03/02/1989 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MARCH 2, 1989 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 2, 1989 with the following Commission Members present: Ted Billy, Sandy Masin,Wayne Sames, Michele Swanson, George Kubik, Shawn Hunter and Jack Johnson. Staff present included Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Stephen Sullivan; Parks Superintendent, John VonDeLinde; Recreation Supervisor, Dorothy Peterson; Recreation Supervisor, Paula Nowariak; Recreation Supervisor, Jon Oyanagi; Park Operations Supervisor, Richard Pelletier, and Parks Secretary, Cherryl Mesko. Commission Member Dick Carroll and Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa were not present. On behalf of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission George Kubik recognized past Commission Members Bob Porter and JoAnne Alt and presented them with a plaque in appreciation of their many years of service to the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission. JoAnne commented that she had enjoyed serving on the Commission and encouraged them to continue their good work. John VonDeLinde introduced the Commission to three members of the DNR who have been very much involved in the C.O.R.E. program. The Cooperative Opportunities for Resource Enhancements (CORE) has enabled the City to receive lake aeration systems at Fish and Schwanz Lakes. It also provided for a fishing pier which will be. placed on the north side of Fish Lake and will accommodate dozens of fisherpersons. Mr. VonDeLinde also wanted to thank Dakota County for the mitigation funds provided to the DNR when Pilot Knob Road was upgraded. Mr. VonDeLinde then introduced Duane Shodeen,Fisheries Supervisor, Metro Region DNR; Lee Sundmark, Fisheries Specialist and Martha Reger, Trails and Waterways Specialist. George Kubik presented all three individuals with a plaque in appreciation for all their efforts toward the betterment of the Eagan lakes and ponds. Duane Shodeen thanked the Commission on behalf of the DNR for their recognition of the DNR's efforts. He noted that Martha and Lee have done the majority of the work in getting these Eagan projects completed. He also noted that perhaps John VonDeLinde's name should be changed to "Mr. Eagan" because he is equally responsible to the success of the parks program in Eagan. Mr. Shodeen continued by thanking the Commission for the awards and noted that they had just received four more applications from the City of Eagan for 1990 funding. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 2 Mr. VonDeLinde asked the Commission to consider adding a few items to their current agenda. Those items included the introduction of two new staff members, the addition of County parks/master plan and bluebird houses at Westcott Park to Other Business and Reports and the change in the Citation Award information to follow the introduction of new staff members. Sandy Masin moved, Wayne Sames seconded with all Members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. John VonDeLinde introduced Rich Pelletier the new Parks Operations Supervisor to the Commission. Rich has been working for the department for several years and was one of 63 applicants for the position. He will be responsible for supervising the crews that will be working evening/weekend hours. Dorothy Peterson introduced Jon Oyanagi the new Recreation Supervisor to the Commission. Jon was the Director of Recreation in St. Peter, Minnesota and was one of over 100 applicants for this position. Jon will be working with the athletic programs and will begin with the adult softball season which is beginning it's organization. CITATION AWARD George Kubik introduced Paula Nowariak as the co-developer of the "Passport to Good Health" brochure which recently received a citation award from the Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association and thanked her for the excellent job. Paula stated that the award was presented at a City Council meeting in February and was in recognition of the joint development between Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota and the City of Eagan Parks and Recreation Department. The brochure was recognized also for being concise and effective and within the scope of the parks and recreation mission. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota is also the corporate sponsor of the State Walk scheduled at Sky Hill Park on April 29. The brochure is being reprinted because of the demand and the additional trails that have been constructed since the first printing and will be available for distribution this spring. Mr. Kubik noted that this was an icon for professionalism in Eagan and thanked all those participating in this project. MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 2, 1989 MEETING Shawn Hunter moved, Michele Swanson seconded with all Members voting in favor to accept the minutes as presented. MINUTES FROM SPECIAL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 16, 1989 Shawn Hunter moved, Wayne Sames seconded with all Members voting in favor to accept the minutes as presented. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 3 CONSENT AGENDA The following consent items were presented for approval. On a motion by Shawn Hunter, seconded by Sandy Masin with all members voting in favor, the Commission approved recommendation to the City Council of the following: 1. RAHNCLIFF 3RD ADDITION - RAHNCLIFF CROSSING, INC. That this proposal be subject to a cash parkland dedication. 2. EAGAN CENTER 3RD ADD. - TRI-LAND PARTNERSHIP OF EAGAN. That this proposal has previously fulfilled its parkland dedication obligation with the Lexington South Planned Development. COVENTRY PASS City Planner, Jim Sturm reminded the Commission that they had reviewed this development proposal at the January Commission meeting. The proposal is for the rezoning from agricultural to R-1 single family and the preliminary plat of 225 lots on 106 acres with the balance to be parkland property. The original plan was reviewed in December by the Advisory Planning Commission and postponed because of the concern for double fronted lots on Dodd Road and the location of land to be dedicated for park property. The direction from the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission meeting in January was that the site proposed by the developer was the first preferred site subject to the results of the tests being done regarding the dump site located on the park parcel. The Advisory Planning Commission added another condition to the approval of this development which included the results from Braun Engineering be evaluated by staff before this be recommended to the City Council. Mr. Sturm noted that he had a letter from the applicant indicating their willingness to conform to whatever is requested to get this issue resolved. Mr. Sturm also noted that a public meeting was held regarding this parcel and the response was positive regarding the changes in the proposal. The developed property will have 2.7 units per acre, excluding parkland. Landscape Architect/Parks Planner Steve Sullivan noted that at the January Commission meeting a geotechnical report was requested and has been done. The southeast location for park property was determined to be the best site pending the results of the tests being done by Braun Engineering to ensure a good solid park location. Some of the issues the Commission should consider would be; 1.) Is the park layout acceptable? 2.) What is the parkland dedication? 3.) What is the landfill influence on the development. Mr. Sullivan noted that the developer has indicated his willingness to do whatever is necessary to guarantee a quality park. 4.) What are the pedestrian needs? Mr. Sullivan then introduced Mr. Wayne Tauer from Pioneer Engineering. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 4 Mr. Tauer, noting that the property is in Park Service District 24 said that the Comprehensive Guide Plan indicated that the park should be near Dodd Road and because of Bridle Ridge Park the developer chose a site in the southeast corner which is accessible to the residents of the surrounding areas. The area to the southwest of the proposed park would provide a 30 foot walkway which would allow Country Hollow residents to connect with the park. The walkway would be across the ravine so the remote area could be connected to the park. At a meeting held on Tuesday, the public input was positive regarding the new lot layout and the location of the proposed park. Mr. Tauer presented a petition from the residents of Country Hollow expressing their enthusiasm for the changes in the proposed plat as well as the plans for the park area. The biggest issue, however, is that of the disposal site. Mr. Tauer explained that aerial photographs had been reviewed to see if it could be determined when this dump site was filled in. According to the photos, a small dump site was visible in 1940 but the last aerial photograph in which the site was visible was in the early 1960's, therefore, it appears as though the site has been buried for over 20 years. The size of the site appears to be from 4 feet to 150 feet. The visual analysis shows decayed organic, glass and pottery items and a chemical analysis is being completed at this time. Three test well holes have been drilled for ground water inspection and the results are inconclusive at this point although it does not appear as though there is immediate need for concern. If toxic pollutants are detected, Braun will be required to report the results to the Pollution Control Agency and the site will have to be cleaned up per the PCA requirements. If it's inert, 2-1/2 to 3 feet of good sand over the top would be a good ground cover before developing the site. Mr. Tauer stated that if the Commission still has a problem with the playfields being located directly above the site, the developer will relocate the location of the playfields, etc so they won't interfere with the disposal site. This would then open the area up for a larger picnic/play area. The walkway level is based on the 100 year flood level line as it meanders around the pond. The developer would like to see the reconfiguration of the lot on the northwest corner of the pond area rather than lose that lot to parkland dedication. The developer does not feel that this lot would impact the trail, rather he feels the trail and the lot can co-exist in this location since the walkway would be 45 feet from the property line in relationship to the house. Shawn Hunter asked when the chemical analysis is due to which Mr. Tauer responded March 17th. Wayne Sames asked if pond water samples had been taken to date and the response was negative. Jack Johnson asked if the area was relatively flat and if it would be planted in grass or allowed to be natural. Mr. Sullivan responded by saying that the area to be mowed would be planted in bluegrass but that the area to the north of the pond would ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 5 stay in long grasses. He also said the tree growth was secondary growth; box elders and perhaps some willows. Mr. Kubik asked if any of the glass particles are surfacing. Mr. Sullivan noted that some silverware and plates did surface in the past but it is unknown just how many. Sandy Masin commented that she is not enthusiastic about the site at all, she would rather have another site considered completely. George Kubik asked if the city had run into a similar situation in the past and are we secure in the PCA recommendation. Mr. Sullivan responded that the Walnut Hill Park site had become a dump site for adjacent builders but did not remember a situation when a dump site was identified before development began. He also stated that staff is comfortable with both the EQB and PCA reports. If the Commission is uncomfortable they can make conditional recommendations to both the Advisory Planning Commission and City Council. Mr. Kubik stated he shared Sandy Masin's concern regarding what the minimal safety standards should be for park property and would favor conditional approval based on the results from Braun Testing. Sandy Masin reiterated that she is more comfortable going back to another site. Wayne Sames noted that he liked the site and it appears as though the surrounding neighborhood likes the site and we should try to work out the particulars. Shawn Hunter stated the site should not be changed; if the site contains toxic waste, then review the situation again and make another recommendation. Jack Johnson also agreed with a conditional approval but questioned the 2-1/2 to 3 feet of sand that could be placed above the site because of his concern for erosion. Steve Sullivan responded that there would be 4-6" of topsoil on top of the sand so erosion should not be a concern. Once Braun has the test results decisions and recommendations can be made at that time. Shawn Hunter asked who determined if site correction was necessary. Mr. Sullivan responded that the worst case scenario would show soils being removed and replaced based of PCA recommendations and then the Council would make a decision based on the results from Braun Testing since they would be more qualified to determine what restoration work, if any, needs to be done. Michele Swanson asked if there would be specific tests for lead, to which Mr. Tauer responded affirmatively. George Kubik asked that the Commission members address each of the four issues separately. The first issue was the park layout. Steve Sullivan noted that the proposal to straighten the northern property line made sense so as not to eliminate an entire lot and he is comfortable that this pedestrian trail can go through in the 30-40 foot area. George Kubik, Shawn Hunter and Wayne Sames all indicated they were comfortable with the proposed change. George Kubik asked if the lot in question had a lot number assigned to it as yet. Mr. Tauer stated that Lot 70, Block 1 was the lot that he is proposing to realign. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 6 The second issue was in reference to parkland dedication. George Kubik stated that the Commission has not afforded full credit for steep slopes and pond in the past and doesn't feel this should be an exception. Wayne Sames agreed with the general policy for giving credit but felt that perhaps this time, because of the class of the pond, the Commission may give a level of credit recommending either the 2nd or 3rd alternative presented. Mr. Kubik recognized the pond as an amenity but didn't know if a credit should be given since the Commission has not awarded a credit for steep slopes in parallel situations. Mr. Sullivan responded that the only difference is the provision for continuity of the trail system. Understanding that this is a difficult decision, Mr Sullivan suggested that if the Commission wanted to be consistent with past recommendations, perhaps they would not be interested in the loop trail, thus zero credit would be given. Mr. Tauer stated that if no credit was given for the property (slopes) to the north than the lot lines would move down to the pond area. By adding the area to the lots, the price could be increased $2-3,000 if they are run to the water line. Steve Sullivan reminded Mr. Tauer that this particular site was accepted and recommended by the Commission based on the loop trail around the pond. Mr. Tauer responded by saying that if the loop trail was important to the park then a steep slope credit should be considered. Michele Swanson expressed her concern in the picking of this site only to find out there was a disposal site where the' park would be located and now feels that there should be only a minimal percentage of credit for slopes. Mr. Sames noted that if credit is given it should be clearly stipulated that the decision was based on this specific case and does not set a precedent. Jack Johnson stated that if the north side of the park is lost the park will lose it's integrity. He feels the pond has value and a credit should be issued as well as some credit for steep slopes. Issue 3 concerned how the landfill influenced the development of the park. Wayne Sames asked if it was conceivable for the cubic yards to be less than an average park to which Mr. Sullivan responded it would be very difficult for that to happen. George Kubik suggested stating that the city would be responsible for up to $8,720.45 in grading for the site. After further discussion, Shawn Hunter moved, Wayne Sames seconded the acceptance of the developer's alternative for the configuration of the rear lot lines in the northwest corner of the site. With a vote of six ayes and one nay the motion was passed. Shawn Hunter moved, Jack Johnson seconded that a cash parkland credit be provided at a rate of 50% for ponding and 20% for steep slopes. With a vote of four ayes and two nays the motion was passed. Wayne Sames moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that the city be responsible for up to $8,720.45 in grading costs. The developer be responsible for common excavation, subgrade correction, topsoil placement and fine grading of the entire park. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 7 Shawn Hunter moved, Wayne Sames seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that the developer be responsible for constructing an 8 foot bituminous trail between the two isolated neighborhoods. George Kubik moved, Michele Swanson seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend credit for developable acreage greater than 12% above the high water level and pond credit with the balance to be cash parkland dedication. The motion further stated that staff should review the acreage with the developer to insure the accuracy of calculations. George Kubik moved that the developer go before the City Council for preliminary plat once the results from Braun Testing are received and evaluated by City Staff as complimentary for parkland development. The developer return to the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission prior to the City Council if the test results indicate hazardous or non- complimentary materials for parks development. City Staff will make the determination whether the proposal should proceed to City Council or be returned to the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission. The motion was seconded by Wayne Sames with all members voting in favor. George Kubik expressed some concern regarding the trails policy to make sure trails are consistent with developments. UNISYS TRAIL Steve Sullivan reminded the Commission that the issue for review and clarification regarding the Unisys trail is whether there should be a trail from Pilot Knot Park to Quarry Park. The neighbors affected by the trail have expressed their desire to have the trail eliminated completely. Mr. Sullivan has checked to see if this 15 foot `easement could be used for-any other use such as additional plantings to buffer the residential area and has found that this is not possible. The TIF agreement does not cover the use of this easement for any other purpose than for a trail. If a trail is not placed on this easement, Unisys has the flexibility to place whatever they choose on the easement which could include things like lighting, irrigation, etc. If the trail does go in, the lost vegetation the neighbors are concerned about could be replaced. Mr.Sullivan also noted that the trail is consistent with the Comprehensive Trail Plan. Mr. Jim Litman of 3156B Farnum Drive was present to present a petition to the Commission from the homeowners in the Four Oaks Court Association opposing the placement of this trail. Mr. Litman noted that the trail, if completed, would be 35 feet from his patio door and his main concern is for security in the area. He feels the trail will generate much more traffic next to the homes that are in this area and their security will be compromised. Sandy Masin asked if there were any children in the surrounding area that would be using the trail to get from Quarry to Pilot Knob Park and was informed that there are some children but the community ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 8 is primarily older children, if any. Wayne Sames asked how they would feel about a trail in a different alignment to which they responded they would prefer no trail at all. Mr. Garrett Mulrooney of 1470 Red Cedar Road was present to present a petition from homeowners to the east of Pineridge Drive and the roads to the west of Pineridge Drive. Mr. Mulrooney stated he appreciated Mr. Kubik's comment regarding the fact that in most situations trails are planned before the development of property however, this is not the case. He also appreciated Mr. Sullivan's candor in stating that the parks are a duplication of facilities and a mere 3/4 of a mile apart. With that information, Mr. Mulrooney felt it was not appropriate to impose a trail in this location on the neighbors who would be impacted the most. Jack Chapuran of 1460 Red Cedar Road addressed the Commission and agreed with Mr. Mulrooney. He had attended the neighborhood meeting, took the walking tour and saw how many trees would have to be removed. Seven of the nineteen trees planned to be removed are in the back of his property. He felt it was illogical to remove mature trees to place a trail in an area that residents do not want. Dan O'Brien of 1480 Red Cedar Road addressed the Commission with his concerns regarding security. He felt because his home is right at the hill and he has young children who use the back yard, he should be concerned for their safety when playing there because the trail is so close by and somewhat concealed. After further discussion, Shawn Hunter moved to remove the proposed Pilot Knob Park to Quarry Park trail from the Comprehensive Guide Plan. George Kubik asked if the Commission were to recommend dropping the trail completely what kind of setback requirements would be necessary for this easement parcel. Jim Sturm noted that a building would have a setback requirement of 40 feet whereas a parking lot would have a 20 foot setback if Unisys should decide to build anything on this easement parcel. George Kubik then asked if the trail is not installed are there any restrictions as to what Unisys can do with this easement parcel. Steve Sullivan noted that there was no restriction for the use of this piece by Unisys or any future owner. Unisys would have total control of it's use. Sandy Masin stated that she felt the trail was a good idea because of the larger growing population to the south and also felt this trail would be a good configuration for hiking and biking. George Kubik reminded the Commission that a motion was made to remove the proposed trail from the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Jack Johnson seconded the motion, six members voted in favor of the motion and Sandy Masin abstained. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 9 OAK CHASE - 7TH ADDITION City Planner Jim Sturm reviewed this proposal which is a request for rezoning from agriculture to R-1 single family and preliminary plat of 22 lots on ten acres. He noted that the lots all meet the R-1 requirements of 12,000 - 33,000 square feet with the average being 15,000 square feet or 2.2 units per acre. The proposal was approved unanimously by the Advisory Planning Commission with the largest issue being the drainage problem. Mr. Sturm also noted that the name of the proposal will change from Oak Chase at a later date. Steve Sullivan noted that this area is served by several small neighborhood parks including Oak Chase, Carlson, Well Site Goat Hill and Ravine Park. The current proposal lying south of Ravine Park provides the opportunity for a southerly access to the trails network by a trail easement extending from the northern cul-de-sac. A short trail connection via an easement from the southern cul-de-sac to Cliff Road would provide efficient access to Lebanon Hills Park and other primary boulevard trails After further discussion Wayne Sames moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend the following: 1. The developer grade a trail pad and provide a 20' trailway easement between Lots 7 & 8 from the cul-de-sac to Ravine Park. 2. The developer grade a trail pad and provide a 20' trailway easement between Lots 3 & 4 from the southern cul-de-sac to Cliff Road. 3. A bituminous trail be placed along Cliff Road. 4. The parcel be subject to a cash parkland dedication. SCHOOL DISTRICT #196 City Planner Jim Sturm noted this proposal requests a rezoning from Agricultural to Public Facilities and a preliminary plat of one lot on 16.46 acres for an elementary school. Mr. Sturm noted that the Advisory Planning Commission accepted this proposal unanimously. Park Planner Steve Sullivan reminded the Commission of the two issues; what are the pedestrian transportation needs and what is the parkland dedication requirement for this proposal. Alternative 1 places the sidewalk within the boulevard. This alternative requires the pedestrian to walk an additional 200 feet to the school entrance. The trail provides efficient trail circulation to Dodd Road. Alternative 2 uses the exiting trail layout but also includes a short spur trail which provides continuity in the boulevard trail linkage. The school bound and Dodd Road destined pedestrians are both effectively served. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 10 After further discussion, Shawn Hunter moved to approve pedestrian system alternative 2, to recommend an eight foot bituminous trail be placed along Dodd Road and that the proposal be waived of the parkland dedication. The parks dedication fee would be implemented when a change in land use occurs. Wayne Sames seconded the motion and it was passed on a vote of six ayes and one nay. REMICK ADDITION Steve Sullivan explained that the Remick Addition is a single family, one lot subdivision, located north of Highview Park. When the Commission reviewed this proposal previously it recommended that the developer provide additional parkland south and east of the subject parcel and requested a 25 foot building setback from the park's northern property line. The Engineering Department has completed a draft copy of a feasibility report for utility service to this parcel which identifies two alternatives for sanitary and water service alignments. The first alternative goes west to High Ridge Terrace and the second alternative goes south through Highview Park to Skyline Road. Alternative #1 shows sanitary sewer service being available from an existing 9" line on High Ridge Terrace. The Remick Addition parcel could extend 315' of sanitary sewer service to a new manhole. Water service is available from an existing 6" water main on Highridge Terrace. The main would be extended 55' and an additional hydrant would need to be installed. The cost for sanitary sewer and water service for this alternative is approximately $16,990.00. Alternative #2 could extend sanitary sewer and water service from the Remick parcel to future improvements within Skyline Road which would include approximately 210 feet of water and 200 feet of sanitary sewer service. This alternative uses Highview Park as a conduit for sanitary and water service to Skyline Road and would provide minimal tree loss to the park and restoration would result in no visual impact on the park. For the use of this alternative, the Commission may want to recommend that the developer pay for a utility easement for the use of Highview Park based on a 20' x 170' area at $.50 per sq. ft., or approximately $1,700.00 in easement costs. Since utility easements are negotiable, the Commission may want to consider other considerations other than cash. Shawn Hunter asked if the Commission had collected an easement fee from developers in the past and at what cost. Steve Sullivan noted that the $.50 per square foot was a figure that had come from the Engineering Department based on the fees that have been charged in the City of Eagan. The value of the easement would be approximately $1,700 based on the $.50 per sq. ft. rate. Wayne Sames asked if the costs discussed for sewer and water included the cost for a utility easement and Mr. Sullivan responded that it did not. Michele Swanson questioned if the sanitary sewer was ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 11 essential for one lot at this time. Mr. Sullivan stated that it was not necessary at this time. Mr. Kubik noted that the park needs to be a good neighbor but keeping the value of parkland high is also very important to maintain adaptability and flexibility of parks. Joe Christiansen, the attorney representing Mark Remick was present to address the Commission. He stated that Mark's mother owns the property immediately to the north and this property has been in the family for quite some time. He noted that the engineering department had recommended Alternative #2 and stated that Mr. Remick is willing to pay a reasonable cost for the easement. Mr. Christiansen asked that the Commission recommend that the installation of the storm sewer be eliminated at this point, that Alternative #2 be recommended without the storm sewer and that a reasonable fee be requested to go across park property. Sandy Masin was concerned about the easement bisecting the park and asked if it was possible to align the easement closer to either the east or west boundary of the park. George Kubik was concerned about losing the flexibility in the park when it reaches the point of development. Steve Sullivan noted that there is currently a play area and a free skate area but a master plan had not been done as yet. The placement of a building does not seem to be a concern with the placement of the easement at this time. It appears as though a building could be placed without there being a conflict. Michele Swanson commented that the sanitary sewer fees were an excessive amount to be asking at this point. After further discussion, George Kubik noted that he did not want to encourage easements because it is cheaper to come through a park and felt the easement cost should be higher. Shawn Hunter moved, Wayne Sames seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend Alternative #2, without the storm sewer portion and to charge $.50 per sq. ft. utility easement across Highview Park. Mr. Kubik asked staff to draft some recommendations regarding trails policy on single family developments for the April Commission meeting. HAPPENINGS Dorothy Peterson reminded the Commission that the Eagan Stagedoor Performers are planning a wine and cheese reception at the Municipal Center on March 30th from 5-7 P.M. to celebrate the volunteer/public effort that has been working with this new project. George Kubik commented on the new activities that are being planned for the spring programming and was happy to see them. Steve Sullivan indicated that there would be a neighborhood meeting regarding Blackhawk Park on Thursday, March 9th. Wayne Sames suggested a good trip for the Commission would be to review the clean-up done at Mooney Lake. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 12 PARK CONCESSIONS Dorothy Peterson explained that she has received an inquiry from Blue Bell regarding concessions in the park. Mr. Sitko will also be asking for permission to provide concession services in the parks for 1989 and Jack Robinson has plans for a concession at Goat Hill for the Blue Jay baseball games. Last year the Council and Commission recommended a maximum of 3 concessions in parks city wide and Dorothy asked the Commission for direction for the 1989 season. Dorothy indicated the response from Mr. Sitko's concession stand last year was very favorable. After further discussion, George Kubik moved, Ted Billy seconded with all members voting in favor to maintain the same number (3) of concession vendors in Eagan City parks as were recommended for the 1988 calendar year. For Commission information, Dorothy Peterson noted that it is unknown at this time what the impact of last year's drought will be on the availability and use of baseball, softball and soccer fields. The Commission will be kept updated on any information that is available. SHELTER HOURS Dorothy Peterson explained that there have been several requests to have the shelter buildings open for people who are using the parks and the question before the Commission is, is it the responsibility to provide these services during all the hours when the parks are open? The policy regarding the shelter buildings has been that the buildings will be open subject to schedules of games and practices, providing schedules are known by the department. John VonDeLinde noted that the portable restroom issue is very much the same. If the City were to provide portable restroom facilities at all parks that do not have a shelter building the costs would be prohibitive. This is an issue for the Commission to review to see if they want to increase the numbers of facilities that are provided in the parks. After further discussion George Kubik asked to have this issue tabled until the April Commission meeting when costs and alternatives can be discussed. Mr. VonDeLinde noted that for 1989 Sky Hill shelter building will have the restroom area opened evening and weekend hours and open during non-programmed hours similar to the Trapp Farm shelter building hours. COUNTY PARKS MASTER PLAN John VonDeLinde provided the Commission members with a copy of Dakota County's list of proposed plan components for Lebanon Hills Park. They will be focusing on 5 major areas including recreational components, ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 2, 1989 MEETING PAGE 13 environmental components, management components, background studies and technical data appendices. Dakota County would like the City to become involved in the planning process. The department is very excited about being involved in this project and will keep the Commission updated on any new information. BLUEBIRD HOUSES Steve Sullivan provided the Commission members with a copy of a letter received from Mr. George Traynor asking for Commission permission to build 8 new bluebird houses in Westcott Station Park. George Kubik moved, Sandy Masin seconded with all members voting in favor to extend permission for the placement of bluebird houses in Westcott Station Park for the calendar year 1989. The Commission wishes Mr. Traynor good luck in his endeavor. With no further business to conduct, Shawn Hunter moved, Sandy Masin seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P.M. G P 'SECRETARY DAT