06/01/1989 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JUNE 1, 1989 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:40 P.M. on Thursday, June 1, 1989 with the following Commission Members present: Jack Johnson, Ted Billy, George Kubik, Wayne Sames, Michele Swanson, Shawn Hunter and Dick Carroll. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Steve Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Dorothy Peterson, Recreation Supervisor; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. Chairman Kubik took a moment to comment on the memorandum regarding Dorothy Peterson Day and on behalf of the Commission congratulated Dorothy for the work she has accomplished in the last several years in building the adult softball program in Eagan. Dorothy Peterson thanked the Commission and shared some of the activities from that evening including the limousine ride and the thrill of turning on the scoreboards for the first time, eating the first hot Clog and throwing the first pitch of the softball season. AGENDA Dick Carroll moved, Jack Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. MINUTES FROM MAY 4, 1989 MEETING Ted Billy moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. CONSENT AGENDA On a motion by Shawn Hunter, seconded By Michele Swanson with all members voting in favor, the Commission approved recommendation to the City Council of the following: 1. HORNE DEVELOPMENT CORP - KINGS WOOD 4TH ADDITION. That this proposal be subject to a cash parkland dedication for all lots and partial lots located outside of the Blackhawk PD limits. 2. ROBERT ENGSTROM COMPANIES - THE WOODLANDS 3RD ADD. That this proposal be subject to a cash parkland dedication. 3. DUCKWOOD CROSSINGS, INC. - DUCKWOOD CROSSINGS. That this proposal be subject to a cash parkland dedication and an 8 foot bituminous trail within the west boulevard of Pilot Knob Road. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 1, 1989 MEETING PAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Director Vraa noted that there were no development proposals for the Commission to review. FACILITIES STANDARDS FOLLOW-UP Dorothy Peterson reported that she. had met with JoAnn Ellison from School District 196 to review their demographics. The school district's numbers reflect different, but helpful information for the completion of the facilities standards. Information is expected shortly from school district 191 and 197 to complete the research into this project. COUNTY BIKEWAY SYSTEM PLAN Ken Vraa referenced the memo included in the packet regarding informational meetings on the County Bikeway Systems Plan to be held on June 7 and June 15. Also enclosed in the packet was a copy of the CIP and county bikeway system for the Commission to review. Mr. Vraa mentioned that a letter should be sent to the county outlining the City's position regarding the overall trail use and plan and whether or not the trails are being used. George Kubik stated that each individual should respond and the Commission should send a letter of support for the trail system. Mr. Kubik moved, Ted Billy seconded with all members voting in favor to direct staff to prepare a letter for Commission signature to Dakota County regarding the county bike system plan. After further discussion Michele Swanson and Jack Johnson volunteered to attend the meeting in June and to read the prepared letter on behalf of the Commission. BRIDLE RIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Steve Sullivan explained that after an association meeting the neighborhood surrounding Bridle Ridge Park had requested that they be involved in the lighting selection process for the hockey rink lighting. The process has begun for scheduling light scan tests surrounding the rinks and a date for a neighborhood meeting is being requested. Dick Carroll asked if staff is considering using the new lights from Muska. Steve Sullivan responded that the light scan tests will determine the necessity of upgrading the lights in this location or if our standard athletic lights will suffice. He further stated that the contract for the lighting can begin shortly if there is an agreement between the homeowners and staff on what is being installed. Shawn Hunter asked what the cost for the scan would be and Mr. Sullivan responded that it was approximately $100. After further discussion Mr. Vraa commented that staff will set a meeting date for the Bridle Ridge neighborhood and notify the Commission of the date an time. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 1, 1989 MEETING PAGE 3 1990 BUDGET Ken Vraa indicated that this issue would need no motion from the Commission ,but wanted them to be aware of the budget process to date. John VonDeLinde and Dorothy Peterson are working of the fine tuning for recreation and maintenance and Ken has been working on the 5 year CIP which will be forwarded to the City Administrator shortly. Mr.,Vraa asked the Commission to take some time to review budget items as they are available and make suggestions for improvements. Wayne Sames asked if the City was looking at budget cuts in programs. Mr. Vraa responded that some cuts are anticipated and some service areas may need to be cut back. The department will be looking at programs to generate income also. George Kubik commented that he was concerned about the possibility of cutting back on the budget. He feels the Commission should be careful to support the work that has been done by staff thus far in implementing the successful programs and maintenance that the City enjoys. LEXINGTON AVENUE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY Director Vraa explained that the County is seeking to acquire two park parcels for the Lexington Avenue road construction project. The first parcel affects O'Leary Park which abuts Lexington Avenue and approximately 750 square feet of right-of-way will be required and 2331 square feet will also be required for a construction easement. The second parcel is the access into Patrick Eagan Park which requires 1450 feet. Mr. Vraa noted that neither acquisition would affect parks development. After further discussion, Dick Carroll moved, Wayne Sames seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the Council that the necessary road right-of-way be provided for Lexington Avenue. NORTHVIEW PLANTINGS Parks Planner Steve Sullivan explained that the trees that have been planted at Northview were taken from the nursery area near the new tennis courts. Because the trees were moved such a short distance there was less impact to the trees. More than 150 trees, valued at over $15,000 were moved at a cost of approximately $5,000. George Kubik congratulated staff on a job well done. Dick Carroll expressed some concern in losing the nursery commenting that it was one of the best investments made and some thought should be given to starting another nursery in another location. FIRE STATIONS AND OUTLOTS Steve Sullivan explained that with Central Landscaping's contract they had been able to do the fine grading and turf establishment at Fire Station 4 and 5. The fire stations are almost completed at this point and landscaping will occur later this year. Steve also mentioned that the outlots that have been returned to the city were seeded and will be maintained. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 1, 1989 MEETING PAGE 4 CONTRACT 89-12 Mr. Sullivan updated the Commission on Contract 89-12 which includes improvements in 7 parks. The majority of the work can be seen at Northview Park Which includes tennis court and softball fields. The fence posts are in for the softball fields and the fencing will commence shortly. The grading is being done on the south side of the site for the tennis courts. CARLSON LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Steve Sullivan explained that the neighborhood meeting for the Carlson Lake area went very well. Some of the concerns residents shared included their desire to maintain a serene and natural atmosphere, they didn't want a lot of activity, they felt the park needed fine grading and maintenance, there were mixed feelings regarding the installation of a playground, some residents wanted a fishing dock, and some wanted more efficient access to the lake. Overall the meeting was a very good one. HAPPENINGS Director Vraa noted that the Walking Club that has begun has become a very successful program. Blue Cross/Blue Shield has had a positive response to helping with the program as well. George Kubik asked how the skateboarding event was going and if there were liability issues that had to be resolved. Mr. Vraa reminded the Commission that a compromise had been reached to accommodate skateboard interest in the City by planning some special activity during the 4th of July events. Dorothy Peterson explained that participants were invited to join in the parade on July 4th as well as compete in events at Rahn Athletic following the parade. The response has been very positive to date. Mr. Kubik commented on the scoreboards at Northview athletic field and how much they were appreciated. Dorothy Peterson indicated that Joe Merlo from the Knights of Columbus wanted to see if they could help in acquiring another scoreboard for installation. EAGAN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION AGREEMENTS Dorothy Peterson explained that she had met with Jan Linton of the Eagan Athletic Association regarding sharing costs for portable toilets and the installation of home plates on City fields. The EAA board agreed to buy the home plates and will pay for a portion of the portable toilets that are installed in the City. MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Ken Vraa noted that Shawn Hunter, George Kubik, John VonDeLinde and he had met regarding the maintenance management program. The idea was to set up goals and objectives and to set standards for quality maintenance. Years ago a site ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ' MINUTES OF JUNE 1, 1989 MEETING PAGE 5 specific program was started to treat each park individually because some of the parks didn't need to be maintained as much as others. Mr. Kubik stated this was an icon of a very professional program and congratulated all who participated in establishing this effective and comprehensive program. VOLUNTEER WATER SAMPLING COMMITTEE John VonDeLinde updated the Commission on the volunteer water sampling program which has seen 10 volunteers step forward from the park representative program. The district and city will receive the results of the tests once the samples have been tested. George Kubik stated he was pleased to see such good community involvement. Wayne Sames asked how often the sampling was done and Mr. VonDeLinde responded that it would be done each week from mid-April through October. TREE ORDINANCE Mr. Vraa noted that staff is working on some revisions for this ordinance noting that it is covered currently under 3 separate ordinances. Currently the shade tree ordinance is out of date and needs to be updated. Ted Wachter has asked that staff look at a tree replacement program also. Meetings have been held to try to see how these ordinances can be enforced. Another concern is the ordinance that prohibits trees to be planted in road right-of-ways. Once the meetings have concluded,'the Commission will have the opportunity of reviewing this issue before it is presented to the Council. DANIEL DRIVE Mr. Vraa informed the Commission that a neighborhood meeting will be held on June 8th regarding the issue of moving the trailway along Daniel Drive from the west to the east side and the implications of making such a move. TRAILS POLICY Mr. Vraa explained that staff is looking at a new trails dedication policy. There is a possibility that the policy may go back to a trails dedication process. Currently the City Attorney is reviewing the language for such a policy to see if this could be a viable possibility. Mr. Vraa noted that he wanted to make the Commission aware that this was being discussed and that a change may be forthcoming. KINGS WOOD 2ND ADDITION George Kubik stated that in reviewing the report for this development he saw no deviation IN what has been proposed in the past. The Kings Wood 2nd Addition is for single family homes west of the Eagan Municipal Center. The dedication requirements were for a cash dedication. Staff has required the developer to pay a dedication on the lots being replatted as they had not previously paid a cash fee. Lots which incorporate a portion of the P.U.D. have also been required to pay a fee. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 1, 1989 MEETING PAGE 6 After further discussion, Shawn Hunter moved, Jack Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to require the developer to pay the cash dedication on the lots being replatted and the lots which incorporate a portion of the P.U.D. Wayne Sames asked how the plans were coming for the Thomas Lake Grand Opening and what the schedule would be like. Dorothy Peterson stated that a naturalist would be at the park, an Eagan resident would bring hawks and do a short presentation, the Teddy Bear Band would perform as would the Apple Valley Clown Club and there will be brats and hot dogs available for lunch. The date will be June 25 with the ribbon cutting ceremony taking place at 12:30 P.M. Jack Johnson took a few minutes to comment on all the positive things he has seen accomplished from exposing the community to broader environmental issues through the Water Quality program and Arbor Day activities to staff's response to skateboarders. The walking program and the maintenance management plan are examples of a progressive and professional City. Mr. Johnson thanked the staff for all their work in completing these excellent programs and for all their work. With no further business to conduct Dick Carroll moved, Jack Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Secretary Date