08/02/1990 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA AUGUST 2, 1990 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, August 2, 1990 with the following Commission Members present: Dick Carroll, Shawn Hunter, Michele Swanson, John Griggs, George Kubik and Ted Billy. Commission Member Jack Johnson and Alternate Lee Markell were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Dorothy Peterson, Recreation Supervisor II; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent; Walter Landgrebe, Recreation Intern and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA Michele Swanson moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. MINUTES FROM JULY 12, 1990 MEETING Dick Carroll moved, Ted Billy seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes as presented. CONSENT AGENDA Ted Billy moved, John Griggs seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council. FINASERVE, INC ADDITION - FINA OIL & CHEMICAL CO. That this plat be subject to a cash parkland dedication. That this plat be subject to a cash trailway dedication. WESCOTT SQUARE ADDITION (REVISED) - NEW HORIZON HOMES. That the developer provide a sand area, playground structure and gazebo. That the plat be subject to a cash parkland dedication. That the plat be subject to a cash trailway dedication. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development proposals for the Commission to review. EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM - SCHOOL DISTRICT 197 Dorothy Peterson directed the Commission to the memo included in the packet outlining the inquiry by School District 197 to use Sky Hill Park shelter building one day a week from 8:45 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Classes of parent-child pairs were planned to begin in early September and run to the end of the school year in June. The current City policy for the use of park shelter buildings by community groups states that "Reservations may be scheduled in three month intervals, six months being the maximum. Extensions beyond six months are to be on a month-by-month basis". ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1990 MEETING PAGE 2 Dorothy noted that one of staffs concerns was the three growing school districts in the city which could cause a problem with requests for space that are limited at this point. Another concern was that of janitorial needs. The level of service provided currently is sufficient for programmed use. Increase in maintenance, i.e. snow removal, plowing and timely clearing of facilities is another concern. Ken Vraa explained that at this time staff is looking for direction from the Commission and the memo included within the packet outlines some concerns and issues for Commission review. Shawn Hunter asked what the extended length of time policy is currently. Dorothy Peterson explained that it was quarterly, three month intervals with a maximum of six months. This would exclude winter months, however, because of the skating season and the need to use the shelter buildings for warming shelters. Debbie Shields, Early Childhood Coordinator for School District 197, was present to address the Commission and to respond to any questions they may have. Ms. Shields first comment was relative to the janitorial issue. She stated that they would be able to deal with whatever schedule currently exists so they would be able to provide programming for Eagan residents in School District 197. Debbie continued stating that the considerations for space in the past have been 35 square feet per child, accessibility to public, bathroom facilities available and free or low-cost rent. The classes would begin with approximately 7-8 parent/child pairs and may grow to 15-16 parent/child pairs by the end of the school year. Because of the space constraints within the school district it is necessary for ECFE to look for space outside the school district buildings. George Kubik thanked Ms. Shields for the information provided and asked if Commission members had any questions. John Griggs asked what time the shelter building at Sky Hill Park is generally open for public use. Mr. Vraa stated that the building is open seven days a week during the skating season, generally in the afternoon and evening hours but is also open when programs are run during the day at this site. Dorothy Peterson explained that if a day session of skating would occur at this site the building would be open to the public at 11:00 A.M. John Griggs suggested that perhaps the program could run in this location with the understanding that the morning session would need to be completed before the building was open to the public. George Kubik, stating that he understood the need for more space for this program, expressed concern for setting a precedent by changing the existing policy feeling it was imperative that the complexity of this issue be analyzed carefully before making policy changes. Shawn Hunter expressed his agreement with George's comments suggesting that perhaps this could be looked at as a one-time bridge to allow ECFE to get through this first quarter. On a long-term basis, however, S.D.197 needs to look at this program and see what options they will offer for the continuation of the program. Ted Billy noted that staff had prepared a very comprehensive report but did not make specific recommendations. The issues, however, are serious enough that the policy should not be changed at this time. George Kubik asked if there were any other park facilities or community room space available to facilitate this need. Dorothy Peterson explained that the community room was booked quite extensively and would not be available for an on-going program. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1990 MEETING PAGE 3 Dick Carroll, noting that this was part of S.D. 197 curriculum, questioned why the district does not provide space for it's operation. Perhaps a portable classroom would suffice. Ms. Shields explained that the district did purchase a portable building but it was not large enough for ECFE's use. Dick then asked what other options they have considered. Ms. Shields stated they have looked at retail space and banks. They have talked with one apartment building owner who is ready to talk about providing a space but the major concern is the security of the building. She is not sure if families would be comfortable in that type of environment. Dick expressed his concern over S.D.197s lack of concern to include ECFE in their capital building plan. Perhaps the three month term would work for the short term but still sees this as a long term problem that needs to be addressed by the school district. Ms. Shields stated that she doesn't see much change occurring in three months and if after three months using Sky Hill Park there aren't any other options they will consider looking at scheduling changes to fit within the hours that would be available for their use. George Kubik stated that if this three month option would provide a time frame for ECFE to explore other options he would be in favor of allowing the use of Sky Hill Park. He is not in favor or allowing for a longer term, however. After further discussion, John Griggs moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to not change the existing City policy regarding park shelter building reservations but would provide for a three month reservation option at Sky Hill Park for School District 197 ECFD use. The particulars for the three month reservation would need to be outlined by department staff. PARKS DEVELOPMENT Steve Sullivan explained that Contract 89-17 was nearing completion with sod needing to be relayed because of the recent rains and the bituminous work is almost complete on Contract 89-29. Contract 90- 1 which includes the construction of seven parks, has erosion control in place and grading started at Wescott Station Park; erosion control in place at Carlson Lake Park and sewer and water installed at Bridle Ridge Park. The contract for park shelter buildings (90-2) has the Northview building enclosed, the Bridle Ridge building is framed and the slab is poured at Ohmann Park. DEPARThIENT HAPPENINGS George Kubik commented on the $1,000 income from concessions and asked where these funds go. Mr. Vraa responded that they go into the general fund. John Griggs asked what could be sold next year to expand sales. Ken stated that staff will continue to refine the concessions operation and monitor the future sales to determine where growth can occur. George Kubik asked for further information regarding the 33 coaches that were recently certified. Dorothy Peterson explained that this number represented the RAAA fall soccer coaches that were certified by NYSCA. This has proven to be a very beneficial program allowing rookie coaches the opportunity to gain information on positive coaching methods in working with children. Dorothy noted that both EAA and RAAA are very supportive of this program. Other items of interest discussed included the junior tennis tournament sponsored by the department, the new sand volleyball courts soon to be opened at Rahn Athletic, the family picnic at Trapp Farm Park attracted 70-100 people with approximately 300 people attending the Teddy Bear Band performance following. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1990 MEETING PAGE 4 Mr. Kubik noted that the Lillian McCarthy property closing has occurred and thanked staff for their help in seeing this through. George also complimented staff on the new tot lot playground at Rahn as well as the park benches throughout the park system. He expressed his appreciation and thanks to the maintenance staff for their fine work. John VonDeLinde responded to a question regarding damage, if any, as a result of the recent rain storm by noting that a great deal of sand was lost from the volleyball court at Trapp Farm Park, some sand was lost at Thomas Lake and there was some loss of sod at other park locations. John also commented on the new tree inventory system noting that more than 3000 trees have been entered into the computer indicating the dollar value of the tree identifying the location of each tree so that maintenance can be tracked in a more efficient manner. John suggested a demonstration of the program at the next Commission meeting if the Commission so desired. George Kubik also asked if a new location had been designated for a tree farm to which Mr. Vraa responded that two acres of the Lillian McCarthy property would be designated for that use. ART PARK PROPOSAL Ken Vraa stated that one of the responsibilities of an intern is to do a research project that would be presented before the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission. The project assigned to Walter Landgrebe was to research options for setting up a possible foundation in order to bring the art park proposal to fruition. Recreation Intern Walter Landgrebe addressed the Commission explaining that he began this project wanting to gain some information regarding Mr. Caponi's proposed art park idea and what possible options would be available to see this idea become a reality. One of the most critical issues to resolve is the one regarding financing a proposal of this type. If the City of Eagan would become involved in this project some of the options they may want to consider for financing would be to have this run as a private operation or have it run as a non-profit organization. Mr. Caponi has discussed selling the property outright to the City of Eagan but because of the costs involved a suggested consideration for Mr. Caponi would be the consideration of a private operation foundation. Mr. Landgrebe's research suggested that if a foundation was chosen to be set up then the bigger challenge would be finding a board of directors (volunteers) who would commit the time involved to run the foundation as well as share the same vision as Mr. Caponi. Mr. Landgrebe further explained to the Commission the differences between a private operation foundation and a public operation foundation and the pros and cons of both. After Mr. Landgrebe's presentation, John Griggs asked what the concept was for the Art Park since he was not familiar with it. Walter explained that Mr. Caponi wanted the art garden to be in tune with nature and be a pleasant experience for people walking through it. Mr. Griggs then asked if all the art work was completed or would there be options for other artists to participate. Ken Vraa stated that the park was not completed at this time but Mr. Caponi's vision is for this to be an educational facility where the public can view an artist at work. It is not clear at this time if other artists would be included in this concept. George Kubik commented that it would be timely for the Commission to visit Mr. Caponi's property to better understand what this proposal entails. Ken Vraa stated that he would make arrangements for the Commission to tour the Caponi property as part of the pre-meeting tour in September. George Kubik thanked Walter for his informative report and wished him well as he completes his college studies. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1990 MEETING PAGE 5 MAINTENANCE REPORT John VonDeLinde explained that the packet contained a detailed overview of planned construction and maintenance activities in the Park Maintenance/Operations Division for this coming fall. Included in the projects was the construction of the Eagan Athletic Association's storage building at Northview Park, construction of the new double sand volleyball courts at Rahn Park, installation of underground irrigation on Field #5 at Northview Park, installation of park benches and concrete waste containers throughout the park system along with several other projects currently underway or ready to begin. Maintenance projects included turf maintenance and fertilization, topdressing at Goat Hill and Northview Park, overseeding and core aerification, winterization of irrigation systems, layout and setup of soccer fields throughout the city and ongoing and routine inspection of facilities throughout the system. Another large undertaking will be the sealcoating of parking lots as well as trail sealcoating of several of the trail links throughout the system. The total amount of sealcoating being scheduled is for approximately 26,671 square yards of parking lots and 12.2 lineal miles of trails to be sealcoated. RESIDENTS PETITION - MEMO TO TOM HEDGES Ken Vraa stated that the area in question regarding this petition is part of a study area which is being proposed for down-zoning. The issue of rezoning will be addressed by the Advisory Planning Commission on August 28 and will proceed on to the City Council on September 4 at which time City Council will give direction to staff regarding this petition for a neighborhood park. STREET MASTER PLAN UPDATE Ken Vraa explained that he, John VonDeLinde and Tom Schuster have begun the process for addressing the street master plan by setting up some guidelines to work within. John VonDeLinde noted that the City may establish a master plan for street tree plantings whereby the City would be responsible for tree planting along boulevards with the exception of undeveloped land in which case the developers would need to comply with the master plan. This would be a long involved process which would include setting up a street/boulevard inventory to incorporate an overall system review, identify individual boulevard sections and a feasabiltiy assessment of each section. From that point a planting standard would be developed followed by an implementation plan which would include a five-year action plan, the financing strategies to complete this task and a long term maintenance plan which would include replacement. Shawn Hunter asked how many streets the city would be dealing with. John VonDeLinde noted that there are 62 miles of paved boulevard sections and guessed at approximately 80-100 miles of roadway. John Griggs stated the city needs to be careful in looking at disease transmission so as not to run the risk of losing an entire grouping of trees to a disease. Perhaps groupings of multiple types of trees need to be carefully considered. George Kubik suggested some investigation should be made into a data base system that would allow the flexibility of setting up this street master plan that could, perhaps, tie in with the County's existing program. Ken Vraa noted that staff is still in the process of exploring this issue but wanted to begin to look at some preliminary requirements to make this master plan workable. COMINIISSION PICNIC Ken Vraa reminded the Commission that it was that time of year again to plan for the annual Commission picnic. Dorothy Peterson noted that Jim McGuffee will again be making his famous soup and is also suggesting cooking turkeys on the grill to be served as well. George Kubik thought it was a great idea and suggested that the Commission take advantage of Jim McGuffee's offer. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1990 MEETING PAGE 6 After further discussion, Ted Billy moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to set Friday, September 14, 1990 at Thomas Lake Pavilion as the date for the annual Commission picnic. With no further business to conduct, Ted Billy moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. CR ARY ATE