09/24/1990 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 24, 1990 The Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission met on site at Carlson Lake park at 6:00 P.M. on Monday, September 24,1990 for the purpose of reviewing with residents the proposed revision and new master plan for Carlson Lake Park. Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa, reviewed with those in attendance the action taken by the City Council directing the Advisory Commission to develop a more passive parks plan. He then reviewed the minutes of the September 6, 1990, reading the motion of Shawn Hunter and passed unanimously by the Commission which provided for erosion control and establishment of turfreduction of the trail to a six (6) foot wide turf trail and redesign of the park to include playground equipment on the south side of Carlson Lake, with the omission of the hardcourt surface. Director Vraa reviewed with the residents the reduction of the trail, sodding, seeding and slope stabilization. He then reviewed the status of the City's plans for dealing with severe erosion from Carlson Lake Lane on the west as a result of storm water overflowing the curb. He indicated that the Engineering Department has developed a storm sewer plan, which includes catch basins and storm pipe. This plan is currently being reviewed due to the large storm drainage area. Director Vraa then turned the meeting over to Landscape Architect/Parks Planner Stephen Sullivan, who presented a graphic showing the revised park plan. The revised facility program, provided for the omission of the hardcourt. The revised grading plan would blend the previously proposed hardcourt into the play area, blending the grading to the lake. A portion of the flat surface would provide for a picnic table and planting of over story deciduous trees for shade. The eight foot wide bituminous trail entering the park from the south would follow the same trail alignment currently at a sub-grade. The trail would be revised to be an 8 foot wide aggregate trail. This would provide continuity from the turf trail down the west hillside to the south entrance. Also provided would be access to the playground and open play area, as well as ensure a stable surface for parks maintenance and pedestrian access. It was explained that the basketball standard currently in place would be eliminated, along with the security light in the original plan. The playground would stay at the same location, with a wood type structure to be installed later. A concept plan was reviewed showing the play area. Mr. Sullivan then reviewed the open play area, stating that it would stay in the same location, with a slight grade to allow for draining. He then reviewed miscellaneous items regarding the park plan, including bench location, waste containers, signs, etc. Mr. Sullivan noted that it was not in the pending contract for development of a fishing pier on the east side of the lake. However, he presented the drawing showing the deck/dock and access to this area for future implementation. The Advisory Commission and residents had several questions and comments regarding the park and the revised plan. After a half-hour of discussion by the residents, the Advisory Commission returned to City Hall to take formal action on the plan. The special meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Those Commission members present included Jack Johnson, Michele Swanson, John Griggs and Lee Markell. Commission member Ted Billy was at the on-site meeting and arrived late at the municipal center. Commission members not present included George Kubik, Dick Carroll and Shawn Hunter. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Craig Johnson, Landscape Architect; and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 24, 1990 PAGE 2 Having walked the site and reviewed the proposed park plan prior to the meeting, John Griggs moved to approve the park plans for Carlson Lake Park as presented. The motion further directed staff to set up a neighborhood meeting to address the landscaping plan that will be proposed for this park. The motion was seconded by Michele Swanson with all members voting in favor. John Griggs commented that when the review of this issue began he noted that there appeared to be some controversy regarding what the neighborhood actually wanted. At that time there didn't appear to be a consensus as to what was needed or wanted for this park. He continued that after this process, which has drawn comment from many of the neighbors, it appears that the park will be developed to fit the needs of the neighborhood as a whole, primarily because of all the discussion that has occurred over this issue. Ken Vraa commented that the first neighborhood meeting provided for a great deal of participation from the neighbors. Subsequent meetings had different groups attending which made for differing opinions and concerns at each meeting. He noted that it was difficult to get a consensus when the make-up of the group was different at each meeting. Jack Johnson congratulated staff for getting the sod down and the grading done in such a timely manner. He felt the neighborhood was pleased to have this much of the work completed so that the issue of erosion and preservation of the site was addressed quickly. John Griggs continued that erosion control and storm water still remains an issue of concern and needs to be resolved. Ken Vraa stated that Engineering had provided a plan to address the erosion issue however the bid that was received was too high to incorporate it in the contract bid for park improvements at Carlson Lake. Apparently Engineering did not realize what a large area was draining into this location and are now addressing how this erosion control problem can best be handled. Ken continued that the low area where a great deal of the erosion has occurred is due, in part, to the road settling. John Griggs suggested that perhaps more catch basins would help with the overland water drainage. Steve Sullivan added that measures taken to date have not contained the erosion. He suggested that the watershed needs to be diverted to better address this issue and that concrete or rip-rap may be options that could be considered. After further discussion regarding the erosion problem at Carlson Lake John Griggs stated that this is an issue that is a problem for Engineering and Public Works to address. Lee Markell asked if the work that was just done was done with a change order. Steve responded that it was. John Griggs asked if the park would come in under budget because several things have been changed and/or removed from this park and if so, could some of those cost savings be used to help defray the budget crunch the City is currently dealing with. Ken Vraa stated that even if this park comes in under budget those dollars came from the Park Site Fund and not from the general fund. Steve Sullivan stated that at this point it is not known exactly where the City sits with this contract; a cost control needs to be done soon to fully understand the impact the changes in Carlson Lake Park have had to this park contract. John Griggs asked what percentage of the grading would be done this fall. Craig Johnson stated that both the grading and the seeding will be completed this fall. Lee Markell asked staff to address two separate erosion control problems. One was the silt fence near the swale at Carlson Lake which needs to be inspected and repaired. The second is near Schwanz Lake near the Summer Place development where the silt fence needs to be replaced. Lee suggested that these two items be looked at soon so that no further damage occurs. With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M. SECRETARY DATE