02/02/1989 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 2, 1989 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 2, 1989 with the following Commission Members present: Dick Carroll, Ted Billy, Sandy Masin, Wayne Sames, Michele Swanson, George Kubik and Shawn Hunter. Staff present included Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan; Parks Superintendent, John VonDeLinde; Recreation Supervisor, Dorothy Peterson; and Parks Secretary, Cherryl Mesko. Commission Member Jack Johnson was not present. Director Vraa introduced Ted Billy as a new Commission Member and Shawn Hunter as the newly appointed alternate. Jack Johnson, another newly appointed Commission Member was not able to attend the meeting. Chairman Carroll welcomed the new Members and asked Director Vraa to continue with the meeting for the election of officers. After describing the responsibilities for each officer, Director Vraa opened nominations for the Chairperson. George Kubik nominated Dick Carroll and Wayne Sames seconded the nomination. Dick Carroll nominated George Kubik and Michele Swanson seconded the nomination. Ted Billy moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to close nominations. Written ballots were submitted, counted and George Kubik was appointed as Chair. Director Vraa opened nominations for Vice-Chair. Sandy Masin nominated and Wayne Sames seconded the nomination of Dick Carroll. George Kubik nominated and Dick Carroll seconded the nomination of Sandy Masin. Ted Billy moved, Sandy Masin seconded with all members voting in favor to close nominations. Written ballots were submitted, counted and Dick Carroll was appointed as Vice-Chair. Director Vraa opened nominations for Secretary. Wayne Sames nominated and Ted Billy seconded the nomination of Sandy Masin. Sandy Masin nominated and George Kubik seconded the nomination of Wayne Sames. Dick Carroll moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to close nominations. Written ballots were submitted, counted and Sandy Masin was appointed as Secretary. Director Vraa then turned the meeting over to Chairman Kubik for the appointment of members to the various standing subcommittees. Mr. Vraa noted that those subcommittees were Recreation, Development/Finance and Park Names. He suggested that Water Quality be added as a standing subcommittee for the next year to continue the work that has been done to date. Mr. Kubik asked if the Commission wanted to elevate Water Quality to a standing committee. Wayne Sames felt it was a good idea for this group D ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 2 to continue meeting since the task force has been meeting regularly over the last year and has accomplished some very positive things. Dick Carroll moved, Sandy Masin seconded with all members voting in favor to have Water Quality as a standing subcommittee. George Kubik asked for volunteers to serve on the Recreation subcommittee. Those members volunteering include Sandy Masin, George Kubik and Michele Swanson. Mr. Kubik then asked for volunteers for the Development/Finance subcommittee. Those members volunteering included Wayne Sames, Ted Billy, Dick Carroll and Shawn Hunter. Those members volunteering for the Park Names subcommittee included Sandy Masin, Ted Billy and Dick Carroll. Those members volunteering for the Water Quality subcommittee included Jack Johnson, Dick Carroll and Wayne Sames. AGENDA Ken Vraa asked that the report on the HUD parcel be stricken from the agenda since all of the information was not available for presentation to the Commission. Sandy Masin moved, Wayne Sames seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 1, 1988 MEETING Ted Billy moved, Sandy Masin seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes as presented. MINUTES FROM JANUARY 5, 1989 MEETING Sandy Masin asked if a letter of appreciation has been sent to Northwest and Unisys regarding their contributions to the Park Ranger Explorer program. Ken Vraa stated that a letter would be sent shortly. Wayne Sames then moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes as presented. CONSENT AGENDA The following consent items were presented for approval. On a motion by Dick Carroll, seconded by Michele Swanson with all members voting in favor, the Commission approved recommendation to the City Council of the following: 1. WAIVER OF PLAT - JONATHAN R. (RANDY) IVERSON. That this applicant be responsible for a cash parkland dedication on the 4200 sq. ft. lot conveyance. 2. OAK CLIFF 3RD ADDITION (REPLAT) - ROBERT SCHLANGEN. That this applicant be responsible for a cash parkland dedication on the additional square footage added to Lot 1,Block 1 and for Lot 2, Block 1, Oak Cliff 3rd Addition. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2,1989 MEETING PAGE 3 3. BLUE RIDGE 2ND ADDITION - L.A. LAUKKA DEVELOPMENT CO. That this applicant be responsible for a cash parkland dedication. TOWN CENTRE 100 7TH - FEDERAL LAND Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan explained that Federal Land Company has submitted a request for the preliminary plat of two lots and one outlot on 19.5 acres currently zoned Limited Business. The parcel is located north of O'Leary Park and Duckwood Estates and fronts Town Centre Drive with the proposed Waterford Apartments to the east. The Commission has previously recommended that trails/sidewalks be placed on the north side of Town Centre Drive from Lexington Road to Denmark Avenue; on the west side of O'Leary Lane from Yankee Doodle Road to Town Centre Drive; on the south side of Town Centre Drive from Denmark to the western boundary of Waterford apartments; on the west side of Waterford Apartments from Town Centre Drive to O'Leary Park; on the north side of O'Leary Lake from Widgeon Way to the spur trail on the west side of Waterford Apartments; on the east side of Yankee Place from Yankee Doodle to Town Centre Drive. The three issues for the Commission to review include what the pedestrian transportation needs are; what the visual impact on O'Leary Park is; and what the developmental impact on water quality of O'Leary Lake is. Regarding pedestrian transportation needs, Steve Sullivan noted that the proposal is currently responsible for 5 foot wide sidewalk along the south side of Town Centre Drive. Staff suggests that the trail area designated within the Waterford development in combination with a 20 foot easement along the east property line of the current proposal would provide greater flexibility for a pedestrian link. Waterford Apartment and Town Centre 100-7th Addition would be responsible for compatible grading and installation of a 5 foot wide sidewalk from Town Centre Drive towards O'Leary Park The western end of the east/west trail currently ties to existing 20 foot trail easement tying to Widgeon Way and staff suggests that this trail tie into the easement approximately 104 feet west of it's current terminus. The proposed office building is located approximately 145 feet north of O'Leary Park and 110 feet of the lake. The finishes of the building as it faces the park will be brick and glass with a metal roof band. On the south side of the building is a proposed service drive to a below grade storage area. Since the storage area in intended for building tenants, unloading would typically occur internally. Shawn Hunter asked how much of a rise it would be from the lake. Mr. Sullivan responded that it was approximately 14 feet from the normal water elevation. Steve also noted that the one area where one could see the parking lot of the building would be just east of the building and that planting could mitigate the impact. George Kubik asked if cut and fill would be required and Steve responded that some fill would be necessary for the trail link. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 4 The third issue of storm water run-off has been addressed by the City's Engineering Department as well as the Dakota County Water Conservation District which has recommended that a portion of the parking lot run-off, which is proposed to outlet directly into O'Leary Lake, be redirected to holding pond DP-20 north of Town Centre Drive. Pond DP-20 would then outlet into O'Leary Lake. Shawn Hunter asked the distance to the pond and Wayne Sames responded that it was a couple hundred feet. Mr. Kubik asked how much of the parking lot would go to DP-20 versus O'Leary Lake. Steve Sullivan responded that approximately 1/2 of the parking lot to the north would go to DP-20 while the west portion will continue to go to O'Leary Lake. Sandy Masin asked if a filter could be built so that run- off doesn't go directly into O'Leary Lake. George Kubik stated that the major issues have been discussed previously and wanted to review some of the discussions the Commission had a year ago to make sure they are still in agreement. Steve Sullivan responded to the question of further development by stating that a bank is planned to the east of Burger King. Noting that there were two entrances off Town Centre Drive Wayne Sames reminded the Commission that that was one of the reasons for not extending the trail in that area. Responding to questions, Steve Sullivan noted that the 20 foot trail easement is typical but that no easement has been worked out as yet for Waterford Apartments; some additional land would need to be acquired from them. When asked if a 5 foot sidewalk was wide enough for use by bicyclists, Steve noted that this width is consistent with a typical sidewalk. He also noted that whatever grading problems may occur can be worked out. The question of the difficulty of the 8 foot east/west trail was brought up by George Kubik. Mr. Sullivan responded that it will be difficult but that the developer will place the trail to the end of their property. It was also noted that there already is an easement on the southwest end of the trail between lots on Widgeon Way. Wayne Sames suggested that signs be installed to indicate that an easement exists so that people can use these areas until the trails are actually constructed. George Kubik agreed indicating this could provide some good PR for the parks, in general. George Kubik asked what kinds of plant material would be provided and what special measures were taken for erosion. Steve Sullivan responded that coniferous trees would be planted and that plant materials can be placed on a 3/1 slope. After further discussion, Dick Carroll moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the following 9 recommendations for this project: 1. A 20 foot wide trail easement be placed along the easterly property line. 2. The developer, in conjunction with the easterly property owner, be responsible for providing a 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk from Town Centre Drive north/south to the proposed eight foot east/west bituminous pathway. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION D MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 5 3. The eight foot wide east/west trail proposed in the rear yard be revised to be directly tied to the proposed trail within the Waterford Apartment proposal. Also, the westerly trail terminus extend approximately 140 feet to the southwest property corner. 4. The developer extends an eight foot bituminous trail to O'Leary Park from the proposed eight foot east/west bituminous trail. This north/south trail link be field staked and approved by the City's Landscape Architect prior to installation to insure compatible linkage to O'Leary Park pedestrian system. 5. A five foot wide sidewalk be placed along the south side of the Town Centre Drive. 6. Additional plant material be placed south of the building and southeast parking lot corner to provide additional buffer/transition to O'Leary Park. 7. The storm water plan be revised to re-route parking lot stormwater to pond DP-20. 8. Secondary filtration pond to be added. 9. Special control be used to provide erosion control. AUTUMN RIDGE ADDITION Steve Sullivan described the parcel which lies directly north of D Lakeside Park, east of Dodd Road and south of County Road 30. The site is within Park Service District 25W which includes both Lakeside and South Oaks Parks. The issues for the Commission to review included the influence of the proposed sanitary sewer alignment through Lakeside Park, determining what the pedestrian transportation needs are and what the park dedication requirement should be. The first issue regarding the sanitary sewer alignment through Lakeside Park was reviewed giving Commission Members some alternatives to consider. Alternative A shows, an alignment between Lots 11 and 12 along the east property line of Lakeside Park with marginal tree loss occurring adjacent to the easterly residential lot within the Highline Trail corridor. If tree loss is to occur, the developer would need to provide a tree replacement plan approved by the City and the adjacent resident. Alternative B shows the sanitary sewer alignment between Lots 7 and 8 extending to the existing stub in Atlantic Hills Drive which shows no impact to parkland but results in additional development costs to the developer as the need to obtain an easement from an adjacent owner. Alternative C locates the sanitary sewer connection from the westerly end of Street B to Dodd Road but this would require an agreement by the land owner for the extension and to date, nothing has come about from this discussion. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 6 Dick Carroll asked what the Engineering staff recommendation was and Steve responded that they were waiting for the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation. Sandy Masin asked why there is a preference for Alternative A to which Mr. Sullivan responded that because there was an open space to work with, it would make for easier access by the developer. Shawn Hunter asked what has been done to date regarding Alternative C. Mr. Sullivan stated that there is a home on this lot and the homeowner has not shown an interest at this point in pursuing this alternative with the developer. The second issue Steve Sullivan reviewed was the pedestrian transportation need. Directly adjacent to Autumn Ridge is the site for a proposed elementary school with Street A becoming the primary circulation link to and from the school site. Considering that approximately 100 residents within this proposal could have walkers using this street daily, staff suggests the consideration of a 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk be placed along the south side of Street A. A 30 foot outlot between Lots 1 and 14 could provide a pedestrian link to Lakeside Park. After further evaluation staff feels that a trail link between Lots 11 and 12 would serve as a better access to Lakeside Park. Both locations warrant steps to minimize grading and loss of trees however a trailway between Lots 11 and 12 would provide approximately 8 feet less vertical differential than at the proposed Outlot C. The third issue relates to the parkland dedication issue and staff is recommending a cash dedication. Sandy Bertz, 550 Atlantic Hills Drive, who is a neighbor of Lakeside Park addressed some unresolved issues for the Commission to consider and respond to. She noted that this parcel is planned for 99 homes on 38 acres and is very much concerned about the impact this development, and future development will have on Lakeside Park. Currently Lakeside does not have a ballfield and since all the houses along the park are planned to be built this year there is concern as to whether Lakeside Park can absorb the additional development unless there is more work being planned for the expansion of the park facilities. Another concern was the impact this development will have on the wetland area that abuts the park. Additionally there will be another 200 homes in the parks service district and Ms. Bertz was concerned that both Lakeside and South Oaks parks were perhaps too small to serve the needs of the population being planned in this park service district. George Kubik thanked Mrs. Bertz for her valuable input and opened the issue for further discussion by the Commission. Shawn Hunter stated that he felt Alternative C was out due to the third party negotiations that would need to occur, Alternate B involved obtaining an easement and the removal of some trees that he would hate to see, thus Alternative A seems to have the least impact and is the path of least resistance. Wayne Sames asked how much tree loss would occur using Alternative A and Mr. Sullivan ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2,1989 MEETING PAGE 7 responded that they should be able to complete the work without significant tree loss. It was also determined that if Alternative A was used, any damage done to the turf could be replaced with sod so that the park would continue to be available to the public. George Kubik noted that if a utility easement is required the Commission should decide if compensation should be provided. The Commission consensus was that compensation should be provided and that staff should negotiate based on the total content of the easements with engineering also involved in this review process. Sandy Masin indicated that she would prefer that the developer not go through the park. As another alternative for consideration, Director Vraa suggested looking at the proposed elementary school to see if land could be acquired adjoining the school property and perhaps a joint park project could be considered. George Kubik inquired as to the timing of this development for the City Council and was informed that it would be scheduled on the Council agenda the second meeting in February. Ken Vraa suggested that staff contact School District #196 to see if there is any possibility of working out a joint park project with the new school. George Kubik suggested that with that information, the Commission members review this issue before the Joint Commission/Council meeting on February 16th. With a quorum of members able to attend a meeting at 6:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 16, that date was set to review this issue further. After further discussion, Wayne Sames moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend the following: 1. To approve Alternative A sanitary sewer alignment with sod restoration and maintenance of new sod and that steps be taken to prevent the loss of.trees in this installation. 2. The developer be responsible for compensation to the City for a utility easement based on a negotiated value with both the Parks and Recreation Department and Engineering Department to be involved. 3. A 5 foot wide sidewalk be placed along the south side of Street A. The motion further stated that the issue of cash versus land dedication will be addressed at a special meeting at 6:30 P.M. on February 16, 1989. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2,1989 MEETING PAGE 8 COVENTRY PASS Coventry Pass was reviewed at the January Commission meeting in an attempt to locate a park site on the property. With a possible dumping site being located under the property proposed to be dedicated as parkland, follow-up testing and research has been planned to find out the extent of the damage, if any, to the area. At this time there have been no test results available to enable the Commission to review this issue again. UNISYS TRAIL Steve Sullivan updated the Commission on the recent meeting with the neighbors surrounding the proposed trail link from Quarry Park to Pilot Knob Park. The proposed trail was staked to enable the neighbors attending the meeting to visualize the actual placement that was being considered for this trail. The trail would lie in the 15 foot area along the north and westerly side of the Unisys property and would require the removal of approximately 20 trees and several feet of hedges. After the 11 residents had an opportunity to walk the proposed trail, they all opposed the trail link because of the loss of vegetation, privacy and interference to their property. Mr. Sullivan noted that one of the questions the residents asked is whether the dollars from TIF that were designated for a trail link could be used for other improvements such as additional plantings to buffer the Unisys property from the surrounding residential homes. Steve noted that staff would be researching this issue and will present the results to the Commission at the March, 1989 meeting. George Kubik, having attended the meeting, noted that there was representation from 3 associations and 2 petitions were presented asking if the land could be used for another use other than a trail link. Mr. Kubik also stated that Steve Sullivan did an excellent job in presenting the situation to the residents. CORE APPLICATION John VonDeLinde explained that the Department of Parks and Recreation received application materials from the DNR in connection with Cooperative Opportunities for Resource Enhancements program. The City has been successful with two previous applications under the Core programs in which the DNR allocated $27,000 in funding for the development of portable aeration systems for Fish and Schwanz Lakes. The fishing pier applications were withheld and the DNR suggested they be resubmitted under the 1989 program which it has done. In August of 1988 the Department was informed that it would be receiving a fishing pier for Fish Lake under the program but that the proposal for Schwanz Lake was being rejected. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 9 Mr. VonDeLinde asked that the Commission make recommendations as to whether staff should submit new applications under the fiscal year 1990 program. Staff also requests Commission's recommendations for prioritization of fishing piers at Schwanz Lake, Thomas Lake and Heine Pond and for an aeration system at Thomas Lake. After further discussion George Kubik moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to proceed with an application under the fiscal year 1990 CORE program for fishing piers and aeration systems in the following priority order: 1. Aeration system at Thomas Lake 2. Fishing pier at Schwanz Lake 3. Fishing pier at Heine Pond 4. Fishing Pier at Thomas Lake COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Director Vraa brought the Commission up to date on the information provided to the public to date regarding the proposed community center. He indicated the newsletters were sent out approximately two weeks ago via the mail versus being distributed by ADS. The 3rd cable TV show has also been taped and will be available for viewing the last two weeks before the referendum. Mr. Vraa also noted that Bryce Hastings was in town on Tuesday working on a project in Plymouth and stopped to review the elements of the contract so that work could commence providing the bond referendum was successful. HAPPENINGS Recreation Supervisor, Dorothy Peterson stated that the response to the new Recreation Supervisor position was exceptional. The review process narrowed the field to 13 very qualified individuals who participated in the interview process. Those 13 were reduced to the top 5 who were then narrowed to a final 3 candidates. After follow-up interviews, staff has recommended to the City Council that they hire John Oyangi who is currently a recreation superintendent in St. Peter, Minnesota. He has 8 or 9 years of experience and has been involved in a variety of things so will add a fresh new insight into the programs he will be working with. He will primarily be responsible for the softball program and will help with special events. His starting date will be February 21, 1989. George Kubik suggested that a date be scheduled for the Recreation subcommittee to meet with recreation staff to brainstorm about new recreation program offerings. After further discussion it was decided to meet on Tuesday, February 14th at 5:30 P.M. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 10 John VonDeLinde also updated the Commission on the Park Operation Supervisor which will be filled shortly also. There were 63 applications received, 18 of which were tested and screened down to 9 interviewees. Three of those individuals who were interviewed were current staff members. After the interviews were completed, Rick Pellitier who is currently on staff, will be recommended to the City Council for hire. Dorothy Peterson noted that staff was worried a week ago that the weather would be too warm to continue with the Winter Weekend but now the concern is that it will be too cold! Everything has been prepared and there are 22 softball teams ready to play in the snow softball tournament, however if the wind chill is -350 or colder the tournament and activities may need to be cancelled. Radio station WLOL is scheduled to broadcast live from the sliding party on Sunday. Commission members are welcome to participate in any of the activities planned. George Kubik noted the change in policy allowing tube sledding only at Trapp Farm Park. Dorothy Peterson responded that the change has worked very well and is a much safer, more controlled environment for participants and staff. WATER QUALITY John VonDeLinde updated the Commission on the most recent Water Quality Task Force meeting regarding water level assessments for lakes and ponds. The results have been summarized in a chart which has been given to Bonestroo for their assessment. This will pertain to water quantity, not water quality. The Task Force has also been working on the framework for the planning process and suggested a Water Quality Subcommittee meeting with the new members prior to the joint Council/Commission meeting scheduled for February 16th. A meeting time of 6:00 P.M. on February 16th was set for the Water Quality Subcommittee. George Kubik thanked the past members of the subcommittee as well as staff for all the work and excellent results to date on this project. He also stated a high priority was to continue with good communication with the City Council on this important issue. With no further business to conduct, Michele Swanson moved, Sandy Masin seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. SECRETARY DATE