08/18/1988 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission CONTINUATION OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA AUGUST 18, 1988 The continuation of the August 4, 1988 Commission meeting was called to order Thursday, August 18, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. by Secretary George Kubik. The following Commission Members were present: Michele Swanson, Wayne Sames, Sandy Masin, George Kubik, and JoAnne Alt. Commission Members not present included Dick Carroll and Bob Porter. Staff present included Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan; Parks Superintendent, John VonDeLinde; Parks Secretary, Cherryl Mesko; and Parks Intern, Mel Bailey. AGENDA George Kubik asked to have Dorothy Peterson added onto the agenda under New Business. JoAnne Alt moved, Wayne Sames seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. BLACKHAWK PARK Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa reminded the Commission that the issue of acquiring approximately 3 acres of land from Leo Murphy for access to Blackhawk Park has been underway for some time. Recently Mr. Murphy met with Mayor Vic Ellison, Council Member Ted Wachter, City Administrator Tom Hedges and Parks Director Ken Vraa to negotiate the acquisition of this parcel. Mr. Murphy was open to the City providing a credit for parks dedication with the taking of the approximate 3+ acres and consideration for the MnDot right-of- way turnback. The turnback area is between Deerwood and Conklin Road. If the City can reacquire this turnback area from MnDot, it will be open to considering turning it back then to Mr. Murphy. The question was raised regarding title problems, if any, in making this type of transfer. With the turnback process in it's preliminary stages this question was not able to be answered, however, staff will keep'the Commission up to date on any and all ramifications of this transfer. Mr. Vraa explained that the MnDot parcel is completely land locked. The developer to the west of this parcel has an excess amount of fill Whereas the developer to the east has a shortage. MnDot has been approached to allow for a haul road to transport fill from the western development to the eastern development. MnDot has had this parcel appraised and set the value of the property at $20,000. They have noted that they will sell the parcel so that it can be used for a haul road if desired. Meritor Development has indicated their desire to share in the cost of acquiring this parcel so that the fill can be transported to and from their development. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of August 18, 1988 Meeting Page 2 George Kubik expressed his hesitation in spending money on property that would eventually be turned back to the City at no, or little, cost to the City. It was noted that these properties are typically turned back to the City for "$1 and other good and valuable considerations" rather than being purchased outright. Meritor has expressed some concern about making improvements on Conklin (Murphy Parkway). Mr. Kubik noted that this might be used in negotiations to allow the MnDot property to be used for the hauling of fill from development to development feeling that options should be explored in satisfying the needs of the adjacent developments, the City and MnDot. Member Sames asked if a road would have to be installed to allow for the transportation of fill across the property. Director Vraa stated that a haul road would be required and that it could be cut at an elevation to enable its use as a future trail. This is a conceptual idea for consideration. JoAnne Alt questioned the need for a retaining wall for this road and Mr. Vraa responded by stating that it probably wouldn't be necessary during the time the road was being used.. After much discussion, it was suggested that a good faith gesture with the developers negotiating with MnDot might be appropriate; plant materials along the roadway or working with them on the trail may be some of the considerations. In discussing the participation of the City in the cost of acquisition of the property on the east side of Blackhawk Lake, George Kubik moved that the Staff negotiate with Meritor to proceed with the acquisition of the MnDot property in a way that will be mutually advantageous but that these negotiations not include a monetary investment by the City in the land. The motion was seconded by JoAnne Alt with all members voting in favor. PARKS DEVELOPMENT Park Planner, Steve Sullivan updated the Commission on Contract 87-18, Thomas Lake Park. He noted that there have been no changes since the grading, masonry and columns have been completed. They are currently waiting for the arrival of the laminated beams which will be installed next. Beams have arrived for O'Leary shelter and payment for $32,000 for work completed to date has been processed Contract 88-7 for Ohmann, Bridle Ridge and Winkler Jackson is underway. The scrapers and graders arrived at Ohmann Park on Monday to rebalance the site. As background, Director Vraa explained that the developer of Fairway Hills, adjacent to Ohmann Park, went onto the park property while grading for their development and removed 7500 yards of dirt from park property. This resulted in having to redesign and rebalance the park. Several meetings with the developer resulted in the understanding that the developer will be accountable for all costs for rebalancing, and if the City is short of topsoil we will take what material is necessary from their stockpile. George Kubik noted that the developer should be responsible for all costs associated with Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of August 18, 1988 Meeting Page 3 the changes to this park development including the numerous staff hours involved. Steve Sullivan stated that the bulk grading has been moved back one week, however, we should be back on track in getting this park completed. The play structure at Rahn Park has been completed near the school and the upper playground area is under construction. The rerouting of Rahn Road (Cliff Lake Drive) has resulted in the plan for extended parking as the Commission requested. 60 parking stalls, which is the maximum number that can be accommodated in the planned parking area, will be placed adjacent to Rahn Park. Director Vraa stated that Parks Superintendent John VonDeLinde and Park Supervisor Jim McGuffee have been working all summer on the drought problems. They have had watering trucks out every day and even with that effort they have not been able to decrease the impact of this summer's drought. The temperatures of the soil was so hot that in some cases, the roots were destroyed thus the restoration of some park areas is not possible. It is difficult at this time to estimate the total acres damaged and the dollars required to restore these park areas. It is estimated that the seed costs alone for approximately 75 acres would exceed $14,000; this figure does not include the 1987 grading contract. Director Vraa added that the areas will need to be re-disked and re-seeded depending on the magnitude of the damage. Walnut Hill, for example, has had considerable damage due to the drought and it is not clear at this point when the best time will be to begin the restoration. A letter has been sent to the City Administrator and the City Council addressing the damage to the park property as well as the costs to restore which is estimated at over $25,000. George Kubik asked if these costs would be covered by the contingency fund. Mr. Vraa suggested that it come from general funds with some of it coming from the park site fund. Member Kubik asked if it is known how many trees have been lost or damaged due to the drought. Mr. VonDeLinde stated that it is difficult to know the results at this time. Some of the trees, primarily evergreens, have already been removed and some of the trees are rebounding. It is just too early to know the full impact the drought had on the tree population. Ken Vraa stated that the department has checked with the Toro Company regarding the irrigation for Rahn Athletic fields. Toro has been provided with a site plan of the area and they have worked out a preliminary plan for irrigation. The timing for installation is not known as yet but the Commission is being asked for their approval to proceed. Mr. VonDeLinde stated that the quote submitted by Toro, based on materials only to irrigate-3 softball and 1 baseball field, was approximately $32,900. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of August 18, 1988 Meeting Page 4 George Kubik asked if this irrigation project would shut down the use of the existing fields or would it interfere in any way with programmed uses for the fields. John VonDeLinde responded by stating that the lateral lines would go in this fall since league play has been completed, or early spring of 1989 before the use of the fields is needed. Wayne Sames moved that staff proceed with the finalization of the plans to irrigate Rahn Athletic fields, 3 softball and 1 baseball, with the pricing of materials only to be within 10% of $32,900, and funds to be allocated from the park site fund for this purpose. The motion was seconded by Sandy Masin with all members voting in favor. COMMUNITY CENTER SITE PLAN Director Vraa reminded the Commission that Hastings and Chivetta's first priority in working with the community center site issue was to insure that the designated site near city hall was workable, a workable circulation plan could be accomplished and that the access to the community center would be conducive to the adjoining properties. Site Plan #3 as provided by Hastings and Chivetta shows an access at Pilot Knob with internal connections to city hall and the library. In looking at the placement of the footprint only, Hastings and Chivetta has worked at trying to show the relationship of the community center to city hall and the library with 4 access locations on Wescott. They also took into consideration the future expansion of city hall and the need for additional parking space. The site plans provided by the architects have shown parking to meet the 300 space minimum requirement the City asked for. Director Vraa noted some of the areas of concern with the plan that had been reviewed such as the current access to Pilot Knob as egress for the police department. The configuration of the parking lot allows for the possible use of this egress by the public. Perhaps by changing the traffic pattern in the parking lot south of city hall it would be sufficient enough to discourage it's use by the public... A second concern was the need to increase the parking lot as shown on the west side of the community center building. This lot would receive the most use and perhaps should be expanded to it's maximum capacity. The third issue is the need to tie the components of the site together by use of trails. There would be trails along Pilot Knob and Wescott plus internal triangular trail to connect the community center, city hall and library. The trail would also extend east to Denmark and along to Patrick Eagan Park. George Kubik asked if the parking area as shown south of the library building is on county or city property. Mr..Vraa responded by stating that it was on city property and that Tom Hedges was currently working with the Dakota County Administrator to see what their reaction would be regarding the shared road concept into the complex. These talks are only preliminary, however Dakota County appears to be very open to the idea at this time. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of August 18, 1988 Meeting Page 5 Another concern addressed was the issue of a "drop-off" area. Did that area need to be expanded to allow drop-off from both directions in front of the community center or could the plan work with the area as it stands. Some of the comments included the inclusion of sitting areas, waiting areas that would have picnic tables and/or benches, open green space and many trees. The green space area shown to the southeast of the existing city hall should perhaps be designed as a more "formal" green space area for users and employees to utilize. It was also noted that the plan should incorporate as much green space to allow for a pleasant usable and visual environment. Director Vraa asked the Commission members to mark their calendars for September 21, 22 and 23 which has been designated as the dates for the next Design Charette with Hastings and Chivetta. HAPPENINGS JoAnne Alt questioned the cost of the T-Shirts that the department will be selling. The cost for the shirts will be $10.00. BOND FUND Director Vraa brought the Commission up to date on the bond fund expenditures to date. He noted that the department was almost at the limit for expenditures. Wescott has some monies left, Bur Oaks Park is underway but it appears as though these should be closed out by the end of the year. BRIDLE RIDGE MEETING Parks Planner Steve Sullivan told the Commission that the neighbors surrounding the Bridle Ridge Park area have put out a survey regarding their wants and desires for their park. The residents will be bringing their requests to the Commission at it's September meeting. George Kubik stated that it was good to see such positive community involvement by the residents. BROCHURES Director Vraa mentioned to the Commission that the department is in the process of working on brochures for trails, tennis and shelter buildings. The plan is to have a brochure that can be added onto as programs and facilities expand. Wayne Sames asked if the department had looked at the option of using recycled paper and Mr. Vraa stated that it would be researched as an option. Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of August 18, 1988 Meeting Page 6 REPLACEMENT OF DAVE HENNES Ken Vraa asked if any of the Commission members knew of someone interested in filling the vacancy as Commission member alternate they should respond to the City Administrator. An ad has been placed in the paper to solicit an individual to fill this position. George Kubik stated that for the continuity of the Commission it is important that the alternate know that his/her input and attendance is important at the meetings. HISTORICAL COMMITTEE A committee has been established to research the historical significance of many of Eagan's buildings and sites such as the old town hall site, old oak tree, McCarthy house, etc. They have already looked at the McCarthy house and feel it has no historical value to the City. Staff has been asked to get an estimate for destroying this building. PARK REPRESENTATIVES An update of the park representative program shows there are 25 representatives to date. Some responsibility issues will need to be clarified at future meetings along with updates of specific parks. OTHER INFORMATION George Kubik informed the Commission Members that Dorothy Peterson was in the hospital recovering from surgery. He stated that the department and commission will miss her sorely but hoped she would take this time to get some much needed rest. Director Vraa noted that the surgery had gone well but that Dorothy would be out of the office for approximately 3 weeks. Parks Superintendent John VonDeLinde informed the Commission that a core grant had been approved allowing for a fishing pier to be built and installed in Fish Lake. The pier will be similar to the one currently in Lake Calhoun. With no further business to conduct, JoAnne Alt moved, Michele Swanson seconded with all members voting in: favor to adjourn the meeting. 40 DATE S TARP