04/06/1989 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission I MINUTES OF A REGULAR. MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA" APRIL 6, 1989 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P..M. on Thursday, April 6, 1989 with the following Commission Members present:' Ted Billy, Jack Johnson, Sandy Masin, Wayne Sames, Michele Swanson, George Kubik, Shawn Hunter and Dick Carroll. Staff present included Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Steve Sullivan; Parks Superintendent, John VonDeLinde; Recreation Supervisor, Dorothy Peterson; City Forester, Tom Schuster, Intern, Mel Bailey and Parks Secretary, Cherryl Mesko. John VonDeLinde asked the Commission to recognize Scott Swenson from the First Bank Eagan who is participating along with the City of Eagan in the annual Arbor Day Celebration. Mr. VonDeLinde explained that the bank sponsoring a poster contest for Eagan 3rd graders to participate in. There will be an estimated 625 poster entries with a winner being chosen from each school and an overall winner picked from the finalists. The winner's poster will be used as a basis for the 1990 Arbor Day poster. First Bank Eagan has also contributed generously to this year's Arbor Day celebration. Mr. VonDeLinde then introduced the Commission to Scott Swenson. Mr. Swenson thanked the Commission for the opportunity of being a part of the Arbor Day celebration and apologized for Eric Iversen not being available to attend this evening. Mr. Iversen has been instrumental in working out the details for the Arbor Day events that First Bank Eagan will be participating in and has been happy to work with the city on this program. Mr. Swenson stated that a sweatshirt would be presented to the poster contest winners. Sweatshirts will also be presented to the City Council, Mayor and Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission members. Mr. Swenson then presented each Commission Member with a sweatshirt and thanked everyone who had helped make this project successful. George Kubik thanked Scott Swenson and Eric Iversen on behalf of the Commission for their cooperative efforts on behalf of Eagan's Arbor Day celebration. AGENDA Ken Vraa asked that four new items be added under "Other Business and Reports". Michele Swanson moved, Jack Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. MINUTES FROM MARCH 2, 1989 MEETING George Kubik asked that the last sentence in the first paragraph on Page 11, be changed to read "Mr. Kubik noted that the park needs to be a good neighbor but keeping the value of parkland high is also very important to maintain the ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 6, 1989 PAGE 2 adaptability and flexibility of parks.". Jack Johnson moved, Wayne Sames seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes as amended. CONSENT AGENDA Jack Johnson asked what the parkland dedication policy consisted of and how an amount was determined in each case. Mr. Vraa explained that most of the items in the consent agenda consist of commercial property which usually require a cash rather and land dedication. The dedication amount is based on the net developable land at a rate of $.05 per square foot which is paid at the time of the building permit, not the final plat. Mr. Vraa stated that he would make sure all Commission members received an updated dedication policy before the next meeting so the new members would have an opportunity to review it. On a motion by Dick Carroll, seconded by Ted Billy with all members voting in favor, the Commission approved recommendation to the City Council of the following: 1. WAIVER OF PLAT - OPUS CORPORATION. That this proposal be subject to a cash parkland dedication according to the current policy and that a 6' concrete sidewalk be placed along Lone Oak Road. 2. KINGSWOOD 3RD ADDITION - HORNE DEVELOPMENT. This proposal be subject to a cash parkland dedication for a portion of all lots located south of the southern Blackhawk PD boundary. This includes lots 10-16 and 38-43, Block 1, Kingswood 3rd Addition. 3. EAGAN CENTER 4TH ADDITION - TRI-LAND PARTNERSHIP. This parcel is within the Lexington South planned development. This development is subject to a cash obligation according to a subsequent planned development agreement. The proposal is responsible for the placement of a 6' concrete sidewalk along Lexington Point Parkway and an 8' bituminous trail along Lexington Avenue. 4. SODERHOLM ADDITION - EAGLE ENTERPRISES. This proposal be subject to a cash parkland dedication and an eight foot bituminous trail be placed along Diffley. 5. TRAMMEL CROW COMPANY - EAGAN WOODS OFFICE PARK II. This proposal be subject to a cash parkland obligation. 6. RASMUSSEN COLLEGE SYSTEM - RASMUSSEN COLLEGE CAMPUS. This proposal be subject to a cash parkland dedication. 7. PHILLIPS 66 1ST ADDITION - PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY. This proposal be subject to a cash parkland dedication. A six foot concrete sidewalk be placed along Duckwood Drive and an eight foot bituminous trail along Pilot Knob Road. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 6, 1989 MEETING PAGE 3 WATER QUALITY UPDATE Director Vraa noted that John VonDeLinde would give the Commission an update on what has been occurring with the water quality issue. Mr. VondeLinde noted that February was the last time when the Commission was updated on this issue and there have been some significant new developments on the part of the Water Quality Task Force. Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Assoc. and City staff have been focusing their attention on watershed specific improvements. The four major areas they have focused on are: 1. An ordinance similar to that of the parkland dedication which would involve the development community in the review and establishment of public policies affecting water quality runoff within new developments. 2. A review by the City Attorney to determine the legal ramifications of imposing the proposed new ordinances on city residences and businesses operating within the corporate boundaries. 3. Implementation of a citywide education campaign to encourage residents and businesses to self-initiate water quality efforts. 4. The long range funding requirements for implementing a capital improvements program. Mr. VonDeLinde continued that the Task Force has set up a meeting with the Developers Task Force to discuss how some of these options and ideas can work. An update will be provided to the Commission. Mr. Kubik noted that he was pleased to see the involvement of the developers on the front end and was equally pleased to see the emphasis on educating the public in good conservation efforts. He looks forward to an update regarding this important issue. Jack Johnson noted that none of the lakes currently meet the level of phosphorous that would be low enough to put them into the highest classification and was pleased to see that this is being worked on. PORTABLE RESTROOMS Director Vraa stated that there had been a request from an athletic association to put portable restrooms at the school sites and neighborhood parks where children are participating in sports. Staff is looking for discussion and direction from the Commission to proceed on this issue. George Kubik noted the importance of weighing the purpose of the park for all participants, looking at the possible negative appearance by the surrounding neighbors. Michele Swanson commented that there should definitely be something available at some of the parks. Perhaps the Commission should review each park ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 6, 1989 MEETING PAGE 4 individually to see what that park's needs are. The question regarding vandalism prompted Mr. Vraa's comment that this has not been as severe a problem as some communities deal with. Mr. VonDeLinde added that the contractor is responsible for damage and replacement when vandalism occurs relieving the City of that financial responsibility. Dick Carroll noted that it would be reasonable to consider joint funding for the additional placement of portable restrooms in locations where the Parks and Recreation Department does not offer programming. George Kubik asked the Commission to consider if they should consider portable facilities in all parks or handle it by request and if this is done how will the additions be funded. Shawn Hunter stated the athletic associations should be footing the full cost for the additional restroom requirements. Wayne Sames commented that if the users are using park property when a restroom isn't available, than it does pose a problem and becomes a concern that the Commission should address. After further discussion Dick Carroll moved that the Commission consider the addition of the 12 identified sites in the memo provided in the packet and that the City negotiate with EAA on the cost split for providing this service. George Kubik added to the motion that this addition be made on a one year trial basis and reviewed at the end of the year. Ted Billy seconded the motion. Dorothy Peterson asked for clarification of the cost split; should it be 50/50 or some other combination. Mr. Kubik stated that this would be negotiated by Parks and Recreation and EAA. All members voted in favor of the amended motion. FACILITIES STANDARDS AND DEFICIENCIES Ken Vraa indicated the need to review and update the Facilities Standards and Deficiencies. To that end Dorothy Peterson prepared for the Commission a comprehensive report that shows where the City is in 1989 and the projections for anticipated facilities use. The projections done in 1982 show that there is a shortfall in 1989 in all areas. The new tennis courts coming on line at Northview Park will bring us up to the demand level for a 60,000 population projection. Shawn Hunter asked what the methodology was for this presentation. Mr. Vraa responded that staff was trying to bring information together for questions by the Commission and perhaps set up a work session to look at future planning of facilities. Mr. Hunter suggested adding a distribution column when working on the planning of these facilities. Dick Carroll noted that the park planning book is in antiquated shape and there is a great need to bring this book up to date. Mr. Vraa noted that in the past Commission members have taken a few chapters and updated them but agreed that this process should be completed very quickly; perhaps in the next 3 to 4 weeks. The softball fields show that there will be a need for 30 fields when the population reaches 60,000. At this point in time we are discouraging new teams except for women and co-rec leagues because the fields available are currently full. Mr. Kubik asked if we were able to track how many teams have been ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 6, 1989 MEETING PAGE 5 turned away because there is no more field space. Mr. Vraa responded that this is unknown; staff continues to try to accommodate as many people as possible. Wayne Sames suggested looking at the demographics to see what the age of residents are to determine what the needs may be. Mr. Kubik noted that this would be a good project for an intern. Mr. Billy noticed that the facilities for 1989 were only city facilities and did not take into consideration the school fields. Mr. Vraa stated that typically adults play on city facilities and youth use more of the school fields. For planning purposes, the city can only look at the facilities they have available for use in the event the school facilities become unavailable for any reason. Hockey seems to be consistent with most communities. We show a shortfall of 3 currently but 2 new rinks are scheduled at Bridle Ridge. In 1982 the soccer predictions seemed to be appropriate based on the participants in this sport. This is an area that has changed dramatically. There are currently over 200 participants in youth soccer this summer which shows a large need for free standing fields. Mr. Kubik noted that in planning for these facilities it is important that we maintain flexibility for use. Baseball shows the same kind of shortfall and the need for long term planning. After further discussion George Kubik suggested that the Commission do some brain storming to rethink where we are heading in planning for the future expansion. ARBOR DAY RESOLUTION George Kubik asked that the second paragraph of the resolution read, "WHEREAS trees are a significant attraction and were to Minnesota's settlers because of their usefulness and the beauty they provided; and" and moved that the resolution supporting Eagan Arbor Festivities be accepted as amended. Dick Carroll seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. John VonDeLinde explained that the Arbor Day celebration would be from 10:00 A.M. to noon on Saturday, April 29 at Thomas Lake Park. Commission Members are invited to participate. The tree sale winners will pick up their trees on May 6th with staggered pick-up times to eliminate excessive waiting by those individuals. John also noted that reservations have been received for the Arbor Day events and it has been programmed as a family participation day. George Kubik noted that he will be attending. Mr. VonDeLinde asked the Commission members to participate in the selection of the 250 winners who will be able to purchase trees through the tree sale lottery. There were a total of 753 forms returned by people interested in purchasing trees this year. Mr. Kubik asked Cherryl Mesko to draw the first 50 winners and then the Commission members proceeded to draw the names of the other 200 winners that will be notified shortly. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 6, 1989 MEETING PAGE 6 WINTER PROGRAM Dorothy Peterson noted that 1988-89 was the longest skating/sliding season ever. More than 3000 people visited Trapp Farm from Eagan and other communities. Some of the concerns are that Woodhaven Park had fewer 7, 8, 9 year olds that skate but there has been a significant number that now go to Sky Hill Park. Sky Hill has been "discovered". In order for broomball to grow the facilities need to be expanded; perhaps the city could add a boot hockey league at Woodhaven. Dorothy also noted that with the high use at Trapp Farm Park staff has responded to the changing needs of this winter park site. George Kubik commented on the high volume of use at Trapp and noted that the tubing seemed to be much safer this year. Dorothy mentioned that perhaps the fact that the season lasted 3 weeks longer than in the past this accounted for some of the larger numbers. Also, this is one of the only tubing hills in the area. Mr. Kubik thanked staff for all their work in insuring a safe winter season for park participants. WALK MINNESOTA Director Vraa stated that Mel Bailey will bring the Commission up to date on the plans for the Walk Minnesota program. Mel explained the April 29 will be the kick-off for 26 other walks throughout the state. The walk will begin at Sky Hill Park at 8:00 A.M. and throughout the course of the state program, 6,500 participants usually walk. The Eagan Walk will go through Thomas Lake Park and along the Highline Trail to cover the 5K, 1OK and 20K routes. The walk is free for anyone wanting to participate and families and pets usually participate. George Kubik stated he was glad to see the contribution toward the metric system and thanked Mel for a job well done. PARKLAND DEVELOPMENT/BIRCH PARK AND WESTBURY ADDITION Director Vraa noted that residents of Birch Park and Westbury 4th Addition have asked that the park parcel adjacent to their property be maintained. Mr. Vraa noted that it would require establishing and maintaining turf, grading, topsoil placement followed by seeding. Since the department does not have the equipment necessary to complete this kind of project they are asking the Commission for permission to solicit quotes from contractors to grade, place topsoil and seed the property with the funding coming from the Park Site Fund. After further discussion, Dick Carroll moved to approve the expenditure of funds from the Park Site Acquisition and Development Fund to grade, place topsoil and seed the identified parcels. Wayne Sames seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 6, 1989 MEETING PAGE 7 TENNIS CONTRACT Parks Planner Steve Sullivan updated the Commission on the upcoming tennis court contract. The contract will cover 10 or 11 tennis courts south of field #5 in Northview Park, a double tennis court in Bur Oaks Park, overlay of Lexington,Country Home and Highview Park courts, hard surface color coating at Ohmann and Slater Acres Park and the backstop for the softball fields Northview Park. Mr. Sullivan then reviewed the Northview tennis court plan with the Commission showing the 10, possibly 11, courts that will be built as a joint project between the City of Eagan and School District #196. Dick Carroll noted that the new Commission members may want to see a copy of the Joint Powers Agreement that was completed for this project. LANDSCAPE PLANS Steve Sullivan noted that Thomas Lake will have the first planting of the season followed by Lakeside and Mueller Farms Park. The end of the summer will find Ohmann, Bridle Ridge and Kettle receiving landscape embellishments. HAPPENINGS Ken Vraa noted that Coca Cola will be buying the scoreboards that will be placed at Northview Athletic fields. Ken thanked Dorothy Peterson for all her efforts in bringing this project to fruition. Maintenance is in the process of putting up the tennis nets and the trails are starting to be cleaned off. Mr. Vraa noted that John VonDeLinde has spent a great deal of time preparing a maintenance management program which is to be a rational approach to maintenance programming. He is asking for 3 members from the Commission to meet with Ken and John during April/May to review the program. Shawn Hunter and George Kubik both volunteered to serve on this committee. BLACKHAWK PARK NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Ken Vraa brought the Commission up to date on the neighborhood meeting regarding the proposed development of Blackhawk Park. He noted that the residents present did not want a pavilion to be constructed in this park and would prefer keeping it a nature center versus a community park. There was some opposition to the development of this park but Mr. Vraa feels they will be able to work them out. WATER QUALITY SUBCOMMITTEE REPLACEMENT Ken Vraa noted that the Water Quality Subcommittee is seeking a Commission member to replace Wayne Sames of the committee. The group meets every two weeks on Monday evenings from 4:30 to 6:30 and will continue doing so for the next 8 to 9 months. Dick Carroll volunteered to serve on the subcommittee. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 6, 1989 MEETING PAGE 8 BLUE BELL ICE CREAM REQUEST Ken Vraa explained that the department has recently received a request from Blue Bell Ice Cream to operate exclusively in Rahn Park and would, in return, consider paying a percentage of sales or a flat fee to the City of Eagan. Mr. Sitko wants to continue his sales in the parks for 1989 and has approached the department to extend permission for another year. Mr. Vraa asked the Commission for their recommendation. George Kubik noted that in all fairness to Mr. Sitko he would like to see him try another year since his season was so short last year. Ted Billy noted that he is a little troubled considering an exclusive right agreement at this point. Sandy Masin asked if Blue Bell needed special permission to be selling on the streets and Mr.Vraa responded that they had been issued a permit to sell on city streets but would need special permission to solicit in city parks. After further discussion, George Kubik suggested that the Commission recommend extending the park vending experiment one year based on Mr. Sitko's project last year. He further suggested looking at a bid option next year or considering expanding after a full year of the vending experiment. WESTCOTT STATION PARK Mr. Vraa noted that staff would have a meeting with the residents surrounding Westcott Station Park to show them the park boundaries, get their input on what will be planned for the park and give them an anticipated time frame for the park to be completed. LEXINGTON SITE Director Vraa stated that now that the Lexington/Diffley site was city owned the questions arises as to how will it be maintained until it is developed. There are some options such as renting it out to a farmer but staff would like to get direction from the Commission as to how this should be maintained. Dick Carroll noted that the site should be mowed to control weeds. Sandy Masin suggested growing pumpkins for Halloween and Michele Swanson suggested the possibility of a children's garden area. Mr. Vraa noted that there may be a problem getting water to the sites in both these cases but they are good ideas. After further discussions it was decided that staff should look at the possibility of renting the acreage to a farmer. Mr. VonDeLinde will research this option further and will take whatever steps are necessary to see that this parcel is maintained. Dick Carroll indicated he had received a letter from Jeff Larson from Lakeville regarding the trail system in Dakota County and the cutbacks that have been proposed. They have asked us to join in the Task Force to review the Dakota County Trail System plan. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 6, 1989 MEETING PAGE 9 There being no further business to conduct, Michele Swanson moved, Wayne Sames seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. -SECRETARY- DA