12/07/1989 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA DECEMBER 7, 1989 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, December 7, 1989 with the following Commission Members present: Ted Billy, Sandy Masin, George Kubik, Dick Carroll, Jack Johnson and Shawn Hunter. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Steve Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Dorothy Peterson, Recreation Supervisor; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent; Mike Ridley, Zoning Administrator/Planner I and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. Commission Member Michele Swanson was not present. AGENDA Director Vraa asked that a recommendation to the Council regarding Commercial/Industrial Parks Dedication fees for 1990 be added to Trails Dedication Policy under Old Business. Sandy Masin moved, Ted Billy seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 2, 1989 Sandy Masin moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes as presented. CONSENT AGENDA Dick Carroll moved, Jack Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council approval of the following: BOULDER RIDGE 2ND ADDITION - NEW HORIZON HOMES. That this parcel be subject to a cash parkland dedication and that this proposal be responsible for an 8 foot bituminous trail along Thomas Lake and Diffley Road or, dependent upon the policy enacted at the time of final plat, the proposal may be subject to a cash trailway dedication. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 1989 MEETING PAGE 2 Ted Billy moved, Jack Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council approval of the following: FRANKS NURSERY & CRAFTS ADD.- FRANKS NURSERY & CRAFT, INC. That this proposal be subject to a cash parkland dedication and that this proposal be responsible for the construction of a 6 foot wide concrete sidewalk along Duckwood Drive or, dependent upon the policy enacted at the time of final plat, the proposal may be subject to a cash trailway dedication. Dick Carroll moved, Ted Billy seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council approval of the following: DUCKWOOD SQUARE - METRO CENTER DEVELOPERS. That this proposal be subject to a cash parkland dedication. That this proposal be responsible for the construction of a 6 foot wide concrete sidewalk along Duckwood Drive or, dependent upon the policy enacted at the time of final plat, the proposal may be subject to a trailway dedication. The recommendations are made subject to the satisfactory resolution of compliance to City landscape policy and assurance that storm water run-off will meet the water quality requirements so as to protect Fish Lake. DIFFLEY/CEDAR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT Ken Vraa explained that this item has been pulled from the Planning Commission but because of the magnitude of the project felt it appropriate to bring it to the attention of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission at this time. Mr. Vraa explained that there was not action required from the Commission at this time. He further noted that the Commission had previously reviewed this parcel as the Splashland Planned Development which never received final plat. The property of 44 acres is located north of Diffley Road and west of Cedar Avenue. The proposal requests a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment and rezoning from PD to a mixed multi-family/retail land use. This will include a total of 496 units with a combination of apartment buildings and townhomes in addition to a 100,000 sq. ft. service/retail building. The proposed layout would utilize internal pedestrian links providing connections between adjacent facilities, land uses and the City's trail systems. It was noted that this proposal will come back to the Commission at a later date to evaluate the pedestrian linkages,support recreation facilities and the park dedication requirements. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 1989 MEETING PAGE 3 George Kubik asked if there were ponds on the site. Mr. Vraa's response was positive to which Mr. Kubik suggested a possible trail around the green belt area as a consideration. SAND VOLLEYBALL REPORT Director Vraa reminded the Commission of their request to research the issue of sand volleyball courts in community and/or neighborhood parks. The issue was raised when a resident near Kettle Park requested that one be installed in that park. Mr. Vraa explained that some of the issues that were considered included the appropriateness of sand volleyball courts in parks; where the courts could go; cost of installation and maintenance; and what other communities are doing regarding this sport. George Kubik stated that the Commission members should be aware that the number on the bottom of page 37 which gives the cost of a quad volleyball court should read $9,696.00 instead of $3,296.00. Dorothy Peterson explained that staff had surveyed six communities; Burnsville, Apple Valley, Maple Grove, Plymouth, Eden Prairie and Roseville. The information in the packet outlines that all have courts in community parks and Apple Valley has 4 in neighborhood parks. They do not know exactly how much they are being used however they feel they get a lot of casual use. Four of the six communities have sand volleyball leagues that are very active. Roseville takes reservations and charges fees for the use of courts ($6.00/hr. in 1990). Steve Sullivan explained what was involved in the actual construction of the courts and the costs for doing single, double and quad courts. George Kubik commented that it appears as though the current facilities lean toward community parks for their location. He then asked if the City has received requests for a sand volleyball league. Dorothy Peterson responded that each spring sufficient requests are received to offer this as a program but in order to do so there would be a need for two courts to begin. Mr. Kubik stated that neighborhood parks have been very carefully and sometimes tightly planned so they may not be a viable option for a program such as this. Shawn Hunter asked where the original request had come from. It was noted that Mr. Dan Smith, 2024 Vienna Lane had originated the request. Shawn asked Mr. Smith what he was asking to be provided in Kettle Park. Mr. Smith responded that he felt double courts for both recreation and leagues could be accommodated in this park. Steve Sullivan commented that the parking at this site could not support recreation program use, however it could support casual use. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 1989 MEETING PAGE 4 George Kubik asked which existing community parks could support this type of programming. Mr. Sullivan responded that Blackhawk could support both parking and use. Mr. Kubik commented that in developing a prototype for this new type of recreational activity Blackhawk Park looks like a good possibility and reiterated his concern for putting too much activity in existing parks. Dick Carroll commented that the department must be careful not to infringe upon other park uses. Ken Vraa stated that Rahn Athletic may be another option to consider. Sandy Masin suggested looking at a double court at one or two alternative sites. Ted Billy commented that single courts may also need to be considered. Mr. Smith suggested that since Kettle Park has one softball, one soccer and one hardcourt area why not also add one volleyball court Mr. Kubik indicated that it was important to look at the impact of adding this facility to an existing park vs. placing it in a park that can support the parking and use, i.e. a community park. He further suggested that staff look at options for the location of this facility keeping the continuity of the parks in mind but also understand users requests. After further discussion George Kubik moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that staff develop four or five alternatives for single and double sand volleyball courts making sure these alternatives are consistent with each park's integrity; i.e. parking, traffic flow, etc. Jack Johnson asked if this is something that could be up and running for spring, 1990. Mr. Vraa explained that this could be possible since the Commission is beginning to review alternatives. In discussing the issue of a skating area at Kettle Park George Kubik asked staff to do a feasibility study on providing an ice surface which the residents would maintain. Mr. Smith indicated he would stay in contact with staff and talk to residents to see if they were open to this idea. HIGHVIEW PARK ADDITION Ken Vraa explained that Highview Park Addition is a 3 lot subdivision located north of Highview Park. The Commission's recommendation for a cash parkland dedication and trail easement from Highview Avenue to Highview Park betweens Lots 1 and 2 of Block 1 was inadvertently not included in the Council's approval of this plat. Since the final plat was not received within the allotted time frame this issue came back before the Council for an extension. The proponent, who did not attend the initial Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, was informed of the trail easement at the City Council meeting for the extension. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 1989 MEETING PAGE 5 Staff received a letter from the owner of the subject parcel expressing opposition to the recommendation for a trail easement within the property to Highview Park. After re-evaluation of the future road alignment from Highview Terrace to Skyline Road, Engineering determined that this would be a viable option. The Highview Terrace Road improvement would be recommended at the time of subdivision of the adjacent Delosh property. Therefore, the northern portion of the Park Service Area would have both pedestrian and vehicular access to Highview Park thus eliminating the need for a trail easement through Highview Park Addition. Gloria Fritz was present at the meeting representing the owners of the affected lots outlining the objections that were covered in a letter dated November 20, 1989 to Jim Sturm. George Kubik thanked Ms. Fritz for attending and making the position of the lot owners clear. He also noted that it appears that the 20 foot easement is of little use at this time. After further discussion George Kubik moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to omit the Commission's previous recommendation for a trail easement for Highview Park Addition. WATER QUALITY/CLEAN WATER PARTNERSHIP GRANT John VonDeLinde explained that the water quality update in the packet covered three areas; Water Quality Planning, Comprehensive Storm Sewer Plan and Clean Water Partnership Grant. This is the culmination of many months of work. It is anticipated that the final review of the Comprehensive Water Quality Plan will be completed in early January, 1990 followed by a meeting with the Developers Task Force and then back to the Commission before being scheduled for the City Council's review. One of the pending issues yet to be resolved deals with the formulation of a policy requiring developers to mitigate negative impacts to water quality as a result of land use changes and increased runoff. A second issue was the establishment of market values in connection with various land-use classifications. The Task Force has decided to adopt the land use values currently being used by the Park and Recreation Commission for park dedication fees. The third issue deals with the design of mitigation formulas and the method by which they should be presented to the developers. Lastly, the establishment of a long-range capital improvements program as part of the water quality plan is seen as an important need. The subcommittee on Water Quality will need to reconvene again in late January to discuss this last item more in detail. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 1989 MEETING PAGE 6 John commented that the Comprehensive Storm Sewer Plan is being worked on by Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates and a draft revision has been provided to the city for review. John VonDeLinde and Steve Sullivan will be involved in this portion looking at future ponding, high water level issues, park facilities and trees that will need to be considered. Recently the city was informed that it has been programmed to receive a grant under the Clean Water Partnership Grants Program in the amount of $26,000 which will begin in fiscal year 1990. The city will need to contribute $26,000 in matching funds all of which (except for $3,600) will be made up through in-kind contributions from the Dakota Soil and Water District Gun Club Lake WMO, Hennepin Parks Water Quality Planner and through force account labor via the city's water sampling program. In addition, Eagan will be securing approximately $10,000 worth of monitoring equipment which can be used in future diagnostic studies elsewhere in the city. George Kubik congratulated John on a job well done. He asked to have another volunteer for the Water Quality Subcommittee which will meet to review the Storm Water Plan and may become more involved in the whole issue of water quality. Jack Johnson and Shawn Hunter volunteered to serve on the subcommittee until appointments are made at the February organizational meeting. George Kubik offered to serve as an alternate. TRAILS DEDICATION POLICY Ken Vraa explained that the packet contained information pertaining to this issue. As background he noted that at the direction of the City's Assessment Committee City Staff had prepared a draft proposal for the establishment of a separate Trails Dedication Ordinance. This proposal would separate the existing Parks Dedication Ordinance into two separate and different ordinances; one for trails and one for parks. The Advisory Planning Commission, after a public hearing, approved the proposed ordinance after which the Council directed this item be reviewed by the Developer's Task Force. This item is now back to the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission for review and possible resolution of differences between what is proposed and the comments of the Developers Task Force. The Developer Task Force was not necessarily opposed to a trails dedication fee but felt it should be part of the total dedication fee rather than a separate fee which appears as an "impact" fee to them. Another concern the DTF expressed was inequity of having undeveloped property pay for the construction of trails where development had already occurred. It is estimated that between 16.5 and 20 miles of trails are proposed along property already platted or developed. Still another concern was the increase of $100 per unit for apartments. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 1989 PAGE 7 Mr. Vraa noted that the Assessment Committee was in favor of a separate trails dedication fee and fund which would provide for trails to be built in a timely and appropriate sequence. Several alternatives for the Commission to consider include recommending the implementation of a separate park and trail dedication; leave the dedication policy as is; modify the existing ordinance requiring a cash dedication for trails. Developers would no longer be required to install trails themselves, unless the trails are along privately constructed street in which case a cash dedication would be required but a reimbursement by the City to the developer would be made for the construction of the trail based on a lineal foot measurement; recommend a combination of these policies or propose a alternative not yet reviewed. Mr. Vraa reminded the Commission that a copy of the draft dedication policy was included in their packet for their review. Shawn Hunter commented that it is clear that this is an impact fee but felt it was appropriate to spread the costs among developers. The DTF may feel an inequity in the $100 increase between single family and apartments but trails are used equally by apartment dwellers and single home dwellers, therefore the costs should be split equally. George Kubik commented that in looking at the overall picture of trails construction it makes sense to collect the trails fees up front in order to set priorities for construction as well as taking advantage of some cost savings in doing a larger section of trail(s) at one time. George asked if this ordinance would be able to be reviewed annually feeling that this would be a very important component to monitor the cost increases inherent with trail construction. Mr. Vraa stated that these fees would be reviewed annually just as the park dedication fees are reviewed with any increase recommended to the Council. After further discussion Shawn Hunter moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend the adoption of the Trails Dedication Policy Ordinance which would require a cash donation of $100 per dwelling unit for residential dwelling units and $859 per acre for commercial/industrial/public facility designation. COMMERCIAL /INDUSTRIAL PARK DEDICATION FEES Ken Vraa reminded the Commission that it reviewed the park dedication issue last month and made recommendations for all fees except commercial/industrial. He noted that currently we charge $.05/sq. ft. or $2178/acre. Sandy Masin expressed some concern for the large increases that have been approved for parks dedication fees. One concern was the increase in single family fees plus the trails fee in addition to that. Ken Vraa explained that single family dedication fee with both the parks and trails dedication fees of $784/unit reflects a $17,500/acre land value. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 1989 MEETING PAGE 8 After comparing fees charged by other communities in the Twin Cities area Dick Carroll commented that with the addition of $859/acre for trails dedication the per acre cost increased to $3,037/acre. He suggested that if the commercial/industrial rate was increased to $.055/sq. ft an additional cost of $215-220/acre would put the total commercial/industrial rate at approximately $3252-3257/acre. Shawn Hunter stated he felt this was too high a fee and suggested keeping the commercial/industrial rate the same as 1989. George Kubik and Dick Carroll expressed their concern for the large amount of impervious surface inherent with commercial/industrial development and felt the cost increase was appropriate. After further discussion, Dick Carroll moved to recommend the increase in commercial//industrial park dedication fee for 1990 to $.055/square foot. George Kubik seconded the motion and the motion passed on a vote of 5 to 1. 1990 PARK GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Director Vraa explained that pages 62 through 65 in the packet outlined the priorities for 1990. He stated that staff usually bites off more than they can chew but it was important to provide many options and possibilities. The list is prioritized by letter and number. He also noted that the primary task goals are not necessarily in priority order, merely a recap of what is anticipated for the year. Shawn Hunter asked how the priorities change. George Kubik commented that typically this list is used as a guide, a very ambitious one, with priorities changing as the year progresses. George suggested placing a high priority on Blackhawk Park Ken Vraa explained that the acquisition of access to Blackhawk Park with Leo Murphy is close to being resolved. He also stated that a grant extension for Blackhawk would need to be accomplished but should not pose a problem. Shawn Hunter suggested adding sand volleyball courts as item #38 and putting a high priority on item #13, comprehensive boulevard planting master plan. LANDSCAPE POLICY - PART II Ken Vraa explained that John Voss has been recovering from a heart attack and will be meeting with Dale Runkle soon to get back on track with this issue. PARKS DEVELOPMENT Steve Sullivan updated the Commission of pending contracts. Under Contract 89- 23 the trail is cleared at Thomas Lake. Under Contract 89-20 Bridle Ridge hockey rinks are completed with Dakota Electric to hook up service shortly. Parking lot lighting at ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 1989 MEETING PAGE 9 Ohmann and Thomas Lake Park are waiting for the completion of wiring. The Well Site building is completed and contracts have been let for the architectural work for Ohmann, Northview, Bridle Ridge and Blackhawk shelter buildings. HAPPENINGS Dorothy Peterson stated that volunteers are still needed for North Pole Calling. Notices were sent to kindergarten and first grade parents so Santa could call their children at home. To date the department has received approximately 360 letters. Dorothy also commented that the Kids Day Out event after Thanksgiving worked out very well giving parents an opportunity to do some shopping while their children participate in some fun activities. Interviews for rink staff have been completed and Jon Oyanagi feels he is in good shape with staff this season. Training will be December 15th with rinks planned to open on December 16. Also broomball teams are registered with 10 teams on the Sunday men's league and 7 teams on the Monday men's league. Co-Rec Friday league is full. MAINTENANCE REPORT John VonDeLinde explained that a detailed report on maintenance and the winter maintenance plan was included in the packet for Commission review. As an overview he stated that base flooding started this week with Well Site to have a good skating surface soon. Once the sites are open, regular maintenance will commence and Saturday morning maintenance will continue. WINTER PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Dorothy Peterson brought the Commission's attention to the winter edition of "Eagan News" outlining the winter recreation offerings. Dorothy stated that judge is needed for the Decorate Eagan Contest offered by the Chronicle and City of Eagan. Shawn Hunter volunteered to help judge. Judges are also needed for the Snow Sculpture Contest which will be held during the Winter Weekend activities. February 4th is when the actual judging will occur. Dorothy also indicated that Winter Recreation Leaders are offered $4.50 per hour plus a bonus of $.50 per hour for people successfully finishing the season. Staff anticipates large numbers at Trapp Farm tubing hill (provided there is sufficient snow) and are encouraging large groups to call prior to showing up so that adequate staff will be available and prepared. Other offerings include school vacation week activities, speed skating meet during the Winter Weekend and boot hockey tournament during Winter ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 1989 MEETING PAGE 10 Weekend, and a new Kindermusik program. Staff is also very pleased to be able to use Dakota Hills Elementary gym for programs this winter. TRAPP FARM PARK UPDATE Ken Vraa explained that the Council has suggested that staff do a land swap using excess property (6 lots) near Daniel Drive and Diffley, 1/4 mile east of Lexington and Diffley for the lots adjacent to Trapp Farm Park. He also noted that a petition had been given to the City Council supporting the purchase of lots to maintain the integrity of Trapp Farm Park. Mr. Vraa stated that no action is necessary at this time. Staff is waiting for information from the developer but the lots in question are being withheld from the market. WESCOTT STATION PARK/WEST PUBLISHING Ken Vraa stated that this issue continues to be reviewed by staff with approximately 95% of the department's concerns having been addressed. Staff indicates that West Publishing has been very cooperative in working out any concerns that have been raised. With no further business to conduct, Sandy Masin moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 P.M. SECRETARY DATE