12/06/1990 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission IVIINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COM1IISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA DECEMBER 6, 1990 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, December 6, 1990 with the following Commission Members present: Ted Billy, George Kubik, John Griggs, Shawn Hunter, Dick Carroll and Lee Markell. Commission Members Michele Swanson and Jack Johnson were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner, Dorothy Peterson, Recreation Supervisor, John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent; Rich Brasch, Water Quality Coordinator and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA John Griggs moved, Ted Billy seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1, 1990 Dick Carroll moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes as presented. CONSENT AGENDA There were no consent agenda items for the Commission to review. HOEFT ADDITION Stephen Sullivan explained that the subject parcel is located south of Highway #55 and north of Bur Oaks Park. The lineal property (135' wide x 2643' long) is difficult to develop as an R-4 parcel therefore this proposal is for the incorporation of the parcel into four adjacent single family lots. The City attorney has interpreted that platted lots which are being replatted and have not previously paid park of trail dedications can be subject to these obligations therefore, these four lots would be subject to a cash trails and park dedication. Mr. Sullivan continued that this issue has come before the City Council and the Council has decided to waive the fees. George Kubik stated that this particular development was a departure from standard procedure. Dick Carroll commented that since the City Council had already taken action to waive the fees the issue is resolved. Mr. Carroll continued that the Commission agrees with Council's action noting that this instance is an exception rather than the standard. After further discussion, Shawn Hunter moved that the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission adhered to the City Council's recommendation to waive parkland and trailway dedication fees for Hoeft Addition but that this action is an exception to the Commission's standard recommendation. Ted Billy seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 1990 MEETING PAGE 2 DIFFLEY COMMONS Ken Vraa explained that this parcel is a component of the Eagan Hills West Planned Development. The Planned Development originally contained 385 acres of which approximately 75% is platted. The subject property is located north of County Road #30, east of Rahn Road and west of Blackhawk Road. The items the Commission will need to review include what is the parks dedication, what is the trails dedication and does the proposal meet the recreational open space guidelines. The largest issue for the Commission to review involves the recreational open space requirement. The City Code requirement states that each multiple dwelling complex shall have a minimum recreation area equal to 200 square feet for each dwelling unit containing 2 or less bedrooms and 100 additional square feet fore each dwelling unit containing more than 2 bedrooms. Recreation area also needs to be a minimum of 100 feet from any ponding area. The development of this parcel, Rottland Homes, would like to provide several small areas rather than one large open space area. Steve Sullivan commented that he is comfortable working with this option. Ken provided some history regarding this site and the trails dedication issue. Since this was originally Eagan Hills West PUD it encompassed an area from Cliff to Rahn to Diffley as well as an area north of Diffley. Originally they were to provide parkland (known now as Meadowlands) and park of the Highline trail and a trailway north to an open play area. In comparing what was expected versus what was given this development will, upon development completion, be short 3.2 acres on the overall PUD. When the site is completely developed the developer will not be able to provide the required 5.67 acres of passive park, therefore, they will be responsible for a cash equivalent of the 5.67 acres plus the net shortage of 3.42 acres from the overall development which equates to approximately $60,000. Staff has met with the developer and they are comfortable with the calculations that staff has provided. George Kubik commented that in the past even though children have not been projected as being a large number in a development it has happened that there have been more children then estimated resulting in the need for developers to provide the required open space. Shawn Hunter commented that an open space area is more environmentally sound and noted that the open space is not only for the people within the development but for the aesthetics of the community. George asked what the developers response was to the request for an update at the December meeting regarding the developer's proposal for concurrence of the open recreation space ordinance. Steve Sullivan noted that the information was requested of Sienna Corporation however, they have dropped the project and Rottland Homes has taken it over. Rottland has expressed a willingness to work with the City on this issue, but were unable to respond by the December meeting. They will, however, come back to the Commission in January if they so desire or will work with staff to resolve this issue. After further discussion John Griggs moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to ask that the developer come back to the Commission in January, 1991 with a couple of plans which include open green space in the development for the Commission to respond to. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 1990 MEETING PAGE 3 CARLSON LAKE PARK UPDATE Stephen Sullivan explained that staff met with five neighbors who had agreed to participate with the landscape plan for Carlson Lake Park. The first informational meeting brought the following recommendations from the landscape committee: incorporation of native plant materials; variety of coloring and fruiting plant materials; development of lowland and upland forest association and when possible, plant materials to provide a noise buffer adjacent to residential lots. Landscape Architect Craig Johnson provided a landscape plan for the committee to respond to. The committee adopted the plan as presented. Mr. Sullivan explained the committee has requested that the planting be done at one time next spring. It was determined that the plantings could be completed in the spring of 1991, however it will depend upon the availability of plantings being designated at this site along with manpower available to complete the task. Steve continued that staff has worked through this situation and feels the neighborhood is satisfied with the results. Shawn Hunter asked if it would be more expensive to do this work in a single phase rather than spreading it out. Mr. Vraa responded that may not be the case especially if all the plantings and manpower were available to do the job in one shot. John Griggs asked what the trunk diameter would be for the replacement trees. Mr. Sullivan responded that the bare root types would be one inch diameter whereas the bald and burlap type would be 4 inches in diameter. Steve noted that the committee preferred quantity versus size. John Griggs then asked what the projected cost for the project would be to which Steve Sullivan responded under $10,000. HIGHLINE GRADING Stephen Sullivan reminded the Commission of their review of this issue at an earlier meeting. Since that time Steve and John Wingard (Engineering) have been trying to work with Tri-Land to resolve the drainage problems that exist. One of the scenarios that has been proposed is for a pipe to be installed to a catch basin to the west of the property. This proposal would decrease the erosion problem and mitigate the damage. A second scenario is for the overland flow which would allow for a holding area that would follow a Swale and end up in Trapp Farm Park. Tri-Land wants to evaluate the overflow scenario more closely. They feel a four foot wide Swale outletting over the hill would work but needs to be more finely tuned. Steve explained that the Commission needs to evaluate whether or not Trapp Farm Park should be used in this fashion. Tri-Land wants to grade yet this year and staff is seeking direction from the Commission. Shawn Hunter asked if the Swale was going to be concrete. Mr. Sullivan responded that there would be a berm 3 feet high with a 3:1 slope to a 4 foot wide Swale. A trail pad would then be graded along the disturbed area. John Griggs asked if the underground pipe were required, how would this installation be financed. Mr. Sullivan stated that was unknown at this time. Lee Markell commented that the cut through this area is very large. He reiterated that the cut was done on Monday, October 8th when City offices were closed and there were no staff available to give the authorization for grading on this park property. He continued that the cut is a 400 foot stretch from the natural ravine approximately 6 feet wide and 3 feet deep. The intention of the unauthorized grading was to alleviate a drainage problem that exists on a lot within this development. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 1990 MEETING PAGE 4 Shawn Hunter stated the since the grading was unauthorized the developer should be made to fill in and sod over the cut that has been made as well as pay for the cost of underground pipe. Steve Sullivan explained that even though the cut may be filled in there is still a drainage problem that Engineering is working to resolve. Dick Carroll asked what Engineering's recommendation was. Steve responded that they felt as long as an overland system can work effectively this would be their preference because of the cost effectiveness. Lee Markell explained that the biggest problem is that there are 3-4 acres that drain south from Livingston regardless of what happens to the north. He continued that even if all the water is diverted north of this property the watershed to the south of Livingston will always be a problem. The drainage between the two homes in question will continue to be a problem unless this is addressed more completely. George Kubik questioned why the parks are again responsible for absorbing hydrologic planning mistakes. Lee Markell stated that the problem existed two years ago and the developer was going to drain the lots on the north side of the Highline corridor to the north however this resulted in extreme erosion problems. John Griggs stated he was most concerned for the neighbors on the bottom of the hill that are dealing with this erosion problem. He commented that if Public Works feels the overland scenario would be the most workable the Parks Department should work to make that happen. George Kubik agreed that this is an option that needs to be considered however mitigation for the damage to the Highline Corridor needs to be considered as well. Dick Carroll suggested that perhaps that developer could provide a trailway connecting Walnut Hill Park to Trapp Farm Park. John Griggs asked if a special meeting would need to be called to pursue the issue of mitigation. Ken Vraa stated there was concern for the colder temperatures and frost settling in the ground. Lee Markell commented that it appears that it is too late for anything to be done this year. Steve Sullivan noted that the developer would start within the next two weeks if an agreement could be reached on what was to be done. Mr. Markell suggested that the grades be shot near the two homes that receive the brunt of the drainage problem to see what options can be considered to remedy their problem. After further discussion George Kubik moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to have the developer restore the Highline Corridor property to pre-existing conditions and that the developer take no further action at this time. Staff is to meet to determine the best options for this site and a special session will be called for the Commission to review alternatives for this site. For the record, George Kubik wanted to know what compensatory measures would be taken to mitigate the damage done to park property. PARK NAMING Dick Carroll noted that the Park Naming sub-committee had met on November 16 and came up with several proposed park names for what is now known as Coventry Addition Park, Willmus Addition Park and Well Site Park. Mr. Carroll recapped the extensive history background of each park and commented that the sub-committee recommended the following possible names: Coventry Park - Captain Dodd, Hickory Hill and Hidden Pond; Willmus Park - Downing Park, Blackstrap; Well Site - Moccasin Park, Traverse Park. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 1990 MEETING PAGE 5 After considerable discussion George Kubik moved to recommend to the City Council that Coventry Park be named Captain Dodd Park; that Willmus Park be named Downing Park and that the naming of Well Site Park be tabled until the January, 1991 meeting since a consensus could not be reached on a recommendation. Further discussion resulted in a vote for the name "Captain Dodd Park" versus "Captain William Dodd Park". Three members voted to keep the name "Captain Dodd Park", two voted to change it to "Captain William Dodd Park" and one member abstained, therefore the name "Captain Dodd Park" stood as the recommendation. Dick Carroll seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. PARK DEDICATION FEE REVIEW Director Vraa reviewed the park dedication fee history from 1986 to the present for the Commission noting what the fees have been over that time frame. Mr. Vraa also provided the members with comparisons of other community's fees noting that there has been some softening in the residential/commercial property in the last several months resulting in the possible slow down in property valuations. Staffs recommendation is that the trail dedication and the commercial/industrial rates should not be changed for 1991. In regards to residential development, staff suggested a 2-4% increase however each living unit should be considered very carefully by the Commission. Ken reminded the members that it is the land value that is set, not the unit value; adjustments to the unit value are based on land value. After further discussion, Dick Carroll moved that there be a 3% increase in single family increasing the average market value to $16,480 and that all other rates remain the same as in 1990. There was no second to the motion. George Kubik moved that there be a 3.5% increase in the average market value with no increase in the commercialrndustrial portion of the park dedication fee for 1991. Ted Billy seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. Mr. Kubik continued that no change would be recommended in the trail dedication policy at this time but that it would be reviewed at the end of 1991. FEE SCHEDULE REVIEW Director Vraa explained that Recreation Supervisor Dorothy Peterson had prepared the memo in the packet regarding the proposed fee structure for 1991. They noted that in some instances fees had not changed for more than ten years. Dorothy also commented that the Department's fees are generally in the mid to low range compared to other communities. After further discussion, John Griggs move, Ted Billy seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the 1991 fee schedule as presented. George Kubik thanked Dorothy for the extensive work done in preparing this information for the Commission to review and commented that all fees proposed seemed to be very reasonable. 1991 WORK PLAN Director Vraa asked the Commission to focus on three separate issues regarding park system planning issues; short term development (1991), near-term planning (1992-1993) and long-term planning (1994 and beyond). Ken noted that the Park System Plan as it exists is beginning to show it's age. He suggested that the Commission should be looking beyond 1991 to start planning for the direction park development will go. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 1990 MEETING PAGE 6 George Kubik suggested that with such an important issue like near-term and long-range planning the Commission should consider a half day brainstorming meeting in February or March to begin looking at these issues more closely. Ken Vraa suggested that the meeting take place after the February, 1991 meeting once the Commission members for that year have been appointed. Mr. Kubik concurred asking that this issue be added onto the agenda at a later date. John Griggs asked if staff would look at preparing information before this meeting to enable Commission members to be more knowledgeable of issues that will have high priorities in the long-range planning process. Mr. Kubik noted that the re-development of a tree nursery could be one of those near- term/long-term items. Shawn Hunter added that with the sand volleyball court being experimental in 1990 there may be a need to consider a new park location for a similar function. WATER QUALITY John VonDeLinde introduced Mr. Rich Brasch as the new Water Quality Coordinator for the City of Eagan. He noted that Rich began with the City in early December and will be focusing his attention on the Water Quality Management Plan, education, and long range CIP plan as some of his challenging tasks. John added that everyone is anxious to see what wonderful things Rich will be accomplishing in this newly created position. Rich Brasch commented that he will obviously benefit from the expertise of Staff and Commission in working through neighborhood problems. He asked that if Commission members were aware of a problem that he needed to be involved with, please notify him at the Municipal Center. John Griggs commented that one of the largest problems he felt Rich would be dealing with is the issue of pond reclamation. He noted that he has been told that some residents are dissatisfied with the way ponds are losing water and are hoping that the City will now have someone they can consistently talk to regarding this issue. Ken Vraa reminded the Commission that they will be the governing body for water quality in the future and that there will more and more items listed under this agenda item. PARKS DEVELOPMENT Stephen Sullivan explained that Contract 90-1 will be completed in the spring, Contract 90-2 will have a walk-through for punch list items at Bridle Ridge Park scheduled for December 7. It appears that the Bridle Ridge building will be reading for a December 15th opening date. Steve then shared the preliminary plans for Trapp Farm Park playground equipment which is currently on the drawing board. He noted that Staff has been working to meet the recreational needs of this park and he though the Commission would enjoy seeing what the proposal included. One thing this playground facility will provide will be a separation of play areas; the preschool area will be separated from the school age area but in close proximity to each other so that parents will be able to view children in both age groups playing. The installation for Trapp Farm Park playground is scheduled for spring, 1991. BLACKHAWK PARK Mr. Vraa explained that a community planning meeting is scheduled for December 17 regarding the development of Blackhawk Park. Notices have been sent to both newspapers inviting the public to participate in this meeting. Ken noted that it would be appropriate for some Commission Members to be in attendance. George Kubik stated he was looking forward to the meeting. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 1990 MEETING PAGE 7 DEPAR71C NT HAPPENINGS George Kubik thanked the volunteers who generously gave their time to help with the Santa Calling Program. He also commented on the beginning of 3 man basketball, ski lessons being offered at Hyland Hills and the dugouts constructed at Goat Hill Park. George also commented on the Presidents Award and Citation Award presented to the Department. John VonDeLinde noted that the award will be presented to the Park Rangers at a special meeting next week. Mr. Kubik asked if staff would schedule the appearance of the Explorers at an early '91 Commission meeting so they could be recognized for their efforts. Dorothy Peterson noted that staff is hoping to start both skating and tubing in mid-December provided the weather cooperates for the opening. Mr. Kubik reminded the viewing audience that there are many activities and events for them to participate in this winter and they can get that information from the Eagan News newsletter that will be distributed to the public the weekend of December 8th and 9th. PARK MAINTENANCE John VonDeLinde noted that the turf maintenance has been completed. He continued that a lot of sodding was completed at both Northview and Ohmann Parks with the hope that Ohmann can be on line for spring, 1991. Also noted was the joint effort between I.S.D. 196 and the City at Mueller Farm Park which was a very successful endeavor. John continued that the fence is up at Trapp Farm Park and 75 tubes are available for use this year at the tubing hill. The pleasure rink at Well Site is not available this winter season due to the construction of the water treatment plant at that site. The Saturday maintenance at both A and B sites will continue the same as in 1990. Cross-country trail markings are up at Northview, Patrick Eagan and Blackhawk Parks in preparation for grooming which will be done by again this year by the City of Lakeville. Lake aeration system is in place at Fish Lake, however Schwanz Lake will not be aerated so that accurate water samples can be obtained by the DNR at this site. George Kubik also commented that cross-country licenses need to be obtained by anyone between the ages of 16 and 65 when they are using any of the City's maintained trails. DECORATE EAGAN JUDGES Dorothy Peterson asked for two volunteers from the Commission to serve as judges for the Decorate Eagan contest. The decorated sites will be judged between December 7th and 11th. John Griggs and George Kubik volunteered to serve as judges. ROUND TABLE Ken Vraa reminded the Commission that the January, 1991 meeting would be held on January 10 due to a conflict with the City Council meeting being rescheduled for January 3rd. He continued that the Recreation Facility Task Force is closing in on a recommendation for the Council. The committee has been reduced to a smaller number to incorporate two Council members (Pam McCrea and Dave Gustafson), three members from the Recreation Facility Task Force and they are looking for one member from the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission. It was noted that Jack Johnson has served on the Task Force in the past and it was suggested that he continue in that capacity unless he was not interested. John Griggs moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor that Jack Johnson would be the representative from the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission. If Mr. Johnson is not able to serve in this capacity, Shawn Hunter will represent the Commission. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 1990 MINUTES PAGE 8 Ken Vraa explained that the Commission will be reviewing an issue relative to Study Area I in the future where neighbors have asked that park be placed in an area near their neighborhood. This issue has gone to the Council by way of a petition from the neighborhood and the Council has asked that the APRC and staff study this area to see if another park is needed. The Council has also authorized the use of a consultant if necessary. Mr. Vraa explained that this issue should be appearing on the February agenda. Shawn Hunter asked if anyone was aware of the trouble at Eagan High School regarding cray fish in the holding pond adjacent to the school. John Griggs commented that he had heard there was damage to the irrigation system. Mr. Griggs also commented on the metal barrels that are sitting near the pond area and suggested that the contents need to be checked. Mr. Vraa suggested that perhaps they contained a clay base that is put on the bottom of the pond when the water is pumped down. With no further business to conduct, Ted Billy moved, Dick Carroll seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Secretary Date