10/05/1989 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 5, 1989 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, October 5, 1989 with the following Commission Members present: Jack Johnson, Ted Billy, Sandy Masin, George Kubik, Michele Swanson and Shawn Hunter. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Steve Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Dorothy Peterson, Recreation Supervisor II; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent; Jim Sturm, City Planner; Mike Ridley, Zoning Administrator and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. MRPA AWARD John VonDeLinde addressed the Commission as a representative of Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association. On behalf of MRPA he presented the 1989 Citation Award to Eagan Parks and Recreation for Eagan's Park Shelter Building Programing and Design. The MRPA awards program recognizes outstanding programs, projects and developments in members of parks and recreation agencies in the State of Minnesota under various categories of achievement. Mr. VonDeLinde commented that this is the 3rd award presented to Eagan Parks and Recreation by MRPA. This was a project that involved the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission, City Council and staff to accomplish a successful park shelter pavilion facility. Chairman Kubik congratulated Parks and Recreation staff for an excellent job in completing this project and for all their contributions to a very successful parks and recreation program. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Sandy Masin moved, Jack Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 7, 1989 Page 4, Paragraph 2, first sentence was changed to read "...cross-over into the Planning Department...". Sandy Masin moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes as amended. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 5, 1989 MEETING PAGE 2 CONSENT AGENDA Ted Billy moved, Michele Swanson seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council approval of the following: 1. WAIVER OF PLAT - THEODORE WALDOR. That this parcel be subject to a cash parkland dedication and that this parcel may be subject to a cash trailway dedication dependent on the enacted policy at the time of City Council review and approval. LEXINGTON SOUTH P.D. AMENDMENT Director Vraa introduced City Planner Jim Sturm who would be reviewing this development for the Commission. Mr. Sturm noted that this development being proposed by Tri-Land Development is in conformance with the land use criteria established for this site on the south side of Diffley and east of Lexington. The development proposal includes retail, theatre, YMCA, auto, child care and an ice arena. The review at this time is for a PD amendment only. Mr. Sturm explained that the City Council has previously reviewed this parcel as Eagan Center 4th. The proposed ice arena is planned at 75,000 square feet consisting of two sheets of ice. The first rink will be located on the north side and the seating capacity, estimated at approximately 4,000, has yet to be determined. The arena will provide for approximately 750 parking stalls. A proposed YMCA is planned on the west side of the site and will consist of approximately 35,000 - 40,000 square feet with an indoor and outdoor pool. In addition an approximate 95,000 square foot retail center with direct access to Diffley will be anchored by a 20,000 square foot grocery store. The remaining building on the site is proposed as a theatre with 5-6 screens similar to the Apple Valley theatre. Jim Sturm explained that the major issue for this site is traffic, therefore a detailed traffic analysis will be forthcoming and an environmental report that is to be completed as well. The conceptual landscape plan is still due and it has been suggested that the Eagan Center 4th landscape plan be used. Mr. Sturm further explained that this issue will most likely go before the City Council on October 17 at which time it is expected that the Council will direct staff to do the PD agreement in order that zoning can take place. Steve Sullivan noted that he had met with the developer noting that the north south trail link along the highline should be incorporated at the time of development. Ken Vraa explained that there is no Commission action needed at this time. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 5, 1989 MEETING PAGE 3 STRATFORD OAKS Jim Sturm explained that the Stratford Oaks development previously reviewed by the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission consisted of three hundred twenty-eight rental units on thirty -two acres south of Diffley and west of Thomas Lake Road. Jim indicated that Mr. Bob Lux of Trammell Crow was present and that the developer's plan is to obtain final plat approval at the October 17, 1989 City Council meeting. Mr. Sturm noted that this plan was approved in 1988 when it was presented by Gustafson as a 328 unit project. Trammell Crow has upgraded the buildings with brick and have embellished the landscaping plan. Mr. Lux from Trammell Crow addressed the Commission indicating that they were cautious about being the 4th developer of this piece of property. He indicated that two previous developers had received approval for this project but were unable to consummate the deal due to the glut of apartments in the city. Mr. Lux indicated Trammell Crow has had their eye on the Eagan market for some time. Trammell Crow's objective is to make apartments closer to single family homes. Their plan is to get rid of the barracks look of apartment buildings and to incorporate things such as individual furnaces,hot water heaters and entrance from the garage into the apartment. Another change from the previous plan is to break the units up and leave more natural area in the center of the site. With this plan the units will be broken to fit on the existing topography so as not to flatten large areas to accommodate a building this size. The club house will be located closer to Diffley so as to be more visible. Other changes will include decks being built on some of the units, pitched roofs, added bricking and 100% irrigation. The road system will remain the same. Mr. Lux stated that the previous plan had 2 tennis courts above the gas line. Trammell Crow prefers not to have tennis courts. They would also like to delete the tot lot if the Commission would agree. Their experience is that tennis courts are not used enough to justify the installation. They would prefer leaving that area natural. Regarding the trail proposed along Diffley and Thomas Lake the developer will grade and install the trail if so instructed. Shawn Hunter asked what group of people these apartments were targeted for. Mr. Lux responded that their research reflected a need for low income, which this building does not address, and high income in the $1500-2000/unit range. These units do not fit that category either; rather they target young professionals with a rental rate of up to $895 per month. The buildings will have approximately 10% efficiency apartments, 36 three bedroom apartment with the balance being one and two bedroom. The developer does not want to create a separation of families, thus the buildings will accommodate all the family sizes in each building. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 5, 1989 MEETING PAGE 4 Jack Johnson asked what a typical tot lot would include. Ken Vraa responded that it would include swings, slide, climbing apparatus, etc. for a total of approximately $5- 10,000 which is one-half of what is typically in a park. Playgrounds and tennis court facilities can be found at Evergreen Park, one-half mile away or at Rahn Park or Ridge Cliff Park. Athletic facilities are available at Thomas Lake elementary school which is one-quarter mile away. Sandy Masin asked if there was any area on site where children would be able to play. Mr. Lux explained that there are some passive areas that could be cleared for that use and they would be willing to create an area such as that if need be. Sandy Masin reiterated that she felt it was necessary to find a place for children to play. Mr. Lux stated that if the residents of the apartments do in fact want a tot lot after they are moved in then one will be built. The developers intention is to keep the residents happy with their choice of lifestyle. After further discussion, Shawn Hunter moved that the developer be responsible for grading and installation of trails on Diffley and Thomas Lake Road and that the cash dedication credit of $6,000 for proposed on-site amenities be withdrawn. Jack Johnson offered an amendment to recommend the creation of a passive play area with the particulars to be worked out with staff. Michele Swanson seconded the motion and amendment with all members voting in favor. George Kubik thanked Mr. Lux for attending the meeting and thanked Trammell Crow for doing an excellent job in the development of this property. PARKS DEVELOPMENT Steve Sullivan indicated that contract 89-19 for parking lot lighting was awarded to Corrigan Electric for $18,007 and work will begin within a week. Contract 89-20 for hockey rink lighting at Bridle Ridge Park was awarded to CSI Construction for $37,000. The double rinks will be using the level 8 lighting system which is an example of new technology. Contract 89-12 for Northview tennis courts has been substantially completed and will be opened to the public on Monday. Contract 89-23 for bituminous trails at Thomas Lake Park, Trapp Farm Park and miscellaneous trail links and Contract 89-17 for Northview Park access roads and parking lot will be let on October 16, 1989. It was also noted that the hockey rinks, landscaping and playground equipment are being completed at Bridle Ridge Park. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 5, 1989 MEETING PAGE 5 Ken Vraa explained that a video presentation had been completed showing the completed Northview tennis courts and the trails sealcoating process that was being done this year using aggregate over an oil base. John VonDeLinde commented that after cracks were filled and the under body sweeping process was completed the oil was laid down followed by 1/8 inch of trap rock. The video demonstrated the thoroughness of the sealcoating equipment that was used and John explained that 5 miles of trail was completed in 5 hours. It was noted that this process should be done every 6-8 years with the main objective being to keep the rain and moisture from penetrating the surface of the trail. Cathy Dybiek completed a comprehensive trail maintenance schedule resulting in a very extensive maintenance program that will be followed for trails maintenance. Ken Vraa stated that there was some concern initially regarding trails in front of homes and the reaction of residents to this type of sealcoating. After seeing how neat and clean the job was done by the contractor doing the work it was obvious why there were no complaints from residents or users to date. George Kubik thanked staff for providing the video presentation of a process they may otherwise not be able to witness. He found it very beneficial to be able to see the progress of various projects using this vehicle. Michele Swanson also commented on how impressed she was with the tennis courts. HAPPENINGS George Kubik asked what kind of participation there was for the hay ride. Dorothy Peterson responded that it was primarily families that attended and they had indicated they were very much interested in having a sleigh ride this winter. Dorothy also noted that the star gazing event was very successful with a beautiful evening and lots of star gazers. She also noted that there were 50 people, mostly families, that participated in the Appleside orchard trip. October brings the annual Halloween party and many other Halloween activities and new ideas. Mr. Kubik commented on the Lions contribution of $2500 for scoreboards for Goat Hill. He thanked the Lions for their involvement and encouraged the continued support of private contributors. Ken Vraa stated that Tom Hedges, Vic Ellison and he had participated in a planning session for the YMCA. The plans at this point are to begin fund raising this fall with a capital campaign to continue through 1990, 1991 and 1992. The YMCA needs ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 5, 1989 MEETING PAGE 6 enthusiasm and support in order to continue with any plans to proceed with a building. It has not been decided as yet where the next building will be since there is interest in both Woodbury and Eagan. The group that met will continue to meet every month to try to tie some things together and see what kind of interest is there to follow through with a project of this magnitude. Ken indicated he would keep the Commission updated on subsequent meetings. With no further business to conduct Sandy Masin moved, Michele Swanson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. ECRETARY D