05/05/1988 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MAY 5, 1988 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:45 P.M. on Thursday, May 5, 1988 with the following Commission Members present: Dick Carroll, Michele Swanson, Wayne Sames, Sandy Masin, George_ Kubik and JoAnne Alt. Staff present included Director of Parks and Recreation,Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan; Parks Superintendent, John VonDeLinde; Recreation Supervisor, Dorothy Peterson and Parks Secretary, Cherryl Mesko. Commission Members not present were Bob Porter and David Hennes. AGENDA A motion was made by Kubik, seconded by Swanson with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. MINUTES FOR APRIL 7, 1988 MEETING Page 10, Paragraph 2, 3rd sentence should read, "Mr. Kubik suggested a mitigation for tree replacement and enhancement if the Commission decides to move to accept the proposal".' Page 10, Paragraph 2, last sentence under Winkler Jackson Update should read, "Members Sames, Carroll and Swanson attended the meeting." With the changes noted, JoAnne Alt moved,Wayne Sames seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes as amended. TREE CITY USA Parks Superintendent John VonDeLinde shared with the Commission the events that led to the designation of the City of Eagan as Tree City USA. In order to be considered the City had to have a comprehensive forestry program, a dedicated Board and Commission, a budget dedication to forestry of at least $1.00 per capita and a formal Arbor Day celebration. With all the requirements met, the award was presented to the City of Eagan at the University of Minnesota on April 20th. Parks Superintendent VonDeLinde then presented to Chairman Carroll representing the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission the Tree City USA plaque which will be displayed at the Municipal Center. The flag was also presented to Mr. Carroll and the Commission that will be flown during the month of May at the City Hall. Chairman Carroll accepted the flag and plaque on behalf of the Commission and noted that John VonDeLinde's name should be inscribed on the plaque because it was due to his efforts that this award was received. Member Carroll also indicated that this award was evidence of the wise investment the City is making in it's future growth. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of May 5, 1988 Meeting Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda items were presented for approval. On a motion by Dick Carroll, seconded by Wayne Sames, with all members voting in favor, the Commission approved recommendation to the City Council of the following items: 1. POTTS ADDITION - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement. 2. RIDGE HAVEN ADDITION - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication, requirement. 3. EAGANDALE LEMAY LAKE 3RD ADDITION - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement. 4. SILL ADDITION - That this plat be subject to a cash dedication requirement. ALDEN POND ADDITION Steve Sullivan, Landscape Planner/Parks Planner reviewed the background of Alden Pond Addition indicating that this item had been continued from the last Planning Commission meeting. Staff provided the Commission with an analysis of the Park Service Section in comparison with three other park service areas. Other concerns the Commission would need to deal with was the fact that the southern 3 buildings were within 30 feet of the park and what impact that would have on the users of the facility and determine the location of an 8 foot bituminous trail. Member Sames questioned the need for additional tennis courts at Quarry Park. Were they being requested because of the development or was there, in fact a need for additional courts. It was noted that Quarry Park/Pilot Knob Park area has a service population of 3,466 and based on existing park standards, type and amount of facilities provided by the two existing neighborhood parks adequately serve existing and planned population growth. Member Alt questioned if there was room for a hard court surface at Quarry and Steve Sullivan responded by stating that an area south of the free skate location may be adequate for a small hard court with a single basket. Member Kubik noted that Staff was recommending a cash contribution rather than land and noted that with the rolling terrain perhaps a land dedication may be an option noting the need for further facilities. Member Masin questioned if the Commission asked for a land dedication could we then add more items in the park. Mr. Sullivan responded by stating that that was a possibility. Member Carroll stated the Commission might consider taking 150 feet in land dedication and the balance in a cash dedication. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of May 5,1988 Meeting Page 3 The developer for Alden Addition was present to respond to numerous questions concerning the plat relative to the need for playground equipment and tennis courts. He stated that 2 tennis courts would be installed in this development. Member Kubik questioned if the City is cognizant of the play areas that are being planned for this development to which Director Vraa responded affirmatively. Dick Carroll questioned if the developer would leave a green space on the south side of the property and the developer responded that they would respond to whatever the park department recommended . George Kubik questioned how close the building was to the property line. Steve Sullivan stated it was 30 feet and within code. Member Kubik suggested that the people should be aware of how close they are to the park property, specifically the hockey rink. Dick Carroll shared Mr.Kubik's concern stating that the skating rink is 35 feet from the boundary which would place the building 65 feet from the rink which may pose a problem with the lights shining in the building. Member Carroll stated he felt it was reasonable to place a barrier between the park and building. Member Kubik strongly recommended that the developer work with the City on plantings, etc. for this buffer to which the developer agreed. Wayne Sames moved, JoAnne Alt seconded with all members voting in favor to accept staff recommendation #1, 3 and 4 which covered the following: 1. Developer provide a park dedication cash contribution. 3. The developer place additional plant material to provide a buffer/transition between the development and the park along the park's north boundary. 4. The developer place an 8 foot bituminous trail on the east side of Coachman Road and along the north end of the plat extending to the development's easterly property line to provide for trail connection to Unisys and Pilot Knob Park. The motion further stated that Item #2, the City construct a hardcourt play area within Quarry Park, be brought back to the Commission at a later date and that the developer work with Staff on playground facility and equipment. UNISYS PARK This proposal was for the preliminary plat of four lots on 205 acres. Director Vraa reviewed the history of this parcel stating the Commission had previously allowed parks dedication credit for the existing softball fields .for this facilities development. The issue of a proposed trail alignment between Quarry Park and Pilot Knob Park had not been resolved, however, thus the Commission was being presented with this at this point. Member Carroll asked if the road bed on the north edge was abandoned. Mr.Vraa indicated that the road was barricaded last year and that if Unisys would prefer not using the abandoned road bed perhaps they could consider a line parallel to the road. George Kubik noted that the north side has a heavy berm and questioned the impact the trail would have on that and suggested that Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes for May 5, 1988 Meeting Page 4 using the road bed was very advantageous. Mr. Vraa stated that originally the trail was to have run directly through the property, however due to the nature of the business, Unisys would not allow the trail through this location for security reasons. Wayne Sames asked if an 8 foot width would be maintained over the entire area or would the road bed width be maintained. Steve Sullivan noted that the entire width would be maintained in the event the roadbed was to be upgraded at a later date. Mr. Carroll suggested an alternate trail east and south of the roadway. Member Masin questioned if Unisys has a suggested trail at this time to which Director Vraa answered no. Mr. Vraa indicated that Unisys wanted to provide an agreement to provide a trail in the future. After further discussion, Dick Carroll moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend a trail be established to provide access for park link between Quarrry and Pilot Knob Parks. The trail to run along the existing abandoned road or, if this is not satisfactory, an alternative location would be on the eastern boundary of said roadway extending from the Four Oaks Road extension northerly to Pilot Knob Park. The motion further states that the trail is urgently needed and propose the provision be part of the preliminary plat to be completed within one year. WINKLER JACKSON PARK Steve Sullivan reviewed for the Commission the results of the neighborhood meeting regarding Winkler Jackson Park and the proposed plans for that park. The concept plans indicated the preservation of significant vegetation. The plan also proposed the placement of a red cedar buffer along Cedar Road and a deciduous overstory buffer along the proposed R-4. The concept plans included open play area, hard court, playground,picnic area, looped bituminous trail, sliding hill, security light and open skate area. The residents preferred Plan B which was proposed but split regarding the skating rink in the winter time. Steve Sullivan proposed a rink 6 - 8 feet below the street level so it would be buffered from the surrounding residential area. Ken Vraa indicated this rink could be facilitated with security lights rather than intense lights, to reduce the impact on the surrounding area. The location of a free standing rink is being recommended because of the concern for skating on the pond surface. Dick Carroll noted that there were 21 neighbors indicating they would prefer having a skating rink. George Kubik moved, Sandy Masin seconded with all members. voting in favor to accept the concept for the Winkler Jackson park as presented according to the plans as presented. George Kubik'noted that the neighborhood meeting was very good and there was an excellent representation from the neighborhood. Dick Carroll added his thanks to the neighbors for their cooperative nature. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes for May 5, 1988 Meeting Page 5 TRAVEL CONCESSION - MR. SITKO Director of Parks and Recreation, Vraa outlined for the Commission the request from Mr.Sitko for a travel concession cart to be used at various parks in the City. Mr. Vraa stated that Staff had reviewed this issue and had both pros and cons which were provided to the Commission. Mr. Sitko would not frequent parks where there is a conflict as determined by the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Vraa also received responses from several communities that allow this type of vending in their parks. Mr. Sitko addressed the Commission by stating that he had had experience in this business in 'Chicago. This is a push cart, self contained with hot/cold water, propane heater and ice chest for cooling. Generally people at softball fields use this type of vendor. Dick Carroll indicated his concern with perpetuating physical wellness, i.e., consider foods not heavy with fat, generally more healthful types of foods. Member Masin commented that she would like to see an idea like this tried on a trial basis for a year or two and Member Carroll indicated his preference for an annual contract/review. Wayne Sames asked if Mr. Sitko would limit his sales to athletic fields to which he replied the optimum location would be for 2+ softball fields and a playground. Several questions were asked regarding the maintenance of such an effort, would it infringe on concessions in various other areas, does the concession meet the needs for all the people, etc. After much discussion Recreation Supervisor, Dorothy Peterson noted that some guidelines should be in place before considering an option such as this so that everyone understands the parameters under which this will function. Michele Swanson's concern related to the use of a vendor in neighborhood parks . Mr Sitko responded saying that he usually will not be in a park area before 5:30 p.m. and would work more in conjunction with softball fields rather than neighborhood parks. George Kubik moved, Sandy Masin seconded, with all members voting in favor for Staff to develop preliminary guidelines for the June Commission meeting tentatively supporting the request presented. NORTHVIEW PARK IRRIGATION Director Vraa stated that monies have been provided for the irrigation of soccer fields at Northview Park. Staff feels irrigation should go in at the same time they stub in sanitary sewer for the proposed building. Funding from the park site fund would be necessary in order to-provide irrigation to the three softball fields and to provide for the future sanitary sewer and water to the proposed park shelter building. Because of the continued growth in the athletic programs the Commission. needs to be looking at .this development now. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of May 5, 1988 Meeting Page 6 Director Vraa indicated the sanitary sewer and water would run to the northwest corner of the west parking lot in preparation for the shelter building. Member Alt indicated it was a good idea to do the irrigation at one time rather than wait to do it at a later date for additional money. Member Carroll concurred stating we could get a better price doing all the work at one time. Member Kubik asked if $25,000 was enough to do the work and Director Vraa indicated he was comfortable with that quote. Member Kubik moved, Michele Swanson seconded, with all members voting in favor to designate authority to install irrigation and sanitary sewer at Northview Park in conjunction with the planned irrigation for two soccer fields. WINTER PROGRAM Recreation Supervisor, Dorothy Peterson stated that she was very. pleased with both the Commission's and Recreation Staff's support during the winter programming season. Dorothy thanked John VonDeLinde and his staff for an excellent job in preparing the rinks and providing the necessary services to make the winter programs successful. Supervisor Peterson indicate some of the changes would include staff training that will be more specialized with more or a first aid background given. There is a need to spread out speed skating to eliminate the load at Goat Hill. With the traffic at Goat Hill the deep cleaning maintenance that is necessary poses a problem because there never seems to be a break for this work to be accomplished. Pond sites continue to be a concern to the Staff relative to the safety on these sites. The Trapp Farm Park has become an exciting facility to watch. The usage increases each year. John VonDeLinde and his crew will try to scarify the sliding hill in the future. Staff met with EHA/RHA regarding hockey usage. The Eagan Hockey Association has asked to have all of Eagan be added to EHA so that all residents in the City will play in that league. George Kubik asked if there was any difficulty in recruiting Staff for the winter session. Supervisory Peterson indicated there were 30 - 35 applications so it wasn't a problem. George Kubik also stated that he has had some very positive responses from users of the parks. TRUST FUND PROPOSAL Director Vraa introduced a concept to the Commission based on their concern for reforestation of areas. Mr.Vraa suggested a long standing trust fund for a forestry budget. This would be separate from park dedication fees collected. It was suggested that the Commission review various possibilities to use the funds, i.e., plantings, restoring prairies, etc. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of May 5, 1988 Meeting Page 7 Member Kubik stated this was an excellent idea. Would this be open to donations from individuals and/or groups? Mr. Vraa stated it could be set up this way but this is simply an idea for the Commission to ponder. Member Kubik moved, Member Masin seconded with all members voting in favor to ask Staff to develop a position paper for the Commission to review at the June meeting relative to the Trust Fund. PARKS DEVELOPMENT Steve Sullivan provided the Commission with an update of pending contracts. The Contractor for Contract 87-2 has received a punch list of work to be completed and completion is anticipated by Memorial Day weekend. Park Building Contract 87-13 is scheduled for completion in 2 weeks. Thomas Lake Park Building Contract 88-18. There are 9 plan holders and bids are due on May 9th. There are some concerns regarding this site in that the scale of the building is larger than the site is ready for so plans are being made to keep water away from the building which will require some additional grading. Bill Bradley has completed the grading plan for Ohmann Park which will have 4 soccer fields and l softball field. They are also trying to design a horseshoe court on the exposed part of the ponding area. Enebec Construction was awarded the Pilot Knob bid and wants to take granular material from the Ohmann Park site if it is available. They have indicated they want to make an offer for the material if it is available. Ken Vraa noted to the Commission that in looking at the design details for Ohmann Park that with the growth of soccer in the City we need to look at all the sites we can make available as soon as possible. Ken asked John VonDeLinde to prepare numbers for the irrigation of these four fields. The cost for materials and supplies for 2 fields would be $18,700, for 3 fields, $23,500; and for 4 fields $28,300. Mr. Vraa asked the Commission to consider doing the irrigation now when the grading work is being done. George Kubik stated he felt it made sense to do the work now and that it would make it easier to plan the field. Dick Carroll moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to authorize expenditure of $28,300 for material and the additional cost for installation to provide irrigation for 3 soccer fields and one combination softball/soccer field at Ohmann Park. LEBANON HILLS PARK TRAIL Ken Vraa stated that Mr. Chuck Lowrey of Dakota County Parks is willing to talk about: the trail expansion from Park Cliff through. Lebanon Hills to Ohmann Park. ._A meeting will be scheduled in the future. with the Commission updated. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of May 5, 1988 Meeting Page 8 COMMUNITY CENTER Ken Vraa brought the Commission up to date on the status of the community center. The RFP's have been reviewed and five finalists out of 14 proposals have been selected for interviews. Interviews start at noon on May 10 , 1988 with a 55 minute time allocation per interview. Staff is very pleased with the response and it was difficult to narrow down to the 5 finalists. Tom Hedges, Tom Colbert, Steve Sullivan and Ken Vraa reviewed all of the proposals. The program writing is proceeding as scheduled. On May 26, 7:30 P.M. there will be a joint meeting of the City Council and Commission to review the architectural program and make revisions and changes. An agenda will be sent to the Commission as soon as possible. Parks Intern, Mel Bailey put together a report on fees and charges. Because we don't have a strong policy statement for fees and charges Staff felt it was good to review these issues. Part 2 is complete and will be given to the Commission before the joint meeting. BOND FUND Director Vraa indicated the dollar amount on the bottom of the recap sheet does not show the dollars that will be put back into the fund from Lawcom and Blackhawk Grant Fund. $350,000 approximately should be subtracted from the total to give a more accurate amount. ART PARK A copy of the Art Park Concept was given to Mr. Caponi. Mr. Caponi is anxious to meet with Staff and the Mayor regarding this concept. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Many comments were made regarding the success. of the Arbor Day Celebration and tree sale. There were several suggestions to streamline the tree sale next year including a lottery which would facilitate the numbers of people a little easier. All in all it was viewed as another very successful venture. George Kubik commented on Item #2 regarding Dakota, Inc. Ken Vraa indicated that they were looking for repetitive, simple services for their people. He felt it was worth a try and that Staff is proceeding with the idea of having them clean the shelter buildings, park clean up in spring, etc. Mr. Kubik stated this was a win/win situation and wants the Commission updated on the progress of this project. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of May 5, 1988 Meeting Page 9 Sandy Masin added a comment regarding the Mayor's questionnaire that was sent to several residents in the City. She felt there needed to be some clarification regarding too much emphasis on community parks versus neighborhood parks. Member Masin made two suggestions; that Chairman Carroll or Director Vraa contact the Mayor for clarification and that a letter be sent to the newspaper clarifying thee terminology used by the park system regarding community parks and neighborhood parks. Director Vraa indicated he would get copies of the questionnaire. Member Masin also brought to the Commission's attention the vandalism that had occurred at Woodhaven as it relates to the picnic table. Also the playground equipment needs repair. Parks Superintendent VonDeLinde indicated they are aware of the vandalism and the picnic table had been taken care of but indicated his concern in that the playground equipment is only one year old. He also stated the skateboard ramp at the end of the tennis courts had been found and removed. Sandy Masin further shared a request for a half pipe in one of the park areas. Director Vraa stated that this as well as BMX trails are an insurance liability and have not been considered in the past for any of Eagan's parks. George Kubik commented on the positive responses to Arbor Day at Quarry Park and congratulated Staff for a job well done. He also indicated his wish for a successful Mayor's fishing opener. Recreation Supervisor, Dorothy Peterson reminded the Commission that the Eagan Stagedoor Performers first production of "A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Forum" will begin on May 19, 1988 at the Little Theater in Rosemount. George Kubik stated that there would be a short Park Development Committee meeting immediately following the Commission meeting. With no further business to conduct, Michele Swanson moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 P.M. DATE SE-GRETARY