04/07/1988 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA APRIL 7, 1988 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, April 7, 1988 with the following commission Members present: Dick Carroll, Michele Swanson, Wayne Sames,Sandy Masin, Bob Porter, George Kubik and JoAnne Alt. Staff present included Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan; Parks Superintendent, John VonDeLinde; Recreation Supervisor, Dorothy Peterson and Parks Secretary, Cherryl Mesko. Commission Member not present was David Hennes. AGENDA A motion was made by Porter, seconded by Sames with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. MINUTES FOR MARCH 3, 1988 MEETING With the deletion of Wayne Sames attending the March 3, 1988 meeting, Sandy Masin moved, JoAnn Alt seconded, with all members voting in favor to accept the March minutes as amended. MINUTES FOR MARCH 26, 1988 SPECIAL MEETING Bob Porter moved, Wayne Sames seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the March 26, 1988 special meeting as presented. CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda items were presented for approval. On a motion by Dick Carroll, seconded by George Kubik, with all members voting in favor, the commission approved recommendation to the City Council of the following items: 1. COUNTRY HOLLOW 2ND ADDITION - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement. 2. CRYSTAL PONDS - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement. 3. EAGANDALE CENTER - 10TH ADDITION - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement consistent with commercial/ industrial property and a trail be placed along Lexington Avenue. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of April 7,1988 Meeting Page 2 4. DAN BAR COMPANY - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - That this permit be subject to a cash dedication requirement consistent with the City's commercial and industrial policy. 5. OLSON ADDITION - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement for the newly created lot and that an 8 foot bituminous trailway be placed along Rahn Road. 6. HOSFORD ADDITION - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement and a 5 foot concrete sidewalk be placed along Deerwood Drive. 7. WHISPERING OAKS - 4TH ADDITION - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement. NORTHVIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL/MIDDLE SCHOOL Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan outlined for the Commission some background information relative to the middle school site. He reminded the Commission that they had previously reviewed the High School/Middle School site, although they only made a recommendation regarding the High School portion of the athletic fields. The proposed plan shows the addition of 3 baseball fields with soccer field overlays, a free standing baseball and a football/track facility which lie directly south of the Northview Athletic Complex. :The original utility plan showed direct storm water outlets at the south edge of Northview Park. _..Mr. Sullivan asked Tom Wilson from School District 196 if he could-elaborate on the updated information relative to this utility plan -since -Staff had some concerns regarding the potential for erosion caused by the water draining on the site. Tom Wilson indicated that the school district has been working very closely with City Staff and would re-route the piping to the satisfaction of the engineering department. Dick 'Carroll questioned` if the re-routing would cross over the existing tree'farm close to Northview Athletic and Director Vraa explained that the tree farm will be removed for the proposed tennis courts adjacent to Northview Park: { Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of April 7, 1988 Meeting Page 3 Tom Wilson explained that School District 196 was currently meeting with Dakota County regarding the amount of curb cuts they would allow on Diffley Road. Currently there are two cuts and. at the present time the County does not want to consider another but the School District will continue working with them to try to accommodate the entrance/exit flow for the buses. Tom Wilson further explained that they are thinking of having an access to the school property from Highline Drive which will bring emergency vehicles along the left side of the property to the center of the complex. Member Carroll asked if it was known what percentage the grade dropped from the oval track to the first ball diamond. Steve Sullivan indicated he wasn't sure at this time but could find out. Bob Porter moved, Sandy Masin seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the platting as presented regarding the athletic fields and facilities and allow the water run-off to be negotiated between the School District and the City. BRIDLE RIDGE - 2ND ADDITION Landscape Architect/Parks Planner Steve Sullivan introduced the commission to Rick Packard from Sienna Corporation who then elaborated. on the_proposals_requested- for Bridle-Ridge 2nd Addition. Mr..Packard reviewed some background information stating that this 2nd Addition would include a 251 lot subdivision that would be developed in various stages. The current proposal. includes 49.47 acres located within the original Eagan Hills Farm PD, the 25.95 acre Hall property and 91.57 acres located west-of Bald Lake. The 91.57 acre-parcel had not. been reviewed.previously : by the Commission _and has not,--as ..yet,, fulfilled its parkland dedication.. -r. Mr. Packard stated that as a. result of the current plan, the would dedicate Park #3 to fulfill the. remaining parkland dedication requirements for the Eagan Hills PD and they also wish to. convey and receive parkland credit for a 2.2. acre greenway from Bald Lake to Northview Road. This greenway is within the PD limits but was not.included initially as parkland. Finally, Sienna wants to dedicate 6.85 acres within Parcel A which includes:-Bald- Lake ;and its,southern shoreline., Mr._Packard's::comment regarding the proposed continuois trail. link was that-he felt it would better be positioned on the existing parkland area that had been dedicated. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of April 7,1988 Meeting Page 4 Member Carroll expressed his concern in putting the trail on the west side of the property because of the steep incline. Parks Planner Sullivan explained that if the trail is placed on the west side of the property the plat can be revised to accommodate a wider trail link and the steep slopes on the west side as well. Mr. Sullivan also stated he felt the continuous trail on the north side of the property would be appropriate. Issue #2 was addressed by Steve Sullivan and covers the parkland dedication of .65 acres of shoreline south of Bald Lake (approximately 250 lin. feet) and 6.25 acres on ponding area (Bald Lake). Steve stated that the Commission is basically dealing with shoreline since the Comprehensive Park System Plan does not acknowledge Bald Lake for recreational intent. Member Porter stated his preference would be to have the drainage utility easement over the lake donated with no value for parkland. Wayne Sames asked if, in the event the lake is not donated are the lot lines extended to the center of the lake and then a- drainage utility easement placed over the water; to which Steve Sullivan answered yes. Issue #3 concerns Park 3 in which the greenway provides a continuous trail link in conjunction with the Eagan Hills Farm PD. During the Eagan Hills Farm PD review the Commission required that all ponding areas within greenways at the high water level, allow pedestrian passage. Steve Sullivan suggested that the plat be reviewed and revised to provide for pedestrian corridors above the high water levels within this park. Issue 4 reflects the developers request for transfer of parkland- from Parcel A to the 25.95 "Hall" property. Although the- Hall property has fulfilled its.parkland dedication as part of the Eagan Hills Farms PD, --Sienna Corporation is, requesting partial transfer of parkland dedication requirements to Parcel A. As the phases are platted, the parkland fees will be paid at the then current rate. Wayne Sames questioned-if there was any precedent for this situation to which Director Vraa responded negatively. JoAnn Alt questioned the difference in-time for developing this parcel if the Commission. allows the transfer. Rick Packard responded that it could take 2 - 3 years. Mr.. Packard-continued by stating that Sienna does not currently ..own the Hall property but the first phases to be developed are south and- east with-the . Hall property being developed last once it is acquired. lit c! Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of April 7,1988 Meeting Page 5 With most of the background information provided and questions answered, Chairman Carroll brought each issue before the Commission individually and the following actions were taken: 1. Sandy Masin moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to grant the developer a partial park dedication credit for the greenway between Northview Park Road and Bald Lake as follows: a. Ponding area and lake - no credit b. 25% credit based on all land above the high water level of the pond. c. 100% credit for all land with less than 12% slopes. 2. Dick Carroll moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept an 8 foot wide bituminous trail link as recorded in staff recommendation. 3. Sandy Masin moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor that the revision of the plat to provide additional width above the high water level for a trail connection within Bald Lake/Northview Road greenway be resolved by a joint meeting between Staff and developer. 4. Sames moved, Alt seconded with all members voting in favor to use the 25% figure for partial park dedication for the .65 acres of shoreline abutting Bald Lake. 5. Carroll moved, Sames seconded with all members voting in favor to accept a cash park dedication contribution on the remaining lots. 6. Kubik moved, Masin seconded with all members voting in favor that there be a joint review by developer and staff to see if a continuous trail link can go through Park 3 above the high water level of the pond and if not, the'trail may need to move. Chairman Carroll commented on his apprehension regarding the legal documentation necessary for the park dedication transfer from Parcel A to the Hall property. His concern was that this should not be an open ended agreement. Director Vraa stated that Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of April7, 1988 Meeting Page 6 this document would be drawn up when the development begins and the owner of the Hall property, as well as subsequent owners of that parcel, would be bound to the agreement regarding parkland dedication. Rick Packard continued stating that the existing agreement could be amended to delete the Hall property from the agreement. Ken Vraa asked if the property would be shown as described to which Mr. Packard responded yes; it will not be shown as a lot or an outlot but with a separate legal description. Member Kubik requested that Staff look into the legal aspects of a transfer of this type. Bob Porter expressed concern about starting a trend and opening up the option of transferring in this fashion to developers in general. 7. With all discussion finished, George Kubik moved, Wayne Sames seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the transfer subject to the stipulation that this was based on an individual request along with the City's past association with the developer and should not be viewed as setting a standard for any.future transfers and that this transfer be accomplished by conforming with all legal requirements. 8. Wayne Sames. moved, Dick Carroll seconded with, all members voting in favor to have the developer provide a cash contribution for park dedication. George Kubik noted for the record that. the percentage, of credit allowed for'Bridle Ridge 2nd Addition does not set a precedent and is based on this individual situation and reviewed as such. STAFFORD OAKS Parks Planner. Sullivan reviewed the proposal for --Stafford Oaks Addition to rezone 1.9 acres of R-2 within Thomas Lake Heights Addition to a planned development district and an amendment to the Eagan 40 PD for 328 rental units. Mr..Sullivan explained that the current proposer has purchased 1.9 acres in addition to the 32.1 acres that they are currently developing. The parkland dedication obligation for the. 32.1 acre parcel is pending., and the purchased 1.9 acres has previously.. fulfilled-its parkland. dedication requirement as part of. the.;. Thomas. Lake Heights: Addition.. ' .The. _developer is requesting - credit. for _the proposed recreation facilities they are planning for their 328 rental units. ADvisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of April 7,1988 Page 7 Member Sames asked if there had been a precedent set by any other developers regarding this issue. Mr. Vraa indicated that in January, 1987 the issue was raised with Carriage Green 2nd Addition. Sandy Masin indicated that historically the commission did not issue credit for recreation facilities. Director Vraa further explained that we have required playground equipment to be supplied in some cases and the rationale for that was that some complexes only provided what they absolutely needed, thus a credit was used as an incentive to get more amenities built in a development like this. Sandy Masin stated that if a credit is given there should be some way the maintenance can be monitored to insure the equipment is kept in good working order rather than allow it to be run down. Wayne Sames thought there should be consistent standards for quality and maintenance. Member Masin asked if we could tie the use of a credit to building the recreation facilities to the City's standards and specifications. Bob Porter indicated his. desire to. see the developer's layout of what they are proposing if they are asking for a credit. Wayne Sames questioned the legal ramifications of changing the policy based on individual requests. Chairman Carroll questioned if it would be better to give a credit based on--a dollar amount or a percentage amount. Bob Porter suggested giving one dollar amount and have it used for the entire-area. The Commission discussed-different options in setting.the credit but did not want to.have this used as a precedent for future developments. Dick Carroll moved, based on the amenities reflected in the packet documentation, to give $6,000 towards all items the developer proposes to install and encourage developer to develop strong maintenance. and upkeep-standards. Bob Porter seconded the motion and all members-voted in-favor. Dick Carroll noted for the record that the Commission's action was a one time decision based on.specific development needs of this specific situation. George Kubik moved, Bob Porter seconded with al1_members voting in favor.to'.give-the developer credit.for.1.9 acres (18-..24 units) towards the park. dedication responsibilities. JoAnn Alt moved, Michele Swanson seconded with all members voting in favor that the developer provide a trail along Thomas Lake Road and County Road 30 and a cash dedication. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of April 7, 1988 Meeting Page 8 RAHN PARK Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works presented the Commission with the background information relative to the Rahn Park Trunk Storm Sewer Improvement project. Since this issue has been before the Commission in the past, Mr. Colbert felt it was important to bring them up to date on what has transpired and the reasons this issue is again in front of the Commission. During the construction of Cedar Cliff 2nd there were growing water levels in the ponding area (Pond AP-50) that did not have an outlet. The two existing office buildings that abut the west side of Pond AP-50 are subject to flooding due to rising water levels in the pond. In January, 1986 a feasibility report was prepared looking at various alternatives. One alternative looked at running-an outlet north from the pond through the low part of Rahn Park and opposite Rahn school to carry the water. A second alternative which was previously preferred, suggested that with the development of Cliff Lake Galleria the possibility existed to run the line through a proposed street in the property directly east of AP-50, which is owned by Federal Land, and follow through across Rahn to Cliff Lake Galleria. The rezoning of this particular piece of property was denied thus the City-was-leery to proceed with this alternative.-- third alternative would require an easement from :the -A property owner east of AP-50 to run a line parallel with Cliff Road and north on the west side of Rahn Road, cross Rahn road to the east side of Rahn.. At the hearing, the.ddeveloper.of.the land did not want to grant the easement and ref.used.to.allow the draining to occur across his. property. .:Because of the significant cost to consider running the line parallel to Cliff east and parallel to Rahn north until it could tie in with Pond AP-25 it-was. felt the best alternative at the present time both in time and money would be the first alternative in which the outlet to Pond AP-50 will be constructed through Rahn Park into Pond AP-49. Mark Hanson from.Bonestroo.Rosene Anderlik_.&c Associates was present to further clarify the concerns and questions the Commission, had relative to wanting to..implement the -thri,d alternative which would run the trunk _ storm sewer : through-, the Rahn Park area from Pond-AP-50-to Pond AP-49... AP-49 is the pond in Rahn Park property and south of AP-49 is AP-50 which is the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of April 7, 1988 Meeting Page 9 flooding area that affected the Cedar Cliff 2nd Addition. Pond AP-26 collects run-off from 56 acres and then runs east to Rahn. Pond AP-25 will collect all the run-off from the Cliff Lake Galleria site. There is some sensitivity to Pond AP-26 near Rahn Elementary school since the elevation is 883.5 and the corner of the adjacent ballfield is 885, however there is only a 1.5 foot bounce in the pond. In pursuing the course of running the line through the Rahn Park area from Pond AP-50 to Pond AP-49, which would include a 15" pipe from area to area, there would be a need to remove some of the oak trees in the park area. If the line was run east on Cliff Road and north on Rahn along the proposed realignment the cost would be significantly more. For example, the difference in running the line through Rahn Park versus parallel to Cliff Road and Rahn Road would be $70,000. Another consideration the City has is that in running along Cliff and Rahn some of the cuts are as much as 40 feet, the cuts on the Federal Land property acre approximately 23 feet and the park area would require very little cutting. Member George Kubik expressed his concern that the Commission was again being asked to give up park area to meet the needs of others. Wayne Sames asked Director Vraa if there wasa plan to do trails through the woods at Rahn Park. Director Vraa indicated the process was more preservation at this point and that there were no plans at this time to develop trails in this location. Landscape Architect/Parks Planner Steve Sullivan addressed the ponding water in the park as it relates to the loss of trees. He. indicated was not : a -significant impact on the existing ponds noting that one had a 1-3 foot bounce which is a natural bounce and the other had a 1-6 foot bounce which will get into the poplar succession first and then move into the hardwoods.- The area surrounding Pond AP-49 will need to be reviewed to determine the impact on the trees after the high water line is- shown. The department will have to review the- issue. as` it presents itself. As part of the trunk storm sewer project the affected trees can be selectively eliminated. Steve - Sull ivan stated that Pond- AP--=26--has fl-ooded- the' ballfield in Rahn Park but a dike with a flap gate -wasinstalled= which . seems- to have helped the :situation to 'date. vhe possibility- exists that a 27" extension may need to be'-added ta' bring the water from AP-26 to AP-49 and this could be done 'at-a -.r later date.- Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of April 7,1988 Meeting Page 10 Member Dick Carroll indicated that some times it's better to do what is good for the City versus what is good for an individual department. He questioned if Mr. Colbert would recommend adding a 27" line from AP-26 to AP-49 at this point in time. Ken Vraa stated it was hard to tell if that was necessary at this time, however, it could be an option at a later date. Mr. Colbert stated that the cost to the Park Department would be $30,000 to run this 27" extension. George Kubik commented that it appears as though we are substituting park maps for pond maps. He asked Mr. Colbert if they would consider replacing some of the trees that would be destroyed/removed during the construction of _the trunk storm sewer line. Mr. Kubik suggested a mitigation for tree replacement and enhancement if the Commission decides to move to accept the -proposal. Mr. Colbert stated that he felt the departments could work closely in insuring that the area would be restored as much as possible and would make a concentrated effort to insure that occurred. Mr. Colbert was questioned as to the trench width required for the piping. He stated the rule of thumb isthat it should be twice as wide.as it is deep, i.e. if the pipe needs-to be-buried 15 feet deep the trench width would be 30 feet. Dick Carroll moved,-- based on the significant -financial impact, to accept the proposal for trunk storm sewer improvement Project-No..452 as_outlined_on Page 45 of_the Commission's packet and .recommend that the 2711. line from Cedar Cliff Addition not be done at this time witha mitigation program for hardwood trees construction restoration-and enhancements surrounding. the ponding area. The motion was seconded by Wayne Sames with all members voting in favor. George Kubic noted for the record that'this action is not to be viewed as setting a precedent and the decision is based solely on'this individual_situation and was reviewed as such. :.a.. is-." - • •,P - Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of April 7, 1988 Meeting Page 11 TOWN CENTER 100 - SIXTH ADDITION Steve Sullivan reminded the Commission they had previously reviewed this parcel at the time of the Eagan Heights Commercial Parks P.D. The parks dedication has been fulfilled. The trails/sidewalks previously recommended were identified and theCommission would need to determine if the recommended trail location should be revised as a result of the chang in land use proposed. George Kubik stated the change wasminor and feels the trails should remain as originally planned. Michele Swanson questioned the number of curb cuts on Town CenterDrive and expressed her preference for a trail along Denmark for safety and traffic reasons. After much discussion, Wayne Sames moved, JoAnn Alt seconded with all members voting in favor to keep the proposed trail alignment on Town Center Drive and add a trail segment to tie into Denmark. BLUEBIRD HOUSES Mr. George Traynor was present to request permission from the Commission to place 10 bluebird houses in the Westcott Station Park. Mr. Traynor "explained that he would construct the houses and maintain them himself. It is his intention to monitor the bluebird population in Eagan and help preserve this species. Commission members commended Mr. Traynor for his efforts and thanked him for following through on his idea. George Kubik moved, Dick Carrol seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the installation of"the- bluebird houses at Westcott Station Park based on a one year trial period. ARBOR DAY RESOLUTION Director Vraa introduced the Arbor Day Resolution to the Commission and asked John VonDeLinde to elaborate on last year's events as well as the events being planned for this year. Mr. VonDeLinde stated that last year was very successful and there were twice as many people attending as they had originally projected. This year's Arbor Day celebration will take place on April 23 and he invited the Commission Members to attend and join in the tree planting celebration. The Arbor Day celebration on the 23rd will be followed by the second annual tree sale on April 30th at the Public Works Building. - Advisory Parks and 3ecreation Commission Minutes of April 7, 1988 Meeting Page 12 Sandy Masin moved, JoAnn Alt seconded with all members voting in fav_= tc adopt the Arbor Day Resolution as presented. SCHOC: DIS^RICT #196 COMMUNITY EDUCATION LIAISON Director 7raa asked to have a volunteer from the Commission to serve on =tee Community Education Advisory Committee. He stated that Sandy ?ertz had served on this committee in the past and that Sand: Mas=Z had served on a similar committee for School District. 191. Mi=hele Swanson expressed an interest in serving on the conmir_se. nick Carroll moved, Wayne Sames seconded with all members vine in favor to nominate Michele Swanson to serve on the Cormun__y Education Advisory Comission for School District 196. WINKLER JACKSON UPDATE Steve S•.:-livan reviewed the results of th neighborhood -meeting for -=.e Winkler Jackson neighborhood park. He stated there were ap_=oxirately 25 resident present and the intention of the meeting vas to get their input for the neighborhood park. The neighbors were very responsive and shared their ideas for the development c_ Winkler Jackson Park. Their primary focus seems. to be to maintain the park in as natural a sta:a as possible. by trying to preserve as much of the natural vegetation as possible. Wayne Sames felt the residents were looking at the park primarily for neighborhood use. Dick Carroll was r_eased with the good turnout for this meeting-, ~Members Same, Swanson and Carroll attended--the meeting. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Ken Vraa updated the Commission on:the -status of the proposed Com=ity Center. He stated that the Council had given the approval : their April 5, 1988 meeting to go ahead with the RFP to the various architects. Mr. Vraa indicated that the RFP's had been prerared, and had already been distributed to all the architects. =e thanked Cherryl Mesko and Barbara Sellars for accomplishing the ask so quickly. The. Couzcil ; also agreed-to a joint interview, committee consisting c_ Council members, Commission members and Staff therefore, Mr. Vraa. asked 'for two volunteers. from, the Commission 'to serve. Fick Carroll volunteered to serve- on the joint-. interview coiitteeas did George Kubik. Wayne Sames. indicated he would serve as an alternate: _ j _1. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of April 7, 1988 Meeting Page 13 Ken Vraa brought to the attention of the Commission a report written by Mel Bailey who is an intern in the Parks and Recreation Department, regarding swimming pools versus water park systems. He urged the Commission to read this report as there is a lot of valuable information to be obtained. Mr. Vraa thanked Mel for the excellent job in preparing this extensive report. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Mr. Vraa stated that the softball programs, both adult and children are filled to capacity. Intern Bonnie Blood is working on holding the first Mayor's Fishing Opener in May. With there being no further business to, Masin moved, Porter seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M. a /frill z /L DATE SECRETAA1Z