07/07/1988 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 7, 1988 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:35 P.M. on Thursday, July 7, 1988 with the following Commission Members present: Dick Carroll, Michele Swanson,Wayne Sames, Sandy Masin,George Kubik, JoAnne Alt and Bob Porter. Staff present included Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan; Parks Superintendent, John VonDeLinde; Recreation Supervisor, Dorothy Peterson and Parks Secretary, Cherryl Mesko. AGENDA Chairman Carroll requested that updates on Blackhawk Park-South Access, Small Lakes Management Grant Program, Sitko traveling concession approval, and portable stage be added under "New Business". With these additions, Bob Porter moved, Wayne Sames seconded, with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. MINUTES FROM JUNE 2, 1988 MEETING Dick Carroll moved, JoAnne -Alt seconded, with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the June 2, 1988 meeting as presented. CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda items were presented for approval. On a motion by George Kubik, seconded by Bob Porter, with all members voting in favor, the Commission approved recommendation to the City Council of the following items: 1. BOULDER CREST WEST ADDITION - That this plat be subject to a cash parkland dedication and an eight (8) foot wide bituminous trail be placed along the south side of Cliff Road. 2. ALL SAINTS LUTHERAN CHURCH ADDITION - That parkland dedication be waived for the church land use. Any future change in land use will be subject to a cash parkland dedication. The developer install a five (5) foot wide sidewalk along the east side of Lexington Road. 3. TOWN CENTRE 70 TENTH ADDITION - That this plat be subject to a cash parkland dedication. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of July 7, 1988 Meeting Page 2 RAHN/CLIFF - 2ND ADDITION Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan reviewed for the Commission the background of the proposed development noting that it's southern property line is directly adjacent to the northerly unimproved section of Vienna Woods Park. The development is proposing to use the ponding area, referenced as AP-44, within Vienna Woods Park for storm water retention. Since the existing ponding basin will not provide adequate storage for this proposal it would result in the improvement of an easterly basin area within the park. The existing improved basin area offers no additional volume without severely disrupting the park layout. The second, unimproved, basin can be improved by grading, thus provide adequate storage capacity for the watershed area. This would include raising the high water level in both basins one foot which would have no significant impact to the park. The basin could be engineered as a dry pond, wetland or wet pond depending upon what the Commission's recommendations are. Member Kubik asked what the Comprehensive Storm Sewer Guide Plan called for regarding this area. Steve Sullivan responded by stating that the Guide called for this area to drain into AP-44. Chairman Carroll noted that on page 63 of the packet the master storm sewer plan was shown. He also noted that it seems as though the parkland becomes the area for accumulating storm sewer run-off. The impervious portion of the development has no green space resulting in the run-off from parking lots going directly into AP-44. Mr. Carroll stated that this run-off should be caught and filtered before it runs into the ponding area and expressed his concern about the City accepting the storm water run-off from a parking lot area without it first being filtered. Sandy Masin asked if the run-off can be filtered before it goes into the improved ponding area. Steve Sullivan responded by stating that environmental manholes can filter sedimentation however there would need to be some research done to see if it was feasible to filter gasoline or oil out. Bob Porter reminded the Commission of the LeMay Lake problem and noted that they should seriously be looking at the possibility of assessing the developers for the cost of filtering the run-off before it enters the storm water ponding area. Dick Carroll stated that the Parks Commission should stand up for the principal of keeping the parks in good shape and that developers of commercial property should provide clean run-off to pond property. Further, they should foot the bill for providing filtration so that chemicals do not permeate the soils and affect the wildlife. Wayne Sames asked if it was known from the beginning that the possibility existed for the storm sewer run-off to accumulate in this area. Steve Sullivan noted that it had been part of the storm sewer master plan for some time, however, it wasn't known what the exact storage area would be. Mr. Sames then asked if the City could require the developer to perhaps provide a holding pond on their property before the run-off is allowed to enter the park ponding areas. Mr.Sullivan suggested the use of environmental manholes to mitigate the flow of unfiltered run-off into the ponding areas. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes for July 7, 1988 Meeting Page 3 George Kubik expressed his concern for water quality. He stated that this should be a requirement of developers; that the water entering our storm sewer ponding areas should be clean and free of contaminants such as gasoline and oil. Bob Porter suggested formulating an overall standard policy regarding acceptable run-off into parks and residential areas. Sandy Masin noted that as the caretakers of park property for the City of Eagan if we are not careful to make sure the water quality is protected, who will do it for the City. George Kubik moved to direct Staff to provide a draft of policy regarding runoff into parkland for all classes of developers which is to be reviewed by the Commission at the August meeting. Sandy Masin seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. Dick Carroll moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to insist on filtration prior to water run-off coming into park property. The developer to do grading and stockpile along the right-of-way of 35E and the normal cash parkland dedication would be required for Rahncliff 2nd Addition. EAGAN PARK REPRESENTATIVES Mel Bailey, Parks Intern, brought the Commission up to date on the park representative program. To date there are 14 members who have volunteered to represent their neighborhood park. A meeting will be scheduled the end of July or the first of August to bring the representatives together and review the purpose of this program. George Kubik suggested showing some slides of the individual parks noting what the plans are for each one. Dick Carroll added that a schedule of park development would be beneficial to the representatives. When questioned how much time would be involved in the meetings, Mel Bailey responded that the plan was to have them very informal and at 6 month intervals approximately. Dick Carroll noted that he would be attending the meeting scheduled for Monday, July 25th, and asked for other volunteers from the Commission to attend. Michele Swanson agreed to participate and George Kubik stated he, too, would try to be there. Chairman Carroll thanked Mel Bailey for the work in getting this program up and operational suggesting that everyone try to attend if they can. BLACKHAWK PARK - SOUTH ACCESS Steve Sullivan noted for the Commission that additional design work was being done and that trees that would be saved had been identified. Dick Carroll asked if there were further negotiations and Director Vraa stated that a meeting was being scheduled with all parties involved in the access issue. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of July 7, 1988 Meeting Page 4 SMALL LAKES MANAGEMENT GRANT PROGRAM John VonDeLinde has submitted the grant applications for the three lakes the Commission recommended. The applications will be reviewed and Superintendent VonDeLinde hopes to have a response to the Commission either in August or September. TRAVEL CONCESSIONS - MR. SITKO Recreation Supervisor Dorothy Peterson shared with the Commission that everything had gone smoothly with the approval of Mr. Sitko's request for a traveling concession. The Council approved the request with some minor modifications in the Commission's recommendations. The license has been issued and Mr. Sitko can begin his business shortly. Supervisor Peterson noted that Mr. Sitko had been very complimentary of the Commission, Council and Staff for their handling of his request. PORTABLE STAGE Director Vraa stated that Lakeville and Eagan will split the cost of a portable stage. He will continue working with Burnsville as well as other neighboring communities to see if they want to participate. Based on only two communities splitting the cost, the cost per community is approximately $4,000 - $4,200 each. FACILITIES REPLACEMENT PROGRAM Kathy Dybiec was introduced to the Commission by Parks Superintendent John VonDeLinde. Kathy has been an intern for the Parks Department since March and has been involved in such projects as completing a detailed inventory of the buildings, participating in the Arbor Day and tree sale events, completing research for the focus groups for the community center, being involved with the Trust Fund project, just to mention a few. Her assistance to the Parks Department has been invaluable. Kathy outlined for the Commission the purpose of the Long Range Replacement Program which is to serve as a general guideline for replacing park facilities and components which represent a "capital" investment of a relatively permanent nature. Kathy noted that some of the facilities that are covered in this report include park lighting, backstops, hockey rinks and fencing, park buildings, play structures, and irrigation systems. Kathy's research included talking with vendors and staff involved with original installation of these items and is based on replacement with an equal product. She also noted that this was only a guideline for future replacement of several park features. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of July 7, 1988 Meeting Page 5 In preparing this report Kathy noted that this program should be considered a necessary element of the City's efforts to retain the integrity of parks facilities including their functional, safety and aesthetic characteristics. Kathy thanked Parks Staff for their assistance in helping her research this information. Chairman Carroll thanked Kathy for an excellent report and expressed the Commission's appreciation for the detailed replacement program that will be very beneficial to the City for years to come. BERRY RIDGE PATCH PARK Director Vraa reviewed Berry Ridge Patch Park and the situation that exists regarding the trail along Mooney Lake for the Commission. Because Mooney Lake did not have a controlled outlet it rose above the established normal elevation necessitating the installation of a lift station to bring the lake level back to it's planned level. During the high water levels of Mooney Lake the 5 foot bituminous trail was flooded as were a significant number of trees. Now that the water level is back to it's established normal elevation the damaged trail and many dead trees and stumps are exposed. At a meeting with the neighbors they expressed their concerns with the area indicating they would like to have the pond elevation increased and the trail abandoned. Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works, addressed the Commission regarding the review that was performed to determine if an increase in the pond elevations - normal and high - could be done. There were three alternatives presented for consideration. Alternative #1 proposed to raise the normal water elevation from 859.4 to 860.6. This alternative places the normal water level .9 feet below the lowest section of trail, therefore trail flooding will likely occur more often with higher frequency storms. This alternative allows for the improvement of the existing derelict trail. Alternative #2 proposed to raise the normal water level from 859.4 to 863.3. This alternative will continuously inundate the existing shoreline trail section leaving it impassable. This flooding removes a link along the Berry Ridge Road pedestrian way to Patrick Eagan Park. A boulevard trail would need to be placed north of the Berry Ridge Road along the single family homes connecting the interrupted trail link. Alternative #3 proposed to keep the control high water level and normal water level as prescribed by the Comprehensive Storm Sewer Plan. The dead trees/stumps would need to be removed and the trail would need to be removed and replaced. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of July 7, 1988 Meeting Page 6 Member Sames stated that since the trail was there before most of the homeowners were, the elimination of the trail was not the answer. He felt that the access to Patrick Eagan Park, as well as the importance of all the trail links, should not be compromised. Tom Colbert noted that there was concern by the neighbors regarding water quality. Specifically the concern was for the algae on the pond which is more typically found in August rather than this early in the summer. Mr. Colbert stated that the pond is going through ecological shock and it will take some time for it to self-heal. The residents are unsure this will occur and have expressed that opinion. JoAnne Alt has visited the property, talked with some of the neighbors and felt that perhaps the water level should be elevated one foot but that the trail should remain. Michele Swanson, after having walked the trail as far as possible noted that the trail connection needs to be there and didn't feel the trail would interfere with the view from the homes. George Kubik stated the trail and the 859.4 water level should be kept with perhaps some plantings to enhance the trail. Wayne Sames noted that with the continued growth of the City and anticipated use of the trails that this will be a vital link to Patrick Eagan Park and he supports keeping the trail link. Another option discussed by Mr. Vraa included the draining of Mooney Lake to enable equipment to drive onto the lake bed to remove the stumps and dead trees that remain from the flooding. The time frame for this kind of project is unknown but Member Kubik requested that Staff review the time frame to determine if this would be a viable option. George Kubik moved, JoAnne Alt seconded, with all members voting in favor to recommend Alternative #3 and that Staff communicate to the neighbors the reasons for this recommendation at their July 14, 1988 meeting RAHN STORM SEWER UPDATE Tom Colbert advised the Commission. that the storm sewer project at Rahn Park would be under construction within the next six weeks. Per the Commission's recommendation, there has been an allocation of $15,500 for tree replacement. Member Sames suggested that pictures be taken before and after the project's completion. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of July 7, 1988 Meeting Page 7 PARK DEVELOPMENT Director Vraa stated that the bid opening for Contract 88-7 for Ohmann, Winkler/Jackson and Bridleridge Parks would be Monday, July 11, 1988. Director Vraa suggested that the Commission begin thinking about the possibility of working with a construction management company in building the proposed Community Center. He suggested that the City may require someone with expertise in construction for a project of this size. A management company would be able to provide the City with an on-site construction superintendent as well as a time line for the subcontractors to follow. The change order process may become a little more complex but the overall construction supervision could be handled by people who are very knowledgeable in this business. Again, this was for Commission consideration only so that construction can continue in a timely and orderly fashion given the approval of the bond referendum for the community center. Mr. Vraa suggested that the Commission come up with questions and concerns regarding this issue that can be addressed at a later date. HAPPENINGS George Kubik asked how the grading was going at Heine Pond. Mr. Sullivan responded by stating that it was 80 - 90% complete. Mr. Kubik encouraged continued participation and support of the Dakota, Inc. program of helping with our parks maintenance. Member Carroll asked for an update on the condition of the trees in our parks that have been affected by the drought. John VonDeLinde responded by stating that the watering of the trees and plantings continues on a daily basis. There are two scheduled routes with tankers out every day watering the plantings from the last three years which seem to be affected the most. That amounts to over 3,000 plantings being watered. Ken Vraa noted that because of the drought the Parks Department is not proceeding with landscaping as was originally planned for this summer. Ken Vraa advised the Commission that playground equipment at Woodland School was being installed and that the Trapp Farm Park equipment will be planned after, the Northview.-tennis court contract is let this fall. Bridleridge residents want a meeting with Staff to see if they can accelerate the process for getting their playground equipment in their park. George Kubik shared with the Commission that he had received many unsolicited compliments on both the parks maintenance and the recreation programs that the City of Eagan provides. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of July 7,1988 Meeting Page 8 Dick Carroll noted that the Commission will need to research and rename some of the parks that have not been officially named to date. With no further business to conduct, George Kubik moved, JoAnne Alt seconded, with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. A note to the record indicates that the date for the Commission's annual picnic has been set for Friday, September 9, 1988. DATE SECRETARY