02/01/1990 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 1, 1990 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 1, 1990 with the following Commission Members present: George Kubik, Dick Carroll, Michele Swanson, Sandi Wensmann, Shawn Hunter and Ted Billy. Commission Members not present included Jack Johnson and Alternate John Griggs. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Recreation Supervisor II; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent; Steve Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Shannon Willey, Planner I/Zoning Administrator and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. City Administrator Tom Hedges was also present to swear in the new Commission Members. Director Vraa introduced Sandi Wensmann and Shawn Hunter as the new three- year term members of the Commission and John Griggs as the new one-year alternate member of the Commission. City Administrator Hedges conducted a swearing in ceremony for Sandi Wensmann and Shawn Hunter congratulating and welcoming them to the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission. Mr. Hedges commented that the Staff and Council appreciate the support and work this Commission has done in the past, particularly regarding environmental issues, and looks forward to a continued good working relationship. George Kubik stated that the Commission has appreciated the support given by Staff and the Council during the year and welcomed all the new Commission members. After describing the responsibilities for each office and explaining the voting procedure which included initialing ballots, Director Vraa opened nominations for the Chairperson. Shawn Hunter nominated and Dick Carroll seconded the nomination of George Kubik. George Kubik nominated and Ted Billy seconded the nomination of Dick Carroll. Ted Billy moved and Michele Swanson seconded the motion to close the nominations. Written ballots were submitted resulting in a tie vote of 3-3. Dick Carroll moved and Shawn Hunter seconded to cast a unanimous ballot for George Kubik for Chairperson. Ted Billy commented he would prefer to see the flip of a coin used to break the tie and since this seemed to be the consensus, Dick Carroll withdrew his motion. Ken Vraa conducted the coin toss, George Kubik called "heads" and Dick Carroll called "tails". The result was "heads" naming George Kubik as Chairperson. Director Vraa opened nominations for Vice-Chair. Michele Swanson nominated and Ted Billy seconded the nomination of Dick Carroll. George Kubik nominated and Dick Carroll seconded the nomination of Shawn Hunter. Ted Billy moved and Michele Swanson seconded the motion to close the nominations. Written ballots were submitted ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 1990 MEETING PAGE 2 again resulting in a 3-3 tie. A coin flip was done with Shawn Hunter calling "heads" and Dick Carroll calling "tails". The result was "tails" naming Dick Carroll as Vice-Chair. Director Vraa opened nominations for Secretary. Ted Billy nominated and Michele Swanson seconded the nomination of Shawn Hunter. Dick Carroll moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to close the nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Shawn Hunter. Director Vraa then turned the meeting over to Chairman Kubik for the appointment of members to the various standing subcommittees. Mr. Vraa noted that those subcommittees were Recreation, Development/Finance, Park Naming and Water Quality. Mr. Vraa commented that in the past Mr. Carroll has served on the Water Quality Subcommittee but questioned the need to appoint additional members to it. Perhaps it would be appropriate for Mr. Carroll to continue until the Task Force wraps up its work. George Kubik moved and Shawn Hunter seconded the motion to have Dick Carroll continue to serve on the Water Quality Subcommittee. Shawn Hunter also volunteered to serve on this subcommittee. George Kubik asked for volunteers to serve on the Recreation subcommittee. Those members volunteering included George Kubik as Chair, Ted Billy, Michele Swanson and Sandi Wensmann. Ken Vraa noted that Alternate John Griggs had expressed an interest in serving on this subcommittee also. Volunteers were sought for the Park Naming subcommittee which will be required to name two new parks in 1990. Dick Carroll offered to chair and George Kubik volunteered to serve on the subcommittee. Mr. Kubik noted that the Development/Finance subcommittee did not meet last year and that he would call upon members at large to serve on this subcommittee if it becomes necessary. Director Vraa noted that there may be some conflicts with Commission meetings in 1990. The first conflict is the March 1, 1990 meeting which could be changed to March 8 if the Commission chose. The second conflict was the July 5, 1990 meeting which could be changed to July 12th. After further discussion, Dick Carroll moved, Ted Billy seconded with all members voting in favor to change the March meeting to March 8, 1990 and the July meeting to July 12, 1990. AGENDA Shawn Hunter asked that Trails Dedication Policy be added under Old Business. Shawn Hunter moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the agenda as amended. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 1990 PAGE 3 MINUTES FROM JANUARY 4, 1990 George Kubik asked that Line 2, Paragraph 6, Page 8 of the minutes show that the "E" for Eagan Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission be capitalized. Dick Carroll moved, Michele Swanson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes as amended. CONSENT AGENDA Shawn Hunter moved, Ted Billy seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council approval of the following: WAIVER OF PLAT - ROBERT ENGSTROM COMPANIES. That the additional lot as a result of the Waiver of Plat be subject to a cash parks dedication. That the additional lot as a result of the waiver of plat be subject to a cash trailway dedication. JOSEPH CONNOLLY ADDITION Shannon Willey, Planner I/Zoning Administrator explained that this parcel is located with the northeast quadrant of Co. Rd. 31 and Co. Rd. 32. The continued growth of Eagan has necessitated the implementation of a second water treatment facility to serve the south portion of the city. This proposal located the water treatment plant south of the parkland facilities of Well Site Park. A small home that is on this property will need to be relocated and some mature trees will be lost with the improvement. Shannon noted that the proposed building will be similar to City Hall and will have a single service garage with 4 garage bays which will not be visible from either Pilot Knob or Cliff Road. Further, the building will look like a single story structure from Pilot Knob or Cliff with a landscape plan that includes a plaza, flagpole and water fountain. Steve Sullivan noted that the construction of the water treatment plant will not influence the operation of Well Site Park. The proposal indicates compatible layouts which provide no serious conflicts between the two uses. The only concern at this time is the possible loading of water or delivery of chemicals to the facility that places trucks and semi-trailers with park vehicular traffic. Steve reminded the Commission that this item was informational only and that he had reviewed the plans carefully to make sure the building would be compatible with the Well Site Park facilities. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 1990 PAGE 4 George Kubik asked where the chlorine would be stored and Shannon Willey explained that storage would be internal only. She further stated that steps have been taken to create a pleasant look for this highly visible comer. EAGAN CENTER 5TH ADDITION Shannon Willey explained that this proposal requests the preliminary plat of two lots and eight outlots on approximately 45 acres. The parcel is part of the Lexington South Planned Development located in the southeast quadrant of Co. Rd. 30 and Co. Rd. 43. The proposal is for a 95,000 square foot retail mall and theatre, ice arena and a mixture of land uses, i.e. auto service station, car wash, fast food, gas station. The proponent is working on a TIF proposal and the site/concept plans have been submitted for approval. BRW and SCH have reviewed the traffic study and SCH is requiring more parking on site than what is being proposed. Ms. Willey further explained that the outlots would be served internally with no access directly to county roads. Steve Sullivan added that the conceptual plans were lacking detail but the proponent will be responsible for providing detailed plans for evaluation prior to final plat. Steve explained that the issues the Commission needs to evaluate include 1) What is the parks dedication obligation; 2) What is the trail dedication obligation; 3) What are the pedestrian circulation needs; 4) What is the water quality requirement and 5) Does the proposal meet the landscape policy requirement. Steve noted that greater pedestrian access was needed as a result of the P.D. Regarding parks dedication obligation, Steve noted that the parcel is within the Lexington South Planned Development and is subject to a park dedication according to the previously negotiated agreement for parks dedication. This should be cash. Regarding trails dedication obligation, the proposal will be subject to fulfilling the trail dedication obligation according to the adopted policy. The Comprehensive Trails System Plan indicated the need for a bituminous path along Co.Rd. 43 and 30. Also, a sidewalk is proposed along Lexington Pointe Parkway. Regarding pedestrian circulation needs, Steve noted that Cindy Gray, a transportation planner for S.E.H. Engineering had provided information for the Commission to review which depicts recommended interior sidewalk locations to accommodate pedestrian needs. Steve continued that these sidewalks go beyond the intent and obligation of the trails dedication policy. Staff recommendations are based on the developer's responsibilities in providing safe and efficient pedestrian circulation within this development. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 1990 MEETING PAGE 5 Regarding water quality Steve noted that the main water resource concern is the impact this development will have on the downstream water quality of McCarthy Lake and Fish Lake. The water quality analysis of the storm water runoff has not been completed but it will be done before the final plat. The development is required to limit the nutrient loading to the downstream water bodies to pre-development levels. George Kubik commented that the City should be especially sensitive to McCarthy and Fish Lakes so that the nutrient levels do not exceed pre-development levels. Steve explained that the concept landscape plan indicates parameter landscaping to screen all parking lots. It appears the proposal does not meet the 5% pervious surface requirement within the parking area. George Kubik expressed concern for the large impervious surface and suggested that guidance be given to add more islands and landscaping. Steve answered that this has been discussed with City Planner Jim Sturm and he will make sure the landscape policy is followed. Shawn Hunter commented that he supports the strong emphasis on landscaping so that the parking lot is not similar to that of the Target/Cub site on Cliff Road. After further discussion, Shawn Hunter moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor the recommend the following to the City Council: 1. That the proposal be subject to parks dedication according to the Lexington South Planned Development Agreement. ($1610/acre) 2. That the proposal be subject to a cash trail dedication. 3. That the developer install sidewalks within the development according to Figure #2 of the memorandum provided in the February packet. 4. That the proponent install an 8 foot bituminous path from Daniel Drive to Lexington Pointe Parkway. 5. That the proposal comply with water quality requirements. 6. That the proposal comply with landscape policy requirements. WATER QUALITY PLAN UPDATE Director Vraa explained that the Council was presented with the Water Quality Plan at a special meeting in January. Having spent 2'h hours on this issue the Council was unable to address the Landscape Policy. John VonDeLinde explained that there was no memo in the packet for the Commission regarding this item but he wanted to bring them up to date on the most recent meeting. John noted that the final draft has been completed and BRA is well into the process of dovetailing the Storm Water Plan with the Water Quality Plan. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 1990 MEETING PAGE 6 The review and planning process has taken approximately 3 years to get to this point and City Engineer Tom Colbert presented the Council with an overview of that process at their meeting on January 30. They focused on the priority section, capital improvement section, implementation strategy and education. After the program administration and overview were reviewed the Council did not take action. They were supportive of the plan philosophically but were concerned about the funding. The Task Force and Developers group will be meeting again to review the final draft and John indicated he would attempt to get copies for all Commission members to review. George Kubik congratulated all those who have worked so long and hard on this project and thanked them for a job well done. John VonDeLinde commented that the Clean Water Partnership Grant for $26,000 was approved by the City Council. The grant will be for Schwanz Lake with the diagnostic work to be completed by 1991 followed by implementation of a program to be completed by 1992. He also noted that the Storm Water Drainage Plan will be reviewed with Engineering and will go to the Council for approval. George Kubik stated that he had had several requests for information regarding lake protection and asked if staff had a supply available for the public to access. John VonDeLinde noted that he would get copies and have them available for people requesting this information. He also stated he would contact Mr. Hunter and Mr. Carroll regarding the next meeting for the Water Quality Plan. LANDSCAPE POLICY Mr. Vraa reiterated that the Council did not have an opportunity to review this policy at their last workshop but will be reviewing it at their February 13th meeting. It is expected the Council will give direction to the Commission at that time. DRAFT JOINT AGREEMENT - CITY OF EAGAN/SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 Director Vraa explained that he has met with Jerry Bertsch, Principal on Special Assignment for School District 196 regarding the joint development agreement for the school/park property previously acquired from the Willmus Family properties. The agreement in the packet for the Commission to review is similar to the previously completed agreement for Woodlands Elementary School/Mueller Farm Park. It is anticipated that after the Commission's review and the review by school district officials, the final draft will be presented to the City Council with the preliminary plat. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 1990 MEETING PAGE 7 George Kubik suggested that on Page 2, under Paragraph III there be placed information regarding standards and criteria for the development of city equipment and design. After further discussion, Dick Carroll moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the Draft Agreement as proposed. TRAIL DEDICATION POLICY Shawn Hunter asked what the status was of the Trail Dedication Policy that was recommended to the City Council. Mr. Vraa responded that the formal ratification was sent to the City Council and will be reviewed next Tuesday after which if will become effective immediately. EAA STORAGE Ken Vraa explained that the house that EAA is currently storing sports equipment in at Pilot Knob and Cliff Road will be moved to make way for the expansion of the water treatment facility. Because of the move, EAA is looking for a new location to store their equipment. Staff has looked at several options in considering this issue including relocating the existing structure to another site. After looking into this option it was determined that it would be cost prohibitive and perhaps consideration should be given to incorporating storage area with a park shelter building. The highest priority for EAA is to establish something that would be permanent. They are willing to pay for a building and originally were considering a 3 car garage building if the City could help with finding a location for such a building. The other requirements EAA has for a building are a minimum of 800 square feet, easily accessible and secure. George Kubik asked if there was a preference for a geographic location. Mr. Vraa responded that that was not a preference, rather permanence was the highest priority. Ken asked the Commission for any thoughts or ideas they may have for providing some assistance in this situation. George commented that consideration should be given to the visual impact to the park depending upon which park site was selected. He suggested that perhaps an annex or addition to an existing or planned building to control the building parameters would be desireable. Michele Swanson suggested considering Rahn Park where a building could be incorporated with the existing Rahn shelter building. Dick Carroll suggested considering a pre-fab again similar to what is at Well Site Park. Ken Vraa also mentioned that EAA is open to volunteering to help with the actual work on the building in addition to paying for their portion of the building. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 1990 MEETING PAGE 8 Sandi Wensmann asked how much EAA was planning on spending on a facility to provide their storage needs. Ken Vraa responded that they are looking for direction from the City for a location so that the exact type of building can be determined and costs can be estimated. After further discussion Ken Vraa suggested Ohmann Park may be a possibility or a free standing building at Rahn Park. Ted Billy suggested that if we were to add a new building at one of the parks perhaps extra footage can be added to that building for storage and consideration should be given to a building similar to Well Site. One of the suggestions staff presented included a building around the water tower at Diffley and Lexington. The timing for the water tower building would be fall, 1990 and the completion of a shelter building at Ohmann is scheduled for completion by summer, 1990. George Kubik directed staff to talk with EAA, prepare recommendations for 3 alternate sites to be discussed by the Commission at their March 8th meeting. TRAPP FARM PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT Ken Vraa explained that he and Steve Sullivan had met with the president of Landscape Structures who is looking for a large site to install play equipment for the purpose of taking photographs to use in their 1991 equipment catalog. The company is suggesting that if Eagan's Trapp Farm Park is selected the cost of the playground equipment will be significantly reduced. Some of the concerns staff has expressed include 1)This is new equipment and some is still on the drawing board and has not been used in the past; 2) The proposal is for steel equipment but will be in a color to mitigate the look of steel; 3) Because this is a major playground structure there would be a need to draw from two product lines; 4) There are some constraints on timing and a need to match our schedule with theirs. The positive aspects include 1) Cost saving; 2) Collaborative approach to the design aspects where our staff would be working with their design team. Ken commented that staff recommended the necessity of bringing parents to participate in this area, however they did not want to incorporate that aspect at this time. George Kubik commented that this was a very important issue. Ted Billy questioned the cost for this playground facility. Mr. Vraa responded by saying the playground equipment for this park was originally budgeted for $35,000 which is double what typical playground equipment costs. Ken noted that the company has talked about selling the equipment at an approximate 50% discount making the value of the equipment actually $60,000. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 1990 MEETING PAGE 9 After further discussion, George Kubik moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that staff proceed with negotiations to go ahead with the process for providing playground equipment at Trapp Farm Park. Mr. Vraa commented that the Commission would see the final layout once it is completed for their approval. Michele Swanson suggested that there be consideration for two types of play structures to see if more creative aspects can be provided for older children as well. PARKS DEVELOPMENT Steve Sullivan stated that the first contract of the decade, 90-1 is for improvements to Carlson Lake Park and Wescott Station Park. To date the analysis has been completed for Carlson Lake Park and staff is working on a preferred plan which will come before the Commission in March. The analysis has been completed for Wescott Station Park and three concept alternatives are done and will be presented at a neighborhood meeting shortly. The analysis of Blackhawk Park has been planned to be a very careful and involved process to insure integrity of this park. Pat Jostad, a naturalist, has done an analysis of the park and City Forester Tom Schuster has done an inventory and evaluation of the site. The comprehensive analysis will be done and hopefully back before the Commission in March. The concept plans will ultimately be done once the analysis has been reviewed. Steve continued that Contract 90-2 is for the construction of park shelter buildings at Ohmann, Bridle Ridge, Northview Parks and a pavilion at Blackhawk Park. Currently the elevations have been done for Ohmann and Northview and are being reviewed. Staff has met with the architect on site at Blackhawk Park to look at possible locations for a pavilion. After another meeting more site specific plans will be done. George Kubik commented that judging from past work the Commission is looking forward to more good results. HAPPENINGS George Kubik commented on the 35 basketball coaches that were NYSCA certified by staff. He also asked Dorothy Peterson for an update on the Youth Connection she has been involved with. Dorothy explained that the Youth Connection Council's greatest concern has been to provide transportation to middle and high school students to activities and events. The students that serve on this council are very involved and a survey is being done of middle and high school students concerning transportation questions. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 1990 MEETING PAGE 10 Mr. Kubik thanked the Eagan seniors for all their help in assembling the Parks and Recreation brochures which will be available to the public this spring. RESULTS OF SNOWMOBILING MEETING Ken Vraa brought the Commission up to date on the information/listening session that was conducted at the Municipal Center two weeks ago. Approximately 35 people attended sharing their concerns and input regarding snowmobiling in the City. Jeff Weldon, Administrative Intern will be doing the follow-up work and making a recommendation to the Commission and Council in March or April. Mr. Vraa commented that there was a wide variety of opinions shared over this issue including the feasibility of continuing snowmobiling within the City as well as requests to have trails provided. It appeared that most snowmobilers don't use their machines on city streets any longer, understanding the limitations and safety issues. It also appeared that the newer snowmobile users wanted trails to be provided for their use. CARLSON LAKE PARK UPDATE Ken Vraa explained that three concept plans have been shared with the neighborhood and there was not total agreement on any one plan therefore this should be an issue to be resolved at the March meeting. The Wescott Station Park residents will also be attending the March meeting regarding the plans for that park. WINTER WEEKEND Recreation Supervisor Dorothy Peterson reminded the Commission and public that the Winter Weekend was beginning on Friday, February 2 with a family skate at Well Site Park. As in past years, activities planned for the Winter Weekend focus on family involvement. Saturday, February 3 will provide a speedskating meet in the morning, ice fishing contest in the afternoon and the snow softball tournament all day. The snow broomball tournament will occur on Sunday, February 4. Unfortunately some of the other events that had been planned which required snow have had to be cancelled. Dorothy commented that she was looking forward to seeing Commission members at the Winter Weekend and invited the viewing audience to participate in the upcoming activities. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 1990 MEETING PAGE 11 COMMUNITY EVENTS Ken Vraa stated that John Griggs had asked to have this item added to the agenda however, since Mr. Griggs was not present this item will be postponed until the March meeting. Mr. Vraa stated that he is looking for an opportune time for the Council and Commission to meet to discuss issues that need to be addressed jointly. Ken stated that he was informed the City was close to an agreement on the acquisition of the Lillian McCarthy property. George Kubik commented on the brochures that are available for the public regarding shelters, tennis courts and trails within the City. He also commented on the cover of Park Maintenance and Grounds Maintenance magazine which featured Thomas Lake Pavilion. Mr. Kubik also suggested the possibility of considering a youth member of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission. Possibly someone in the 15, 16 or 17 year old range. Dick Carroll commented that they could serve on the recreation subcommittee as well. It was noted that this is an idea that staff will investigate. With no further business to conduct, Dick Carroll moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. SECRETARY DATE