11/01/1990 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA NOVEMBER 1, 0% A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 8:15 P.M. on Thursday, October 4, 1990 following a joint Council/Commission meeting. Commission Members present included: George Kubik, Dick Carroll, Shawn Hunter, Jack Johnson, Michele Swanson, and John Griggs. Commission Members not present included Ted Billy and Alternate Lee Markel. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Dorothy Peterson, Recreation Supervisor II; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA Dick Carroll moved, John Griggs seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 4, 1990 Page 2, Paragraph 5, Sentence 2 should be followed with, 'The answer to Mr. Kubik's question was in the negative.' Page 5, Paragraph 5, Sentence 4 should read ".......dollars prior to June 30, 199L.. " John Griggs moved, Jack Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes as amended. CONSENT AGENDA Jack Johnson moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend the following to the City Council: 1. BOYLE ADDITION - REZONING. That the proponent be responsible for a cash parkland dedication for Lot 2, Block 1, Boyle Addition. That the proponent be responsible for a cash trailway dedication for Lot 2, Block 1, Boyle Addition. 2. TOWN CENTRE 100-9TH ADDITION - PRELIMINARY PLAT. The planned development has fulfilled their parks dedication requirement. The proponent shall install a 6 foot wide concrete sidewalk along Town Centre Drive in accordance with the Planned Development Agreement. BEST BRANDS,INC. Stephen Sullivan explained that Best Brands is an expanding company that manufactures and warehouses bakery goods. As a result of this expansion the current proposal is to incorporate, via a preliminary plat, a 1.976 acre portion of an adjacent parcel. The proponents business currently sets within two lots from a previous division by a waiver of plat. The plat would result in one single lot as derived from the two existing lots and the portion of the adjacent parcel. Steve continued that the two existing lots have previously fulfilled their parks dedication and the 1.97 acre parcel was platted prior to a parks dedication policy. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1, 1990 MEETING PAGE 2 After further discussion Shawn Hunter moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations: 1. That the proponent be responsible for a cash parks dedication for the 1.97 acre parcel with payment of said dedication to be made at the time of final plat. 2. That the proponent be responsible for a cash trailways contribution for the 1.97 acre parcel with said dedication to be made at the time of final plat. BURR VIEW POND ADDITION Stephen Sullivan explained that this proposal is for one apartment building with 132 rental units. He stated that the Commission had previously reviewed this development proposal in July, 1990 however the development never received final plat. There are now only minor revisions in regards to park issues as a new application for preliminary plat is being submitted. When the Commission previously reviewed this proposal there was concern regarding the isolation of this parcel in regards to the lack of direct pedestrian access to Bur Oaks Park and the Commission requested that the developer or the City pursue a trail easement through the southerly residential area providing this access. The Commission requested a minimum recreation area be provided as defined by City Code which requires that a minimum recreation area equal to 200 square feet for each dwelling unit containing 2 or less bedrooms and 100 additional square feet for each dwelling unit containing more than 2 bedrooms. Said recreation area shall be a minimum of 100 feet from any ponding area. The Commission also felt that the developer should consider the inclusion of a tot lot within this open play space. John Griggs asked what staffs criteria is for a tot lot. Steve explained that it would include swings, climber, slide resilient surface and play perimeter. John asked if the facilities are tied into the number of apartments or the number of children. Steve responded that that criteria had not been established as yet but typically the facility provided is oriented to tots. Dick Carroll asked if there was access to a neighborhood park. Steve explained that there was no available vacant land to provide access to the park however it could be done by an easement agreement. John Griggs questioned how the open space issue would be impacted when the Commission reviewed the park dedication requirement. Steve Sullivan responded that these were two separate issues. Mr. Griggs then asked if the Planning Commission will be addressing this issue as well. Steve responded that they have left the tot lot and open space issues to the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission. After further discussion John Griggs moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend the following: 1. The proposal be subject to a cash parks dedication. 2. The proposal be subject to a cash trails dedication. 3. The developer provide a tot lot and receive a cash parkland credit. The amount of credit shall be determined by the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission at a future meeting upon receipt of a tot lot design from the developer. The developer shall provide the tot lot design for Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission review prior to the final plat. The tot lot is to be separate and in addition to the recreational open space requirement. 4. The developer revise the grading plan to provide the recreational open space in accordance with the code requirement. The developer shall provide the recreation open space plan to the Commission prior to final plat. The recommended plans are to be designed to preserve vegetation as recommended by Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1, 1990 MEETING PAGE 3 MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT PLAN John VonDeLinde noted that the goal in reviewing the Maintenance Management Plan was to get through some of the basic information covered in the plan and to get feedback from Commission Members. After review of the plan some of the suggestions and additions provided included an annual review by staff, Commission and Council; the addition of a goals section; description of who is responsible for what functions; additions to work unit standards; consideration for automation of some elements within the plan and the addition of a new chapter which would summarize future costs over a five year period. Shawn Hunter asked that when the changes are made in the Plan that Commission Members be given change pages only rather than a complete, updated Plan. George Kubik commented on what a very detailed plan was, recognizing the great amount of work and effort provided to put it together. John VonDeLinde noted that once the recommended changes are made this issue should be back to the Commission again in two to three months. PARK NAMING Director Vraa stated that it would be appropriate for the Park Naming Sub-Committee to meet so that recommendations for park names can be submitted to the City Council for the existing Wilmus and Covington Pass park sites. Dick Carroll, Chairman of this sub-committee asked that Well Site be added to this park naming list as well. Mr. Carroll suggested that the sub-committee meet in two weeks if that time frame is reasonable for everyone. The sub-committee will be advised of the meeting date and time. PARK DEVELOPMEN'T' Stephen Sullivan noted that the Northview tennis court site has been seeded and germination has begun. Final payment for Northview parking lot and Bridle Ridge hockey rinks will be processed on November 8. Grading of topsoil has been completed at Carlson Lake Park and staff continues a good working relationship with Carlson Lake Park residents. Steve continued that the trails are in and the backstop is going up at Wescott Station Park, however the seeding will carry over into 1991. The park shelter buildings under construction are on track with Bridle Ridge being projected for completion in time for the 1990-91 skating season. John Griggs commented that he had had a conversation with Eldon Johnson who had indicated that the hillside weeps water keeping that area wet all the time. Mr. Johnson was doubtful that there would be a dry area to allow for a turf trail and Mr. Griggs asked what kinds of problems this situation would pose. Mr. Sullivan responded that there is groundwater close to the surface but this situation should provide for good turf establishment and once the turf is established the groundwater should not pose a problem. Director Vraa commented that subsurface moisture (as is the case in this location) is fine but water running over the surface could cause a problem. BIAC KHAWK PARK Mr. Vraa stated that all agreements have been completed and submitted to Mr. Murphy for his review. Mr Murphy has indicated that there are a couple of issues that will need to be resolved so that access can be provided into Blackhawk Park. Mr. Vraa will keep the Commission up to date on any developments regarding this issue. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1, 1990 PAGE 4 HAPPENINGS Mr. Kubik asked what the attendance was for the Halloween Spook Trail this year. Dorothy Peterson responded that 345 treat bags were prepared and they were all gone at the end of the evening. She continued that older (junior and senior high) kids participated this year and that they were a very well behaved group that genuinely seemed to enjoy the trail. Recreation Supervisor Peterson stated that applications are being taken for winter recreation leaders. These positions are open to individuals 16 years and older who wish to work at the various ice rinks within the City. Application forms are available at the Municipal Center with the season anticipated from December 15 through February 15. Mr. Kubik also commented on the quality installation of park benches by Steve Hadden and Dave Succio and the near completion of the EAA storage building at Northview Park by Scott Eppen and Gary Skogstad. John VonDeLinde noted that the Park Ranger/Explorer program received the President's Award from the Minnesota Park Supervisors Association. John continued that the Commission has presented this group with appreciation recognition in the past and that this group has provided 6000+ hours of volunteer work. Mr. Kubik stated that the Commission would like to again express their appreciation to this group suggesting that perhaps the December meeting would be an appropriate time. Dick Carroll commented on the good community support the department receives specifically highlighting the contribution of dollars and labor by Lutheran Brotherhood in installing new ground covers and foundation plantings around the shelter building at Trapp Farm Park. YOUTH REPRESENTATION ON RECREATION SUBCOM IITIEE Dorothy Peterson stated that after talking with the Student Council Advisors at all three high schools representing Eagan they had identified those youth who would be representing each school on the Recreation sub-committee. Mali Folland will represent Eagan High School; Chris Altman will represent Burnsville High School and both Lucas Konavati and Doug Stanton would represent Sibley High School. After further discussion it was decided to have the Recreation sub-committee meet on Thursday, November 15 at 6:00 P.M. to provide some for the winter programs. UNAUTHORIZED GRADING WITHIN HIGHLINE CORRIDOR Stephen Sullivan explained that on Columbus Day Commission Member Lee Markel had called to advise staff of grading that was occurring within the Highline Corridor near Trapp Farm Park. Apparently the developer was trying to correct a drainage problem on a lot that was adjacent to the Highline Trail. Staff had the work stopped and is awaiting plans from the developer to resolve the problem. Steve stated that it is visually a very obvious disruption to the corridor which promotes erosion problems and needs to be corrected promptly. George Kubik commented that the Commission is concerned about any unauthorized grading on park property but the impact to the Highline Trail Corridor is felt by many people. He asked that staff keep the Commission updated on all information regarding this issue. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1, 1990 MEETING PAGE 5 ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION Shawn Hunter asked for an update on the Recreation Facility Advisory Committee. Ken Vraa stated that the group has been meeting very regularly over the last few months and has accomplished a great deal. The committee has a model to present to the Council but the issues of financing and management are yet to be discussed. Those issues are scheduled for the next two sessions. It is expected that after the November meeting the model task will be fully completed. Shawn asked when the Commission would be able to see the results of this committee to which Ken responded early December. He noted that the report needed to be written and polished up a bit before official presentation. John Griggs commented that the Carlson Lake erosion problem had been discussed earlier in the meeting and it was stated that this particular issue was an engineering problem. John Griggs moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that Engineering review the overland water situation at Carlson Lake Park and that this item be brought back to the Commission in December. John Griggs asked that "Round Table Discussion" be added to the agenda on a regular basis to provide input from Commission Members on issues in the community. With no further business to conduct, Dick Carroll moved, John Griggs seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The mee in was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. SECRETARY DATE