07/12/1990 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING GO THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 12, 1990 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:40 P.M. on Thursday, July 12, 1990 with the following Commission Members present: Dick Carroll, Shawn Hunter, Michele Swanson, John Griggs, George Kubik, and Ted Billy. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Dorothy Peterson, Recreation Supervisor II; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent; Walter Landgrebe, Recreation Intern and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. Commission Member Jack Johnson was not present. AGENDA Ken Vraa stated that there would be residents from Shale Lane adjacent to Rahn Athletic Fields present to address the Commission regarding their concerns with adult softball. George Kubik noted that the residents would be slotted into the agenda when they arrived. Michele Swanson moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. MINUTES FROM JUNE 7, 1990 Ted Billy moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes as presented. CONSENT AGENDA George Kubik moved, Ted Billy seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council. TRINITY LONE OAK CHURCH ADDITION. That this proposal be subject to a cash trail dedication and would not be subject to a cash parkland dedication. Any future change in zoning from the Public Facilities designation would require a cash parkland dedication. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1990 MEETING PAGE 2 John Griggs moved, Michele Swanson seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council. GALAXIE CLIFF PLAZA 2ND ADDITION. That this proposal be subject to a cash parkland dedication and that the Galaxie Cliff Planned Development is responsible for installing an 8 foot bituminous trail on the west side of Galaxy Avenue. This previously approved and pending trails obligation will fulfill the trails dedication requirement for the proposal. COVENTRY PASS 3RD ADDITION Stephen Sullivan explained that the Commission had previously reviewed this proposal in January of 1989 as Coventry Pass Addition for the preliminary plat of 227 lots on 122 acres. The parks dedication included parkland, pond credit, slope credit, and a cash balance with the platting of the 142nd and all additional lots. The current proposal before the Commission is for the preliminary plat of 50 lots on 19.8 acres. After further discussion Shawn Hunter moved to accept staff's recommendation for parkland dedication. John Griggs amended the motion to state that the parkland dedication would include Exhibit D. George Kubik further amended the motion to recommend that the proposal be subject to a cash trail dedication. Dick Carroll seconded the amended motion with all members voting in favor. A clarification of "Exhibit E - Conditions of Parkland Dedication" included: 1) The developer shall be responsible for paying a cash parks dedication at the final platting of the 142nd lot and all future lots within the Coventry Pass subdivision. 2) The developer provide a parkland dedication according to the parcel configuration depicted on the park development plan provided by the City dated 6/7/89 and reflected by the Coventry Pas 1st Addition plat. The 15.726 acre parcel is equivalent to 5.1 acres of parkland dedication. 3) The developer shall be responsible for the common excavation, clear grubbing subgrade correction, topsoil placement and fine grading of the entire park according to the park development plan provided by the City dated 6/7/89. 4) The City of Eagan will pay the developer $8,720.45 for the grading of the park according to the park development plan provided by the City dated 6/7/89. 5) The developer shall receive a cash parkland credit at 50% for ponding equivalent to 1.53 parkland acres. The developer shall receive a cash parkland credit at 20% for steep slopes equivalent to 1.10 parkland acres. 6) The developer shall install an 8 foot bituminous trail within the outlot located between Country View Drive and Prairie Ridge Road. 7) The developer shall be responsible for any correction of the buried debris providing a quality parkland condition approved and deemed appropriate by the City. 8) An 8 foot bituminous trail be placed along Dodd Road (This is proposed to occur with the upgrading of Dodd Road.) ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1990 MEETING PAGE 3 BURRVIEW PONDS ADDITION Stephen Sullivan explained that this proposal is for a preliminary plat for two apartment buildings located north of Chapel Lane and south of Hwy #55. Based on the standard parkland dedication fees this development would be responsible for $71,280 in park dedication fees and $13,200 for trails dedication fees. The developer would like to fulfill its dedication through a parkland contribution including facility development of a vita par course, trail and public parking area. The parcel is within PSA #12S which is served by Bur Oaks Park however, as a result of the parcel's location, there is not direct pedestrian access to Bur Oaks Park. Steve stated that the two primary issues for the Commission to review include how this parcel would be served as well as how to deal with the developer's request for parkland dedication rather than cash dedication. Steve stated that Bur Oaks Park does have some pending facilities to be developed such as playground and trails. With the development of Bur Oaks South, the playground may be place in the next year or two. George Kubik asked where the vita par course would be located to which Ken Vraa responded to the east and south of the buildings. Dick Carroll commented that direct access to a park needs to be provided to the people living within this tract. Shawn Hunter asked who owned the land between Burrview Ponds Addition and Bur Oaks Park to which Ken Vraa responded it was a developed single family area and in order to gain access to the park permission would need to be received from two property owners to provide access from the southeast. Dick Carroll reiterated the necessity to try to provide access for these residents. Shawn Hunter noting that the park dedication area was .6 acres asked where this park area would go within the development. Steve Sullivan stated the interpretation is that it needs to go in as flat an open space as possible with access. Ken Vraa added that by not providing access to the public this would then become a private park for this development only. The consensus of the Commission was that there be a preference for cash dedication, that a trail access be identified and that this development include a tot lot with review of the entire proposal at a later date. OAKS OF BRIDGEWATER Stephen Sullivan explained that an application had been submitted requesting the preliminary plat of 59 single family lots and three outlots on 37.4 acres.located south of Wescott Road, west of Elrene Road, east of Bald Lake, north of Bridle Ridge 1st Addition. This parcel fulfilled its parks dedication with the land contribution of Bridle Ridge Park, several green spaces and a cash contribution for parkland development. The developer has requested that storm water be conveyed away from Bald Lake and into a proposed pond on parkland property and that the parkland dedication occur with the second phase ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1990 MEETING PAGE 4 of the project and not the final plat. The Commission was asked to review what the parks dedication requirement should be, what the trails dedication requirement should be and what the impact would be to the parkland with the proposed pond. Steve noted that after the City Attorney had reviewed this proposal relative to trails dedication requirement no trails dedication is necessary. The developer is required to place an 8' bituminous trail within Outlot A, Bridle Ridge 1st Addition to provide maintenance access to a sanitary sewer manhole within Lot 12. At the last Commission review of this issue the developer proposed to convey 50% of the storm water into Bald Lake and provide a cash contribution to the Water Quality Fund. Since that time the developer has been working with City staff to convey all storm water away from Bald Lake to a pond area south of the development within adjacent parkland. This conveyance minimizes negative water quality impact from the proposed development. Developer has agreed to grade a trail pad around the proposed pond assuring an alignment above the high water level. Steve explained that staff does not typically promote conveyance of storm water to parkland, however in this case Bald Lake water quality is protected, therefore enhancing future use and parkland facility development. After further discussion Dick Carroll moved, John Griggs seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the following three recommendations: 1. The developer dedicates to the City of Eagan a land contribution of Outlot C with the second phase of development. This dedication shall occur no later than September 1, 1991. 2. The developer shall install a storm water pond within Outlot E, Bridle Ridge 2nd Addition. The developer shall grade a 10 foot wide trail pad from Outlot A, Bridle Ridge 1st Addition around and along the south side of the proposed pond. The developer shall restore the disturbed area within the park with the mixed height mesic prairie mix according to Parks and Recreation Department standard specifications. The Parks and Recreation Department shall review and approve all construction plans prior to implementation. 3. No credit shall be given to the developer for the installation of the bituminous utility access. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1990 MEETING PAGE 5 WEATHER RELATED REFUND POLICIES Director Vraa explained that the report is based on concern regarding events being weathered out and the necessity of issuing a refund in that instance. Currently the policy is to charge a $35 half-day or $50 full-day fee plus a $100 damage deposit for all shelter and pavilion buildings. The fee is minimal and comparable to other communities. The question that arises is "What is inclement weather and who sets the standard for that decision. George Kubik asked what other communities do on this issue. Mr. Vraa responded that some do offer an alternate date in the event of inclement weather but very few offer a refund. Ted Billy questioned how many times this issue has been raised to which Mr. Vraa responded very few. Ted Billy stated it appears the refund policy is not an issue and George Kubik suggested recommending the continuance of the existing policy. John Griggs suggested considering offering another date as an option if a reservation is weathered out and Mr. Kubik responded it would be administratively difficult considering how extensively the shelters and pavilions are reserved during the summer months. After further discussion, Ted Billy moved, Michele Swanson seconded with all members voting in favor to continue with the current refund policy involving park shelter and pavilion buildings. George Kubik added that if this issue becomes more of a concern it would be appropriate to re-evaluate at that time. SHALE LANE RESIDENTS REGARDING RAHN ATHLETIC FIELDS Residents living at 2108, 2104 and 2112 Shale Lane were present to address the Commission regarding an incident at Rahn Athletic Park, Field 4. The issue involves the location of Field 4 which is within 40-50 feet of some of these homes and the difficulty that has occurred due to softball players practicing in the outfield and hitting balls over the fences into the residential area. The resident living at 2108 Shale Lane noted that his grandchildren were playing in his yard when a ball was hit into the yard. When the softball players responsible for hitting the ball approached the homeowner to retrieve same the adults became confrontational. Homeowner went into his home at which time the softball player(s) entered his yard over his fence to retrieve their ball. The police were called to help resolve the dispute. Homeowner indicated to the Commission that this was not an uncommon occurrence and felt that Field 4 should be taken out of play completely and not be used during the 1991 season. He suggested another option would be to allow only little league to play on that field rather than adults since they most likely would not ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1990 MEETING PAGE 6 be able to hit the ball over the fenced yards. This poses an additional problem to the homeowners because they are not able to see the field from their yard therefore they are not aware when ball is hit in their direction. Homeowner felt it was imperative this issue be addressed before someone get hurt seriously. Ken Vraa stated that Jon Oyanagi was made aware of this situation immediately after it happened and he has made contact with the team involved in this incident. Basically the players went out to 3rd base and starting playing toward the outfield after having been given specific direction not to do this. The team manager has talked to Jon and admitted his players were out of line with their behavior. Ted Billy asked if the softballs generally come into the yard when games are being held. The residents responded that this does not normally happen during a regular game. It has been common, however because of the practice in the outfield. Tom Madison of 2104 Shale Lane reiterated that the problem exists generally when players are practicing in the outfield David Doyle, 2112 Shale Lane noted that his yard was not fenced therefore more balls end up in his yard. They are baseballs rather than softballs, however. George Kubik suggested writing a letter to the team in question reminding them to observe the rules in the future. Mr. Vraa suggested also sending letters to all teams using those field to remind them that hitting can occur only from home plate. George Kubik stated that Parks and Recreation wants to be a good neighbor to those residents surrounding park facilities and do whatever is needed to resolve this issue. John VonDeLinde suggested placing a sign within the park reminding players that batting practice can take place only at home plate. George Kubik thanked the Shale Lane residents for bringing their concerns forward and stated the department will work at making this a workable situation. CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Steve Sullivan explained that 17 sets of plans and specifications were distributed for Improvement Contract 90-1 and 5 bids were received. A preconstruction meeting has will be held within the next two weeks with work to begin the last week in July. Steve also brought the Commission's attention to the Improvement Contract Summary enclosed in the packet stating he would be happy to answer any questions they may have. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1990 PAGE 7 HAPPENINGS George Kubik thanked the anonymous donor of $150 which is to be used to help defray the cost for a child to attend camp this summer. He also commented on how well the tennis format was working and complimented staff on the addition of the kiosk at Northview Park tennis courts. It was noted that Eagan High School will co-host the 1990 high school softball tournament at Northview. It was also noted that the Eaganettes won 2nd place in the 4th of July Parade. George Kubik stated that he continues to be impressed with the quality of work performed by the maintenance staff; particularly the kiosk that was constructed at Northview Park, and asked that that compliment get passed on to the appropriate staff members. Jon Oyanagi prepared a video for the Commission's review showing excerpts of activities that have occurred during the summer. Some on the activities included Camp Creative, Summer in the Park, Torch Run, 4th of July Parade and adult softball games. ICE ARENA FACILITIES TASK FORCE UPDATE Ken Vraa explained that the group has become very organized and is meeting every 2 weeks. They have looked at videos and slides of other facilities and are concerned over issues such as seating, square footage costs, etc. Site selection will be discussed shortly with the site south of City Hall and the Lexington/Diffley site both being considered. The group will go back and review the sites at a later date. MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT MEETING Ken Vraa reminded the Commission that they had talked about providing for a maintenance management plan to establish standards for facilities. John VonDeLinde has put together a very comprehensive maintenance management plan and Mr. Vraa asked to have Commission members these issues with staff. In determining a meeting date it was suggested that September would be an appropriate time frame to schedule this meeting with all Commission members participating. Ken Vraa stated he would place this item on the September agenda so that a definite date could be determined. WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR Ken Vraa stated that July 22 was the closing date for applications for this position. At this time five applications have been received. The City will be re-advertising for this position and extending the deadline by two weeks. John VonDeLinde is checking on trade journals to see if it would be viable to advertise in these publications. If the August 3rd deadline does not produce more applications, there may be a need to readvertise. The individual they are looking for must possess a strong background with water quality and water quality standards. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1990 MEETING PAGE 8 John Griggs explained that the MWCC has water quality video tapes available for the public to review. They have also offered their expertise if help is needed to advertise these programs going. John offered his time to help get this program of public awareness up and running. Dorothy Peterson introduced Walter Landgrebe, recreation intern, to the Commission stating he is completing his last 15 credits of course work at the University of Minnesota. He has been helping Jon Oyanagi with some of his programs and will be presenting a report to the Commission in the very near future. Michele Swanson asked if anyone had received feedback from the lions regarding the 4th of July activities. Her feeling is that it seemed to have run smoother with the parade route running on Nicols rather than Rahn. Michele also asked if any Commission members had seen Skyland Park in Burnsville which was built by 700 volunteers in 4 days. She noted that this park has a series of activities for families to participate in and perhaps it would be a good idea for staff to visit and comment. George Kubik commented that this may be an appropriate time to again tour park facilities in other communities which has always been helpful in looking at the facility needs for Eagan parks. With no further business to conduct, Dick Carroll moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. SECRETARY DATE