CLIFF LAKE CENTRE Dale Runkle, City Planner presented an overview of the Cliff Lake Centre located north of Cliff Road and east of Rahn Road as it impacts on the existing access to the center versus the proposed realignment of Rahn Road. Mr. Runkle indicated the City Council acted to approve the preliminary plan at the Tuesday, March 1st meeting with the following changes made by Council, Department of Natural Resources and the Developer: 1. Protect Cliff Lake area more than previously designed and shown. 2. Setback to be a minimum of 50 feet from the 890 water"' elevation. - 3. No more than 70% impervious surfaces. Mr. Runkle also noted that the original plan for 325,000 square feet of retail space had been reduced by 63,000 square feet. In December, 1987 the concept of using Rahn Road as an access road was discussed based on the redesign of Rahn Road to limit stacking on Cliff Road. The plan would move Rahn Road easterly so that traffic would feed onto an interior street to the center therefore lessening the traffic on Rahn as it accesses from Cliff. In defining the proposed street alignment, the end result would be 67,000 square feet for a Super Value, 75,000 square feet for retail space, 114,300 square feet for Target and 2 Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of March 3, 1988 Meeting Page 3 6,000 square feet for out buildings. Mr. Runkle noted the plan was approved with 20 conditions and a feasibility report was forthcoming to support the action. Mr. Carroll asked if some of the mature trees in the green space around the parking area can be saved. Mr. Runkle responded that the grading plan shows that possibility. He also indicated that the large outlot on the corner of Cliff and Rahn was to be left more natural with as many trees remaining as possible. Mr. Carroll stated that the 50 foot perimeter space around the lake, the movement of the roadway, as well as the creation of green space as improvements shown thus far should be applauded. Member Porter questioned if the existing Rahn Road was to be abandoned in the area where it is planned for realignment. Mr. Runkle stated that that was a possibility; Rahn would tie into Cliff Drive (or whatever the name would be for the street accessing Cliff Lake center) to allow for traffic flow. Again, the Council has requested a study to see where Rahn Road should be located. Member Carroll suggested that rather than destroy the portion of Rahn that would be abandoned, the City should leave the road bed, fill in the ditches to accommodate parking for the existing park area. Director Vraa suggested that part of Rahn would be covered over to allow for future development, i.e. more parking, and there is the possibility of a trail running on the east side of Rahn. Member Porter indicated the new Rahn alignment was positive for the park area and moved for approval if the hook up of Rahn Road is north of the drainage area and the abandoned right-of-way is retained. Dick Carroll seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. EAGAN HIGH SCHOOL, SITE PLAN Ted Rozeboom reviewed the visual presentation of the proposed athletic fields for the Eagan High School. The entire concept was presented to show the overall layout of the high school and it's facilities which are bordered on the north side by Northview Park Drive, on the east by Braddock, on the south by Diffley and on the west by Eagan's Northview Park. The northern portion of the property is rolling terrain and farmland with a drop in elevation-from Diffley to the building of 45 feet. The high school facilities are directly adjacent to the high school building with the middle school athletic fields adjacent to the existing Northview Park athletic fields. 3 Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of March 3, 1988 Meeting Page 4 There was a desire to sink the football field so that is was less offensive visually to the people living on Braddock across from the facility. The field will be 2 feet lower than Braddock Road but with berming and vegetation to screen traffic and noise. It is felt this will be a comfortable compromise for the surrounding residents. In addition, the lighting will be reduced from 6 to 4 standards that will be raised higher so the light will be directed down onto the field rather than filtering into adjacent areas. The traffic must unload on the interior of the football field near the parking lot so this, too, should diminish the inconvenience to the neighborhood. Dick Carroll questioned if the baseball/softball fields are exactly as they have been presented in the past to which the answer was yes. Sandy Masin commented on the soccer field overlays on baseball fields and the need to make the best use of the proposed facilities. Bob Porter asked if there would be a fence around the area. Ted Rozeboom answered saying there would be a 4 foot fence around the track and an 8 foot fence around the facility. Director Vraa discussed the existing provision for a trailway on the south side of Northview Park Road, west side of Braddock Trail, and an internal trail system that connects with the proposed trails within Northview Park which would follow through to Bridle Ridge. Dick Carroll moved, Bob Porter seconded, with all members voting in favor to concur with the plan of School District 196's athletic fields based on the high school site only. FIELD UTILIZATION AGREEMENT JOINT POWER AGREEMENT - TENNIS COURTS Dick Carroll expressed the need to change the wording _on Page 4, Paragraph A. Scheduling, of the Field Utilization document. He felt it should read, "The City of Eagan shall annually submit a request to School District #196, Eagan High School/Dakota Hills Middle School Athletic Director for the use of the High School/Middle School fields." The tennis courts being planned will be located on the southeast corner of Northview Park adjacent to Dakota Hills Middle School facilities. There areplans for 12 tennis courts to be built on City property. The tennis courts would be built by the City of Eagan, paid for by School District 196, maintained by the City of Eagan with School District given first priority in scheduling their use and the City given access after that. 4 Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of March 3, 1988 Meeting Page 5 Bob Porter moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the Field Utilization Agreement based on the verbiage suggested for Page 4 of that document by Mr. Carroll and the acceptance of the Tennis Court Joint Powers Agreement as presented. School District 196 questioned who would be responsible for watering the fields on the high school and middle school sites. Director Vraa indicated it would be the responsibility of School District 196 to determine their program for watering their ball fields. Vraa suggested that S.D. 196 may want to maintain the condition of the fields so as to protect their investment. THOMAS LAKE WOODS Parks Planner/ Landscape Architect Steve Sullivan presented the background for Thomas Lake Woods indicating the parcel is a part of Blackhawk Park Planned Development with the parkland dedication occurring at the time of the original PD. The parcel is located west of Thomas Lake Road and south of the Highline Trail Corridor. The northwest corner of the site abutts the southeastern portion of the proposed Willmus Park. Although the developer has fulfilled the parks dedication for this property he is asking to donate Outlot B for park purposes. The developer would also like to donate Outlot C with the provision that he will do the grading work if the City-will construct a trail link through Outlot C from the northwest cul- de-sac to the Highline Corridor. Member Carroll questioned the 20 foot vertical elevation change over the 300 feet of proposed trail and what impact that would have. Steve Sullivan indicated this was typical of what would be found in the Highline Corridor, but steps may be necessary to bring the trail in line with the contours. Staff will need to take a closer look at how the trail will tie into the existing system. Commission members discussed the surrounding areas and how that will impact on the trail usage. Member Masin questioned if there were any disadvantages to putting the trail in Outlot C. Steve Sullivan responded that the trail will take some time in planning and engineering but that the advantages to the people in the surrounding area far outweigh the timing necessary. Dick-Carroll also stated that the trail will save time for those wanting to get to Willmus Park. 5 Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes for March 3, 1988 Meeting Page 6 Dick Carroll moved, Bob Porter seconded with all members voting in favor to accept Outlot B as a donation for Willmus Park and that Outlot C be accepted with the following provisions: a. Developer to be responsible for the grading, (working with the City to determine the appropriate measures to maintain consistent quality) and the City to be responsible for the trail surface. b. Developer to include an 8 foot bituminous trail link on the west side of Thomas Lake Road. RAHN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Landscape Architect/Parks Planner Steve Sullivan reviewed for the Commission the history of this parcel. It was originally a part of Mission Hills Planned Development and zoned Limited Business. The Commission previously reviewed this parcel as Outlot F of the Rahn Ridge 1st Addition. The parkland dedication was completed for Rahn Ridge 1st through the dedication of Outlot A, B, C & E (Vienna Woods Park) for that portion of the plat designated as a future church facility - Lot 1, Block 1 and twenty duplex sites. Steve Sullivan explained that the parcel typically drains from north to south. Approximately 2/3 of the site is proposed to drain through an existing fifteen inch storm sewer outlet into the pond within Vienna Woods Park. The fact that the 15" pipe does not have adequate capacity to handle this run-off, makes it necessary to consider some alternatives. Parks Planner Sullivan reviewed the following alternatives: 1. Replace the existing 15" storm sewer with a more appropriately sized storm sewer. 2. Use the 15" storm sewer as well as construct a second one that would be extended to the pond within Vienna Woods Park. 3. The developer can provide on-site ponding and use the existing 15".storm sewer. 4. An additional storm sewer line can be extended along the southern edge of the development, cross Pin Oak, bypass the existing pond and outlet into a small ponding area adjacent to I-35E. 6 Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of March 3, 1988 Meeting Page 7 Steve indicated that by using either alternative 1 or alternative 2, the bounce of the pond is such that it can flood the trail in a couple of areas. Sandy Masin was opposed to both alternative 1 and 2 after having them clarified by Parks Planner Sullivan. Dick Carroll concurred stating that this property was originally zoned commercial with the 15" storm sewer shown. He expressed his frustration that again, there was a situation where, from the beginning, this was not sufficient to accommodate the run-off and questioned why this continues to occur. Member Porter indicated his support of Option 4 as a much better long term solution than any of the other options. Dick Carroll indicated the greatest need was to get water away as quickly as possible and felt the developer should be ultimately responsible for same. Sandy Masin moved, Dick Carroll seconded, with all members voting in favor to recommend alternative #4 as the solution to this particular problem as well as the developer being responsible for a cash contribution. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING - WINKLER JACKSON PARK Director Vraa briefed the Commission on the need for a neighborhood meeting for the proposed Winkler Jackson Park. He suggested a meeting date of March 24, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. Commission Members agreed to the date and would provide representation from the Commission at the meeting. COMMUNITY CENTER STUDY Director Vraa explained to the Commission that the overall response to the community center was very positive but that there was a great deal of work to accomplish. The estimated time frame for this project would be at least 16 months. Director Vraa stated that he had met with City Administrator Tom Hedges, Mayor Vic Ellison and Commission Chair Dick Carroll to discuss the status of the survey and try to determine the most expeditious way to accomplish the multitude of tasks that will need to be completed. Director Vraa explained the first step was to draft the R.F.P., to then instruct the architects who will be bidding the building as to the process the City of Eagan uses, followed by Phase I which will be selection of an architect who will provide concept plans based on the defined space needs for the community center. From that, preliminary costs would be determined, the plans would be refined and then on to the preferred schematic alternatives. 7 Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of March 3, 1988 Meeting Page 8 Director Vraa proceeded to review the time frame for all the different aspects of the planning and how they overlap. The most crucial aspect at this point seems to be whether the Commission is prepared to move forward with finding an architectural firm. After questioning some of the costs involved in obtaining an architect, Member Masin indicated she was ready to go ahead with finding an architectural firm. Dick Carroll moved and Sandy Masin seconded, with all members voting in favor to recommend the adoption of the draft schedule received this date. With all the information regarding the community center, Dick Carroll felt there was a need to have a special meeting or workshop to review items the Commission would need to address soon. Ken Vraa indicated some of the components do not need to be addressed at this point; that will occur after some refinement. Member Carroll suggested that the Commission members take the information home and review it before attending the workshop. Director Vraa stated that he would provide subsequent information to the Commission members for review before the workshop which was suggested for Saturday, March 26th at 9 A.M. With all commission members agreeing on the date, the workshop will be scheduled at the Municipal Center on the above referenced date. OHMANN PARK Parks Planner/ Landscape Architect Steve Sullivan presented the Ohmann Park plan for the Commission's review and action. As background, the Commission reviewed the change in this parcel of land due to the ponding'area that is to remain a part of the park area. Steve Sullivan explained that the ponding area needs to be there for water run-off.-, The inclusion of the ponding area eliminated the green space originally planned in the parking lot area. The pond. would primarily be a dry pond. In the event of.a 100 year rain, there would be a four foot bounce and the water will stay in the pond for 9-1/2 hours.-' With.a 10..year rain there would be a one foot bounce with the water remaining for 4 hours. Steve went. on to explain that the park would have a_shelter building similar to the Rahn shelter building, a softball field and 3 soccer fields (300' x 200'). Mr. Sullivan explained that the pond will infrequently flood and that the subsurface is mostly sand.-. Director 'Vraa had suggested that...the.., ponding_ area banks could be used as a horseshoe complex. Overall, Staff-felt with the_.changesmade this would be -an- excellent neighborhood park. 8 Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of March 3, 1988 Meeting Page 9 Member Carroll asked about the possibility of flooding the ponding area for skating in lieu of having children cross Cliff to skate at Well Site. Steve Sullivan stated that that would be something that should and could be considered. Member Porter asked if the soccer fields would be lit for night play and, again it was indicated this could be a possibility but only on the two interior soccer fields. Member Porter felt there should be a sign advising of the possible potential for lighting the fields as a consideration to the neighboring residents. It was noted that the soccer fields would be approximately 150 feet from the nearest property line. Member Masin asked if the City Council had commented on the Commission's dissatisfaction with losing the land and will anything be done to remedy the situation so that it does not occur again. Director Vraa indicated that there have been meetings with the Developer and Engineering Department regarding this particular issue but that there have been no guarantees given that this will never occur again. Dick Carroll questioned if there was sufficient top soil or black dirt for this park and Steve Sullivan responded that Staff would be looking into that issue next week. Director Vraa explained that Staff is also looking at putting the two soccer fields on a plateau to enable the rotation of field lines and also to use the field as double fields. Staff felt this was worth looking into to see about obtaining greater use of.the fields. Member Masin questioned who would be responsible for paying for the pond. Steve Sullivan answered that the developer will grade the ponding area, do the excavation and removal of dirt,. Dick Carroll questioned if there would be berming around the pond. Mr. Sullivan stated this would not be necessary at this location. Bob Porter moved, Sandy Masin seconded,- with all members voting in favor to accept the concept plan as presented this date for Ohmann Park. UPDATE - YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Recreation Supervisor,. Dorothy Peterson,--gave the Commission an_ update:_ of the meetings that have been.; going- on since September, 1987 between the various athletic associations that serve Eagan, the school districts serving Eagan residents and the Parks and Recreation Staff. At the last meeting the concensus was that the athletic associations were moving closer to perhaps 9 Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of March 3, 1988 Meeting Page 10 sharing some programs. It was felt that the influence with the boundary lines for the middle and high school would greatly determine where the associations would draw their lines in marketing programs. Overall, the meetings are producing very positive results. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent, shared with the Commission that he had just recently received a letter from the National Arbor Day Association stating that Eagan had been selected as a Tree City, USA recipient. The Parks Department will receive a plaque and award from the National Arbor Day Association for the City to display. Member Carroll commented that this certainly makes us appreciate our "greeness" and on behalf of the Commission offered their congratulations. Director Vraa indicated that he and Steve Sullivan would be leaving Sunday, March 6th for Chicago to visit some of the community centers in the southern Wisconsin and Chicago area. They will be video taping the sites they visit so that they can share the different facilities with Staff and Commission members. With no further business to conduct, Sandy Masin moved, Dick Carroll seconded, with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Date Secretary - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~i~ is 10