06/07/1990 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JUNE 7, 1990 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, June 7, 1990 with the following Commission Members present: Dick Carroll, John Griggs, Michele Swanson, George Kubik, Jack Johnson and Ted Billy. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Recreation Supervisor II; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent; Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Paula Nowariak, Recreation Supervisor; Jennifer Peterson, Recreation Intern; Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. Commission Member Shawn Hunter was not present. AGENDA Ken Vraa added Item #5 under Old Business to include Project #592-Storm Sewer to Willmus Park. Dick Carroll moved, John Griggs seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. MINUTES FROM MAY 3, 1990 MEETING Jack Johnson moved, Ted Billy seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the May 3, 1990 minutes as presented. CONSENT AGENDA Ted Billy moved, Jack Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council. WAIVER OF PLAT - JANE AND SAM ROCKWOOD. That the additional lot in this proposal be subject to a cash parks dedication and that the additional lot be subject to a cash trailway dedication. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1990 MEETING PAGE 2 WOODLANDS NORTH Stephen Sullivan explained that Robert Engstrom Companies is requesting a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of approximately 10 acres from DIII to DI, approximately 8 acres from DIII to DII and approximately 10 acres from DI to DIII. They are also requesting a Planned Development Amendment from R-4 to R-1 within the Gopher Eagan Planned Development, rezoning from R-4 and Ag to R-1, R-2, and R-4 as well as a preliminary plat of approximately 57.9 acres. Steve explained that this parcel is located west of Elrene Road and south of Kost Road. Approximately 10 acres lie within the Gopher Eagan Planned Development and this PD has previously fulfilled its parks dedication with a land contribution of Wescott Station Park. The issues the Commission needed to review included what the impact would be to Park Service Area #14, what the impact would be to the existing woodlands, whether or not the development meets the requirement of Comprehensive Water Quality Policy, what the trailway obligation would be and what the parks dedication obligation would be. After further discussion of this issue, Ted Billy moved, John Griggs seconded, with all members voting in favor to recommend the following: 1. The entire development be subject to a cash trails dedication. 2. The entire development with the exception of Lots 1-5, Block 1 and Lots 1, 2 and 7, Block 2 be subject to a cash parks dedication. OAKS OF BRIDGEWATER Stephen Sullivan explained that an application had been submitted requesting the preliminary plat of 59 single family lots and three outlots on 37.4 acres. This proposal is located south of Wescott Road, west of Elrene, east of Bald Lake, and north of Bridle Ridge 1st Addition. In 1988 Sienna Corporation made application for Bridle Ridge 2nd Addition. This proposal included the current Oaks of Bridgewater parcel, 48 lots south of Bald Lake currently platted as Bridle Ridge 2nd Addition and 90 acres located north of Bald Lake called Govern Trust. The Trust was not included in the Eagan Hills Farm PD and would be subject to a parks dedication. Sienna's intentions were to phase the construction with the 48 lots south of Bald Lake being improved, the Govern Trust property second and the current Oaks of Bridgewater, third and had requested that a parkland dedication "equivalent" for the Oaks of Bridgewater parcel be transferred to the ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1990 MEETING PAGE 3 Govern Trust property. The Oaks of Bridgewater would then take on the parkland dedication obligations of the Govern Trust at the time of the third phase. This proposal was reviewed and approved by the Commission. Sienna Corporation has been unable to obtain the Govern Trust property, therefore, they are now requesting that the previously approved parks dedication agreement as outlined by the Eagan Hills Planned Development and Bridle Ridge 1st Addition be readopted as initially approved. Steve explained that the items for the Commission to review included what the parks dedication requirement would be, what the trails dedication requirement would be, what would be the impact to natural resources and would there be a trailway credit to provide access from Elrene to a planned sanitary sewer manhole. Steve stated that the development is to occur in two phases and the developer is planning to dedicate Outlot C within Bald Lake as parkland. Staff feels this provides no benefit to either party but was tentatively accepted by the City with the initial review of Bridle Ridge 2nd Addition. Rick Packer of Sienna Corporation addressed the Commission and stated that the. developer will be willing to revise their grading plan to preserve as much of the woodland areas as is possible. Mr. Packer stated that one of the reasons the City adopted a trails dedication policy was to make trail construction more equitable for developers. In the case of this development, Sienna has been required to construct a trail along Wescott and they are also being required to provide trail access to a manhole. They feel it would be most efficient to provide a trail from Elrene to the manhole and to receive trail credit for construction of same. It appears that the cost of this access trail will be greater than what the trails dedication will be thus the developer prefers to do the work in lieu of paying for it. George Kubik asked if this access area would be used for park purposes. Steve Sullivan stated that there has been discussion regarding this particular trail link, however, the type of trail and timeframe have not been determined nor is there an immediate need for a trail link for park purposes at this time. Ken Vraa stated that the trail is being installed for utility purposes, not park purposes, and would prefer that utilities were not in this location. It may not be in the best interest of the trails system to have utility needs determine where trails should be placed in a development. Mr. Vraa explained that this location makes sense for a possible trail location however, the Commission needs to review this issue. Rick Packer pointed out that access to the manhole can come from other locations. Ted Billy questioned the cost for a cash trails dedication. Ken Vraa stated it would be approximately $2600 which would equate to slightly more than the cash dedication costs. George Kubik asked what the cost would be for a soft surface trail rather than a ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1990 MEETING PAGE 4 bituminous trail to which Steve Sullivan responded it would be considerably less. Ted Billy commented that it appears staff doesn't look at this trail link very favorably. Mr. Vraa stated that the Commission needs to be cautious at this point because once a precedent is set for a trails dedication credit there may be some potential problems in the future. Ted Billy asked if the Commission didn't approve the trails credit would the developer abandon this route. Mr. Packer responded that they do not like nor do they agree with a manhole being placed in this location. George Kubik expressed his preference for a separate, preferably non-bituminous trail within this park. Dick Carroll asked if children would use this trail as a commuter route to school in which case it would be appropriate for it to be a bituminous surface. Ken Vraa stated it would most likely be for recreational use rather than transportation to/from school. He also stated that the developer's request is a reasonable one however the Commission needs to review the implications of setting this type of precedent. Rick Packer asked if the developer would be prohibited from constructing a bituminous trail in this location if engineering would not approve other options. Ken Vraa asked if this could be deferred to the 2nd phase. Dick Carroll asked if it was deferred would there be an option of considering a bituminous trail as an option as well as a soft surface. George Kubik stated that since there were no positive plans for the type of trail needed that perhaps the Commission should be open to other options and was hesitant to proceed without further information to review. Ted Billy asked what the timing would be for making a recommendation to which Steve Sullivan responded late August/early September based on the timing for final plat. Ken Vraa suggested the Commission could bring this issue back to the August meeting. After further discussion, Ted Billy moved to table the cash dedication issue until August. George Kubik added that the developer should revise the grading plan to preserve additional woodland areas subject to staff review. John Griggs seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. YOUTH RECREATION SUB-COM M11TEE POSITION ON COMMISSION Dorothy Peterson reminded the Commission of their request to investigate the feasibility of youth representation on the Recreation sub-committee. Three issues were identified for review. One, does the City Code allow subcommittee membership to individuals who are not members of an advisory commission; second, what level of Council action would be required to enact student membership to the recreation subcommittee and third, what level of interest could be found to exist at the high schools? ` Dorothy ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1990 MEETING PAGE 5 explained that Staff's interpretation of the city code is that the City Council can appoint ex-officio members to a standing committee by resolution. A change in official membership to the Commission, on the other hand, would require a code change. She further stated that school officials positively support this idea in concept but there has been no discussion with students at this point. George Kubik stated that this opportunity should be opened to the high schools as an experiment that can be reviewed annually and one that will generate more new ideas for the Recreation subcommittee. After further discussion George Kubik moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council approval of a youth representative on the Advisory Parks and Recreation subcommittee. The elements of the resolution should be as follows: 1. Student is to be an Eagan resident. 2. Student is to be a senior in high school. 3. Term of representation is July through June. 4. Student representative is ex-officio. 5. Each of the 3 school districts shall provide a representative. 6. Representation would be limited to committee appointment. AUTUMN RIDGE UTILITIES/LAKESIDE PARK Steve Sullivan shared a site plan showing the sanitary sewer and storm sewer through Lakeside Park. He further stated that there has been a request to move the utilities so as not to have as large an impact on the park as was originally anticipated. Steve commented that the developer has been very cooperative with this project by providing for the storm sewer to go through a smaller section of Lakeside Park. Dick Carroll asked what the deepest cut for the storm sewer would be and Steve responded that it would be approximately 10 feet at the deepest point. Ken Vraa responded that this alignment is much better than what was originally planned. George Kubik asked if this route would provide for the least amount of damage to Lakeside Park to which Steve Sullivan responded affirmatively. Steve stated that some restoration work would need to be completed and George Kubik asked if they was any chance of getting funds to mitigate damage to the park. Ken stated that restoration was a requirement of the contract. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1990 MEETING PAGE 6 Dick Carroll thanked the developer for their cooperation and action in resolving this issue and further stated his approval of the storm water and sewer alignment being proposed. BALD LAKE Director Vraa asked that the Bald Lake issue be addressed by the Commission at this time. John VonDeLinde reminded the Commission that in the fall of 1987 a special Task Force on Water Quality was established for the purposes of overseeing the preparation of a Comprehensive Water Quality Plan for the City of Eagan. At the time of this review, the Water Quality Task Force felt that Bald Lake held the potential for direct contact recreation uses such as wading, sailboarding or swimming. Given the somewhat undefined nature of parkland acquisition adjacent to Bald Lake, it was continued to be recognized as a Level 1 waterbody and was formally adopted as such when the plan was approved by the City Council. John stated that Level 1 is no longer representative of the planned recreation as uses which focus on shoreline fishing and other passive related riparian activities. Reclassification to Class II-Indirect Contact recreation resource would more accurately reflect the selection criteria outlined in the Water Quality Management Plan. John further stated that based upon the engineering report for the Oaks of Bridgewater development, plans for on-site treatment of nutrient runoff through the construction of a nutrient pond will be adequate to preserve water quality at a level suitable for intended Class II uses. The action for the Commission to consider is whether to change the classification from Class I-Direct Contact to Class II-Indirect Contact or Class III-Scenic Recreation Wetland. George Kubik commented that Class II seemed to be the most attractive option at this time. John Griggs asked what the impact of maintaining this lake at a Class I classification would have on the City. Mr. Vraa explained that it would not be a high priority. Rick Packer from Sienna Corporation commented that they were concerned about the storm sewer water going into Bald Lake when they were working on Bridle Ridge. He further stated that they had had a study done in the spring, summer and fall of 1988 and all three samples were off and didn't meet any requirements as set forth by the Water Quality Management Plan. He also stated that the lake is not spring fed, rather it is fed by percolation and the City will need to spend a great deal of money to get this to a Class II designation. Based on results of tests Sienna had completed, Mr. Packer felt it would be difficult to get the lake to a Class I designation. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1990 MEETING PAGE 7 George Kubik noted that it is easier to downgrade a water body rather than upgrade it. He felt the Class II designation should be maintained if possible but that a Class I designation would not be a viable option. After further discussion, Dick Carroll moved, George Kubik seconded the motion to change the classification of Bald Lake from Class I to Class II. Five members voted for and one against the motion. The motion was passed. WILLMUS ADDITION TRUNK STORM SEWER Steve Sullivan explained a situation that exists pertaining to the Willmus Addition south of Willmus Park regarding a feasibility report and site inspections done on this parcel. The report indicates raising the normal water level from 882 to 890. Currently the Highline Trail is at an elevation of 891 and based on the proposed bounce of 20 feet, it is evident that the trial will be occasionally inundated. Staff has suggested that B.R.A.A. maintain the existing normal water elevation at 882 and muck excavate as well to expand the pond area to accommodate the required wet volume. Further staff suggested that the shoreline be enhanced with grading and shaping to resemble a typical pond edge. Tom Angus of Bonestroo was present to show the proposed alignment of the storm sewer pipe from the lift station to Thomas Lake Road which will result in the removal of shrubs and will cross the trail at several locations. During construction implementation the trail will either be left in a safe passable condition or the detouring of pedestrians to alternate routes will be used. He further stated that the normal water level is 882 and with a 25 year storm it would raise to 891.4. During a 50 year storm the water level would reach 898.7 and would take 6 days to get to the 895 level where trees would be impacted and inundated. A 100 year storm would place the water level at 902.2 taking 9 days to get to the 895 level. Mr. Angus stated these figures are based on full development surrounding the area. After several conversations with City Staff, the normal water level will be raised to 893. George Kubik commented that it was critical that the integrity of the Highline Trail be maintained and thanked Tom Angus and Steve Sullivan for all their work in resolving this issue. LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE John VonDeLinde updated the Commission Members on the Landscape Ordinance noting that the development portion of the ordinance was presented to the Planning Commission on May 24, was approved and went to the Council on June 5. The Council deferred the development portion until the post-development portion accompanied the ordinance. This issue will be back to the Council on June 19 for review and action. John stated it would be appropriate for the Commission to review and make a recommendation on the landscape ordinance to the City Council. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1990 MEETING PAGE 8 John Griggs added that the turf grass establishment portion should be looked at specifically regarding the scenario of private ownership of lots and developer ownership of lots. John VonDeLinde explained that the Water Quality Plan will address this issue, especially regarding erosion. Dick Carroll expressed his concern regarding the term "any owner". Ken Vraa commented that the Development Agreement needs to be strengthened to work on this issue. This is an issue that will be reviewed with the Planning Department. After further discussion, George Kubik moved to recommend to the City Council that the Landscape Ordinance document as presented be approved. Ted Billy seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. WATER QUALITY PLAN Ken Vraa noted that the City Council approved the Water Quality Plan as previously recommended by the Commission. Since that time Staff has had numerous meetings regarding implementation and the recommendations that will go to the Council on June 17. One scenario discussed was to change the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission's name to Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission. Another question that arose concerned who should serve on this committee; should it be existing staff, commission members and outside experts? This committee would meet to review and address grants, do an annual report and set priorities. Now that the Water Quality plan has been adopted it is time to implement the plan. John VonDeLinde stated that the biggest issues are ones of education, information and development reviews. George Kubik commented that water quality is such a large issue and he is glad to see that it is receiving such a high priority. TRAILS SURVEY RESULTS Jennifer Peterson, Recreation Intern, addressed the Commission by explaining the research project she was required to do to complete her requirements for her degree from Mankato State. The project dealt with trail use on the County Trails along Pilot Knob Road and Cliff Road. The subjects of the study were 101 users of the Eagan/Dakota County Trails along Pilot Knob Road and Cliff Road. The subjects were randomly selected by the researcher as they were using the trails. In addition to those who were interviewed, all those observed using the trails were included in the total number of users. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1990 MEETING PAGE 9 After her very thorough presentation George Kubik thanked Jennifer for the excellent job she had done in her research and presentation. Jennifer commented that one of the most frequently requested services was to have the trails plowed in the winter so that they could be used year round. She also stated that most users felt the existing trails were adequate for their needs. Ted Billy congratulated Jennifer for a quality report and recommended that she get an "A". Jack Johnson also thanked Jennifer for all the valuable information she brought to the Commission that will be a great resource for future projects. ICE ARENA TASK FORCE Ken Vraa explained that the Council has established a Task Force for the ice arena and they are looking for one member from the Commission to serve on this committee. The time involvement would be approximately 2 meetings a month and they would meet typically on Wednesdays at 5:00 P.M. Jack Johnson commented that he already felt involved in this issue and volunteered to serve on the committee. PARKS DEVELOPMENT Steve Sullivan stated that bituminous is being placed on the Northview parking lot with June 15 set as the anticipated completion date. He also noted that the building contract is underway for the various shelter buildings throughout the city. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1990 MEETING PAGE 9 HAPPENINGS George Kubik commented on item #7, budget cuts, and asked what kinds of cuts are anticipated for Parks and Recreation. Ken Vraa responded that the budget cuts will be city wide and he will keep the Commission abreast of any changes to be made in the budget. Commission members also commented on Water Landgrebe beginning his internship on June 11, their disappointment that the star gazing activity was fogged out and their enthusiasm for again sponsoring the skateboard contest on July 3rd for avid skateboarders to show their stuff! ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1990 PAGE 10 OLYMPIC TORCH RUN Paula Nowariak, Recreation Supervisor, updated the Commission on the plans for the Olympic Torch Run which will be run through Eagan on Monday, July 2, 1990. The torch will be through Eagan from approximately 1:30 to 2:30 P.M. with 53 runners carrying the torch over 4.8 miles. Eagan will receive the torch at the Apple Valley border on Johnny Cake Ridge Road and will conclude their route at McDonalds on Silver Bell Road. McDonalds is a corporate sponsor of this event and have been working diligently to make sure it runs smoothly. Federal Land has gotten involved by incorporating some special events that include the children from New Horizon along the parade route. Recreation's program "Summer in the Park" will have kids and balloons posted along the torch route as well. Paula also stated that Channel 5 will be present to cover the event. An open house is also scheduled for Sunday, July 1 between 6-8 PM at Thomas Lake Pavilion to celebrate the Torch Run event. George Kubik thanked McDonalds and Channel 5 for their help and support of this activity. With no further business to conduct, Dick Carroll moved, Jack Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. SECRETARY DATE